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trimenranger1 Arc User



  • Constitution was replaced by Excelsior which was replaced by Ambassador which was replaced by Galaxy which was replaced by soverign... Excel, Amabas, and Gals have T5 Fleet retrofit variants, why not have oberth T5 Fleet retro?
  • I run a Fleet Escort(Saber Skin) with 2 Breen Cluster, 2 Fleet Trans [acc],[dmg3] fwd, 1breen cluster, 2 fleet Trans aft. I also have 3 piece Adapted MACO and run 4 transphasic MKXI very rare tact consoles and to top it off the Rules 62 uni console. The ship is a beast in PvP. Fire a cluster plus a TS3 volley and even…
  • Here is my ship U.S.S. Grendel Thanks for the website. It will take me a whole day to replicate my armada. I wish cryptic did not put a cap in the number of Z-store ship unlocks :mad: Edit: My ship's gear is not showing up
  • Tact Captain here. I own almost all cruisers with the exception of the Fleet Assault Cruiser. Chevron Separation does help the Oddy greatly and does not nerf the hull healing abilities as bad as the Exploration Saucer separation. My assault cruiser is setup with FWD Weapons -Anti-proton Dual beam bank MkXII Fleet/Dmg 3/Acc…
  • you do know they gave you 21 day to get 14 shards right?
  • Do not laugh i run a Andorian torp and cannon build I have 2 Breen clusters forward with 2 Fleet Transphasic Torpedos. I also keep the wing cannon in the 5th spot Aft I run 1 Cluster Torp and 1 Tranphasic torpedo. I have the Adapted MACO set along with the rule 62 console. Damage is amazing.
  • I love them. If you team has a good tank cruiser taking the aggro the boosted DPS is very noticeable. Also do not be afraid to throws heals on them.
  • To the OP. As stated before this game is in constant development. Things can and will change and not always to your liking. Unlike previous changes Cryptic gave a full refund. Cryptic did what was right in this instance. On your fleet situaiton. I do not agree with other have said. The size and level of the fleet does not…
  • Um that photonic decoy is awesome. Hit evasive manuvers and that and you pretty much get away each time. Also the console can be placed on any ship.
  • Arguing fuel efficiency and real life mechanics in a Sci-Fi game. Priceless.
  • We already have the Atrox and now we also have the recluse and the dreadnaught carriers. We even have the 2 heavy escort carriers and the vesta. Why do we need another carrier?
  • Fleet recond Science Vessel I run 2 Transphasic cluster torps, Fleet MK XII Transphasic forward with the same aft. Engine, Shield, and Deflector: Adapted maco Eng Console: Rule 62 uni Console Neutronium Armor Mk XII Very Rare Sci Console: Flow Capacitor MK XI Very rare Shield Emitter MK XII Very Rare Shield Capacity MK XII…
  • Comparison: Gal-R: 2 tact consoles Gal-X: 3 tact consoles Gal-R: 8 weapon slots Gal-X: 8 weapon slots + Phaser lance + Dual Cannons capable + cloak I see the Gal-X as a Gal-R with more punch. It should never be on par with an escort in sustainable firepower. I am a Tact I have a Fleet Gal-R and a Gal-X I love em both.…
  • The OP mentioned they just unlockled Advanced Fleet weaponry, they are a long way off from elite. The acc2 dmg 2 will be great for those of us with that will have access to them, but for smaller fleets Advanced weaponry is amazing. as Stated before the AP setup is better for overall damage, Tetryon is great at dropping…
  • Didn't Voyager have a Cannon installed in trade for isolinear chips?
  • I am confused. Cruisers are great as they are. I have so many ship that I hit the Ship cap (32). I am a tact but my favorite ships to fly are cruisers. The Fleet Heavy Cruiser (Stargazer) is my absolute favorite ship to pilot. I switch to escorts if my fleet is doing a STF run. My favorite ships are; 1. Fleet Heavy Cruiser…
  • 0 if you join the fleet
  • I like the Gal-X. I run several weapon and Tac BOFF loadouts depending on what I am doing. My Engr and Sci Boff stay the same PvE Single Cannon, Single Cannon, Dual Heavy Cannon, Quantum torp Turret, Turret, Turret, Turret LT Tac BOFF: Torpedo Spread I, Cannon Scatter Volley I PvP Beam Array, Beam Array, Dual Heavy Cannon,…
  • Breen ship was in DS-9. It's Canon. To the KDF captain complaining about feds asking for upgrades to cruisers. Sounds like you do not want the feds to have anything that will end the KDF dominance of pvp.
  • Ahh that is the beauty in my design. If you know real world tactics frigates and destroyers act as standalone vessels with tremedous capabilities. It's all about how you integrate those capabilities within a fleet. I proposed a way to balance each ship against one another so that each will have a situational advantage they…
  • I posted a decent proposal on changing balance. I think it fixes everything. If you don't think so then join the discussion. Click
  • Treaen, good response. The idea is to give ships actual purposes and better defined roles that better mirror real world tactics. Capital ships are the center piece of the fleet with attendant and pickett ships arrayed around it for protection. Cruisers have firepower range but lack the versatility and agility of Frigates…
  • I propose that the drop off for DHC's be changed? This is part of the balance. In my proposal a cruiser with Beams will have over twice the firing range of a escort using a DHC however once the Escort that moves 50% faster then a cruiser closes the distance to 10km the DHC's ferocity will more then make up the damage taken…
  • Is it just me, when i read the OP I picture a kid QQing because he is not special anymore. Instead of QQing about how easy No Win is now, start lobbying for a elite version of No win is. Perhaps it should award bind to account on pickup FSM's but make it repeatable once every 48 hours.
  • um things you need as a tac escort Tac team 1 CSV TS FBP and or RSP 1st thing you need to do is drop tac team 1 on the freighter. this will focus shield on the side being hit second pop Feed Back pulse or Reverse Shield Polarity along with Cannon Scatter Volley and Torpedo Spread. Once you get aggro take note of which…
  • My setups for the two I use the most Peregrine Attack Fighter Deflector: *Borg Engine: *Borg Shield: *Borg Engineering Counsel: *Univeral Assimilated Science: N/A Tactical: Phaser Relay MK XI [Blue], Phaser Relay MK XI [Blue] Armament: Phaser Dual Cannon MK XII [Borg], [ACC],[CritH], Phaser Dual Cannon MK XII [Borg],…
  • Assuming you fully upgrade to very rare MK XII, is the set worth it over the easier to aquire Borg/MACO MKXII/HG MKXII/Omega MKXII? I am collecting just to collect it but is the set just a trophy or is it worth running shuttle mission for the next two years to build?
  • Did someone say pie? where do I sign up?
  • With soo many ships to choose from I desgined all my cruisers to fill specialized roles, The Doffs I run on my cruisers are Ops Odessey: 2 reduce bridge officer ability[blue],[blue] 1 chance enhance all power on use of emergy power X[puple] 1 chance to reduce timer on beam specials[blue] 1 reduce torpedo reload…
  • Gal-r has 2 tac counsels, Gal-X has 3