I would refer to kolatmaster's guide, he has a lot of info and all his guide are post Module 2. Plus, you can tweak your own build based on his info, he is also quick with Q/A if you have any. Here are the links, I find them super useful.…
Thanks kolatmaster! that makes more sense now. After reading your build, I still not sure what other enchantments you are using? like Radiant, Dark, Azure? Any suggestions? Also, I made a Human GWF, so I believe I have 3 more extra heroics points to spare, after following your latest heroic points distribution, any…
kolatmaster, thank you for this wonderful guide! I just came back to NW from a long break and this really gets me going with my GWF. I just one question, when you say enchantments 7s/8s/9s what exactly are these? Sorry, still trying to learn all the acronyms. Thanks!
I support the full wipe action, sure we have to re=-level our characters again, but at least this will balance the in game economy. However, if the same thing happens a SECOND time, I say no wipe and hell I will probably just leave the game at that point... But as for now, I personally believe a full wipe should be the…
Switch instance would be the best solution here. The other long term solution would be upgrade your PC, IF your PC is mediocre, I haven't had any FPS issue, occasionally server cause delay, but that's rare, hasn't impacted my gameplay.
Yeah, i agree, it was a one time thing. I was like wow, the Tank is really good, lol. It was a fun run, we finished it smoothly and got what we need :P
I must be the odd ball here, I haven't encountered any diffculties, even in lower level, never died, damage is either #2 or #1, Hell, when it comes to damage result, when I was #2, we had a GF rank #1 while there are TR and Wiz in the group with equal or higher level. I was never a potion abuser either, and I don't use…
no offense, but at level 5, most enemies die within couple hits, it's hardly a fair comparison. Personally, I like my GWF, last night, before server went down, I was #1 in PvP Battle, granted, I was a little bit surprised myself, but I don't think GWF is that bad, I guess it just a personal preference.
GW2.. have you play it? Have you seen the amount of customization it offers? Surely, You have to buy the game, but after that it's F2P. So yeah, we expect more
Ah I see, so basically West Coast. Well, can be worst right? lol. I hope they have a East Coast as well. or at least spread it, you know what I mean? :P
caint, lol. Anyways, from many videos I saw and some actual high level end game cleric's perspective, they are actually doing pretty well. I guess it ultimately comes down to play style and how well your party can coordinate.