Shops, NPC's and You



  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    To which I responded to just look at the purple dots on the minimap beause those show up 10x further than you can see with normal line of sight.
    Once more proving you wrong...

    FROM Crazy Stone Quest Lady Tu Jo as starting point or even from the Jewelcraftsman if you want to be "closer".

    Craftsman Li (not available in coordinates assistant, so no guiding yellow arrow for him... but a North District NPC that I frequent so know where he is at) does not show up as a little purple dot on the mini map in Archosaur until your in VISUAL Range of him. And by then you don't need the mini map to find him. In fact, he didn't show up as a purple dot on the mini map until I reached 555 674 and he is located at 564 674. Nuff said.

    Now, go pull your foot out of your mouth and maybe learn to read better as well. The time spent learning to read and comprehend what your reading will do you good.


    p.s. If your visual range is so short that purple dots show up before you can see the NPC, your system is **** and you have no reference to speak to me concerning my games visual settings (everythings maxxed out and running smooth).
  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If the problem is only for crazy stone then it is quite easily solved. For example if you need to find craftman Li in north archo, it's rather easy to find because the quest told you he's in north archo. All you now need to do is to go to north archo and click on the craftman present in the coordinate assisant then there he is.

    It won't solve the other problems, but it should make crazy stone easier for those who haven't memorized the locations. This method has never failed me yet :)
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    bluewater wrote: »
    If the problem is only for crazy stone then it is quite easily solved. For example if you need to find craftman Li in north archo, it's rather easy to find because the quest told you he's in north archo. All you now need to do is to go to north archo and click on the craftman present in the coordinate assisant then there he is.

    It won't solve the other problems, but it should make crazy stone easier for those who haven't memorized the locations. This method has never failed me yet :)

    Just using that as an example. I don't generally have trouble finding the NPC's it just annoys me to no end to find an NPC with a store on it's head hiding any flag or shield I may need to find. Pet peeve, but it's one that pisses me off to no end. I hate inconsiderate people.

  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Maybe you should look at the editing time eh?

    Or would that be too difficult? I edited a spelling mistake I caught right after I posted.


    You mean "You're" ~ oh wait, I see, you didn't edit the grammar mishap. You left it as "Your". Meh.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    your problem was that npcs are blocked by obstacles such as players/shops. It never was a question about the purple dots showing further than visual range(alltho i just did a check in game and the npc is so incerdibly small by the time the dot is visible its not contest) The simple fact is the dots is way more visible than the yellow flag will ever hope to be and its not obstructed by players/buildings/etc.

    But please keep ranting on its a good laugh.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You know Smexxy, your too dumb to breathe. You missed what I am talking about completley and have repeatedly attempted to sidetrack it all together with nonsense that is not related to idiots putting a shop on an NPC 's head.

    Anyway i've had my say, proved my point that this board is full of idiots that can't comprehend basic concepts and have let the light of reason shine down with brilliant clarity on them to reveal the overabundance of imbecility that lies rampant and festers, while they glorify in their stupidity.

    Have a nice day.

  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You mean "You're" ~ oh wait, I see, you didn't edit the grammar mishap. You left it as "Your". Meh.
    I always did find that confusing. Your, You're etc add nauseum. The English language is so filled with idiotic punctuation and spelling, and words that are nearly identical but the slight differences change the entire meaning. It is no wonder American Literacy has fallen to below the 30th mark in the world. (greatest country on the planet, filled with morons... we have to be.. look who we have as president[now] and elected for our new president[2009]).

  • possessed
    possessed Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    SO, where exactly IS Frost Lord Holan??? b:surrender lol
  • Some_guy - Heavens Tear
    Some_guy - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oh dam, got caught. lol i was trying to make u look ****, sorry it was just for fun. Holy ****! You have the meanest and awesomest sig ever!
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oh dam, got caught. lol i was trying to make u look ****, sorry it was just for fun. Holy ****! You have the meanest and awesomest sig ever!


    No worries :p

  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You know Smexxy, your too dumb to breathe. You missed what I am talking about completley and have repeatedly attempted to sidetrack it all together with nonsense that is not related to idiots putting a shop on an NPC 's head.

    Anyway i've had my say, proved my point that this board is full of idiots that can't comprehend basic concepts and have let the light of reason shine down with brilliant clarity on them to reveal the overabundance of imbecility that lies rampant and festers, while they glorify in their stupidity.

    Have a nice day.


    Even with that you seem to keep on talking what could be... I think this thread is good. :)

    You fought well.

    Now a group of people, lets say a guild of 30 people, could decide to go put their alts on one of these npcs you talked about. So you could just log on see the bunch of cat shops and have good laugh.

    Then you could post a picture of that too. :)

    Or would you just freak out and try to fight "them" like you did here so far?
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lol, Sai (may I call you that?) you never fail to make me smile. b:victory

    Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!

    OMG! LMAO! I think I just broke a rib laughing! XD Holy shiznit that's good stuff!

    They need to add a "No shop zone" around every npc, making it impossible to set up a shop within a certain distance of them.

    +1000 rep if I could for this suggestion.

    @Mosz: Veno pets count as monsters. Hence their fear of Guards. ^^

    @the flamers: OP's point is quite simple. Don't go placing a shop on top of an NPC. Do not stand in the middle of an NPC with your mount blocking everything. Why? Someone may not be looking for the NPC in particular but a little yellow flag over their head. Not to mention it's just plain rude.
    b:bye RETIRED
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I always did find that confusing. Your, You're etc add nauseum. The English language is so filled with idiotic punctuation and spelling, and words that are nearly identical but the slight differences change the entire meaning. It is no wonder American Literacy has fallen to below the 30th mark in the world. (greatest country on the planet, filled with morons... we have to be.. look who we have as president[now] and elected for our new president[2009]).


    I've read through many of your posts on the forums, and although I agree with alot of points you make, it always seems to irritate me seeing such a good, punctual, person, using the same grammatical error continuously.

    What can I say? b:victory
  • davais
    davais Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So here you are in town, and you are looking for that NPC you need to complete your quest with (who for some reason does NOT have a quest completion location guide attached to it [little yellow arrow]). You run around town trying to find him but can't. Seems you can't see the little yellow flag over any NPC's head and WHY is this??? Because some lame little inconsiderate idiot has decided to plant his kitty shop on top of the NPC.

    Stop doing it. You are not cute, it's NOT "location, location, location" and it's hindering other players from completing their game play in a normal manner. Just like the idiots who just MUST come up to an NPC (like the banker) on their mounts, in many cases making it nearly impossible to see the npc, let alone shift click past them TO the NPC.

    Get off your mounts and have some consideration for others.

    Don't put stores on top of NPC's heads, be more considerate.

    You are not cute. It's only pissing people off, and I for one flat refuse to buy ANYTHING from you regardless of your prices. If you get a one word message from me in your little kitty store.. don't worry, it won't be hard for you to understand.. the word is "Idiot" and it means I think your intellectual level is below that of the local cockroaches here in Hawaii.

    You are very lucky I am not a GM. I'd be giving little kitty store owners who like planting their shops on top of NPC's nice little 3 day account bans for the first offense, and 7 days for the second, with permanent bans for the third.

    If your going to be an inconsiderate ****, don't expect my business.


    b:angry on.

    I have never understood those on their mount in the city, you can almost always see player on their mount standing in front of banker in the west Arch, west Arch is already bad enough without those mounts and pets, those players really make it even worst. how much times it can save for using mount in the city? Yes, It may save you little bit of time, but it cause a lots of inconvenience to other players. Game does allow players to use mount in the city, but it does not mean those player should not consider the inconvenience they cause to another players. I personally never use mount I do not have too, I do mount and un-mount at west of Arch, but I fly high to the point I want to go, then just jump down from the sky, when I mount and do not feel want to run out of city by feet, I do a double jump to mount in the sky and fly up immediately. A online game is virtual society, it needs every member to take care it to make it better.
    I do not think GM can do anything to players using mount in the city, but why they do nothing to those put their shop on top of NPCs or just in front of NPCs which makes other players has to using shift key to talk to NPCs. Yes, I know I can still talk to NPC using shift key, but why one player should focuses hundreds/thousands players to use one more key, and what about those players who does not know the location of the NPC?
  • BobbyQ - Heavens Tear
    BobbyQ - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I swear this game is filled with fricking morons. I SAID... the NPC who for some reason does NOT have a location/coordinates.. i.e. does NOT have that little yellow arrow (reading comprehension ftw) leading to them... so your left with trying to find them via the little yellow flag over their heads, which... if some **** hat has his shop on their heads.. YOU CAN'T SEE THE DAMNED FLAG!

    Learn to READ. Learn to COMPREHEND what your reading and stop making a moron out of yourself.

    And as for riding up on an NPC with your mount... if your not over the top of the NPC there generally isn't a problem I am talking about the idiots who seem to think they absolutly MUST be on top of the NPC with their mounts making it hard if not nearly impossible to shift click the NPC because you keep getting PLAYERS (read this, if your able to comprehend the concept.. as NPC's that are frequently used like west arch banker, crazy stone ladies etc).

    Now, if you intellectually challenged individuals would just STFU and learn to READ and COMPREHEND what your READING instead of spouting **** out your pie hole, you MIGHT get a clue in life.

    Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!


    Umm actually you are the frickin idiot. While on YOUR computer it may seem that someone on thier mount is standing on top of an NPC, in reality they are merely standing IN FRONT of the NPC. I've seen it a thousand times, my wife and I both play this game. Much of it at the same time. There are times when she gives my a hard time for doing it, and I her, yet when we look at each others comp we notice it isnt really happening. Its that wonderful thing called lag. Just like if you are running along side another player. To you you are ahead, to them they are ahead. People have different specs on thier machines. Some render graphics faster, some slower.

    Before you start calling people idiots, you should do some research first.
  • Sajra - Lost City
    Sajra - Lost City Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    lol... i really shouldn't be laughing at that. b:chuckle
    Forsaken Sigs

    Sajra - Level 31 - Hell Archer.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Umm actually you are the frickin idiot. While on YOUR computer it may seem that someone on thier mount is standing on top of an NPC, in reality they are merely standing IN FRONT of the NPC. I've seen it a thousand times, my wife and I both play this game. Much of it at the same time. There are times when she gives my a hard time for doing it, and I her, yet when we look at each others comp we notice it isnt really happening. Its that wonderful thing called lag. Just like if you are running along side another player. To you you are ahead, to them they are ahead. People have different specs on thier machines. Some render graphics faster, some slower.

    Before you start calling people idiots, you should do some research first.

    Your too stupid to breathe. We have three GAMING computers in this house and a 10meg Connection... and all three are active in PWI. When all three comps show the same thing, some asses mount over the top of an NPC.. guess that blows your therory out the window.

    go /wrist now as you just made the top of the list for PWI Post-Partum Abortion candidates!

    Saitada - Contagion Leader

    edit - and before you start thinking your smart, you should learn to read a bit better. the topic was more a rant about cat shops on top of NPC's than people standing their mounts over the top of an NPC... And when my neighbor shows the same thing as me.. on a different connection (I have cable they have dsl) and HER comp is a screaming monster... your "theory" just got blown to ****. So STFU and go save the planet (read my sig)
  • SATII - Lost City
    SATII - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wow... I have never heard the most stubborn person ever. First of all Saitada, of course your going to see the same thing on different comps because they all have the same amount of lag with the person on the mount. What BobbyQ means is that on that person with the mount's comp, they aren't on the NPC. Lag is not going to be different with that person and your three different comps wired to the same router.

    Your problem is that you can't find the NPC with the flag over their head, and you argue the minimap is useless because you have to be within visual range to see the purple dot. Well smartypants, you have to be within visual distance to see the flag over the NPC's head, so there is exactly no difference in distances. It's not our problem you can't use the minimap when searching for an NPC.

    Your post makes no sense either. Do you know how to shift click? You said that even with shift clicking, your clicking on players. That's impossible. Shift click only allows you to click on NPCs. My suggestion is that you try holding down the shift key WHILE clicking instead of pressing the shift key, and THEN pressing.

    Lastly, you keep rejecting everyone's comments and calling everyone a stupid idiot and you complain about the English language. Well, if your so smart and clearly not a stupid idiot, how can you not differentiate when to use "your" and "you're". You learn those words in the first grade.

    When I read the first page of comments, I was on your side. Then I kept reading, and all I saw were comments trying to help you (though some clearly showed they didn't read the comments after your OP which is not at all a requirement which you seem to think) and you outright calling them stupid and saying how smart you are. The tone of your post was somewhere along the lines of... "arrogant." Understand? Try being nicer and maybe you'll get some useful comments.

    P.S. Putting "Contagion Leader" after your name in your last post in no way makes your post look better or makes you look better. Your probably going to just deny that's why you put it there anyway, so don't even bother denying it.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wow... I have never heard the most stubborn person ever. First of all Saitada, of course your going to see the same thing on different comps because they all have the same amount of lag with the person on the mount. What BobbyQ means is that on that person with the mount's comp, they aren't on the NPC. Lag is not going to be different with that person and your three different comps wired to the same router.

    Your problem is that you can't find the NPC with the flag over their head, and you argue the minimap is useless because you have to be within visual range to see the purple dot. Well smartypants, you have to be within visual distance to see the flag over the NPC's head, so there is exactly no difference in distances. It's not our problem you can't use the minimap when searching for an NPC.

    Your post makes no sense either. Do you know how to shift click? You said that even with shift clicking, your clicking on players. That's impossible. Shift click only allows you to click on NPCs. My suggestion is that you try holding down the shift key WHILE clicking instead of pressing the shift key, and THEN pressing.

    Lastly, you keep rejecting everyone's comments and calling everyone a stupid idiot and you complain about the English language. Well, if your so smart and clearly not a stupid idiot, how can you not differentiate when to use "your" and "you're". You learn those words in the first grade.

    When I read the first page of comments, I was on your side. Then I kept reading, and all I saw were comments trying to help you (though some clearly showed they didn't read the comments after your OP which is not at all a requirement which you seem to think) and you outright calling them stupid and saying how smart you are. The tone of your post was somewhere along the lines of... "arrogant." Understand? Try being nicer and maybe you'll get some useful comments.

    P.S. Putting "Contagion Leader" after your name in your last post in no way makes your post look better or makes you look better. Your probably going to just deny that's why you put it there anyway, so don't even bother denying it.

    Always had a problem with your and you're, same with there, their and they're, to and too (no problem with two). The english language kinda suxs, as I explained in a previous post.. which if you had read it.. would have explained that to you.

    Fact... my neighbors comp isn't hooked into MY connection, and she sees what I see. her connection is DSL, mines Cable.

    Fact.. like many if not most other players, I don't click an npc to take me to them, I click next to the npc to come stand near them.. this cause's *gasp* mounts to end up over the top of an NPC.

    Fact.. Pets are NPC's.

    Fact.. shift + click does NOT just work on NPC's try it sometime.. you'll find that for some odd reason.. you can still click players in highly crowded areas..

    Fact... you didn't read either. I don't normally "use" the mini map. I have it clicked off. here is another fact for you, an NPC that is not in the coordinates assitant means you MUST go search for that little yellow flag over his head... and I can see the flags long before I see any PURPLE dot on the mini-map (just did it.. *gasp* what a concept someones machine is better than yours and they can see further than the minimap shows wow omg gasp gasp)

    Am I being a bit sarcastic? yes...

    Now here is another fact for you.. I put my Factions name in all my recent posts because (omg another gasp) I'm advertising my faction and have been since early yesterday.. omg what a concept.. your so bright, you never even thought of the possibility of another reason for doing something...

    Add yourself to the Save the planet list.. you really should.

    Saitada - Contagion Leader

    *edit Yes.. I have no tolerance for idiots and stupidity. Someones grammer and spelling is not a reflection of their intelligence, i've met people that couldn't spell worth ****, and were smarter than most people I know (and probably over 4/5 of the people on this planet.)

    Too many people are stuck in the "if you don't know x, y and z in that order your stupid" mentality of intelligence. In second grade I was reading at 9th grade level, by 6th grade I was reading and comprehending 95% of what I read, at the collegiate level. Math and me don't get along (that is why god invented calculators), and I was bored to tears in English and Grammer so didn't pay a great deal of attention to the fine details of the english language that seemed to me to be unreasonably complicated. Why have multiple words that sound EXACTLY the same and are spelled nearly the same.. yet have different meanings? Does that make ANY logical sense? it didn't to me then, and it doesn't to me now. So you word N.A.Z.I's can stuff a brick in your asses.
  • SATII - Lost City
    SATII - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hey, I've got a list too!

    Fact... The English language doesn't suck just because you suck at it. Not everything revolves around what YOU can and can't do.
    Fact... lag affects everyone, even your neighbors computer.
    Fact... I don't see a poll saying that most people click next to an NPC to move towards them. Don't assume that everyone does what you do.
    Fact... Shift+Click ALWAYS works for me. See above fact for reasons.
    Fact... Just cause the NPC isn't on the coordinate system doesn't mean you have to search for the flag. Thing is, there's something called Use it. Love it. If your going to be complaining that you don't want to (like how you refuse to use the minimap) then stop spewing your problems on people. Maybe your real problem is that you don't try people's suggestions.

    Are you being sarcastic? No. Just arrogant and thick skinned.

    Now for advertising your faction... There's something called a signature. And I'm almost positive that no one wants to join such a thick skinned leader's guild.

    As for saving the planet... I contribute to where I live with community service and help people out in real life. Maybe you should too.

    And yes, spelling and grammar don't reflect intelligence. But things such as your and you're are first grade level stuff. They're an everyday conjunction and pronoun that everyone knows. If English is a second language to you, then ok sure. But if that's the case, you stand in no position to call others idiots.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Read my edit to my last post. Take the brick.. apply lubricant, and shove it up your ****.

    EVERYONE doesn't learn the same way. Those few odd words in the english language for some reason just do not seem to sit well in MY brain. I admit to always having had difficulty with them. Same with math.. never was good at it. Reading, Science (thank god for calculators), History, etc I did great in but English/Grammer and Math I just couldn't seem to wrap around my brain with any real understanding. Basic math.. yeah no problem.. start getting into trig, geometry etc and i'm so lost I couldn't find my **** with a roadmap.

    Don't get so stuck on grammer. Not everyone learns the same way as I said and some things just don't 'stick" with people.

    Maybe shift click has always worked for you but in severely crowded areas, I consistently have difficulty getting the NPC, in not so severly crowded areas, I don't (using shift click there as well)

    yes lag effects everyone.. different connection types (dsl/cable) will show different lag issues. I find it extremely unlikely that my lag and hers would be identical considering the connection differences.

    I do use PWIdatabase. and Love it. thus why I can "normally" find NPCs not in the coordinate system.

    No I am being Sarcastic... if you want me to get arrogant and thick skinned.. it will become even nastier around here.

    We have a good solid core of membership... And while it may come as a surprise to you.. I'm exceptionally helpful to my faction members, as well as others within the game. But even then, I don't tolerate stupidity if it's continuously repeated.

    I contribute a great deal to the local community here on Maui as well. It's nice that you do the same for your community.

    Saitada - Contagion Leader
  • SATII - Lost City
    SATII - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Your first sentence - LOL! Funny stuff...

    I was going to write up something, but after reading past your 2nd paragraph your tone changed and I didn't feel like making you eat your words.

    Your lag and your neighbor's lag are different, maybe, but the difference would be slight as in no difference to the naked eye. The fact is, there's still lag and will ALWAYS be lag for EVERY person. And that's a proven fact (unless the said two computers are physically wired and the internet isn't used at all).

    See how much smaller my post is when you change your tone to a well... nicer one.
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Saitada, I understand your point, and I agree with you to an extent. However, there are some areas where you are incorrect and/or not understanding. Let me go through your facts:
    Fact... my neighbors comp isn't hooked into MY connection, and she sees what I see. her connection is DSL, mines Cable.
    I'm not sure if this is exactly what SATII is talking about, but I can clear this up a bit with an example. Let's say Leo (hypothetical PWI player) is on his mount and goes to an NPC to turn in a quest/shop/bank. On his computer, which may be stricken with horrible lag for whatever reason, he sees his character and mount far enough away from the NPC so as not to block it from anyone else. Keep in mind, this is what Leo is seeing due to lag because that is where his client says he is. On PWE's server, it shows a different location: in this case, directly on top of the NPC in question. Most other players who see Leo, whose clients are updated just fine, see him as the server sees him - directly on top of the NPC in question.

    So, of course your neighbor and your two other computers see him in the same location - because he is there, technically. The point is, Leo may not know that he is there blocking this NPC because of his lag and his client being out of sync. Does that make sense, now?

    To reaffirm, this does happen, and I have seen it happen a few times, personally. Like you, I have three computers all hooked up to PW in my house, and they are all in the same room within clear view of each other. I haven't personally witnessed the 'covering up of an NPC,' but I have often seen instances where my character was showing in one spot on my screen, but a few feet in a different direction on my wife's screen.
    Fact.. like many if not most other players, I don't click an npc to take me to them, I click next to the npc to come stand near them.. this cause's *gasp* mounts to end up over the top of an NPC.
    Assumption, and it has no relevancy to the issue at hand.
    Fact.. Pets are NPC's.

    Fact.. shift + click does NOT just work on NPC's try it sometime.. you'll find that for some odd reason.. you can still click players in highly crowded areas..
    Pets are NPCs by technicality, but are not included as shift+click targets. I've never had a problem shift+clicking even at the banker in west arch during prime-time. Perhaps you either released shift at the wrong time or clicked where there was no NPC?
    Fact... you didn't read either. I don't normally "use" the mini map. I have it clicked off. here is another fact for you, an NPC that is not in the coordinates assitant means you MUST go search for that little yellow flag over his head... and I can see the flags long before I see any PURPLE dot on the mini-map (just did it.. *gasp* what a concept someones machine is better than yours and they can see further than the minimap shows wow omg gasp gasp)
    Trust me, the mini-map makes finding quests and quest reward NPCs soooo much easier, especially with the coordinates assistant and PWDatabase. If you don't want to do what it takes to make things easier, why complain that it is difficult? Seems a bit self-defeating to me.
    Add yourself to the Save the planet list.. you really should.
    Insulting people who disagree with you rarely helps one's cause.
    Why have multiple words that sound EXACTLY the same and are spelled nearly the same.. yet have different meanings? Does that make ANY logical sense? it didn't to me then, and it doesn't to me now. So you word N.A.Z.I's can stuff a brick in your asses.
    That might be a good excuse if you were dictating your posts. Are you?
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok Zen, your arguments make perfect sense in relation to lag.

    Yes I am making an assumption concerning where people click, in relation to coming to an NPC... I'll do a bit of watching and see... i'm willing to admit that MY method of doing things isn't always the way others do them.

    Shift-Clicking.. Possible. I'll watch and see, it's always a possibility that i'm just not clicking in the right area compared to what I see (ref: lag issues etc)

    PWI database is exceptionally useful. The Minimap for me, works in most places when I do use it... when an NPC isn't in the coordinates system ( as some of the crazy stone quest npc's are not) I can see the flag, long before I see the dot in the minimap. Usually I have the area from PWIdatabase and thus am already moving to the npc.

    Ok.. insulting people with different opinions than my own is not right, and I will admit to that. No excuses there on my part.

    As for language.. I KNOW what the words mean.. I KNOW how to spell and use them... but for some bloody reason.. they just do NOT click in my brain, and thus I end up using the wrong word when I type.

    Saitada - Contagion Leader
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Incredibly humble of you, Saitada! I don't claim to be right, either; I'm just describing things as they are from my observations.

    As far as clicking beside an NPC or the NPC itself, I am definitely in the latter. This is mostly from my experience with past games (such as Diablo I&II and Guild Wars), where clicking the NPC to go to it was more beneficial.

    I can also see your point about flags over the NPCs head, but for me, that is usually only true in non-crowded areas. Trying to find Crazy Stones by flag alone, for instance, is pretty much impossible. So, I've been relying on the pink dot more and more.

    Cat Shops on top of NPCs is a bit much, and probably not due to any accidents with lag. I am right with ya on that. It may not bother me as much, but it's still pretty lame.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol sai, i love you. and i agree, arch really needs to be cleaned up. i dont understand why games like this dont make a "market" map where there are designated shop spots that are spaced and located in a managable and visible way. and it's one thing to be lazy and just dump your shop wherever it is youre standing.. and something completely different and even more obnoxious to go out of your way to put it in an annoying spot.. like on the npcs head.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Fact.. shift + click does NOT just work on NPC's try it sometime.. you'll find that for some odd reason.. you can still click players in highly crowded areas..

    Oh come on, take that back. :)

    That isn't true at all... if you really actually hold the shift while clicking.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol sai, i love you. and i agree, arch really needs to be cleaned up. i dont understand why games like this dont make a "market" map where there are designated shop spots that are spaced and located in a managable and visible way. and it's one thing to be lazy and just dump your shop wherever it is youre standing.. and something completely different and even more obnoxious to go out of your way to put it in an annoying spot.. like on the npcs head.
    Actually, PWI could take a page from Everquest. They have one area and one area only.. where "shops" are allowed to be. An "Instanced" zone where anyone can go and put up a shop in designated areas.

    Saitada DeGrief - Contagion Leader
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Oh come on, take that back. :)

    That isn't true at all... if you really actually hold the shift while clicking.
    Yeah I haffa. been doing some closer watching of my fingers and it seems I have a habit of lifting slightly on the shift key with my pinky instead of holding it down firmly. So I'll eat crow on that statement.

    Saitada DeGrief - Contagion Leader