Few questions about Cube of Fate.

davais Posts: 61 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I am planning to try my first Cube of Fate soon, but have few quest. hope some of you could help me out.

1.Next Room: Do I get a chance to know which room I am going to before I teleported in? since if the room I am going to are fill with mobs, and I did not have a chance to check the guide, I may not know what to do before I get killed.

2.Do-All cards: I know they can be use to exchange for bully card to pass room 46 or robber card to pass room 16. Can I do exchange in those 2 rooms when I know which card I need? The Do-All card says cannot leave cube of fate, so If I take them into the cube but did not use them, I will lose them when I leave the cube?

3.I have see someone are saying you do not have to finish all rooms at once. How can it be down? Logout while I am still in the cube, or I can go out then come back to where I were later?

4.Is it possible for a 7x robe veno to stay alive for 100 seconds in room 47?

5.Is there any mobs definitely could not be handled by a 7x veno?
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  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    1: Yes you do. The die you get has a number, you move up that many rooms. You know what room you are about to end up in.

    2: I don't know

    3: If you leave then you start over. You can logout and start back where you were though.

    4: No. I died in about 4 seconds.

    5: Only the survival rooms.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • demise
    demise Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    1. It's best if you kept the guide open or print it out if you don't have the rooms memorized yet. But you can tell which room you'll land in next by adding the room number to the die you have. Say you're in room 2 and you retrieve a die with 6, you'll end up in room 8.

    2. Yes, you can exchange them then. Not sure if you're confusing the description on the bully/robber cards, but you can take the Do-It-All Cards outside of the cube. They won't disappear.

    3. If you logout while in the cube, you'll return to the same room you were in as you left. If you teleport while in a room, you'll be sent back to room 1. (if that's what you meant..)

    4. That room's hella hard. I doubt it, 4.5Kish doesn't cut it, has to be higher even with soul diffusion, hiero and pots. You can try to kill the mobs that follow you around and stay in a corner and heal. But the rate the Fate Executioner attacks you at seems to be the worst part. (There was an option to 'trade for die', but I overlooked it...so I don't know if that will allow you to pay to skip that room or if the survival run is still mandatory.)

    5. The room with the Fate Janitors is the only one I can recall, unless you have a Hercules.
  • davais
    davais Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    thanks for help demise and Zoe.
  • starman17
    starman17 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009