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  • That short list of patch notes was 3903MB?? Thats what my patcher is downloading
  • The most frustrating thing to me since day one has been the complete lack of a PW technical rep on the boards. If they would at least acknowledge the issues and give updates it would go a long way in my book.
  • You are correct in everything you say HOWEVER........The AD price on items is grossly inflated relative to the amount of AD you can earn in game AND have a real life. The game would be much more fun if they addressed that inflation of prices and reduced the cost of zen quite bit. If Zen's cost decreased or its value…
  • I bet your English is much better than most of us could type your native language :) we sometimes forget not everyone speaks the same language as us
  • I will give you this. It is fair to say that we at least agree that it is likely they operate in a cash grab fashion. Based on that I would at least agree you could be correct that the management of Cryptic is doing as instructed by PWE.
  • The fact PWE owns Cryptic doesn't make them the customer. Sure if you want to talk corporate buzzword speak then yes they are an internal customer. Your posts while professionally worded and long are completely deluded. Your posts are full of rhetoric typical of mid level managers or politicians meant to sound informed and…
  • It is unlikely that I said anywhere in my original post that I am the direct customer of the devs. I also did not pretend to understand the inner workings of the team at Cryptic. You are going to great lengths to discredit my post in which I simply was trying to say it appears they are poorly managed and not customer…
  • Wow you really shot down my post didnt you??? NOT You take one line and try to use it in reference to making shoes. . Here is my original post in italics along with more of a response to you following. It would also be nice if people like yourself quit pretending to know the internal structure of every company involved…
  • It would also be nice if people like yourself quit pretending to know the internal structure of every company involved with MMO's. Regardless of how the various departments are structured and what their responsibilities are its safe to say there are ongoing issues that have not been solved. The management of the company…
  • I think that there are far more people than you think spending an average of $20 / month or more. Of those spending I am sure the 80/20 rule applies and 20% are spending a lot. There is no way a "few" people spending a lot supports the business model.
  • I find it highly unlikely that devs are making business decisions relevant to what is free and what is not. Other than that this thread boils down to realizing that "free" games aren't free for most competitive people. Now I know there will be 100s of you flame me and say you have leveled 10 toons to max and not spent a…
  • I have had the issue since the July 3rd patch as well. I have played from Virginia, Ohio and Toronto all with the same issues.
  • I don't care to understand the software development process! I want to play a game that is something close to a finished product. If they have a group of devs working on bug fixes and another working on an expansion they should shift the expansion team to assist the others. WHEN the basic feats, spells , skills, mechanics…
  • Your post is so off base its hard to determine where to start. So YOU are telling me that I am wrong about what I think is important? You are telling me that class feat and spell bugs for my character that have been documented for months are unimportant? 1)Your post clearly demonstrates why those who code don't make…
  • Seriously this ongoing answer from people gets beyond old. Get a clue!!!! If the game were truly meant to be played ongoing without anyone spending money how long do you think it would last? There are plenty of us who have spent money. There are plenty of us who would continue to spend money if someone would listen and fix…
  • I am from Ohio and play from both there and Toronto On when on business. I have had horrible lag and rubberbanding since the patch. I can immediately log onto another MMO and have no issues. Considering that and multiple locations it seems to point at something on crytpics end. I am running a pretty state of the art…
  • I would agree with the sentiment that for this game currently exploits could be an issue. As far as the rest of your comments they are ridiculous. First of all many of the addons simply enhance the game experience or allow for data collection. None of the addons most games support would make you a better player.We aren't…
  • Greater or perfect lightning enchant for weapon
  • I wish they would do this ASAP. In many games the add on programming is far superior to what is offered by the game company. I would love to see AH addons, damage meters, cooldown managers etc.
  • So what is the final on this? Is it stacking 1/2/3 or 15?? Kind of sucks since I spent all the AD my mage had left to buy it.
  • Same issues on Beholder server for the last week. It has been getting progressively worse.
  • I am not overseas. I am in the US Midwest. I have experienced the issue where i rubberband back and forth often in the last few days. Worse I have died a few times when i get a message that the server is not responding which generally lasts about 45 seconds. I have also had it where my toon swings his sword a half dozen…
    in Lag issues Comment by zaarel2 July 2013
  • I have experienced the same issue in the last couple to three days. Some rubber banding but mostly 30 to 45 second periods of time where it says "server not responding". I have never had those issues in the last few months until this past week.
    in Lag issues Comment by zaarel2 July 2013
  • I agree with you 100%. I also think it is clear they need to do exactly that unless revenue or their desire to invest would allow them to add head count.
  • First of all this game is no longer in the supposed "Beta" stage. The fact the game is F2P doesn't mean its not generating revenue. Unless your privy to their sales figures none of us know what kind of a staff the game can or cannot support. There are many founder members and plenty of people who have spent money in the…
  • After playing wizard classes for years and leveling one to 60 here I decided to roll a GF for fun. I have leveled him to 28 and died only once because I went AFK for awhile. My GF is so durable it has me wondering why I havent been a tank forever lol.
  • I don't understand why people continually insist CW are OP. I soloed my CW to lvl 60 and died NUMEROUS times. Just for the hell of it I created a GF the other day. I have soloed to level 26 and only died one time and that is because I went afk. The contrast is so different that for the first time ever I may just play a…
  • I highly doubt this could be challenged in court. It does not appear they are doing anything illegal as there are at least subtle differences between the packages. Having said that, good companies consider both legalities as well as ethical behavior (or at least the appearance of ethical behavior). How likely would you be…