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molaigh Arc User



  • The old Aegis was hull resist. Are we sure the new one is? The devblog likened it to the fleet shields - which would imply shield resist.
  • I've heard that Starfleet has started revoking command codes for captains who can't follow basic protocol. In all seriousness, you posted in the wrong forum and people will probably need more details before they can help you.
    in File Locked? Comment by molaigh May 2014
  • I have to disagree on a bunch of that... Sci captain or no, you need substantial weapon power if you are going to be useful. Get it high and keep it high. You don't need the hull heal console, or the shield console if you have that many sci/eng Boff slots - get the plasma infused consoles to help your damage. Stacking…
    in Vesta Help Comment by molaigh May 2014
  • So you changed the set bonus on the mk XI and didn't update the shield? I understand only changing the mk XII, but by doing this halfway you have actually broken the existing mk XI sets (the 3-piece proc being the reason to use the set). Please either give the old sets the old bonus or update all mark levels.
  • Just load the STO launcher directly? ARC is a boondoggle anyway.
  • For now, please anticipate that the Arc client will continue to launch individual game launchers." = ARC will run in the background and eat up system resources while it runs and executable that would serve to start your game just fine. Please stop this crud. There is already a thread on these forums on how to disable ARC.…
  • stowiki.org ^bookmark this. Romulan shield set helps the survivability of your plasma torps. Romulan weapon set boost plasma damage. T'varo console gives you the cool overcharged plasma torpedo.
  • Don't agree that DPS is the optimal way to do end game content? Are you nuts? The reason you see other ships is because a lot of the players don't understand that statement or don't care. It doesn't change the fact that the quickest way to complete STFs is to bring damage (be it cruiser BFAW or escorts). Science abilities…
  • This is a great idea and, as it would apply to the fleet ships (maybe only?), would drive some money from my pocket into Cryptic's.
  • Too lazy to actually work for your marks. Got it. Grow up.
  • Care to comment on the pages of follow-up conversation where we all wonder why sci powers can't be more effective?
  • So killing five small ships that are sitting perfectly still and using no heals... once every minute.... is over powered? I appreciate the feedback in the thread and the quick response, but could you explain why the dev team is terrified of science skills with teeth? To get high aux and a large number of points in particle…
  • Could you, please, just fix it to work as advertised and let use by players determine if it is too powerful???? Pre-nerfing a fix, especially a science skill (we needs more of these to be effective) and a skill that can be flown out of, seems.... Silly.
  • Can we get this stickied??? I know that we'll never be able to convince PWE is a horrible waste of time and resources, but at least we can advertise that it's unnecessary.
  • Get rid of the damn thing. It's pointless bloat that I'm sure will be used to try to sell us stuff. I launch the loaders for PWE game directly and skip the thing.
  • We have also seen much less premade teams in the queue. Perhaps most noticeable is the absence of the usual flock of Pandas, Nova and Turkish RP. What happened to your east coast US folks? ...I will admit that some have wondered if the lack of some of these teams are tied to the rumors about macros and whatnot. I hope not,…
  • First, you don't have to pay twice. That is your choice because you want access to things RIGHT NOW. Build your fleet and wait, you will only pay twice. Second, there are advantages to being in a fleet in terms of gear and ships. There for, the game is designed with a hefty and time and resource cost to achieve these…
  • Don't mix weapon types (cannons, beams, torps) - pick one to focus on. The D'dex can't turn, so I'd equip beam arrays for a broadside. Use BFaW. If you have problems with energy levels than you can fit a torp, but don't bother with a BoFG skill for it.
  • Variety is nice, but I would suggest that cannons stay on escorts and instead to add new items specific for other ships. Science vessels could get beam turrets (synergizes with subsystem targeting) and cruisers could get heavy armor/shield generators (or something similar). Great specialization options > allowing people to…
  • The tholians need to be harder, frankly. Nukara space missions are ridiculously easy. CE is just a slog. To the OP - your problems seem to be build related. As noted EPtW and ET will solve your weapon issue and a friend with BFaW will fix the web.
  • There is a work around for this - you need to commission one federation BOFF (add it to the active roster). You can then use federation BOFFs on reserve to train your crew.
  • Will we ever see more endgame content like the STF missions? We have reputation content for the Romulans and Nukara, but they don't really measure up. The Borg reputation missions are generally multi-stage, well thought out, have failure conditions, optional objectives and have a normal/elite difficulty level. A full set…
  • Naming and shaming isn't going to help. Neither will "standing up for yourself." Somewhere these guys are laughing right now because they've upset you enough that you've committed a chunk of your time (time that you could have spent playing the game, taking a walk, eating dinner, working, etc) to writing big walls of text.…
  • I'm sorry, but this is incorrect. Based on the base values for mk XII gear: Single cannon + turret -- 212 + 132 = 344 DPS Beam array + beam array -- 176 + 176 = 352 DPS Single cannons have some utility on science vessels with front facing BOff skills. Use of canon rapid fire also insures single target pressure, where as…
  • If you can assemble a pre-made group with fairly high dps ships (even 6.5k will work reasonably well), then just send one ship to each spawn and have the fifth float as needed. You will max put your points with 2-3 minutes remaining. In PUGs.... Please don't use repulsors, people generally don't pay enough attention to…
  • Agreed, we can cancel other rep projects now - this needs to be able to be cancelled.
  • I've experimented with something quite similar. Here are my thoughts: drop the beams and go all out torps. You may also want to consider mines in the back, if you sit close to your enemies in ESTFs, they will deploy and hit your target. Also, stick to one torp type - I would recommend all quantum or all plasma (the burns…
  • No. Reputation is meant to provide bonuses to you in exchange for time and effort spent. If you don't want to do the work, then don't. Yes, the various methods for grinding rep should be improved, but just giving unit away for real cash is not the answer. And no, I will not grind your characters for you. If it's not worth…
  • I fully agree that we need more endgame PvE content. The STFs are brilliant and we really should have four ground and four space options for each reputation grind. Each would, of course, have an option for elite or normal (I'd love a ridiculously hard "uber-elite" setting for people that really want a challenge) The…
  • This may be slightly off topic, but as two people replied about builds, this seems a good chance to provide some advice that will help people with this and eventually ESTF missions. 1) The D'deridex has a dreadful turn rate, you can't be moving and keep narrow weapon arcs on target. You especially can't flop end to end to…