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  • It doesn't have to stay BIS. If there's a new item that will replace it as BIS, anyone will gladly go for it. We'd be glad to top up, not lose RP. As I've quoted on another thread replying the same issue. If A cost us 4mil, and A+ will cost 10mil, we'd gladly top up that 6mil without penalty to what was invested…
  • I think you are missing the pain points. To clarify, everyone looks forward to an upgrade, be it miniscule or major. An upgrade IS an upgrade. The community hates the refining model. Would you like to do a poll and try see? Let's look at the model now and perhaps people can judge better. (figures quoted are rough for…
  • You do know with tenacity, the total DR is DR x tenacity % right? (tenacity 'amplifies that DR) If inherent DR is reduced to zero, only DR left is tenacity DR. ArP reduces that inherent DR which comes from gears. What is this only 10-20% RI are you talking about when a GF can stack 40% without tenacity amplification yet?
  • Wow, thanks guys. And I thought my record of 48 was bad for a 10% chance. LoL! Other record was for a 40% chance, failed 27 times.
  • Not even sure where to start. Plate? If you're a GF or GWF, nothing much you can do about it. On behalf of DCs, well mail users, a half paladin and leader class. The HP is warranted. And honestly, our CCs don't work or is wonky. Try playing one, you'll know what I mean. Overall with stat curve hit, no DR is going to save…
  • Please... someone tell me this isn't really happening.....
  • As above poster, it's all speculations still. Bear or Bull, we are not sure how things will turn out. BUT... the punters may pull a profit if speculations really come true though. Thing on the enchantment which unsettles some people may be thoughts along the lines of "It looks too good to be true" & "What if they cryptic…
  • Bingo! As he said ^ Wonder why people just don't get it.
  • The above poster is correct. Any RP invested into an artifact, if used as feeder, will retain 20% of its RP to be carried over to another artifact. If slots match (eg. main hand to main hand), there will be a x2 multiplier. All in all, the next artifact that you target to level will only maximum receive 40% of what was…
  • Don't think that's possible. IIRC the iLvl should be 140 at 70. Meaning to say there's still an RP sink from our 60 max to that. Moreover, the multiplier of RP only has x5 for artifact (power to power, union to union etc) For artifact equipment, the multiplier of RP when you feed an artifact to an artifact is only x2.
  • Anyone able to confirm if the leveling of current artifact to 70 range has been cancelled with these introductions?
  • TBH, DPS DCs will drop out of the window for those thinking Righteous is on par on OP meters with TR at mod6. And really, avoiding FOTG ticking on your butt is way easier than avoid being dazed and shot by a TR. Also, going Righteous means survivability down by a huge lot skipping Faithful tree. Those who are chipping in…
  • I really hope not too. Not an extreme min/maxer myself but I did customize my gear stats in a way to try to get a good possible combo (with the current dimR charts) All that will go right out the window with the dawn of mod6.
  • ^ DR seems to be less and less desirable already. Most DPS setups already has about 30% ArP in. With mod6 changes, this figure will soar towards 40-50%. AH prices has also shown this trend more or less. Radiants are most expensive now, with the rest dropping in price or not receiving a good market. Stats are difficult to…
  • As some of the above posters suggested, DC is very different from the ones you see at WoW. It does offer a little bit of similarity like WoW in terms of distinction of the cleric with the 3 trees, akin to WoW's holy, disc, shadow. But don't read too much into it as it's not that complex. The basic stuff like PW:S has…
  • Question: With the big boost in ArP and I do forsee most people stacking it and able to reach probably more than 60-70% RI pretty effortlessly. Does that mean no point to stack defense in PvP? The DR is basically bypassed anyway.
  • sorry to disappoint you. according to the mod6 notes, TRs are buffed...
  • The OP was trying to be as objective as possible and we do appreciate inputs if they are viable. As almost everyone has stated, this needs to tone down. (even some TRs themselves) "Admit you kinda suck in PvP?" How about you trying to play a non-TR class and execute the mentioned tips? Tell you what? I'll applaud you for…
  • I know OP did state the intention of the post is to mitigate the hate for TR? Honestly, I don't feel the combat tips being useful even to the slightest extent. Experience so far has always been once the TR breaks stealth, it's only a matter of time to be burst down unless you have team mates around to help out (which is of…
  • Don't get hopes up on BI scaling. As someone has pointed out, it requires heavy rework to the gears and not forgetting IWD as a whole with the contents being level60 focused. An upgrade will be a huge rework to the entire map and removing it as way of progression at 60 instead. Don't get me wrong, I do hope BI can scale…
  • Why are people suggesting DC to him when he clearly said he despise stance dancing? Divinity and Empowered switches is the core to make it perform... As someone suggested above, play a bit of each toon and then decide. From DC standpoint, the flashy dps dc days will be over when mod6 dawns. The linear stat curve changes…
  • Why is there a need to differentiate between PvE and PvP standpoints? As it stands and everyone accepts, they co-exist, whether you like it or not. Some MMOs do have higher emphasis on either. If as per people label, this is more PvE centric, so be it. But PvPers asking for a little more content as mentioned, doesn't hurt…
  • Yes it's "or keep". If playing by standard dungeon clear style and without knockback tactics, either a dpser tagger takes the role or an offtank on kiting duty. Tiamat clearly doesn't have that luxury when half the raid are doing their own stuffs. It's a very rare occurence for me to witness someone attempting. The easiest…
  • SB is in fact one of my must slots during Tiamat. Other 2 options have been DG and HW / (PoD when I switched to DO) If you're pure righteous with condemn feat, 3D-SB -> ESB ->1 more encounter means you put up a condemn debuff during head phase within 5secs for a 15% offensive buff for the frontline melees along with AoE…
  • Quite surprise that this thread is still alive. I thought we are already past this topic of blame. Granted, "No Astral Seals" shout are still visible till today. Hallowed Ground is often seen, and more often than not overlapped. The fails at recent week are all credited to: - Low DPS Let's face this, you will notice as…