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  • Is that what I was doing when I ran dungeons to get my T2 Gear? Exploiting?
  • All this is going to do is drastically reduce the number of keys bought from the Zen market ( having the exact opposite effect of what is probably the true intention for the change.), and obstruct the Neverwinter economy. Often keys were used as currency and as a tool for trading gold for AD. In other words. (1.) One needs…
  • [QUOTE=/bind F1 inventoryexec 1 inventory 0[/QUOTE] Hear! Here!
  • Are you sure that you didnt get your Zen? Keep in mind it would be found on the first tab of the exchange, then you have to claim it. The reason that I ask is that I've received Zen from the exchange from listings after Tuesday ( Day you said you created your listing). Took me around 2-3 days I believe.
  • First, a sure sign one has no decent argument (not to say valid arguments do not exist) is when they start calling others arguments stupid. If the argument truly is stupid, there's no need to point it out. And, one could argue that it's not an integral part of the game to buy anything, at any level, so ...
  • You seem to have this attitude that people should just grind to 60 and shut their mouth about it. It took me sometime to get my first toon to level 60. I took one to 50, decided I didnt care for the class, took another to around the same, decided I wanted to try different class, and got that one to 60. Now I have 5 at 60,…
  • I think you misunderstand or, more likely, I wasn't clear. (post #17 for any just catching this reply) Scenario: Neverwinter allows open world dueling (or any dueling where person gets to choose opponent) and winner of said duel gets a token that can be used for... So person creates alt accounts, logs in main char and char…
    in No dueling? Comment by vscoutv June 2014
  • I don't care one way or another, but would be against any kind of reward for doing it, at least open world. For one, what would stop people from creating alt accounts/Chars just to farm. Or at very least people running around,"oh my gear is way better than his. 'Request to farm'." I think it should be more like practice.…
    in No dueling? Comment by vscoutv June 2014
  • when I first logged in it gave like step by step instructions, and after completion, gave me a dog pet. Must have changed. Anyway, I don't know if this will help, but click dungeon on map and enter. After you enter, it will ask which companions you wish to use. You can take 4, I believe , bin a minute since I played. If…
  • NM, I found what I was doing wrong. I had to go into option and select a tab in there. Without one being selected, it showed all 3 after login Saw the tabs in options but I thought they were only for selection options for under each tab. Thx MODs can fell free to delete or leave for others who might have similar prob in…
  • 1. I like that the companion was purchasable, after last CTA, in which I ran 250+time and got nothing but the normal chest loot, I swore I would never grind another. 2. The garden area will definitely add some convenience, just wish it would have occurred to me before today to do enough to get extra key for future chars. I…
  • Yeah, over 150 runs combined, 75 on one char alone and highest I've seen is rank 5 enchant. I think this is last straw for me. Its not just that I'm not getting any of the special loot after grinding some 12.5 hours of play time, but I feel like a sucker for doing it. Combined with some other things, Eye of Lathander comes…
  • I don't PVP, but when I prone mobs, they are generally back on their feet by the time I get to them and that is using threatening rush. Far different than when a mobs prone me and I'm laying on my back for, I don't know what? 3-5 Seconds?. Gets a little annoying when all the pvp fixes seem to equal screw the PVE'ers.
  • BTW, IMO don't do it. It's really not worth it to upgrade cleric.
  • I accidentally bought Greater Health stone (for 750 Zen) when I was buying keys once. I bought two -10 packs, but market changed to health stone when I clicked for third 10 pack. Heh I was *******, but live and learn. Now I watch more carefully. I couldn't even try to get my money back out of it because somehow they were…
  • I'm not sure if this statement was intended as reply to my post, which was right before yours, but my statement, referring to peoples use of "as intended" had nothing to do with rewards per se, but more to do with, among other uses of this statement that I have seen, someones mentioning that if one gains experience through…
  • I personally don't think getting a peridot or 2 rank 4 gems is better than nothing. If I'm going to get nothing. That's the way it is. No further thought given to it. But to say to me you CAN get this for doing this, but then only getting some item that I already get tons of,because the RNG god hates me, is like a slap in…
  • I.M.O., new players will decide being competitive is out of reach and move on. Not just because of this alone. The price of goods in general have risen dramatically. If I started playing today, I probably would move on after about a week.
  • Thanks! Gonna give it a shot. BTW this was just an alt that I invoked from about lvl 30 to 60 and finally decided to get boons for, so wasn't huge waste of time, but still disappointing because I for the most part enjoy playing him. You're right though. The only way I can get dungeon with him is to Queue and hope to join a…
  • Yeah takes me forever to do dailies with my GF. And nothing like getting off one or two hits on a group of Quest mobs that are gonna take me over 30 seconds to kill, to have a CW come and hit with shard, and kill them off in one second. (Not meant as CW slight. One of my two mains is CW but just sayin) right now I'm at…
  • Unable to Authenticate also.
  • I know I fail to open nodes way more than I succeed. In fact, for me at least, it is rare that I open a node the first try. I've just come to accept it as the way it is. Probability aside, statistically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. (if someone else is opening over 75% of their nodes on the first try, you're…
  • First, I honestly don't care about this issue one way or the other. I'll just play what ever game is presented to me whether Cryptic wants to keep greasing the squeaky wheel or not. But rest assured that if they would allow re-rolling stats, the next posts you'll start seeing is that player should be able to change their…
  • To whoever said " Just looking for any excuse not to participate in PVP blah blah blah." Dude didn't need an excuse. He didn't have to post his opinions or anything. He could just not. Just go AFK when match is lost. Stay quiet about it whatever. I'm guessing he is just saying why he does so maybe a solution arises so he…
  • Heh. Maybe it's because I started mmorpgs on a game that if you were killed by another player, you lost everything you had, both on you and in your pack to the player after he looted your corpse, and if you happen to have your keys for things like your boat, house, lockbox/chest on you probably were going to lose alot…
  • Yeah ya might not be able to control some of the other annoying things the trolls do, but ignore button is your friend.
  • IMO anything that is bought with real money shouldnt, at least initially, be bound at all, but since it is what it is, account bound would be nice.
  • Heh, if it's an UNWRITTEN rule that everyone choose greed by default in PUG, how is any newb, like myself, supposed to know. If I hadn't read this post, I sure wouldn't have. I assumed that the reason those in LFG were spamming for Greed Runs was that at other times they were Need/Greed runs.
  • somebody mentioned the pen and paper game. We would always allow 6 rolls of the 3d6 for 6 sets of stat points, then you could put them where ya wanted and that was it besides race modifiers and what not. I personally could see some of the old schoolers might deserve a re-roll, but I know before i rolled my char, I looked…
  • Yeah, I agree. I Kind of wish they just charged Zen or sold different level upgrade tokens for Zen. They could charge like 500-1000-1500 or something. I would love to upgrade my companions but as it stands right now, I don't find it worth the cost.