Questions about BM weapons & PvP as a whole

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2011 in General Discussion
Hello! I am new to the game and I have a few questions. I am a 66 BM, which is my first character in the game. I love the game so far and must admit that I am a "Cash Shopper." I've spent a good amount of money on the game so far and it's worth it because the game keeps getting better as I level. I plan to become a PKer at level 85 because I love PvP. One of the questions I ask, is are there other forms of PvP in the game besides running around killing random people? The people who probably won't even fight back because of the fear of turning red and dropping their items? I know there are territory wars, but those require you to join one of those big factions that dominate territories and chances are they don't accept just anyone. Plus I am in a fun faction already and don't plan on leaving them any time soon. I am looking for all and any forms of PvP. Lead me to the right path. b:laugh

Another thing, more class specific. I recently switched to fist/claw because it is supposedly way better for PvE and grinding. And so far it has proven it's point. The only thing that I find that bugs me, is the fact that all of my skills are useless while grinding because they either have long animations and/or long cooldowns before the next skill. I find that auto-attacking and popping a spark every now and then tends to kill mobs faster. I even tested it on a buddy seeker of mine in a duel. I have more dps and/or damage output when i just sit there and auto-attack! Am I training the wrong skills? I follow some random person's guide off of another website that I Google'd. I'm starting to think his build is ****. b:shocked
Anyway, I have been going 2str 2dex and 1vit every level. Yesterday I started doing 3str and 2dex every level because I came across a lot of gear that was my level, but did not have the proper requirements to equip. I just hope my class isn't just a sit-there-and-watch-while-my-character-does-damage type of class. I want to actually put alot of my skills to use while being able to have decent dps in the process. BMs have tons of slows and stuns and I want to be most effective with them. What should I do?
SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic
Post edited by whatsmynam3 on


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  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I plan to become a PKer at level 85 because I love PvP. One of the questions I ask, is are there other forms of PvP in the game besides running around killing random people? The people who probably won't even fight back because of the fear of turning red and dropping their items?

    Running around killing random people is not really part of pvp in perfect world anymore, as people do not grind and quest much anymore and thus not spending much time outside of safezone. Most pvp consists of hanging around certain hotspots waiting for other pk'ers to show up. And if your planning to do that as a lvl 85 BM you are pretty optimistic...oh and by the way most people in pk probably won't drop much because they use the safety lock.

    As for other forms of pvp... there is an arena but nobody uses it, as it has a pretty much incomprehensible registration process and requires expensive NPC stones too, i have never seen anyone using it except for finding out how it works. TW is interesting but it requires you to have really the best gear available and being in a top faction. The only other thing that could be interesting are pk-enabled events, but i can't really tell you much about it since i usually don't attend those.
    Another thing, more class specific. I recently switched to fist/claw because it is supposedly way better for PvE and grinding. And so far it has proven it's point. The only thing that I find that bugs me, is the fact that all of my skills are useless while grinding because they either have long animations and/or long cooldowns before the next skill. I find that auto-attacking and popping a spark every now and then tends to kill mobs faster. I even tested it on a buddy seeker of mine in a duel. I have more dps and/or damage output when i just sit there and auto-attack!

    Auto-attack with claws/fists/daggers does more dps than using skills. Thats just how this game works. With reduced interval between hits, fist users can later on out-dps any ranged class just by using auto-attack and spark.

    As for your build, i'm not quite sure atm but i think you cannot put vitality for a fist build as you will have trouble with either strength or dexterity requirements for your equipment later on. Better check the items you are going to use in advance.

    About the "sit-back-and-watch" thing, that depends on the situation. In farming instances that are usually focused on killing high-HP bosses, thats pretty much how it is going to be. In AoE based instances, however, as well as in pvp, you will be required to use your skills with proper timing, in the right places. So as a BM you are going to experience both aspects, boring pure-dps and complex skill usage.
  • Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'll let pro BMs answer the other questions, but first of all, you kinda messed up your stats indeed. You need at least 5 str every two lvls to even be able to wear heavy armors of your lvl, and 6 str every 2 lvls to be able to use axes of your lvl.
    Also you should know that if you put vit, you're gonna have trouble using every type of weapons available to bms.
    For example, I think your gonna need 4 dex every two lvls to be able to use fists/claws.
    So, if you wanna be able to use every BM weap, go with 6 str/4 dex every two lvls.
    You said you wanna have decent dps... well you chose the right class then, since at endgame you will be using fists/claws most of the time and those have the highest attack rate between all the BM weaps.
    But yeah if you're a spamming-skills addict then BM may not be the class you'll enjoy the most.
    You'll only be using HF, the aoe stun and your aoes when you'll be facing groups of mobs, and some others in pvp. Agaisnt single mobs/bosses, spark+ auto attack with fists or claws is the most efficient damage-wise.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    From what I hear, this game really isn't a PvP game huh? b:sad

    No PvP ranking system of any kind? Nothing to show who the best of the best is? I want people to fear me! :P

    Let's say I want to spam skills and still do lots of damage.....which class would that be?
    SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic
  • Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Endgame is mostly about PvP actually. At 100+ ppl only pve in endgame farming instances to get OP gear and go PK/TW with it.
    If you can put some money into the game (or merchant/farm very efficiently, but let's face it, you gonna need more than that) and love PvP, I'd say roll a psychic, if you can't drop that much money into the game I'd say go for a wiz. Both have a very high DPH (damage per hit) and psychics are unstoppable killing machines with rank 9 and very high refines due to their soulforce increasing along with the refines.
    Those are both magic classes, though. If you're more of a melee type player and still love spamming skills and do high damage I'd say go for a seeker.
    But if can't put much money into the game, you're gonna need a class that is able to farm very efficiently. And magic classes aren't the best at farming instances (understatement here xD), since a farming class is basically a sin or a bm, both with high attack rate (usually 3.33, 4 or 5/sec), or to some extent a fist barb or archer

    As for the ranking system, we have one, but it's down atm. (well the list is up, but PvP kills are messed up right now)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well, that sounds great. Thanks for the info!

    The game is great and I'm not complaining. Just curious is all. b:pleased

    I'll level my BM to 100 for farming and I'll maybe try another class too!
    SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Yes, we have a pvp ranking, if you want to check it look on top of this site under "community", then click "ranking" where you will find both pvp and kill/death ratio rankings. There is also an individual kill count for each character on core connect. But as it was mentioned above, at the moment it doesn't seem to work properly. Not sure how the server rankings are affected by this, though.

    If you can put some money into the game (or merchant/farm very efficiently, but let's face it, you gonna need more than that) and love PvP, I'd say roll a psychic, if you can't drop that much money into the game I'd say go for a wiz. Both have a very high DPH (damage per hit) and psychics are unstoppable killing machines with rank 9 and very high refines due to their soulforce increasing along with the refines.
    Those are both magic classes, though. If you're more of a melee type player and still love spamming skills and do high damage I'd say go for a seeker.

    I agree here. Indeed i think that the class with the highest dps via skill spamming would be psychic, which is also a very good class in pvp. Though if you don't like arcane classes, seeker would probably be the best choice. From what i've seen so far, seekers aren't bad in pvp, either.


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