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Should fleet cost be determined by size of the fleet?

lordlegionxlordlegionx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I have been wondering how many small and large fleets there are and if the cost of the fleet should be determined by the size of the fleet... I have a really small fleet(only 2 people in the fleet) and I wonder what you all think of the cost of building a fleet. I under stand that the cost should be high because of the level of stuff you can get from the higher level of your fleet but should small fleets have to pay the same amount as a large fleet. I ask because if I ever want any of the high level equipment, gear, personal, ect I have to spend a LOT of time, ec and dilithium just to get to tier one while a large fleet will have just the first tier in 10 while my small fleet could take months if not a year to complete tier one. We don't all have the time and money to sit here all day every day to collect the necessary ec, dilithium, ect to build the fleet. All thou I know I can go to a fleet that is a high tier and spend even more to donate to there fleet just to get a high level gear, ship equipment, ect... So now I have to work on 2 or more fleets just to get any thing... while large fleet only have to work on one fleet ONLY, why is that a small fleet has to PAY 2 or 3 times as much as larger fleets. I think that is a little much with the reputation and special events as well as trying to pay for building my fleet. Why should I have to PAY to build my fleet plus donate to some other fleet and work on my reputation and PAY zen to buy ships when large fleets simply go to there fleet and ONLY PAY for there large fleet... So according to perfect world a small fleet will have to work on 2 or more fleets to get any high level stuff wile having to also pay to get any of the reputation stuff... or am I just missing the point here? What are your thoughts on this?
Post edited by lordlegionx on


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    xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No. You have to do one or the other.

    If you go to a large fleet and donate to get your stuff then you have it already and don't have to build up your fleet.

    If you work on the small fleet and get the level up, then you can get the stuff and don't have to go to a large fleet.

    I don't see how you make the jump from my fleet is low level so if i want good stuff i have to donate to 2 or 3.
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    molaighmolaigh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First, you don't have to pay twice. That is your choice because you want access to things RIGHT NOW. Build your fleet and wait, you will only pay twice.

    Second, there are advantages to being in a fleet in terms of gear and ships. There for, the game is designed with a hefty and time and resource cost to achieve these things. A larger group will be able to gain these resources a faster. This is just fine. The game is "massively multiplayer," not "me and a friend."
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    icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    if they reduced the costs for small fleets people would start a fleet and only do two or 3 people. but funnel supplies to them via alts. just to get it built fast for less. then join up...no it needs to stay the same across the board. like others said its a MMo.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

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    carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You also have to consider that there will be a large number of fleets out there who have 100+ members on the roster, yet only 5 or 6 in regular attendance. Is that a large fleet or a small fleet?

    I do not feel it's fair that those fleets should they be unnecessarily forced into a position in which they have to kick people who may at some point come back.

    A fleet costs what it costs. If you want the gear, there a plenty of fleets out there who sell access to the top end fleet gear and ships. Besides, if the only reason you started that fleet with your friend was to get gear, you chose THE single most expensive and time consuming way to get it.

    If you want the gear and ships now, you have two options:

    1. Join a different fleet on the understanding that you will leave after you contribute an agreed amount of fleet credit.

    2. Look out for the 'Selling T5 fleet gear/ships' ads on zone chat, buy the 4 fleet modules (500 zen per module) and pay what they ask. access ranges from 10-15 million EC. I've never spoken to anyone about it, so I can't tell you how much they charge after that per weapon/ship.

    Also, regarding the fleet gear, while it's nice to have and I have no problem with people having 'be uber' as a goal, the stuff you can get by yourself through rep is more than enough for PvE, and most of it is decent enough for PvP too.

    If you go with the first option, you can go for the gear on your main with the big fleet and continue with (I assume you have at atleast one) building your own base with any alts you may have, thereby continuing to play with your buddy and gearing up your main so that when it returns to your fleet, the grind is easier.

    Option number 2 is pretty much the same, but will save you time and you won't run the risk of being duped (it happens, rarely, but it happens) by the bigger fleet.

    That said, I wish you the best of luck with your two man fleet. When the base, embassy, mine and whatever else they add are finished, you guys will be able to stand back and be videogame proud of your achievement.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
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    rathelmrathelm Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What would the logical reason be for changing the costs? If you think the costs are too high, that's fine, but shouldn't the benefit of lower costs be given to all fleets?
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rathelm wrote: »
    What would the logical reason be for changing the costs? If you think the costs are too high, that's fine, but shouldn't the benefit of lower costs be given to all fleets?

    Some folks think that being in a larger fleet is a picnic .
    It's not .
    The work still needs to be done , in most fleets ppl still focus on the Fed base first , leaving it's KDF counterpart behind to be finished "later" , plus more then a few fleets have had issues of all sorts .

    The starbase system itself was introduced in July 12, 2012 .
    That's a year ago , and less then a dozen fleets have finished their starbases (afaik) .

    Building a starbase is a long and very costly affair , and it's not for everyone .
    You can still get up to Tier 2 or 3 by yourselfs , or you can ask for access for purchases to a Tier 5 starbase from one of the fleets who are there .
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    binebanebinebane Member Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    quit your small fleets and join bigger fleets that can actually finish their projects.
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    For some reason all MMO's try to indoctrinate you to require at least 4 other people to do anything, even use the restroom. :eek:

    I think this is because that mindset works best for these games because these games encourage this mindset.

    A vicious circle.

    Now if some company were to make a Solo game with optional MP using an MMO cloud for resurces, well, they would clean up this market except for those already of an "MMO mindset."

    I have found that being dependant on others is a great way to find disappointment as humans are selfish creatures by nature.

    Of course the younger people haven't learned this yet. but they will, especially in an MMO.
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It doesn't matter what you think. Cryptic believes that they fixed the problem with the Dilithium Mine.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Because all you'd have to do is have your 5000 fleet members in rotation every night, kick a guy out the next one comes in throws in resources and you will have lowered the cost to a 2 man fleet being built by a huge group.

    And it wouldn't matter if you put a member cap on either aslong as you can rotate people it's open to heavy exploiting.

    So, you'd have to make fleets that had a member limit and couldn't except new people at all.
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    jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited July 2013
    I would love to see the fleet system be on a sliding scale or tier per amount of users for project costs. Massive Multiplayer does not mean massive groups of players, it means there are many playing the same game at the same time. You want massive group there is OOC/zone chat. Fleet project in either sliding or tiered could have a minimum project cost at 25 players. Both should have a 7 day wait limit for when 10 or more people have been kicked before those members are removed from the count of players used in calculating the project costs to prevent kicking members and starting projects and bringin those members back.

    Tiered could be levels of 50, 1-50 being the first group, 51 to 100 next and so on and so forth. project calculated at half those but based upon accounts in fleet and not alts so if you have 10 accounts and 50 alts the projects are far more difficult because they are set for 25 accounts+.

    scaling is just that projects scale with the number of characters in the fleet + all who left in the past 7 days. minimum of 25 calculated for projects. A project is started but resources are not finished then if a new player joins the project requirements increase. If one leaves the 7 day rule applies.

    For both 10-15% of an average players daily resource collection from the whole game is what is used to calculate project costs with X amount of time to fill the project. Upgrades calculated at 100% average and X amount of time. 10 to 15% of everyones daily intake of resources is reasonable to donate, this is a game not a second or third job and should remain a game. 100% for upgrades is reasonable because those are a big deal and everyone in a fleet should work at getting them done.

    Either one of those is good for fleets of all sizes and fair across the board. It opens up more small fleets who may specialize in one thing creating more tournaments and fleet scrimages in PvP. PvE and PvP oriented fleets will be more abundant so players can have more choice. Those who like small fleets can be in one and not be punished for it and those who prefer large ones can be in one and not feel punished because the small fleets have it easier to level.
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    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
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    rathelmrathelm Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Some folks think that being in a larger fleet is a picnic .
    It's not .
    The work still needs to be done , in most fleets ppl still focus on the Fed base first , leaving it's KDF counterpart behind to be finished "later" , plus more then a few fleets have had issues of all sorts .

    The starbase system itself was introduced in July 12, 2012 .
    That's a year ago , and less then a dozen fleets have finished their starbases (afaik) .

    Building a starbase is a long and very costly affair , and it's not for everyone .
    You can still get up to Tier 2 or 3 by yourselfs , or you can ask for access for purchases to a Tier 5 starbase from one of the fleets who are there .

    Oh yeah absolutely. My experience with 1 large fleet is that the majority of people donate a little, aka less than 100,000 credits worth. Well there's at least 50,000,000 worth of credits to get everything maxed out. If you have 5 dedicated players that are willing to lay down the credit card you'll get your base built faster than the fleet that has 500 players with all of them being casual and ******** that its not done yet.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There is nothing wrong with the current cost of a fleet. The problem lies in the fact that there are too many of them not willing to put forth any effort into them. Large fleet's can grow quickly due to their size, but can also hinder their members by limiting how much they can earn due to some hogging up the fleet credits by contributing more than others. Not to say that this is something they should be punished for, but it can cause problems. While smaller fleet's may take more effort and time to advance, they have the luxury of better earning potential all around in fleet credits, so long as they each equally contribute. A fleet requires a lot of time and effort, so asking for larger fleet's to have to pay out more than a smaller fleet would only complicate things by punishing the larger fleet's and benefitting the smaller ones. The goodies that are associated with fleet's are not something that is really even needed for play, it is simply just that goodies [fluff] to reward those who do put so much effort into a fleet.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This seems to be a re-hash of other "Fleet costs should scale with the size of the fleet", so I didn't bother reading most of the posts here.
    In those other threads, and I read one in here as well though, One argument stands out "If you have a reduced cost fleet, because it has, say only 2-10 members, what about, all of a sudden, 100 more join up, because you hit T5 quickly? How is that fair to the large fleets (say 100-300 members), that had to struggle with the large costs, because they were larger all along" In that vein, the only fair thing, would be to "lock" that smaller fleet to a max size, at whatever cap that "sliding scale" has for that tier sized fleet, in my example, 10. And no revolving door policy, if someone leaves the fleet, it takes 7 days for that slot to open back up, to prevent revolving door abuse. Also, would have to kill off fleet map inviting, so that doesn't get abused either/
    Now keep in mind, I'm not against small fleets (or even solo fleets), but this particular type of proposal just opens itself to ALL kinds of abuse by "gaming" the system.
    Fleets, like anything else, are all about choices. A large fleet, by it's very nature, is going to have certain advantages (providing, of course, that at least 50% of it's player's are at least active on a reg basis.) Whereas, a small fleet, is like to have the advantages of less in-fighting, less people to take away those provisions, less people that will be withdrawing from the bank, etc etc. So if you want that small fleet, by all means, go for it, and have fun with it. But understand, that sometimes, it will be a little bit of a struggle to get somethings that you want. On the other hand, if you want a large fleet, go for that. Some things might be easier, some things will be harder, as well, there.
    But you shouldn't get "large fleet" advantages, along with "small fleet" advantages. That's not how anything, even remotely realistic, works. Balance the pros & cons of your options, and make the choice that appeals to you.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited July 2013
    The revolving door argument can easily be mitigated with a 7 day lock on reducing project size from leaving the fleet and if the projects scale up with each new member then any fleet that drops enough members to have small projects will end up being a small fleet because projects come and go so quickly they would never get the 7 day cooldown to finish. I think that is more fear mongering when there is an easy solution. There does need to be fairness to both large and small fleets.
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    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
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    wardmattwardmatt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the only way to fix it is to have a up gradable population cap for fleets.
    the farther you up grade the star base the more it cost to raise the population cap. but the lower the population cap the lower the costs of up grading the star base.
    "We've Been Looking For The Enemy For Some Time Now. We've Finally Found Him. We're Surrounded. That Simplifies Things"
    - Lewis Burwell "chesty" Puller
    How Romulans Should Choose What Faction They Are In
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A scaling effect do to fleet size would be nice, but you would have to be penalized in a way that once you commit to a project, and you lose members they won't affect those projects by causing a reduction in cost. This isn't exactly perfect, but it may cause fleet's to reconsider when booting players, or talking leaving members to reconsider leaving the fleet. Granted those who don't really contribute, or are almost never on it's no real loss, but it's an idea to some small degree. Me personally the system is generally good the way it is currently.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No matter what you come up with, I, personally, will think of a way to exploit it for all it's worth. So, this idea will NEVER HAPPEN, seeing as I can hardly be the only one.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No matter what you come up with, I, personally, will think of a way to exploit it for all it's worth. So, this idea will NEVER HAPPEN, seeing as I can hardly be the only one.

    The biggest thing I could see (and have suggested this before) to compensate for small fleets is something like "rested XP" in other MMOs.

    So, for example, if it's been 1 week since you completed a project, your next single project gets a 25% bonus to holding XP categories. 2 weeks, 50%. 3 weeks, 75%. 4 weeks, 100%.

    Single reward bonus for each project slot. All it does is keep slow fleets more up to par. If a project lags, the next project in that slot gets the bonus applied.
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    kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It all comes down to this community building or isolation. In it's purpose the fleet system brings people together players who want a solo fleet or fleet with just friends (10 players) know that cost will be higher. As far recruiting so people can donate then just kick them once the small fleet get what they want is just wrong put a bad taste in a players mouth when they talk about fleets. An recognized in game alliances with fleet could solve the small fleet dilemma. Ally with a different fleet and put up projects that an ally fleet can donate the ally fleet would get provisions for their fleet while the smaller fleet would get the XP. It would solve the fleet hopping and lessen the grind. Putting a sliding scale for project requirement will never happen to many variables to make it work and would muddy up the fleet system with red tape.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
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    lordlegionxlordlegionx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First I wanted to thank you for all of your thoughts on the subject and second for all the people who replied that the cost if just fine the way it is... I have a question for that reply... Do you have 128,000 Dilithium to give me for free? Because you must have more then that lying around to give away... because that is just the dilithium cost just to get the tier one starbase ( upgrade cost for eng, mil, sci and starbase) and then there is the rest like shield generators, doff's, ect. It is not right for ALL THE LARGE FLEETS TO ONLY HAVE TO PAY A SMALL FRACTION OF THE COST (even if the starbase only has 5 people in it that is only 1/5 of 128,000 dilithium and 1/5 of 1900 to 3000+ shield generators, 1/5 of the 24 doffs needed for one upgrade ect.) So I will ask again WHY DO LARGE FLEETS GET TO PAY SMALLER AMOUNTS TO UPGRADE THERE STARBASE AND SMALLER FLEETS PAY MORE? Also could you inform us of how many people are in your fleet so that every one knows about what fraction YOU are paying into your fleet ( remember the 1/5th cost for a fleet with only 5 people in and the fraction will be smaller for the fleet base's with more then 5 people in it and for those fleet members who don't pay to upgrade there fleet... then why do they get access to the fleet equipment, doffs ect?) Thanks.
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    lordlegionxlordlegionx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just a quick thought about the fleet hopping (joining and then removing from fleet after they pay into the project or upgrade). That would be fixed with a account cool down... say 24 hours ( the amount of time is debatable) for the account who joined the fleet to have wait to remove them self's or by the leader or higher rank to remove them. I thought a person would join a fleet and stay there for a wile so why would you leave the fleet in a day or two.
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