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  • Simple solution, make tiamat exclusive for veteran players, make it 17k+ gs encounter, its hard enough even for high gs ppl, and remove T2 drop from it. I suggest marks and more refine stones instead of T2 gear on tiamat. Also well of dragons should have a pre requirement to enter, just like IWD have boon requirement…
  • This pet destroyed IWD pvp small player base into nothing, but even if they nerf it to the ground iwd pvp will never be popular, it has many problems not just cockatrice pet. Personally i think all companions and those 10 sec healing pots should be removed from IWD pvp. Just imagine the broken HR immortal who's using…
  • Some evidence? I never made it more than 13k crit from 1 charge on simple mob when hes fully debuffed, i gues sky limit is somwhere around 18k, and thats much lower in IWD pvp and even lower in domination pvp. 41k is just impossible without combat advantage + KC.. Pls put some evidence, Id hate to see GW nerfed like into…
  • Some suggestions on how to make archery and trapper tree better in pvp and still keep the right direction of the idea behind these 2 paths. Archery: Since its introduced as opportunist path, it has no cc atm. Thats fine in my book but it should have more options avoiding combat and gaining advantage against opponent of any…
  • Yes ITF on tab for gf, big + from me this idea. Or just give us unstopable :cool: fair trade :D
  • Archery: yeah high damage means good for pve, but for pvp its just really bad, could be good for lashing pugs but against good players is pretty much useless since it has no cc. If the sniper mode is behind the idea of archery then ambush has to be longer with better moving speed and shorter cooldown. There is no way and…
  • Just wanna say that for me the live version of HR and the prew version of HR really seems wrong. I mean Hr is a fast moving class wearing light armor, HR should not be able to stand big blows and +heal himself better than DC lol. Since in pvp its all about how much u can endure, ppl will always play tanky HRs. It just…
  • FEEDBACK Guarded assault: dont proc weapon enchantment, damage is ok. AP gain somehow seems much slower when blocking than before, i may be wrong on this one it just felt like it. Block: some CW powers pass CC resistance when blocking-need more testing to name them. (not a CW specialist :P) Iron warrior: animation on this…
  • PVP. Ok i have a GWF and i hate it atm cuz its way too good. From reading feedback posts on other classes it seems that they are getting very nice (needed)buffs, maybe too good buffs. At the start i really supported the unstopable change, but after seeing these new GF/CW/HR buffs im not so sure anymore. Anyway dont mess up…
  • I would like to suggest a change to knee breaker since nobody is using it for anything and i think there should not be any none usable encounter powers :S increase the range of knee breaker make it a 1 or 2 sec longer (its Dot, has to be much stronger than other encounters) , and make debuff on it that it drains enemy…
  • I would like to see that each race, have a bonus and a penalty to some stats. Its natural that dwarfs and orcs are the best fighters, so they should have their stats where they are atm, but due their ugly looks and greed(dwarfs) they should have a penalty to charisma or inteligence, which will make them bad casters. Its…
  • Still no blocking sound and inpact animation, and just 1 stack of reckelss attacker, rest is great. Protector revise would be nice :/ , and maybe a lil bit faster animation on flourish?
  • Tested, I like almost all changes, but the archery tree gives too much damage on aimed shot, ofc there is well known wild medicine, i like the idea that this gets swaped for a cc immunity feat or DR/deflect, HR can get high lifesteal and regen heal is not really needed. What i dont like is the Combat tree cap feat, it…
  • I think that new block mechanic can be used well if developers buff it. Since there is no announcements of changing any GF feats(both damage and defensive)and no changing on ability bonus thing, a new block mechanic should be at least 3/4 times longer with a fast recovery. Also it has to be 100% DR, but with slow move…
  • How about you make block not decreasing at all and that cannot be broken at all with 80 % DR, but(to avoid OP in pvp) ur encounter cooldowns are stoped or maybe slowed untill u put ur shield down. Not sure how this would work but it fell on my mind, just an idea :D Or maybe that only ur DR is decreasing while u take hits,…
  • Use Daring shout and u have over 50 DR if mobs are strong, u guys need to adapt to new rotations and be more carefull than before, + take more tanky teammates to soak damage (thats how it shoulda been from the start of this game)while u rock with dps. Unstopable nerf is good, what u really should be complaining is takedown…
  • I like ur idea for Tab mechanic. +
  • Nobody really cares what tires you, i dont wanna argue with u about nonsence about is it tank or guardian. I made a suggestion how to make GF wanted in dungeons, i dont see where i proposed that GF should be turned into paladin. If u dont like the idea, dont comment. Cheers.
  • Correct but currently GF is nothing in this game, usually a "tank" in other mmos represent a damage drinker+CC/buff role character. Making it damage dealer dont fit the shield looks and a role description. Making it tanky with huge life and def stats (right now they are after wizards the easyest class to kill) will just…
  • I tested all changes for the upcoming module 4 on all classes, and i dont think anything is gona change in PVE for GF, cw still has too much control/damage in the same time so there will be no or little place for a GF in dungeons, But this can be fixed by making some good party buff powers on GF (i like mark buff but its…
  • Im sure that droping 1 encounter for daring shout will not impact ur dps alot, usualy i see ppl using not so fast (and takedown) as their last optional slot, and not so fast dsnt have a very good damage.After module 3 patch gwfs are mainly single target dps then aoe dps, most of gwfs damage is IBS, and wicked/weapon master…
  • Isnt it great that some dungeons will be very hard to complete and only the most skilled will be able to do it? Thats what this game is missing. Every dungeon can be walked trough with current setup (cws, gwfs).. Current way is just pure farming, and where is fun in farm? The most epic moments i had in PVE is whn i was…
  • This tread require testing feedback not reading aftertoughts.
  • Like u wrote, most of the ppl didnt even test it, its just based on asumption. I have a 17k gwf destroyer and its fine, its great to be honest with daring shout i soloed those full party encounters in IWD. + i pvped against a equal destroyer when i was on my GF and he almost 2 shoted me (16k gf, with 45k life and caped…
  • Sentinel can also slot steel grace u know :D
  • Most of ppl dont look at the whole picture here, there are ways for a new destroyer to endure, both in pvp and in pve, everyone just look at the current best offencive powers that most gwfs use(takedown, fls, ibs). Till these changes gwf was the only all around complete class whitch had everything covered: survivability,…
  • Fter testing if for a few hours here is my feedback: Unstopable: I think this is fine, this will open a totaly new play style for destroyers (hit and run), its also very good for PVE cuz destroyer will no longer be a frontline damage drinker, ur gona need a GF or sentinel for that in dungeons. FLS: no nerf needed here, it…
  • Ok after testing it for a few hours, here is what i think about changes: Block: while i love the new movement speed while blocking, the duration of the block itself is way too short, also damage go trough block sometimes (bug i gues) There is no sound of blocking and there is no inpact animation like before. Suggestion:…
  • I find my purified gear and weapons on GF far better than any other set, i know im realy slow and have crapy block but man i get so much life and regen + heals from weapons+ temporary hit points. Much better than profound in pvp but worse in pve due the slow speed and even more useless block. I see alot of gwfs made…