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[Feedback Thread] Auction House Spending Cap



  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    What argument? I can't understand what you mean.
    Are you sure you understand what is the topic of this thread?

    Neverwinter advertises packages to start the game.
    People buy the packages thinking the can use what is inside.
    Then people can't use what is inside.
    End of story. No arguing is going to change that.

    And? The items do not disappear. Also, since when are Mulhorand weapons the intergral part of those packages? Those packages give you AD which would be more useful in lvl 60 plus account wide epic mounts and epic companions.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Please keep in mind that "need" doesn't really fit into the equation here - it's more about a simple "right" - you drop $60 or $200 on the game, you *should* be able to spend the associated ADs however and whenever you want...

    Okay, I get that, we should have the option to spend without limitations whether we choose to or not. I can agree with that.
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  • adventuregoat1adventuregoat1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And? The items do not disappear. Also, since when are Mulhorand weapons the intergral part of those packages? Those packages give you AD which would be more useful in lvl 60 plus account wide epic mounts and epic companions.

    This is not about what gear is integral to the game or when AD is more useful endgame or at the beginning.

    It is about people buying packages and not knowing they cannot use what they
    purchased until they have played through most of the game.
    If they simply put a tool tip on the packages saying ...
    "AD transactions will be limited in Auction House until after level 60." this would not be a forum topic.

    I also never said Mulhorands are an integral part of the package. The issue is that people want to spend AD that they get from packages on Mulhorand gear and can't because of the AUCTION HOUSE LIMIT!(<<topic of thread btw) which has zero to do with the Mulhorand Gear they get from the package.

    Whether or not you think those products are needed until after you reach 60 is NOT what we're discussing.
  • hooli78hooli78 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    How can Cryptic be fully transparent with players, while still keeping their full strategy a secret from AD sellers?

    Also, how can Cryptic give unrestricted AH access to customers who buy a Zen pack, and keep AD sellers from purchasing a Zen pack to dodge the restrictions designed specifically to block them?

    If anyone has a serious answer to either one of these questions I would like to hear what you have to say.
  • adventuregoat1adventuregoat1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hooli78 wrote: »
    How can Cryptic be fully transparent with players, while still keeping their full strategy a secret from AD sellers?

    Also, how can Cryptic give unrestricted AH access to customers who buy a Zen pack, and keep AD sellers from purchasing a Zen pack to dodge the restrictions designed specifically to block them?

    If anyone has a serious answer to either one of these questions I would like to hear what you have to say.

    AD sellers already know the Auction House limit I'm sure, so transparency shouldn't be an issue to paying players before they purchase a package.

    Also , this does not limit AD sellers as the same people who run spam bots
    can bot an account to 60. Then like you said buy zen , or exchange some of their AD horde for character slots to run as many low level accounts with no limit on AH spending as they want.
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I've run into issues with the AD spending cap as well. I have managed to get enough AD through legit means (selling stuff from lockboxes and random drops as well as doing my dailies as often as I can) to where I have several hundred thousand AD. I am very close to hitting level 60 and, in preparation, I wanted to buy me a full set of epic starter gear off the AH. Took me 3 days because of the 100K limit for an account without a max level character, but I was able to get everything I wanted and still have quite a bit of AD left over too. I am happy, but I agree the limit is too low.
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  • kalkgravenkalkgraven Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is just another failed fix attempt, every new ton ive made have had Mulhorrand gear, and now we can use xvim gear as well.

    Restricting new players is really not good in my optics, we need them in the game.

    Maybe do as suggested, look in chat for the spammers and ban them, it might help abit, but in current state of game with so many different currencies, cryptic will NEVER be able to free the game from them.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    kalkgraven wrote: »
    Maybe do as suggested, look in chat for the spammers and ban them, it might help abit,
    They are banned. Daily. By the thousands.

    It's a free to play game which means they go and make another e-mail, register another account and then log in and do the same thing.

    And there is no way to ban a specific person or computer from accessing the game. Quite seriously no way.

    IP Addresses are mainly dynamic (even if you don't notice them change they can and do change occassionally) and can even be "spoofed" which basically means tricking the system into thinking the IP address of the user is different than it is. Banning a bot's IP can result in banning the IP address you get tomorrow after a power outage.
    Mac Addresses: same issue. In fact spoofing the Mac Address is a common solution to some network issues.

    If you can come up with the system, kudos to you. You'll be rich. But every time I put that challenge up I get some stupid idea like "IP Bans work" or some other easilly avoidable limitations like Captchas or have PWE spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to have every single account reviewed or have in game GM's sitting there staring at the chat 24/7...despite the fact spam bots get silenced within a minute anyway.
    (hence why you never see the same account more than once after a minute or so)
  • adventuregoat1adventuregoat1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    They are banned. Daily. By the thousands.

    It's a free to play game which means they go and make another e-mail, register another account and then log in and do the same thing.
    What you can do is institute a minimum level to be able to chat in Zone chat.
    Say at level 30 you can fully access zone chat.
    Before level 30 you are given only a list of emotes for zone chat.
    For Example : /emote Looking for guild (followed by level,gs, and class)
    /emote looking for group (followed by level, gs and class)

    That way they cannot simply start a new character , log in and start spamming chat.
    They will have to grind to level 30 to access chat, then when that one gets banned within minutes they have to grind BACK to 30 before they can access zone chat again.
    It may make it tough on people, but many games have instituted chat models like this to combat gold sellers.(or equivalent)

    If you like this idea my wallet will be open all day to receive Zen from grateful programmers :cool:
  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    main issue is you are now handcuffing any new players who need to ask questions.
  • adventuregoat1adventuregoat1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    akemnos wrote: »
    main issue is you are now handcuffing any new players who need to ask questions.
    As of now they are handcuffing and new players that spend on the game...which doesn't seem like the best business model.
    Sure it would make it more difficult to communicate, but now they are punishing paying players until they are level 60.With chat change they would only be punishing new players to level 30.

    Also there are forums or other sources of information to get the info you need.
    I have never asked anything in chat...i just google it.
  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    so your idea is basically punish someone else as long as it doesn't punish me? That is a great idea.....
  • vscoutvvscoutv Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And? The items do not disappear. Also, since when are Mulhorand weapons the intergral part of those packages? Those packages give you AD which would be more useful in lvl 60 plus account wide epic mounts and epic companions.

    Now then, please keep this stupidity off this forum. Thank you

    First, a sure sign one has no decent argument (not to say valid arguments do not exist) is when they start calling others arguments stupid. If the argument truly is stupid, there's no need to point it out.

    And, one could argue that it's not an integral part of the game to buy anything, at any level, so ...
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    Times change very quickly And you had to grow up early. A house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet ~Iron Maiden
  • adventuregoat1adventuregoat1 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    akemnos wrote: »
    so your idea is basically punish someone else as long as it doesn't punish me? That is a great idea.....
    No, I don't spend on this game. So The Auction House cap does not punish me.
    I have a lvl 46 and a lvl 17 , so this chat fix WOULD punish me.
    LOL at your argument that they should punish paying players, but not limit free players at all.
  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    no I dont think they should punish legitimate players at all. All your suggestion does though is punish a different set of players. To me that is not a fix.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Level 30 may be a bit too high for chat restrictions. Something like levels 11-15 would be much easier to attain for legitimate players, but would take long enough to cut into goldseller's profits that it should cut down on them a lot.
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  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    you are still punishing legitimate players for no reason though. any other other suggestions like making anyone who buys a high value package bypass this restriction is a much much better idea.
  • lusfolgenalusfolgena Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My lvl 20 can't even buy a 5 ad piece of armor >:(. My friend who hasn't even bought anything from ah says he even is getting it-he posted some items so do they include sellers fees part of the limit? RIDICULOUS!
  • angelkilierangelkilier Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2014
    I honestly respect what OP wants to do with his fair AD. However, we all know this restriction was introduced to fight against bots. Yes it has some affects on OP's normal leveling play, but to think about it, leveling one character to 60 takes a new player around 20-25 hours of game time. Maybe even less with an epic mount. With the items OP could have purchased, the time might go down by say 5 hours. By spending $200 for the HotN pack, I don't know how much play time OP expects to get out of, though I totally believe the 5 hours OP can save would be such a small fraction of it. At level 60, you can spend however much AD you want, however you want, whenever you want.

    So to OP, you well deserve your right of spending your AD, but considering the reason for the restriction is for the better of the game that all of us can enjoy, can you just endure the extra maybe 5 or so hours you would use to get to level 60? In turn, not only you can have a game with less effect from bots and AD sellers, but also several hundreds of extra AD to spend at 60 on something more useful. Think about it this way, this might be a win-win situation, wouldn't you say?
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