Which class is the most costly?

Subsuba - Lost City
Subsuba - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Wizard
Which class, out of Wizard and Cleric is more costly, and which class burns up the most mp pots? oh and could you give me a rating of how much each class burns up with a rating of 1~10. 1 being like, hardly any and 10 being burn up like craaazy.
thanks XD
Post edited by Subsuba - Lost City on


  • Seifa - Lost City
    Seifa - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wizards dont need MP pots. I'm lv73 with 9k mana and recover about 80-90 mana per second sitting.
  • Ryocean - Lost City
    Ryocean - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think both character classes can go through a lot mana quiete quickly. But another I facter I noticed that seems to affect the mana consumption is your playing style.

    I saw some clerics and wizards killing mobs without resting in between and just go continually slaughtering anything that gets in their path. This obviously takes a lot of mana.

    Then there is the one who kills a mob, sits down from 5-15 seconds, and kills again. But you have to be a very patient person to do this.

    Personal Experience: I personally go with the later and watch youtube if I have to wait quiet long. And while meditating I use a potion that normally gives me 100 MP, but because I am meditating it gives me 200 MP.

    And not to mention both classes have a skill that increases MP regeneration. It is a helpful bonus.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    It's about the same while soloing. Just calculate when an MP hiero becomes cheaper than mp pots and then use them. You'll make far more money than you spend. There is no point in wasting hours of your life on sitting down in a game. It works fine for the first 50 levels, though.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • DiFiore - Heavens Tear
    DiFiore - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wizards dont need MP pots. I'm lv73 with 9k mana and recover about 80-90 mana per second sitting.

    I think for power-leveling you'd probably use MP pots/charms. That's is if you're trying to get the most EXP per hour possible, though. If you don't mind going at a slower pace, then you don't necessarily have to. I mean, I kind of stopped doing that mega grinding stuff a while ago; for me, at least, I end up getting burned out. Who cares about getting to level 8x superfast if I'm going to start getting sick of the game when I manage to reach it?
  • DiFiore - Heavens Tear
    DiFiore - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think both character classes can go through a lot mana quiete quickly. But another I facter I noticed that seems to affect the mana consumption is your playing style.

    I saw some clerics and wizards killing mobs without resting in between and just go continually slaughtering anything that gets in their path. This obviously takes a lot of mana.

    Then there is the one who kills a mob, sits down from 5-15 seconds, and kills again. But you have to be a very patient person to do this.

    Personal Experience: I personally go with the later and watch youtube if I have to wait quiet long. And while meditating I use a potion that normally gives me 100 MP, but because I am meditating it gives me 200 MP.

    And not to mention both classes have a skill that increases MP regeneration. It is a helpful bonus.

    Does it really take your entire mana bar to kill one mob? I mean, somehow I doubt even a level 10 sandstorm takes up like 4000MP. I'm assuming that mana usage more or less scales as you level, so depending on the mob it'd probably be more like: kill 10 mob, sit, kill another 10, etc.
  • Dauthus - Sanctuary
    Dauthus - Sanctuary Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    It doesn't take the whole bar to kill a mob, but there are those that do it after every mob or two so they don't have to rebuild the entire bar. I have over 6k mp (with wellspring) and I hate it when I have to sit because I ran out of pots or don't have a charm and my mp bar is depleted. You'd be suprised how fast you can run out of mana if you're not watching your bar when grinding. lol

    Also, if you're lvl 29, don't grind. With all the quests available, you can get to lvl 40 pretty quickly, not to mention while doing those quests you are pretty much grinding anyway, so there's no real need to make any effort to grind. Save that for when the quests slow down and you need to hit your next lvl for new quests/spirit cults/whatever. I have heard quests slow down at lvl 40... I'm almost to 60 and I haven't seen much of a slowdown... My quest list is 20/20. lol
  • Vestamona - Lost City
    Vestamona - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I saw some clerics and wizards killing mobs without resting in between and just go continually slaughtering anything that gets in their path. This obviously takes a lot of mana.

    Then there is the one who kills a mob, sits down from 5-15 seconds, and kills again. But you have to be a very patient person to do this.

    So charms it is for me. But yeah, I'd say meditating for a little bit between a certain number of mobs would work out well, unless you're as impatient as myself.
  • DiFiore - Heavens Tear
    DiFiore - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    It doesn't take the whole bar to kill a mob, but there are those that do it after every mob or two so they don't have to rebuild the entire bar. I have over 6k mp (with wellspring) and I hate it when I have to sit because I ran out of pots or don't have a charm and my mp bar is depleted. You'd be suprised how fast you can run out of mana if you're not watching your bar when grinding. lol

    Also, if you're lvl 29, don't grind. With all the quests available, you can get to lvl 40 pretty quickly, not to mention while doing those quests you are pretty much grinding anyway, so there's no real need to make any effort to grind. Save that for when the quests slow down and you need to hit your next lvl for new quests/spirit cults/whatever. I have heard quests slow down at lvl 40... I'm almost to 60 and I haven't seen much of a slowdown... My quest list is 20/20. lol

    Oh, I know that. I've pretty much been doing quests all this time, never grinding. A few times I've grinded a mob or two, but only to get the materials to complete the bank safe expansion quest. I was referring to later on, though, because people keep talking about how at 70+ or 80+ or whatever grinding mobs is your only way of leveling at an acceptable pace.
  • Icy Ragnarok - Sanctuary
    Icy Ragnarok - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Since we don't get hit often, we don't really need to pay much for repair.
    As well as, due to the insane amount of MP + Glacial Embrace, we don't need to heal with pots or charms often as long as we aren't constantly moving. Not to mention, a well leveled Morning Dew heals us just right.

    So its not that costly at all.
    As for clerics, I cannot speak for them at all. But one would assume due to lack of direct mana regen, it is costlier.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Can't really say for clerics or late game wiz... but I just did some quest where I had to kill 50 guys... being LA and using glacial embrace (no pots or charms tho)... I had to med every 5 kills. Not sure if this is gonna be the same later or if it will get better :P
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  • Maciaveli - Lost City
    Maciaveli - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, I'm a Wizard and it's like this; I make 50k during a certain amount of grinding on quest mobs etc, I go back to town I spend 40k on pots again, because I am too lazy to kite every single monster and most are ranged.

    I do spend alot of time just killing though, and if I do try, I can kite the p.atk mobs without being hit at all so don't use HP pots then. I guess if I rested, from since I started the game, I would be hitting the 1mil mark of coin, without selling anything worth a major amount.

    My point - playstyle: it's how you play the character which will affect on how much it cost's you.

    In my opinion - Wizards are the more expensive, although I haven't played a Cleric yet.
    Main Character: Nicolanis; 8x Venomancer - The Best No-Nix Robe User On Lost City(Not Much Competition There Though) b:victory

    Faction: Harvester b:shocked

    Current Reputation:- 50xx/200,000 Wearing Rank 4 Chest Armorb:dirty
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I never ever bought a single pot from the pot selling dude and I mean never at all mp charms are only usefull in zhening thats about it other than that as a mage you dont need any pots what so ever..
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    and btw mages get expensive after 60 due to ALOT of skills that needs upgrading but other than that they are not costly at all.
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Mrbungle - Lost City
    Mrbungle - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I never ever bought a single pot from the pot selling dude and I mean never at all mp charms are only usefull in zhening thats about it other than that as a mage you dont need any pots what so ever..

    i wanna see you questing/grinding without mp charm 60+
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I only use mp charms for zhening other than that I find meditating to be as useful as a pot.
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i wanna see you questing/grinding without mp charm 60+

    Its a lot more fun with mp charm post 60, but its definitely not mandatory.
    I haven't used one at all, exception bronze mp charm during TW b:laugh
  • Xerela - Heavens Tear
    Xerela - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Although I know this is not really a reply to the thread, in my opinion the most costly class is whoever decides to manufacture all of their own gear!
  • WuSuang - Sanctuary
    WuSuang - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't spend squat on potions for my wizard.

    All the potions I get is the potions the mobs I slaughter drop. In my opinion, Clerics are more costly simply cause of their ability to heal. Everyone needs clerics wether it is for TW or FB. Clerics will probably have to keep up their mana or else the entire party is screwed unless theres another back up cleric.

    Also, playing style affects wether a wizard or a cleric is more costly. So heres my idea of saving more money. Don't spend squat on potions, unless your impatient. Meditate when you run out of mana (obviously) so that way you don't have to spend money on potions. Thats the way I do it. I have other ways of saving money but I won't get into that.
  • liquidfusion
    liquidfusion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Which class, out of Wizard and Cleric is more costly, and which class burns up the most mp pots? oh and could you give me a rating of how much each class burns up with a rating of 1~10. 1 being like, hardly any and 10 being burn up like craaazy.
    thanks XD

    Well, I own both, and right now, though my wizard is rich at level 66, I must say it is alot more expensive than my cleric. But, Ive never used pots or charms on my wizard. I have had to on my cleric.. and Im talkin about the regular blue and red pots, not the orbs. I do use flourish orbs on my cleric, and concentrate orbs on my wizard.. but still, Ive really never had any need to use mp or hp pots on her. And with over 9600 mana, I can go for a very very long time before I run out. Using a concentrate orb, 100mp per second regen for 10 min, I can go forever, considering I have 20 of these orbs on me at all times. But up until level 45, I never once use any orbs, as well as no pots. The cleric, thats a whole different story. Though I am a FAC cleric, and have over 4k mana at level 45, I run out of mana after killing about 5 enemy. So I have to use the flourish orb, which is free... I would never ever spend coin on potions. Why spend money when you can make orbs for free?
    You might say, well its time consuming? Not if you gather the herbs while your questing, which is what I have done. And its another reason Ive been able to aquire alot of coin on both my wizard and my cleric. I have 4 total characters, 2 of which have over 1 million coin by level 45, the cleric and wizard. My veno and bm have not reached level 45 yet, and after all the talk Ive head about venos being the fastest and easiest way to make and save coin ?? I have found veno the hardest. Course I have not given my veno the full chance yet, as Ive not reached level 30 as of yet.
    My wizard at level 66 has her TT weapon, refined +3 now, with flawless sapphire. Have all the current modded armor, and yet still have over 2 million coin saved. Ill never understand how, and why people are so damn broke in this game.. I just dont get it. It must be because they run the dragon quests or something, I dont know. The first thing I was told when I started this game, was to be able to get rich, you need to stop doing DQ quests, and just dump all your DQ mats for coin at merchant, or sell at catstand. I took that advice, and its made me quite well off. I also sell my old armor at the auction whenever I get the next level armor.
    You really can become well off, or rich in this game, if just a tiny bit of smarts are used :)
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This reply might sound a bit silly, but only becuase this topic is silly.

    It's the way you play that makes you broke or rich, not necessarily based on the class. Some do have an edge over others but fundamentally it really does boil down to how you manage coins. If you experience you're broke repeatedly, try change what you do when you play. Your combos on mobs while miniscule do amount to a lot also you should try to minimise potion expenditure.

    I have a fair few characters myself and none seem to be more expensive than the other.

    JM 2c
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    clerics cost them almost no mana at all to heal because its thier main and real jop while thier attacks takes a bite out of thier mana but because our main jop is attacking it doesnt take the same mana instead our buffs and heals take a munch out of our mana..
    *this is only due to observation and not a real research but you guys can do it and see so am not saying anything here is right*
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am level 65, I use natural wings because I have no money for boutique ones, not clothes or mount because i spend all my money on skills.

    when I hit level 59 I spend 1.4mill just like that and 1mill the other day.
    Clerics have the most skills they need to level which makes them most expencive.
    Now for a clerics mana In situations such as FBs or General bosses It should be an easy job provided the tank is of a high level example, I heal say 400hp persecond with 1 ironheart that lasts 15 seconds and its about 250mana to cast, my regen is 50mp per second in meditation.

    So on an easy boss/medium maybe 1 heal every 5 seconds which not mana draining at all. but if you were in TT as such you will be watching your charm drain like no tomorrow,

    * My point of view towards mages have changed after metting mosabi in game :-)*
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WTG Mosabi!!!!!! And I'm glad you've begun to see the light Mystic.
  • Zdolnoc - Sanctuary
    Zdolnoc - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've been playing both a Wizard and a cleric. My cleric eats through charms like no other!! I'm constantly watching my charm slowly eat away with each healing spell, buff, or atk I perform. But, my wizard can eat through a charm fairly quickly as well. It all depends on the situation and how you manage your atks.

    Personally I use hp and mp charms because I prefer to not have to worry about trivial things like mp and hp. b:laugh
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