A poll on soloing....



  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    I mean sure, veno can solo some but not all things as well, but they do NEED a tank, which in most cases is a herc, which would do the barb's job, so that technically is 2 against 1, which would be considered a party/squad.

    So, now a Herc-veno is considered a squad?

    The voices in my head might not be real..............................................................but they have some good ideas!
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    That`s why venos have an achievement when they reach a certain level, "I don`t need a squad" or something :P
  • Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i think the problem people have with sins, is that they can stealth all the way to the bosses

    its how fast they can solo instances, not necessarily that they can

    TT would take 3x as long if you couldnt stealth past the mobs, and although i cant speak for FC, since i did it all of 1 time, i imagine that it would not be worth soloing without stealth

    thats why i have never heard about people having an issue with a veno soloing, because the time it takes makes it that you may be better off going with a squad anyway
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    TT would take 3x as long if you couldnt stealth past the mobs, and although i cant speak for FC, since i did it all of 1 time, i imagine that it would not be worth soloing without stealth

    The difference between TT and FC is the FC mobs are designed to give you good exp, so even if you kill the FC trash, it doesn't feel like a complete waste of your time. A seeker and sin can easily duo the place 90ish+, and IMO that is more time efficient than soloing it.
  • Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Voted the "Only if 30+ lvls above instance" option.

    I would have liked a more specific option though. The problem is, imo, not that some classes combined with good gear CAN solo, but that it's actually the better option then forming a squad. I'd be ok with soloing just for the glory of it, but not a single person running a matt instance as efficiently as a squad would. Soloing an instance or wb shouldn't be worth it, besides saying "damn, I did it!". But since that isn't the case, rather no soloing possible at all.

    I don't see some lvl100 soloing low lvl fb's as a problem. It's actually nice if a high lvl helps with bh or fb, even if his/her own alt is in squad.

    I do think soloing fcc is funny, saw a wc yesterday : "WTS fcc mobs+heads 350k! Just need tank". o.O which tank would pay to actually have to work for the exp?!

    Might have an idea to fix the soloing issue and **** everyone off : Need to have at least 4 squad-member in range and alive (like for opening TT), or bosses start to hit 500k like if you didn't do the kill-count.
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Voted the "Only if 30+ lvls above instance" option.

    I would have liked a more specific option though. The problem is, imo, not that some classes combined with good gear CAN solo, but that it's actually the better option then forming a squad. I'd be ok with soloing just for the glory of it, but not a single person running a matt instance as efficiently as a squad would. Soloing an instance or wb shouldn't be worth it, besides saying "damn, I did it!". But since that isn't the case, rather no soloing possible at all.

    I don't see some lvl100 soloing low lvl fb's as a problem. It's actually nice if a high lvl helps with bh or fb, even if his/her own alt is in squad.

    I do think soloing fcc is funny, saw a wc yesterday : "WTS fcc mobs+heads 350k! Just need tank". o.O which tank would pay to actually have to work for the exp?!

    Might have an idea to fix the soloing issue and **** everyone off : Need to have at least 4 squad-member in range and alive (like for opening TT), or bosses start to hit 500k like if you didn't do the kill-count.

    OMG, I've seen that too. It's the dumbest thing I've literally seen in this game. Why would pay money to do the work? That's the whole dang point of buying heads at a level you can do it yourself, you don't want to do the instance. I went on one curiously because they gave the boss+mobs+heads free to the cleric that PMed them, and they had to have the sins in squad pull stuff more slowly than just regular squad could. :P I guess it was nice to not have to do all of the bosses, but still. I'd never pay for that. I also wouldn't buff nor heal anyone I bought heads from, not that i'd buy them in the first place but still. I saw in wc not too long ago someone actually take the payment, and then kick someone from squad because they wouldn't buff them. I think that person ended up getting a refund because the person couldn't get anyone else to buy heads from him, and he kept trying to defend himself saying that as a cleric, the buyer was supposed to buff them. Made it obvious he was just immature and scamming. b:chuckle I'd be like your payment was my coin, you don't get anything else. LOL
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol @this "vote 30+ lvls" XDDD nowdays to lvl to 100 is nothing >_>
    want to level 30 higher then instance? buy fcc you can solo everything

    pointless thread

    /close it
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol @this "vote 30+ lvls" XDDD nowdays to lvl to 100 is nothing >_>
    want to level 30 higher then instance? buy fcc you can solo everything

    pointless thread

    /close it

    except you cant solo fcc, which would throw it all off ;)
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    if I had the choice to pick 2 Id say no and 30+ lvls. First off like others have say its a MMO not a Single Player Online game...but then again once you are higher lvl previous dungeons are just faceroll so it makes sense if you are 30+ lvls that the mobs in an lower lvl instance would be much easier to solo but wouldnt make you OP...it actually reminds me of pvp...LOL I just one shotted you 30 lvls higher than you n00b!

    EDIT: As for myself even if I am playing a class that can solo 90% of the content Id still perfer to be in a squad...everything is more fun when you have friends with you
    "Running in place will never get you the same results as running from a tiger."

    Proud Member of Ethereal~
    Your Local Tiger Tank At Your Service
  • Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    While I think a squad should be required to do instances, I can understand why people solo them. The drop rate is too low. People only do TT for the drops, but if your in a squad and half or more need the same mat from a boss you have to do the instance at least 3 times before everyone gets just one of the mats. I dont know about you guys but my attention span just isnt that long. I hate having to do the same instance a dozen times just to get one mat reguirement. If a squad has members that need 4 of a mat for a weapon or armor the max number of trips for that mat should be 4.
    Lets face it, the instances in this game are not that fun after the first trip. Nobody really craves going back in 20 times to collect 5 of a certain mat. They need to set up a drop rate that rewards every member every trip then they can put in barriers to single players making the trip alone.
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    No I dont really think instances should be done solo a bit of Teamgame should be there somewhere.

    Or maybe there can be Solomodes for every instance so you will be better rewarded if you go with a squad but you can still do it alone in the worst case.

    HH/TT have this system but its baaaaad soooo baaad.
    Its called Solomode but only a handfull of classes can really solo it -.-
    I am from Germany and I am sorry if my English isn't very good b:surrender
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    One way to help against solo-ing and make squads more worthwhile.

    Have the boss's drops affected by a squad multiplier.

    Boss's drop rate * x where x = # of squad members who are continuiously building agro as the boss is killed. That way, a boss killed by a squad of 6 would drop roughly 6x the mats as a boss killed by 1 person.

    Of course the idea can be tweaked but that's my general jest.
  • Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    soloing should be possible. why not, if you feel like it.
    but should take waaaay longer than with a squad. Currently, there's no way I'll go with a squad pretty much anywhere because unless that squad is full of aps, I can solo that instance faster than a squad non aps can do it.

    TT/HH system is soooo bad in so many ways it's not even funny. A run in TT should be rewarded with some bonus points/cards that you receive in inventory and you could exchange for mats and/or complete gear with a chance to get stats/sockets, pretty much like the rank8 gear buying is working right now. Something like that would have been so easy to implement and would have made such a difference in TT farming, player interaction and overall MMO feeling.
    That would have fixed the TT soloing issue by the aps classes, specially with the gold mats farming that first aps toons made hundred of millions if not billions (i know ppl that were making 700+ mil /week farming TT with sins before the mob count was introduced) of coins.
    But hey, try to explain Einstein's theory to a class of IQ<40s or give decent game suggestion to PWI/PWE, you'll get to same results.
    FiveAps - PvE char made from half as.s unbound gear sold by a wizard, doing 18x the damage and 10x the money the wizard was ever capable of. b:laugh . Only in PWI.
  • Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I do think soloing fcc is funny, saw a wc yesterday : "WTS fcc mobs+heads 350k! Just need tank". o.O which tank would pay to actually have to work for the exp?!

    That is really the dumbest thing ever. It boggles my mind how people charge when they cannot even provide proper service. Just shakes my head.

    Anyway, I can understand the need to solo things nowadays, honestly. Like someone once said, the drop rate on this game clearly just doesn't cut it anymore. It is 6x the process of gaining gear than to solo something and obtain most of the mats you'd need in a clear fraction of the time/cost. I hate solo'ing instances, personally. Drives me nuts to be in place by myself for too long and how long it takes for the mobs to fall, but I can understand why people would feel it a lot more worthy and necessary than to squad with people.
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I would agree that soloing should be possible. Yes farming in this game has gotten hard, but the fact that people with OP gears are capable of soloing end-game instances is not the real source of the problem. Let me try to explain this...

    Originally, gear farming was intended to work like this: You start at low level in a rather easy instance farming mats for a low grade piece of gear. You can farm those alone if you can, in a group with friends/faction or you buy it from someone that has farmed surplus mats he doesn't need himself. A few levels later, you have the option of farming a higher level instance for mats to convert your old gear to a higher grade version. Again, you can farm those yourself or buy them from someone. This went up to TT99 for armor and TT100 for weapons. Nirvana was basically just an addition to that, it worked the same way, buy or farm the mats, take your old gear, make it better. So far, so good.

    But then came the rise of APS, and along with it, changes were made to the high-grade TTs and Nirvana. About the reasons i do not exactly know. But i do know that the old form of the gear farming chain has been broken by that. You can still go from TT60 to TT90 by farming it yourself, with random squads or people you know. But when you try to go from TT90 to TT99, you're hitting a wall. It basically became impossible to farm TT99 yourself since you now need high-class gear to do them. You might still be able to kill some of the bosses with a regular squad, but not all of them, and it takes very long, for very few drops. Conclusion: It isn't really worth doing. Basically the same thing goes for Nirvana, idk if it is to the same extent, but since people won't take non-aps people to Nirvana anymore, it's basically the same effect. You need high-class gears before you can start farming high-class gears. This creates a contradiction. If you don't have money you can't earn money. Well, you can but it's very, very small amounts of profit. And the rank sales don't really serve to make it better, either.

    Yes, farm 24/7 the normal way for a long time or credit card to do it the easy way. I wouldn't mind that. But the problem in pwi is that alot of people find themselves unable to farm properly anymore. Whether it is possible to solo instances or not doesn't really make the difference here.
    TT/HH system is soooo bad in so many ways it's not even funny. A run in TT should be rewarded with some bonus points/cards that you receive in inventory and you could exchange for mats and/or complete gear with a chance to get stats/sockets, pretty much like the rank8 gear buying is working right now. Something like that would have been so easy to implement and would have made such a difference in TT farming, player interaction and overall MMO feeling.
    That would have fixed the TT soloing issue by the aps classes, specially with the gold mats farming that first aps toons made hundred of millions if not billions (i know ppl that were making 700+ mil /week farming TT with sins before the mob count was introduced) of coins.
    But hey, try to explain Einstein's theory to a class of IQ<40s or give decent game suggestion to PWI/PWE, you'll get to same results.

    And here we have a splendid solution for that problem, but as you say giving good suggestions to PWE never really worked... they can see the problems of the game for such a long time and all they could come up with is further improving rank gears, the lack of common sense there gives me a headache b:cold
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes, but only if your using everything available to you ie: max skills, pots, powders, +'ed & sharded gear, charmed, apo charms, etc, etc & still need personal skill ....everything!
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.


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