ladyamen Arc User


  • love the idea!
  • the drop rate is just for everything FRUSTRAITING! a game should be fun and not like, I`m online about 5 hours just only to collect 12 rough furs!! b:surrender PLEASE increase the drop rate!
    in 2x drop Comment by ladyamen April 2010
  • they should just do SOMETHING against this unfair TW System b:surrender
  • so what is with this suggestion, its already here for months or a half year, and nothing changed since then b:cry
  • for real!! where are the Tails for the Deer and the Bunny?? b:cryb:cry i just did not choose them, couse they haven`t such beautiful tail like the others!
  • and they should finally make a tale for bunnys and deers!! i would love the differences even between the skills in the true form
  • b:laughb:thanks just wanted to say the same!!
  • when the wish is so great that this suggestion is posted over and over again, then they should just change and submit this issue!! and dont say everytime: shout up we will not change that! b:angry
  • at least they could make the necklase and belts and rings visible for woman ;) b:pleased
  • yea, for real.. even if they keep those wings, they should be modified to be more fishier b:laugh
  • Great! Would love that! b:victory b:kiss so it wouldn`t be too annoying to have more then 3 weeks for leveling up ;-)
  • Isn`t the same functionality already in the Cube of Fate? Ok thats not for whole factions, but for squads fighting each other but i dont have even see once that someone used it :(
  • yea its hard enought to choose a chance to try out and to change your mind would be the best thing ever! couse a level 80+ character is a really hard work and if you made just one discision wrong, its horrible to throw the character away, couse you cant play the way you hoped for it b:surrender
  • true, for us woman its quite difficult to help b:thanksb:victory
  • its not just your server, in sanctuary is just the same long time a great war just between 2 guilds, and now only one guild has the whole map for themselves they make it somehow impossible to any of those not superpowered 100+ leveled guilds to gain a terretory too specially for servers who are established a long time ago…
  • this suggestion just must be implemented!! b:dirty and dont forget the venos, as fox -> foxform cat -> catform bat -> bat or dragon or something evil form!!! deer -> deerform!! that would be the best for real! that would be a great thing to let those all overmagic-trained venos change into light armor, there are just too…
  • at least when you drop something important there is still the "cooldown time" when no other players than you can pick up this item the popup window with: "are you really sure" is for real too annoying! b:surrender
  • would be really good for those bugs like unreachable items in fbs! like in fb59 where those mobs climb a mountain and been killed there and as couse that we can`t jump or fly there, it would be really a good thing to let your pet get the item! b:thanks
  • why is everything depending on the culture of one country?? what about million of people around it? ITS A INTERNATIONAL GAME AT ALL!b:angry so why not attend our wishes too? b:angry for real a female/female marriage is just a way to gain some more money with a friend and not a question of love, they could then allow a…
  • b:victory yeah! damn good suggestion!! but the problem is: who can tell who was the first ever who done that suggestion that had been implemented :(
  • Abolutly right! I Thought just about the same thing! They should be no problem with this solution, couse a woman can carry a man in this position in real life too! Why the hell should they then even allow suggestions, when they dont plan to improve the game??? Can you tell me that?
  • im really wondering about, WHEN WILL THIS BUG finally be fixed???? i want to buy some clothes, but i cant see, if they really match with my style!!! b:angryb:angryb:angry the same problem is with the bottom you know b:chuckle when you try some skirts >///< COMMON FIX THIS BUG FINALLY!!!
  • i cant connect either O.o there isnt even a signal to any server! i hope its only a restart or update b:surrender
  • yeah! thats right! if i want to train a flying pet and activate it, it would be a good way in a fb or bh, but its forbidden there!! b:angry and if it said that there isnt any flying mobs, WHY NOT? there must be a change for the fbs there are really a way to equal, they must be some flying-fbs and diving fbs too!!!
  • i think that is a really good suggestion, couse with the tideborn pet update there are many new pets that would be a lot of cooler to have then the older ones, but my veno is already over lvl 50 and when i want to get a pet with starting lvl 7 i need a hell of time to train it there must be some scpecial items or dungeons…
  • i would like to know that too! GOOD QUESTION! ;)
  • absolutly my opinion the new races are misshappen, already the way you need to train they skills, couse the assasin are absolutly the same as archers and the psychis absoluty like mages, its nothing new in them, it would be a much cooler way when you could train the psychic like 2 points in dex and 3 points in mag, and for…
  • I agree to this suggestion, its really hard to play this game and you`re allways out of money and the prices for potions are really a way to costly. Playing mage is really annoying and boring sometimes couse you allways have to kill a mob and usually wait 5 minutes and then kill a second mob, and with higher levels they…
  • i got finally an answer at my email-adress, but they need further infos and a correct form, so im not sure now where have i to answer for them? should i just answer this mail or must i submit a new ticket with the specified form??b:surrender
  • are you really sure, couse in the moment i saw the "disconnection"-option the items were still in the "for sale"-spaces O.o and when i got logged in they were gone