I had been looking for just such a concept build when I cooked up this one. It has more of a punchy vibe. Deacon Midnight v2.4.2-29 Super Stats Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Chiller (Dex: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 8, End: 10) Level 6: Impresario…
No worries. I see where I got off the track. Its definitely my play style and not the build at all. I am more of a stand and swing sort of fellow. I play mostly invul or unstoppable type sturdies. I can see where one would need to work this totally differently, open from stealth, rotate through stuns and heals, etc... It's…
How do you stay alive? I took this out into the ptr and it was very hard to survive anything over easy 1. Its probably just my play-style that doesn't match up with the build. I have been told that the ptr battlestation, being mostly without gear as it is, doesn't give a very good view of a build. That might contribute.…
Are not these also pay-for/gamble-for powers? But I get it... apply overpower... I can take my meager subscription-paying self and search up what available powers do that. Certainly there must be some.
Night warrior is good for sneaking around basic content and one-shotting bosses there but be super careful in events and group content, do not get hit. You are super fragile and will shatter like delicate glass.
So here is a modified version of the first build Trey Bien - Freeform v2.3.1-25 Super Stats Level 6: Presence (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10) Level 6: Shrug It Off (Con: 5, Pre: 5) Level 9: Healthy Mind (Con: 5,…
I have never been in the content that features these dogs but I don't think I would take this build into that sort of thing. That whole affair is a level of stress I would not attempt with so shaky a concept as CC anyway but certainly not this build I do agree. I feel like this is mostly incidental heals with a side order…
Would you say those are on par with Mental Storm, Ego storm, TK Maelstrom and Sleep? Do you think those powersets could take on QWZ using their control aspects?
I wish there was some way to trade out Defiant for Invul. I know that defiant is supposed to be great and all that if you have so much con that you soak everything anyway, but trying to level with defiant is pure pain, it like having no passive at all. I honestly think you are supposed to level with something else and then…
Ahh I see, well these two don't seem to mix too well for my uses. But who knows, maybe someone else will have an amazing idea and Flow's build looks great if you happen to have friends with whom to do content. Back to yon drawing board.
Doesn't Thermal Reverb specify that you have to be near targets with clinging flame to get the energy income from them? So even if I dropped CF on them from across the room, I wouldn't get any reverb action until I reached them. Throw Fire and Darts build exactly the same from range. Or is that not quite right?
Hmmm... Leading with Dex and Form of the Tempest. Okay that's pretty inspired, I can work with that. Brain Blade - Freeform Super Stats Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Strength (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Predator (Str: 8, Con: 10, Dex: 10, Rec: 10) Level 6: Relentless (Str:…
Testing this out it looks like Mental Leech hits for a little less than Ego Sprites, say like ten points of damage each tick. But Mental Leech seems to heal for at least double, maybe more in crowds. So if I were packing Ego and could make Sprites hurt, they would be the way to go for sure. But since I am in for the…
As an aside, mind Leech is a great power to go in the spot where TK Eruption is now. I have no ego to speak of but it is a stackable heal and a DoT that can worry away at minions while you smack around Lieutenants and bosses. Oh, and it can have Challenge. Not to mention, a telepathic might tank, how Mary Sue is that,…
Okay, so all this got totally out of hand and went a different way. In the spirit of mutation I present to you the next step in “what am I even doing?”. KnockBlade - Freeform Super Stats Level 6: Strength (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Behemoth (Con: 10,…
Yeah I totally switched rails on you Flow, sorry bout that. I figure if celestial wasn't going to mix in well I would just chuck it and give straight Darkness a try. My starting build (that I built, not the one I found in your depot) was a weird not-quite-tank build that was all over the place so I focused it in the stats…
Bah! Ch-ch-ch-CHAnges... Well, looks like maybe they don't go so good together after all. Ah well. I had tried to put together a dark build and in so doing chopped out everything except survival tools (which I doubled down on) and two damage sources. Its build Con first for survival but that does keep the damage low. Its a…
-sputter- Wha hwa whaaat?! Heresy I say ! In the spirit of just going too far, consider the following... Six Demon Magus - Freeform Super Stats Level 6: Ego (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Gunslinger (Con: 10, Dex: 10, Ego: 8, Rec: 10) Level 6: Wordly (Ego:…
I think I see how this is going, but that's getting ahead of myself. Lets look at the new version Six Demon Magus - Freeform Super Stats Level 6: Ego (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Gunslinger (Con: 10, Dex: 10, Ego: 8, Rec: 10) Level 6: Wordly (Ego: 5, Rec:…
On a particular level I agree with you on the summons but then there is the rub. What else can really go there that will make a difference. If it has a cast time then it is stepping on Defile or Condemn's cast. If its a click then its pretty small of of very little utility. If its a maintain then its eating all the energy…
Ehh, I may be the Grinch for thinking it, but if CO doesn't have any money it is because someone has their feet up on their desk instead of getting things done. The devs may be heroes in their own right for working with what meager assets they have at their disposal but it is someone's job to convince you to spend your…
How about some lateral thinking. Instead of make big number bigger or big number baaaad. How about some thoughts around mechanics that might cause you or your team to have to shift tactics. I remember one of the Halo games made a big deal about its AI and how different units could have different behaviors. Maybe a mob gets…
Ahh So I am doing it wrong... okay, that makes a little more sense. I am having a hard time getting those Compassion stacks. On an unrelated note, CoPD will fill up 8 stacks of Compassion right away.
I always wonder at the inclusion of Ego Sleep. While I know what it does, what it does seems to be ridiculously impractical in a pitched battle. And that makes me think that I may be misjudging what it does. Caaaaasts Ego Sleep - Target is asle.. nope, damage, awake again – Caaaaasts Ego Sleep – nope, more damage –…
Interesting. And quite true that looks appealing. Hybrid is a word I see more now. I don't remember it being much of a thing the last time I was here. I suppose some power changes have occurred that make the idea of hybrid roles more useful. Thanks much, Flow. I was wondering if you were going to retool your tank library…
Okay, so lets double down on darkness. No more circle and we are going to invest in Spirit Reverb with some fear procing powers which are, coincidentally, the same darkness powers as before. BWAha ha ha haaaa PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Riftbinder Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Constitution (Primary)…
I'm not sure and that is a very likely scenario. Okay, well back to the drawing board with that one. I was hoping there wasn't a hidden power interaction but it looks like its just plain ole damage. Thanks much.
Gear has always been a weak place for me and so I am usually chronically under-geared. You mentioned gearing for Con and Ego. I am not certain exactly what that means except for “Huh, I can put some more ego on this thing, think I’ll do that” Ideally I want to be of use to a group damage-wise. I spend a lot of time soloing…
If it seemed like I was criticizing Flowcyto’s initial build then please let me voice contrition. He has always been incredibly smart and gracious with his contributions to the CO community. It’s just that there is a variable that no builder can really account for… the player and their play style. I would never really use…
This is, of course, a good build and I thank you much for it Flowcyto. Three things stood out as questions when I looked it over though. So I went to the PTS to run it through the test bed. Duck and Cover I tried it with Energy Shield with Energy Sheath and with TK Shield and Reinforcement. Sure enough, even though I…
You have schooled me on defiance before and I don’t dispute its merits. I just spend much of my time under-geared so the powers I have need to carry their own weight and then some. I usually do PVE content and deal with mobs of mobs with the occasional Hard Target boss. So Invulnerability seems to work well for me and…
Hmmm I didn’t think about Typhoon, that’s a nice touch. I was never in love with the knockback so I won’t miss it. Plus I think it will play nice with Wind Reverb yeah? It has a repel chance doesn’t it? I will have to check that. I was dubious about Lock and Load but it was in the original loadout and I didn’t see a…