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Chat banned again...



  • ashensnowashensnow Member Posts: 2,215 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mamatank wrote: »
    You're entitled to your opinion of what the report spam button's intended function is. I've considered what purpose it serves and arrived at a different opinion than yours.

    I have no incentive to convince you that my opinion is correct. Certainly, the developers gave us that power for a reason and certainly they know what that reason is. Simply, which one of us is right isn't a debate that interests me. The only thing that matters is that they've given me a tool that I find valuable and I'm going to use it.

    If I thought I was exploiting their moderation tool for personal gain, then I wouldn't do that. I don't think that I'm exploiting anything. I think they gave the community a tool so that we can shape zone chat how we want. Personally, I think the wikipedia model of community moderation can be valuable and I see the 24 hour mute function in this game as an application of that philosophy.

    You obviously disagree with me and that's your right, but it's not going to stop me from voting with my mouse every time the advertisers come to zone chat.

    I was not stating opinion. I was quoting a representative of the company that created the feature. You can think what you like of course but opinion does not trump fact.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • theboatapetheboatape Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Gotta love how the spam defenders are using a 3 year old post from another game to justify their obnoxiousness.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    People that use the report SPAM button to mute players that they don't like thats NOT selling gold thats exploiting and these people should be banned.
    An exploit is an exploit it matters not how useful some people find it and don't kid yourself you can get away with it players have been banned for this in CO and STO.

    And to answer the comment of a 3 year old game, that game shares the same cryptic chat server. A quote form STO or CO forums is relevant.

    You don't like someone use the IGNORE button not the SPAM button. SPAM is for gold sellers only.
  • nornsavantnornsavant Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just because a majority of people agree with it doesn't make something fair or right. Women weren't allowed to vote because a majority of people in power thought it might not be a good idea. Black people weren't allowed any civil liberties in the US because of the same reason and even then the majority still curtailed their liberties for years afterward.

    Don't like those analogies? Look at the economy of Soviet Russia where the government was supposed to decide the monetary welfare of the state but instead made its official rich at the expense of the state. California is at this very moment a case study in what happens when you put everything on a ballot.

    All over the world it has been shown again and again that just putting a decision into the hands of a bunch of self-interested people is a terrible idea. Who can't see this really?

    I get that you want things your way, you want your chat to be your chat and if you are given the power to kick people out and it works then you will do just that.

    But do you get that it is doing nothing to the gold sellers? Do you understand that they are much better at this than you and have been succeeding at beating chat bans since before you could spell Chat? Sock-puppet accounts, advertising pets, whisper campaigns, the list goes on and Cryptic put the ban-hammer in your hands and washed their own.

    But are you even trying to knock out gold sellers?

    Look at the preceding posts. You aren't discussing stopping gold sellers or other companies trying to boost the game's resources. You are at the throat of other players. Because those are the only people you can actually harm with this tragic system. You are striking at the only targets available suiting both the lazy company who wants deniability and the gold sellers who are entirely unimpeded by your non-efforts.

    So setting aside the issue of fair or just, you ladies and gents, have been duped into being the cover for a company who cant be bothered to put an iota of effort into policing a system they created. And you are stabbing each other instead of addressing the reason for the system in the first place.

    Please wake up and see that you are unequipped to deal with the focused gold sellers, please see that you are only capable of hurting other players in fits of pique and spite, Cryptic has placed you in the position of having to be insightful and just minded.

    Do you think they did that in the faith that you could actually do it?
  • fugazi632fugazi632 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Interesting debate.

    I report gold sellers as spam. I ignore people spamming chat selling stuff occasionally too. Apparently the end result - if you get 21 of either you get a 24 hour chat ban - is the same either way.

    The argument above that using 'report spam' to report anything other than RMT is an exploit itself is just semantics and rather silly.

    +1 for having a trade channel. I know there's a user created one, I think I'd probably use that if I want to sell something for gold - you only have to look at the number of these threads to know it's just common sense until there's a better solution.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    theboatape wrote: »
    Gotta love how the spam defenders are using a 3 year old post from another game to justify their obnoxiousness.

    1) I'm not defending spam. Feel free to ignore it all you want. BUT. Because the chat is broken, ignore also silences. THAT is what needs fixing.

    2) Cryptic designed THREE games. Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and this one. Neverwinter. All three use the same chat. That post is relevant STILL. You'd prefer I dug up older ones(yes, plural) from the first game, which launched in 2009?

    3) I agree that Cryptic's lack of action on such a longstanding issue is disheartening, but....this is the new shiny. Fresh team and the game is in the spotlight. If we, as players can make it be known somehow that we're not taking this broken system anymore...perhaps this time, it will change. How did The Architect put it? Oh, yes. " Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness." I still hope (after being shat on by Cryptic since 2009) that they'll listen one day.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Zone chat is for general chat only, not for advertising your items. Selling your gear/items to the highest bidder is exactly what the Auction House is designed for. Create/use custom channels for this purpose if you insist on not using the Auction House.

    The spam and ignore in game features are very important to the peace and tranquility of the great majority of players. Sometimes, someone gets banned that really shouldn't be banned. It's unfortunately but minor inconvenience considering all the good these features provide the community.

    Now, if anyone can think of ways to improve the spam/ignore features, then feel free to start a new thread on that topic.

    Since this one has degraded to bickering and personal attacks, it's being closed.

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