Envelope - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Yes... this video brings back many, many good memories. Nicely done indeed. Funny thing how people blame me for not being adaptive since i like the old times better. The game wasn't perfect, of course, but it was better than it is now. You want to know why? Because people actually HAD TO PLAY IT. There were no shortcuts,…
  • Yes, we have a pvp ranking, if you want to check it look on top of this site under "community", then click "ranking" where you will find both pvp and kill/death ratio rankings. There is also an individual kill count for each character on core connect. But as it was mentioned above, at the moment it doesn't seem to work…
  • Running around killing random people is not really part of pvp in perfect world anymore, as people do not grind and quest much anymore and thus not spending much time outside of safezone. Most pvp consists of hanging around certain hotspots waiting for other pk'ers to show up. And if your planning to do that as a lvl 85 BM…
  • Is f2p even possible anymore? the answer depends on what you define as "f2p". As several people have been pointing out already, you can earn everything you need with merchanting, provided that you have good merchanting skills, and enough time available. It is, theoretically, possible to do without any real money. For some…
  • The items available in the event boutique, and the prices, are totally fine. Though i like the idea of having event cards with smaller values, like 5 event gold for 5k DQ points. This would be especially useful for lower levels as they cannot farm 50k DQ points as fast as lvl 100+ players can. I'm pretty sure this would be…
  • I agree. Archers are basically a scout/sniper type class, they are supposed to have sharp senses and an increased perception of what happens on the battlefield. A squad buff that increases the awareness level of nearby squad members would be perfectly fitting for them.
  • A game to cling to? A noob friendly game? Sure, perfect world international is a good choice for you... ... AS LONG AS YOU DON'T PLAN TO PVP. Sorry if i sound pessimistic here, but if you like to pvp, don't even bother downloading the pwi client, go look for another game. If you don't pvp though, it is pretty much a decent…
  • I guess the original question is slightly off the mark then, it should be more like "Why is gear in this game so expensive?"
  • I totally agree with you. This nicely illustrates where the management of the game went wrong. Of course they have to make profit from their games, but that doesn't change the fact they could have updated and expanded their game without completely destroying all balance it used to have (class balance pve and pvp wise,…
  • Sad, but true. I have made similar experiences in-game. Maybe this isn't only because of the APS craze, though you can safely say APS is one of the reasons for it. The major problem about APS doesn't have that much to do with money making. It is more related to the fact that it starts to divide the player base in "useful"…
  • Yes, i agree that it would be possible to farm rank 8 in a rather short time, i think even i could make it to rank 8 in about 3-4 months or something. But is that enough? Even rank 8 doesn't seem that great anymore, not unless it is at least +10 refined and well-shareded, combined with other high-grade gears like cube…
  • I have to admit i suck at making coins. I got zero talent for merchanting and when i try, i sometimes end up making a loss... don't ask me how i manage to do that. But even if i was better at it, i'd still wish for the game to offer me some content to actually work on my gear myself, be it alone or in groups. Yes, i would…
  • Come to think of it, why don't they just put aps nerf on sale? b:cute
  • I don't think the devs or anyone else in the company ever tried looking at their game from a newcomer's point of view, or the game would never have gotten into a bad state like it currently has. But does it even matter? I don't think theres many new players anyway, most low levels seem to be alts of experienced players.…
  • I'd love to tell you that it is ok to come back and enjoy the game... sadly, it's impossible. Since you said you miss pvp and you don't like being useless in pvp... and also that you're not rich but don't mind spending a little which would mean your more of a casual cs'er that would buy a little bit of gold every now and…
  • I can't really see the problem with archers being able to do caster nirvana. Yes, they have ranged elemental skills which, in a way, makes them a hybrid class being both physical and magical, like seekers and venos etc. Positive aspect about it is that you actually need a bow to do elemental damage. If there is a farming…
  • I would agree that soloing should be possible. Yes farming in this game has gotten hard, but the fact that people with OP gears are capable of soloing end-game instances is not the real source of the problem. Let me try to explain this... Originally, gear farming was intended to work like this: You start at low level in a…
  • That's true, but with the rank 9 sales pwi has clearly gone too far. Even if you have to pay to get the best possible gear in-game. As has been stated by others before... you should at least be able to gear a single character WITHOUT having to take a mortgage on your house b:irritated Yea... basically they should nerf rank…
  • You said this very nicely. I agree with you mostly, though i don't think the exodus to other games is going to make the game die - there will always be enough players willing to pay cash to be the best, which will keep the game running. But yea. Basically the biggest problem of pwi is that you can't really farm equipment…
  • You want them to add "new worthwhile content"? Yea, that would be nice but i'd still say they should rather care about making the content that's already there worth doing. This game already has too much broken, unfinished or pointless content. If you build a tower and you realize the base is getting weak, wouldn't it be…
  • To avoid any misunderstanding, i don't really think it's bad gear either. Back when i started playing pwi TT90 green gears were considered end-game by most people, with some molds or OHT gears mixed in. Gear like i have now would have been above the average, actually. It's just that some people seem to think it's weird to…
  • Yes, psys apparently don't have AoE. Just like clerics don't have heals. Thats why you need clerics to be APS, silly b:cute
  • it's not just PQ and lunar... like, when was the last time you saw someone doing a solo task quest, or the last time the deathmatch arena wasn't empty? Yeah, this game would be doing fine if more of its content was actually worth doing. They should rather bother with that problem instead of just releasing more classes and…
  • Once upon a time, when i was playing my cleric, a sin send me a squad invite. He wanted to buff me with BP b:embarrass
  • lolWHAT? There are people actually saying this? Seriously, they need to buy some common sense in AH b:angry Psys are actually very useful in FC, as you say they have AoE stun/debuffs, good dps for a magic class, and hey, they even have an AoE heal... not that strong but it can save people on bubble boss, for example. And…
  • I know those messages, i see them frequently in wc too. But what bothers me even more is that they have started appearing in faction chat as well b:cold That's true, but people who aren't 12-year old epeen fanatics seem to be hard to find nowadays... i'm guessing most of them have either quit, rerolled an aps sin or just…
  • tell me about it, i'm a full dex bow archer with "bad gear" like TT99/TT90/molds etc... i hardly get a squad for anything, maybe for BH100 if there's a spot free... sad thing about caster nirvana is, even if your caster you have trouble getting in since the few squads around seem to require r8 +10 as a minimum now. At…
  • if you make permanent x2 it should only be for normal monsters out in the fields, so the people that actually invest time in grinding/questing isntead of trolling wc, goofing around in arch or powerlevel one alt after another in FC would be rewarded more... on normal drops you can grind for hours and you hardly gain…
  • You are absolutely right. Actually it's not just grinding, there is alot more that could be made more rewarding. But even if they just made grinding better, as you say, it would have a very positive effect on the game. It would be an indirect nerf of APS - the reason why people complain about it is, after all, that a large…
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