Anyone have this problem?

Mizorie - Lost City
Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Wizard
So anyone else have a problem with other classes bullying you? for instance I was grinding and went back to merch some items and just as I was crossing to the safe zone I was hit in the back from an archer. OK I just kept doing what I was doing, but on my way out I saw he was red and now he was the one with his back turned, so like any good opportunist I took my chance to kill him. He ended up running to the safe zone after a sandstorm and gush. Now I have nothing against Pking, I actually do it quite a bit and i have no illusions that if any of the guys saw me coming or had a hint of what I was doing would have still ended up as an easy kill for myself, I would have most likely been the one on my back. Anyways back to the point so this archer calls me out to face him head on out side the safe zone, this archer had to be atleast 5 lvls my senior, and I was positive that in a fair fight I will lose. I tell him this, and i think everyone in PWI knows to some degree that wizards are weak against about everything at my low lvl. I refuse him and I even admitted he would defeat me.I get harassed for the better part of an hour of being a carebear, even after I pked another wizard just moments after his retreat into the safe zone. Now my question is. Why do people want to fight us so bad? Just so they can prove a largely know idea of arches can beat a wizard head on. (at least in my experience)

I don't know if i got my point across in this but it seems i get picked on more because I'm a wizard and a moderately low lvl, and was wondering if this or anything of this sort has happened to other wizards?
Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
Post edited by Mizorie - Lost City on


  • DiFiore - Heavens Tear
    DiFiore - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So anyone else have a problem with other classes bullying you? for instance I was grinding and went back to merch some items and just as I was crossing to the safe zone I was hit in the back from an archer. OK I just kept doing what I was doing, but on my way out I saw he was red and now he was the one with his back turned, so like any good opportunist I took my chance to kill him. He ended up running to the safe zone after a sandstorm and gush. Now I have nothing against Pking, I actually do it quite a bit and i have no illusions that if any of the guys saw me coming or had a hint of what I was doing would have still ended up as an easy kill for myself, I would have most likely been the one on my back. Anyways back to the point so this archer calls me out to face him head on out side the safe zone, this archer had to be atleast 5 lvls my senior, and I was positive that in a fair fight I will lose. I tell him this, and i think everyone in PWI knows to some degree that wizards are weak against about everything at my low lvl. I refuse him and I even admitted he would defeat me.I get harassed for the better part of an hour of being a carebear, even after I pked another wizard just moments after his retreat into the safe zone. Now my question is. Why do people want to fight us so bad? Just so they can prove a largely know idea of arches can beat a wizard head on. (at least in my experience)

    I don't know if i got my point across in this but it seems i get picked on more because I'm a wizard and a moderately low lvl, and was wondering if this or anything of this sort has happened to other wizards?

    I'm going to assume that you're fairly familiar with MMORPG's, so you should know by now that they're largely "Who's got the biggest ****"-type wankfests. Even for those of us who don't care all that much about being competitive or better, there's a sense of investment about our characters because you have to spend a lot of time leveling and learning it.

    I'd also go so far as to say that there are also a lot of younger and less mature people, especially in these kinds of Free to Play MMO's.

    Also, a lot of people just get a rush out of beating someone. I mean, if they weren't competitive in that sense, they wouldn't be hanging out on a PK server, would they?
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    They pick on us cause we are squishy and they know if they gank you, you are dead. Most likely in 2 shots if not one. For reasons beyond me, some people love that. Heck i do too if they guy is my level. Doesn't feel as good when they are below but its still kind of funny. I won't go into the one incident you had with that guy, sounds like a loser, just ignore him. But overall i would say yes, they pick on us. Just like my mouth waters when i have two sparks and i see a robe wearing class pass by, b:bye
  • XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
    XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Anyway i guess this will only be for a while, when a wiz reaches 90+ then ho 1 shots ho? lol
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Anyway i guess this will only be for a while, when a wiz reaches 90+ then ho 1 shots ho? lol

    nice necro
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Don't necro please.
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