DiFiore - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Thing about Sutra + Morning Dew is that it's more of a party combo. Say your group is taking a beating - Sutra and then caste 5x Morning Dews on each party member for 1000 + 35% of base magic damage healing. Sure you could use Sutra to kill maybe those 1 or 2 people, but there are probably situations where it'd be better…
  • Oh right, forgot about that part :(
  • 400 PvE damage (before account for elemental weaknesses) at level 40 is pretty high. Sparking at level 40 only adds around 300-400 actual damage per spell...
  • Of course there's strong strategy to be had with that, as well. If they become TOO obsessed with killing the nukers, that leaves the rest of your party with a lot of leeway to wreak some havoc (stunlocking certain people, leaving openings for WF to start setting up some curses/debuffs, free pot-shots for your own archers)…
  • Cooldown on Wellspring is like... 10 seconds. So, technically speaking, you can spam the hell out of Sage Wellspring and keep getting the +100% Mattack. It's like a level 1 Fury that lasts 5 seconds longer, doesn't have that "invincibility" delay, is much harder for other people to catch, and costs mana to activate instead…
  • It's kinda meh. Part of the issue is that we can do TOO much damage sometimes. You can actually have to regulate your damage output (artificially lowering it) so that you don't take aggro away from the tank. It ends up being a pain for everyone else if the monster being tanked suddenly switches targets and everyone…
  • Late game is like... level 70 and above.
  • You have to be in close to do a BT though, right? I'd probably be too worried about building too much aggro or getting smacked with a particularly nasty short-range AoE (not sure if bosses later on have those, since I'm only 46). Either way, I think I'd be the kind of person to get 1 level of all the spells just to have…
  • ...But that's at low levels. There's more or less NO POINT to using LA at low levels, because: A. the extra defense isn't going to make that much of a difference when you have like 1000hp B. You need all the damage and mana you can get so you can level at a decent rate. Besides, those must be the most horrible BM's I've…
  • Technically, shouldn't it be that you can see a 2.3 second silence, BUT only have .3 seconds to do anything else? It's a little nick-picky, I suppose, but it is an important distinction to make, I think. Even if you can't start to do something else to them for the 2 second casting time, they're still silenced during that…
  • Well I mean if you're only going to use it for grinding (where consistent damage matters a lot more than a sudden burst unlike PvP) then by all means get the -channel. I think most people aim for either/or because it can be pricey to get two different sets of gear.
  • Later on the problem with mp regen powders and etc. is that their effectiveness is greatly reduced when you're in combat. Sure, it's still very helpful, but overall you might benefit a lot more from just selling the herbs and buying a mana charm. I only wish mana charms would regen at 25% or something.
  • I think he means ONLY using gush.
  • It's not really about being "reliable", per se. It's more about the crit itself. I mean, the thing about -channeling is, it doesn't REALLY increase your DPS that much, when you think about it. In PvE it might be significant, because it might mean the difference between getting hit and being able to kill all/most mobs…
  • Who the hell cares? Even with all the hyperbole and etc. thrown in there you can easily make out what he means to say and take it into consideration. At the very least it makes the guide more entertaining to read. This is a character guide for a "F2P" MMORPG, not a dissertation. Do you think it makes you look any better to…
  • I think most people have already said that restating to Arcane after level 90 is a good idea, just that LA helps a lot from 70-89 or something if you want to TW and PvP.
  • Because there's not really that many huge AoE spells for you to use? Monsters also don't stand neatly in piles waiting for your one-shot mega AoE spell at level 1. I mean, if there were some kind of super AoE at level 34, I would love to hear about it. Another problem with AoE spells, especially the first one you can get,…
  • You also need str for your weapons.
  • Actually, it's probably best just to stick with robes. The reason is because you can always just add str and dex if you want to switch to LA - you can't easily take out str and dex if you decide you don't want to be LA anymore. You're also still going to get reamed by monsters even if you do have LA at lower levels and…
  • Probably not going to make a whole lotta difference at this point. Your damage is kinda nerfed, but from my experience as a pure mage I usually end up with a tiny bit of life left on the mobs that require 1 more gush or whatnot, so in terms of total castes it's probably the same.
  • Well, by that point you'd probably have all but your most useless spells maxed, so you can probably max snare if you wanted to. The main problem with snare is that you can basically use it once. I mean, I guess it might be good if you Sutra and Glacial > Sandstorm for 2 really powerful spells, but Glacial Snare still has a…
  • Oh, I know that. I've pretty much been doing quests all this time, never grinding. A few times I've grinded a mob or two, but only to get the materials to complete the bank safe expansion quest. I was referring to later on, though, because people keep talking about how at 70+ or 80+ or whatever grinding mobs is your only…
  • Objectively, there probably is a best class for PvP, but that assumes that you can play it perfectly and do exactly the right things at the right time all the time and have the absolutely most perfect gear and absolutely most perfect items, unlimited money, perfect conditions, etc. All of which are more or less impossible…
  • Why would you even worry about it at level 11? Pretty much this ENTIRE DISCUSSION is about the upper levels of 60+, although some people like to PvP and etc. a little bit at ~40. I mean, at level 11 you have 30 levels to decide what you want to be, and Robe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LA for leveling during the lower levels;…
  • Does it really take your entire mana bar to kill one mob? I mean, somehow I doubt even a level 10 sandstorm takes up like 4000MP. I'm assuming that mana usage more or less scales as you level, so depending on the mob it'd probably be more like: kill 10 mob, sit, kill another 10, etc.
  • I think for power-leveling you'd probably use MP pots/charms. That's is if you're trying to get the most EXP per hour possible, though. If you don't mind going at a slower pace, then you don't necessarily have to. I mean, I kind of stopped doing that mega grinding stuff a while ago; for me, at least, I end up getting…
  • I'm going to assume that you're fairly familiar with MMORPG's, so you should know by now that they're largely "Who's got the biggest ****"-type wankfests. Even for those of us who don't care all that much about being competitive or better, there's a sense of investment about our characters because you have to spend a lot…
  • This might be kind of a strange question, but has anyone ever tried to blink TOWARDS an archer to get into their minimum range so their damage gets a huge cut? I mean, I guess they can push you back their own repelling skill, but say that you blink into their min, they repel you, you FoW, then run back into minimum and…