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konru2 Arc User



  • OMG it DOES work. There is a small delay between the activation and deactivation of a power armor toggle and the lockout effect. So I'm pretty used to seeing my charge powers go through a "false" charge if my fumble fingers accidentally hit the Reconstruction Circuits at the same time. My two Power Armors are both actual…
  • The Tactical Missiles power generates one missile at rank 1, 3 missiles at rank 2, and 5 missiles at rank 3. This is just the visual effect, though. Reconstruction Circuits, doesn't deactivate when you try to use non a PA attack. Instead, it actually locks out those non PA powers. If you activate Reconstruction, you won't…
  • The penalty is both bigger, but at the same time not as big as you seem to think. With Flight active, your powers costs 12% more than they do with no travel power. At the same time, you get a 15% penalty to energy generation, which means you take longer to charge up as well. Combined, that is a potential 25% hit to your…
  • To be honest, I have gone so far as to keybind "targetinfo" so I can read bios without wading through the menu system. If someone looks or acts interesting, I'm sure to open up his info screen and see what he wrote. I also get pleasantly surprised occasionally by people who open up my main character's bio and get the…
  • Yes, they completely changed the way that Enrage works. The Enrage power is now a toggle form similar to the Martial Arts forms, and you can only have one Enraged buff if you don't have Enrage active. On top of that, they reduced the damage bonus you get per unit, so a full stack of enrage is less damage than it used to…
  • Here are some of my own observations regarding primary Intelligence and Detect Vulnerability. At least in the Powerhouse's battle station, I have noticed that anything stronger than a minion has resistance. Without Detect Vulnerability or other armor penetration powers, a power that hits in the low 1,100s against minions…
  • The Inferno, the Sourge, or the Cursed? The Inferno is a free archetype based on fire. It's good DPS. But probably not what you are talking about. The Scourge (and the Cursed) uses the Infernal Supernatural set, so is that it? If it is the Scourge, then I can tell you a few things. Supernatural Power at level 25 translates…
  • Honestly, I haven't found it to be a bad power at all with the right build. On my level 40 support hero, I have 4,474 HP max normally. But with Protection field, I can spend 41 energy to get a 3,492 or better (when Compassion starts building) damage shield that also gives me 10% energy every time I, or whoever I have the…
  • Doesn't quite work that way. With both those powers, if you have one or more Defiant on you, the stack is just refreshed. So if you do have the Defiance passive, these powers can be used to extend the time the buff lasts if you somehow don't take hits for a while. As long as there is something for you to hit you can…
  • Strength and Enrage are really specialized for melee. They tend to be much less help in any ranged build. Instead of Enrage, you want to use Concentration, which is specifically for ranged. You will need either Intelligence or Ego in order to boost Concentration. My main hero is a ranged hybrid tank based off Int/Dex/Rec…
  • Actually, looking good so far. The build I'm giving to you should feel a lot like the same. Since what you have is looking good so far, all I really needed to do is to plug in some values. This is built to level 36, so there are a few more advantages and specializations to purchase before 40. But it should fit into your…
  • You are correct that defensive, offensive, ans support passives match the appropriate role, with only Hybrids able to use all of them. But only one at a time. However, the Behemoth archetype does not use Unstoppable ever. The archetypes that do use that passive is Unleashed and the Devastator. If you are looking at…
  • Well, yes, I can say that I have had some of that experience. Sort of. Actually, the character I have using Devour Essence is a full out support hero that has used Infernal Bolts, Devour Essence, and Supernatural Power as her first three powers and only direct attack, instead choosing powers with various support options…
  • Telepathy for ranged damage? Actually, that's kind of hard to imagine. Besides Ego blast, what else can one do? Telekinesis is a different story altogether and works well with telepathy, though. Your Ego stat now gives the same bonus to ranged and mentalist attacks that Strength does for melee attacks. The hard cap has…
  • Claws is spectacular for single target damage. Dragon's claws is one of the best out there for single target damage, if not the best. However the set doesn't have anything for AoE. If you are investing in Freeform, you will very likely have to borrow a power from another set for mass minion shredding. Dual Blade is good at…
  • Re: Missions Honestly, if you like to read stories, CoX was where you were at. The sheer variety of missions has been unmatched anywhere else as far as I can see. Even though I got to the point where I had to cancel my subscription and even "free to play" wasn't enough to lure me back, I can still honestly say I haven't…
  • Unfortunately, it looks like even the attempt to heal someone will cause you to decloak. So Sneak and Sentinel Aura doesn't mix. On a team, or even with pets out, the constant team healing means you're constantly de-cloaked. Bug or undocumented feature? Who knows? I just can't recommend Sentinel's Aura to Night Warriors…
  • In the specific build I proposed. I am tempted to say the amount of Int that is "enough" is 10. In all honesty, the Recovery stat scales up every source energy out there, all energy unlocks, energy building, blocking, Circle of Arcane Power, taps of Psionic Healing, Form energy when a stack is gained, Defiance energy when…
  • Way closer to August, 2009, Teleport was a lot more exploitable than it is today. In Bash (everyone vs everyone) and UTC (Team vs. Team) arenas, it was the case that you can tell who was going to lose by their travel powers. Nobody attacked the Teleporters if they had a choice because frankly, they would just phase out and…
  • Just a quickie... PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Master Level 6: Agile Level 9: Acrobat Level 12: Impresario Level 15: Quick Recovery Level 18: Survival Training Level…
  • Two things really. If Mr. Chicken Runner the DPS eats a big AoE, Mindful Reinforcement is a lot easier to stick on him before he gets out of range than anything other than Iniquity. And if he gets out of enemy range fast enough, MR can give him a big boost in "confidence" sooner than his own natural healing. For that…
  • Ah, that sounds a lot like me. Although my magnetic inspiration has more been Magneto with a side of electricity throwing more than anything else. For a basic electricity theme, I find that Electric Bolt, Lightning Arc, and Sparkstorm with Electric Personality as the first three powers will have the hero looking like an…
  • Realistically speaking. I'm showing rank 1 Seraphim being about 31% healing. (I personally have her use Aura of Ebon Destruction, for reasons that deserve an entirely different post.) So if that is 45% at rank 3, that's roughly 300 extra healing per pop of rank 3 Iniquity, or 550 extra shielding on a protection field or…
  • Move Aura of Ebon Destruction and Concentration up to level 8 and 11, respectively. Once you have your first single target and area attack, it is better to just push those up as far as you can with your passive and form before moving on to other powers. Otherwise, looking good so far.
  • Actually, it's not looking bad so far. The biggest concern I have is that if you want Vengeance for your level 6 power, you need either Rebuke or Radiance as one of your level 1 powers. But that's easy enough to correct. Beyond that, to use heavy weapons effectively, some degree of mobility is required. Jet Pack instead of…
  • Just consider it flame bait and me responding somewhat inappropriately to it. Don't mind it too much. QFT is common enough to make it into the Urban Dictionary. But I probably wouldn't have known that without a Google search. And since I'm here, I might as well get this off my chest. I actually have a lot of respect for…
  • Oh, I've been introduced to the FCOBF as their #1 member? I am so honored. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm telling every Soldier AT PvPer out there to Smoke Grenade your pansy Blade **** until you lrn 2 play, n00b. :tongue: I'm sure the tears will be delicious. :frown: Perception is so "unfair/overpowered" because stealth…
  • Whoa there. Slow down. I will say this again. Take your archetype Night Warrior and sign up for the archetype PvP arenas that don't allow Freeform heroes in. You never, ever, have to participate in PvP against a Freeform hero unless you choose to. Although I'm pretty sure in this case my advice actually won't help you. The…
  • I certainly understand. Earth has been a temptation for me as well since the new changes. I haven't fully explored a full-out earth hero, but I have experimented with adding some earth to my main hero. Re: Overlap Stone shot has two properties that make it still useful for advanced Earth wielders. First, it is the only…
    in Earth help Comment by konru2 August 2012
  • Each battle pet is actually a specific power you can purchase. Archetype inventors get a choice of munitions bots and attack toys at level 11, and always get support drones at 17. The Void archetype has the option to choose a Void Horror pet at level 17, and can learn to summon a trio of shadows at 35. The Mind doesn't…
  • Looks like I'm late to this party. Honestly, I'm reminded of an old PvP "supertank" tactic. One of the bigger features of Defiance is that it gives you energy every 4 seconds scaling to constitution and improved by recovery. With an extreme constitution like that, the extra energy is more than enough to fuel Bountiful Chi,…
  • Since the changes in preparation for archetypes and free to play, almost everything now scales up with your superstats, with the only real exceptions being Defiance and the various form powers. However that didn't used to be the case. Closer to when Champions was first released as a subscription game, a lot more specific…
  • Oh my! Did I accidentally derail a thread with one of my comments? Yay! Well... I do have a level 40 that uses Lightning Reflexes as a passive. Going into the power catalog and reading off some of the rank 1 powers: Reconstruction Circuits: 412 hp/s. Conviction: 1100 hp click with 3.7s cooldown. Bountiful Chi Resurgence:…
  • I suspect that a Con/Ego/Dex super stat with Defiance combination can work just as well on power armor as it would with a munitions, gadgeteering, elemental, dark, or infernal tank. The individual powers in the power armor framework aren't any weaker than what you will find in the other ranged frameworks. However, it is…
  • This is something I have tested for on the public test server. I have created a 'Fist' archetype character on PTS, set his level to 40, given him heirloom gear and talents for 320 Dex, 178 Str, & 184 Rec, Way of the Warrior rank 3, 8 stack of form by working up on the training dummy, and I can read Open Palm Strike rank 3…
  • Technically, they won't reappear if your hot-bar is full. But that is a bit harder than it appears. The keys 1-7 and Alt 1-7 are just enough to have a key for every power if you are a freeform that has chosen all active powers. Slotted passives and enhanced block each have their own specific place on you hot-bar, so if you…
  • Just what kind of stats are you running? I'm showing Rank 2 of Defensive Combo on my hybrid as doing 3 hits of 299, 343, and 705. At rank 3, it shows me 359, 411, and 846. So unless my trusty calculator is broken, that is 50-141 extra damage for rank 3. That's nowhere even close to 400 extra threat per strike of Crippling…
  • Whether you are a ranged DPS, ranged tank, or ranged hybrid. The one must-have skill I can think of is Concentration. Which means one of your must-have stats is either Ego or Intelligence. Dexterity is actually a really powerful super-stat to have, even as a secondary. As a primary stat, specializations can help your…
  • Allow me to say this first. If you are running Invulnerability or Defiance, you aren't in Support role. They're incompatible. Iniquity is technically the fastest team heal there is. But the fact that its energy comes out of your health is a big minus. If you're regularly taking yourself down to a quarter health in order to…
  • The wiki and in-game catalog don't currently display how fast, or how much of a cooldown each of the pet's powers have. So it's actually a bit harder to compare pets just from the wiki data. Muntion Bots are actually rather popular among pet users. Among the controllable pets, they are the only ones with a 100' range, and…