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  • I don't think they would implement druid like that precisely BECAUSE it would be a clone of hunter ranger. I think they'd try to find a different way; Dailies that shapechange, maybe? A tab mechanic that shifts and does something, with class passives that you could slot in to alter the "form" it shifts you into? Bard would…
  • I mean, I suppose it's possible, but I'm not entirely certain they'd add it. I feel like this is something that happens, at most, once to any given player. After that, you kinda know when you roll up your character, "Ok, I need to roll this toon and see what bonuses each stat gives me. Then I delete the character and…
  • Anything's possible in D&D. Especially things that are cool.
  • I was thinking about this the other day. I'm pretty curious as to how they'll actually implement Druid. In vanilla 4, druids use Beastform for melee and spells at range. They're required to have at least 1 at-will and possibly 1 encounter of each type at all times. Basically, the way they implemented Hunter Rangers is…
  • I'd enjoy an Arcane, control-based path. Hermetic Saboteur: At Will Cloud of Daggers. Single-target. Leaves a damaging cloud for 2 seconds that other monsters might pass through. Encounter Explosive Rune. Places a small trap on the field (similar to DC's chains). Mastery increases area. Target(s) take damage, a slight push…
  • Gauntlgrym doesn't exist just yet. It's on the horizon for the game as a whole.
  • Either raise an Alt or start learning the Foundry.
  • TC asked for something to do at 60. This appears to be what people do at 60, unless they're running Delves, Epics or PVP.
  • It's immensely humorous to me that the current plight of warriors very much represents the distinction between 3rd and 4th edition D&D. 3e fighters garbage. Casters gods. Rogues ok, not the best. 4e fighters gods. casters gods. rogues gods. Everyone's fun to play. --Community: FREAKS THE ****** OUT! Demands changes. Game…
  • You could do what most people do and spend an hour or two /ignore_spammer 'ing every name that appears in zone chat. After all, it's all spam.
  • An interesting read Impervium. It reminds me of a cracked article I read that talked about similar jobs. Namely, people being paid and trained to basically troll extreme _______ groups.
  • Sounds accurate. Just growing pains when the bar you have to measure yourself up to is such a titan that it's made something like sixty-three dollars per second for over a decade.
  • Put me down for "Nah" as well. The release of EVERY new rpg, specifically the ones with an online component, is marked by a certain set of traits. The two most important of which are the wow comparisons and the doomsayers. But the psychology behind these things is so complicated that I actually suspect that a Doctoral…
  • I understand that Votekick is probably where they'll go with it, but for what it's worth, in my experience, Votekick wouldn't be a whole lot better. You see how fast people hit those buttons to assign loot rolls? They'll hit em just as fast to boot you from the party. No reason, no higher cognitive processing, no warning.…
  • I thought that was the hook of the battle? That you can't really trust your eyes anymore. Granted, I could see it being even more obnoxious than it already is for some of the players with more prominent colorblindness. And it's a weird fight to have such a rule in. I'd expect something like this to crop up during a fight…
  • So, I've got 4 toons now. If I buy it, then delete a toon to make a dragonborn warlock, will he get the mount?
  • It's sad the way we go round and round on this. People keep bringing up the same arguments to try and say the system is fair, and they keep getting shut down. The spam analogy comes up, and it's a fair point. It might be acceptable. But what's the responsible cut-off ratio? Because in Neverwinter it's 20 people. 1-2% of…
  • Lion Seal, Manticore Seal, Unicorn Seal, Drake Seal, Pegasus Seal (Not in game yet?), Gauntlgrym Coin, Celestial Coin, Ardent Coin, Tarmalune Trade Bar, Gold, Rough Astral Diamond, Astral Diamond, Glory. 13 currencies in game, not counting Zone-Specific currencies. And to my knowledge, there's space for at least another 5…
  • I was thinking the same thing. Gonna put that one in the pocket for future 'mess with the bots' strategies. I'd never even thought about just simply staying in the group with them. If you get lead, maybe you could dungeon queue. Oh! Maybe Quest-Sharing would work?
  • I'm just reminding you of the Forum Rules that you agree to by posting here. I know that it's restricting. I get that it feels silly and you feel justified. But the rules are what they are.
  • You're not supposed to namedrop on the forums. You may want to edit those out of your post before a mod edits them out for you.
  • Caturday says hi.
  • For what it's worth clcmercy, the extended FAQ for neverwinter differs a bit. Direct quote. Then again, the same source also says "Our team actively monitors for these occurrences" and "In the event that your account is muted, the best action to take is to wait for the mute to expire."
  • Obligatory "you make thread like this" response. --You stand in the drugstore lobby for half an hour, looking for the green post that will net you 1000 diamonds for 15 minutes of work.
  • The one guy was right. A massive debacle is the only thing that would prompt people to consider changing the system. Until then, the blinders are on.
  • two common culprits to look for would be 1: Your info (account name/email/password combination) was on a 'list' somewhere and they just tried it to try it. More possible if you've used this account name and this password in an MMO before. 2: fake site. Do you use, for example, the Neverwinter Wiki? It's possible the…
  • The chatban thread from a few days ago where a lot of these details were hashed out was completely deleted, probably because it contained detailed instructions on how to silence anybody in the game as often as you want. A free script to make the silencing take a single button press. A program to rename the windows of…
  • I approve of some dungeon mounting. I also approve of the idea that there should be some Glory Mounts available.