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We need an option to Respec our Ability Scores



  • xtnctrusxtnctrus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    +1 ability reroll on respec ... starting information greatly misleading on my dc ... am considering stopping as it is of massive influence...
  • mestremaxmestremax Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2014
    In the character creation screen the status of the character are not shown as they are in the game and how they will really affect your character thus giving the player a huge possibility of error.
    A description of how the attributes will affect your character and shows them in "%" is the best way to understand this player.

    The possibility to reset their skills(Spells, Talents, Attributes and Boons) separately is the best option for the player.
    Can even put the sale on Zen Market for a price that is fair.

    Reset all your character just because you want to change your skills is something really stupid.
  • sleep4eversleep4ever Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    We need to be able to retrain our ability scores.

    All our powers, feats, and abilities can be retrained; however, we can't change our base ability points. A lot of us create a character not understanding the mechanics, and just use the base stats. Then once we're 60 and geared, we realize we could have 5-10% more attack/defense due to ability scores. :mad::mad::mad:

    We need to be able to reroll these!
  • sslothzzsslothzz Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    this has been discussed countless times. i am from those players who desire initial abilities reroll very much. i won't even touch my gf (main toon, not played long) or spend a penny on this game until i can get this opportunity. cannot even justify why this start roll exists, since most players don't really understand what they roll.
  • decagondecagon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I definitely agree that we need a reset switch of some sort, since we can respec pretty much everything else anyways.
  • thesensaithesensai Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Agreed 100%, would also like to see a race change option.

  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Maybe we will get it along with the release of new races or new pvp changes
  • nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm well aware this issue has been addressed more times than one can count. However, that doesn't excuse the fact that this is becoming more and more problematic as this game continues to progress. It is something I believe is so long overdue at this point, especially when the "Dev's" have mentioned they would be looking into this many moons ago.

    Now with the new PvP changes coming soon; it's yet another change that pushes Secondary stats to a more prevalent stage. More often than not, they are becoming more important than even Primary stats. This goes without saying for classes with blatant flaws in Ability Scores, such as the Devoted Cleric. PvP changes is just pushing that further into practically ALL classes now, not just the Cleric.

    Can we please receive this feature of being able to adapt our Scores along with the content that is continually being thrown at us? Again, it's becoming long over due.

    ~ Thank you.
  • godlysoul1godlysoul1 Member Posts: 293 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    All I can say is if we had something like this (And possibly race change as an option as well), I wouldn't be starting to raise my 5th lv 60 rogue. (Not to mention I had to raise a 2nd GWF to 60 too for similar reasons.) The process of raising lv 60s is boring, time consuming, and does not get me excited to play until it is actually lv 60. On the other hand, if ability score rerolling (and possibly race rerolling) I would've gladly spent ZEN for it at least 5 times by now. In fact, even if they made it direct purchases only, so no AD -> ZEN conversion for it, I probably would've been willing to pay for it a few times instead of making new accounts. I have no idea why something like this hasn't been added yet...
  • nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Not everything should be just about a monetary motivation to get something done. This should have been available regardless for the many, upon many, good reasons already provided.

    Many of us as players give little to substantial monetary investments to the company, as well as our characters. To abandon that investment just to make a brand new character of the exact same class is appalling and crippling towards longevity/motivation of us playing/continuing. With each new change it further hinders our characters success and ability to stay competitive.

    Again - thanks, but just my two dimes in change, as we are well beyond the two cents stage.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Actually the race respec and ability score respec were asked by the players since beta. It is not the devs don't want to do it, they listened to us and told us they will take attention of this, but the release date is unknown, maybe one month, maybe one year. Since the tenacity and Healing Depression is coming, i really want a race/ability respec as currently my ability score is focused on effective healing, not to say i unlock all dread and 4/5 sharandar boons and have an epic Bloodraven Skull + gemmed shirt/pants. I don't want to redo all achievement i did for nearly one year!! Can we get a respec after tenacity patch?? On top of more customations of build and gear choices?
  • endocinendocin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    EQ2 has a mirror so you can change depending on say group or solo. So you can have 2 specs.
  • vscoutvvscoutv Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    somebody mentioned the pen and paper game. We would always allow 6 rolls of the 3d6 for 6 sets of stat points, then you could put them where ya wanted and that was it besides race modifiers and what not. I personally could see some of the old schoolers might deserve a re-roll, but I know before i rolled my char, I looked around at the tons of info out there on the subject to see what I would need. Gamepedia has a chart of the different mix of abilities that could be rolled.

    I do have to note that I had to laugh a bit that the OP said he worked his first toon to lvl 20 and thus was too far in to re-roll. I think I make level 20 in like 4 hours if that.

    Anyway, If I HAD to vote, I'd prob vote no on this, but I really have no strong opinion on it. For myself, I'm fine with the respec of abilities, and even then it would just be to say move 1 point from con to put in dex or something similar on my other chars.
    As a young boy chasing Dragons with your wooden sword so mighty, You're St. George or you're David and you always killed the beast
    Times change very quickly And you had to grow up early. A house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet ~Iron Maiden
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    lol I don't mind. Makes another leadership mule. Value in the end.
  • daberchdaberch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ummmm.... i have nothing good to input here
  • sslothzzsslothzz Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    vscoutv wrote: »
    I personally could see some of the old schoolers might deserve a re-roll, but I know before i rolled my char, I looked around at the tons of info out there on the subject to see what I would need. Gamepedia has a chart of the different mix of abilities that could be rolled.
    Well good for you. Clever boy. But most players turn to theorycrafting AFTER they have tasted the game and seen the options.

    Moreover, there are different builds possible within one class. Do you sense that meaning? As a GF, i can focus on hybrid DPS build, or i can go full tanking mode. For each, i need totally different stats roll. And that works for other classes same way. Additionally, one might level his char utilizing PvE spec, but turn to PvP prospective over time. Such change also demands stats reroll.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No point arguing here, what we can do is wait and wait and wait. I only hope they will implement this before i leave this game, which is probably nearly one year more for me (cuz to get the ardent angel)
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm definitely in favor of a reroll.
    1. The entire reroll token costs money.
    2. When you first roll you don't really understand what the stats will mean by the time you reach cap.
    3. So much real money is invested on the character level, as opposed to the account level, that I want to keep my character, not reroll the entire thing.

    I would also like to see a method to save an alternate spec.
  • huricain40shuricain40s Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    sslothzz wrote: »
    Well good for you. Clever boy. But most players turn to theorycrafting AFTER they have tasted the game and seen the options.

    Then they get what they get.

    The rest are very valid points though. Not sure whats with the tude. I gave my opinion, but also said I have no strong feelings on it either way.
    sslothzz wrote: »
    Moreover, there are different builds possible within one class. Do you sense that meaning? As a GF, i can focus on hybrid DPS build, or i can go full tanking mode. For each, i need totally different stats roll. And that works for other classes same way. Additionally, one might level his char utilizing PvE spec, but turn to PvP prospective over time. Such change also demands stats reroll.
  • simoneversimonever Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hi all, i decided to start this thread cause i heard many ppl (and me too XD) complain that there is no chance to roll again starting stats if u decide to use retraining token. Maybe would be a good idea to insert this stats reroll cause is really insane to understand at lvl 60 how your char works and than do it again from lvl1 to choose better stats.
    Maybe this could be another in game service or could be included in the retraining token!

    Pls consider this chance, expecially for old players that might reach their perfect game style with a little help and, of course, this might be and improvement for the entire game.

    Soz for my bad english and hope to have positive response from DEV and from others players that are thinking about it like me.

  • l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    +1 Totally agree this would be a good suggestion.
  • nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Any news on this making it into the next module? I'm sure a ton of people would be excited if it was.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    nahsi wrote: »
    Any news on this making it into the next module? I'm sure a ton of people would be excited if it was.

    this was never a promised option. it was stated that this is something they would like to do but whether it would actually happen was unknown.
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