I know your feeling, I am a veno, a family member is a barb.
In squad mode, the Cosmoforce and Soulripper are no harder than Fataliqua (the first boss), actually the Soulripper is much easier than the Fataliqua, the Feng is easy too, but you have to have a cleric to kill him since he AoE. I have more VIT than you, I can barely tank Fataliqua and Cosmoforce, close to 50/50 chance if…
I am confused too, seems to me the party was getting the mobs for him/her, then how did they started on boss without getting all the mob he/she needs. the last boss in the 51 should not surprise the party. and seems to me, someone in the party dead, almost all of the CQs are 80+, unless they made some serious mistake,…
I am not saying who is right who is wrong. but when the party started on the boss, the tab holder have to tab no matter he/she wants or not. since he/she is going to have a hard time to find a party to kill the last boss for her even she has the tab. FB51 is unwined, you can not just run in to kill the last boss, you also…
Nice job, as far as I can see, for some reason the party already started on boss, and tab holder still do not want to tab until she get the mob she need, and the group did say will get the mob for her afterword right?
I think he got banned.
You can not do air to land on i think 2 or 3 mobs. other time you are ok. god, even a veno do not know exactly when I can not use my air pet to attack land mobs.
It is not about charity, it is about trust, it is about what friends stand for. You are not friends if someone just go to the bar with you or play football with you every so often. Your friends are who will trust you and support you when you are in really difficult time, who will trade you as you are part of their family…
I was guildless between level 4x and 6x. I get all my bosses done by just waiting near by the boss, and ask if they have room to take one more when I see a squad come in. I have only had one squad refused to take me when they have open slot. Good people will always out number bad people, no matter where. But it is painful…
When you are in a virtual world, it is difficult to know the real person behind the character. One of my relative used to play this game also, not too long ago, she get busy in RL and also decide to try a different game but was not reach the point to give up PWI, so she ask me to do the daily and WQ for her almost every…
I do also have a lots of online “friends”, but they are DIFFERENT then my RL friends. since my definition of friendship is different than yours. I used to financially support a friend's whole family for more than 4 months when he gets in trouble, he did not pay me back even a penny until 2 years later, I actually was not…
that's actually what i hoping to happen.
I have spend 40/50 hours farming HH to make money to buy a phoenix, finially saved about 10m which is half of a phoenix, wondering what I will find out tomorrow when I log in.
It is not players do not want to do it. look at the poll. more then 2/3 players want a rollback. Yes there are still 1/3 of players do not want rollback, but if you take the vote put in by abusers (of course they do not want a rollback) and players who think rollback means they lose all of their hard work, what % it will…
It does not make sense. :) It is what should have been done.
I do not think freezing accounts is going to work, PWI knows the consequence of not rollback. if they do not do it, it only means they actually unable to do so.
believe or not, they can not fix it without a rollback. they can rollback then fix the bug to make sure it no longer exists when server comes back, they can not fix it without a rollback. but I agree with you, seems there is no rollback, most players (at least those smart one) whom get the coins this morning is going to…
My reading on the announcement is there is no rollback.
You do not know how chinese works, we start working as soon as we are called, 24/7. I used have to stop my family vacation get the airline ticket and get to my office 4 hours after I get the call.
Don't want to, but have to agree that the game may close to the end if they are unable to roll back. Have seen too much games get killed by economy crash.
My guess is PWI is really in a difficult situation now, if they did a full backup last night, they should have rolled back eveything by now. seems to me they are unable to rollback to the point of server shut down last night.
It is hard to make money in this game, you would not really make a lots of money even at higher level. I did 9 HH2-1 solo 2 weeks ago, all I got was 4 lion's skin, 5 forshura's armors, 1 black armor, 28 mirages. I got 1.9M by selling them, and I spend 1M in subs, so 900K profit for 6 hours of boring HH soloing plus the…
thanks for help demise and Zoe.
My FB59 group killed him for me before the FB, I got one shotted when I try to amplify, so if you are a robe, stay as far as you could. :)
No need to talk like this, she is just trying to help you out based on the best of her knowledge, you should have appreciate her help instead saying something like this. And yes, based on what I have experienced, you are trying your luck if you do not use DO. Few weeks ago, me and a friend both in City of lost to refine…
I have never understood those on their mount in the city, you can almost always see player on their mount standing in front of banker in the west Arch, west Arch is already bad enough without those mounts and pets, those players really make it even worst. how much times it can save for using mount in the city? Yes, It may…
A lots of pet skills only available from temple of dragon event. but it is hard for a veno to go to dragon place if you do not have a good water pet and a good team. so you may have to buy them from other players. check the auction house.
when you click on tailer or blacksmith, there should be a decompose menu just above quest menu. you need tailer or blacksmith level 1 to decompose, but I forget you will see the menu or not if your do not have tailer or blacksmith skill.
Total agree, it is the only reason people buy celestone and celestone fragments. They are not buying 25 fragments or 3 each celeston to make a mirage, they are only 1 or 2 short to make a mirage. so celestone and celestone fragments can not be calculated by the price of mirage.
Where can you get enough MP and healing power to heal your pet. It takes 3 venos (2 robe, 1 LA last time) to heal a 8x Harc to do 2-2. and all 3 venos has to be on pots, so healing non stop. do not count on solo HH team.