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About PvP Balance

rubens14rubens14 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited February 2015 in PvP Discussion
I play as a DC (Virtuous) only for pvp since I started playing. Allways played as a defensive character too, so even before the mod 5, I managed to tank in pvp. And I think I have enough experience and basement to say about OP classes or not.

My character is full for tanking, it means I have no toon, no enchant, no gear for increase attack, only defensive stats. Only defensive skills, (41k hp), etc. I can really stand against everyone I have ever met (execpt one or two guys ultra OP 5k in at will hits), but at the cost I take 5 min to kill a 10k gs guy, and if you have a decent defense stat, I cant low 10% of your life.

The main problem in pvp is the CONTROL. DCs have nothing against control powers except form 1-2 sec of immunit in not the best 2 daylies (ridiculous), and for this reason the morjority of times I die, is with only 1 or 2 encounters on cooldown,daily up, artifact up, potions up, even against only 2 people. I cant get full silenced by two TRs/CWs!

Everybody need some ways to lower or stand a little against cotrol, or in mod 6 we will enter arena not bothering about what encounters use, because they will never spawn!

About TRs.

So if you are complaining about TRs and your character have only offensive stats, or you have less 35k hp to go pvp, or you have a lesser GS than the marjority of the ones you are playing against, then your complaings suck.

But if you know balance offensive and defensive stats, having a lot of the deffensive, and get one rotated by a TR, this is a problem.
Bigger problem than that is if you are a FULL DEFENSIVE, big wall, tought healing exped pvp all geared DC, and get ONE SHOT by a TR. Really?

Now explain me what I got to do to survive a 54k CRIT by shocking execution each 30sec. Its what found sometimes. I stack all damage resistance DC buffs can provide at the same time, 41k life (could be more, but never stack 54k), and I get ONE SHOT? And if dont get one shot, you get silence (if not permasilenced) till die.

You cant give all of this to one class: Impossible to catch (impossible to build divinity) / Very High damage (Ignore damage resistance!!?? Joking?) / A lot of Control (Not time to do half rotation). It means, they dont die, Kill a lot, and disable the enemies, making it harder to kill tem, and hard for enemies to survive!

Dont need to nerf them to the ground. Make one of this things less... Or mechanisms against them: Reveal stealth, seconds of damage immunity (taken away from DC in this module), or REAL control resist.

Not to mention matchmaking. Only leaving my disgusting about this.

(Excuse me for english mistakes).

Do you agree?
Listen to the words of experience.
Post edited by rubens14 on


  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Kinda ironic considering people aren't exactly too happy about the DCs right now -- with the complaints being generally not too harsh only because the shadows the TR cast being so big and all-fathoming.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    DC actually has no problem facing most TR. You can dodge smoke bomb, shocking excecution etc 9/10 times if you used to play against TR. The only problem here is divinity. You can try DPS DC. As a DPS DC, you will always slot Bots and Chains. Use them to help you, or hold them long enough for you to generate some little divinity. Yes they one shot you but that means your TRs is safe from SE and they will SE back opposite TR for you. Revise your skill loadout if you feel it is difficult to play. My choice is Bts + Chains + AS, imo a very well balanced skill set against all classes. You can try to use this loadout and you will feel big difference...

    EDIT: Virtuous path is more pve oriented. If you want to play tank, go for faithful. Virtuous is really bad against spike damage.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    PVP and Balanced are, in almost all cases, mutually exclusive.
    I aim to misbehave
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've tried alot of permutation but I find Astral Shield, Break the Spirit, Divine Glow works best in most PvP scenario. If we can get one more encounter slot, I'll definitely slot daunting light but survivability is the top priority. DC's bane has always been CC.

    Righteous Class Feature and Healing Depression exists to handicap healing and the DC, that means you are always going to be getting minimally 50% effectiveness when you spec for heals. No other class is penalized for being good at what they do, except healers. That's a very harsh diminishing return right from the get go. That's why I'd rather spec for dps or cc for PvP : I'll get close to full effectiveness.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    I recently pulled my DC out from the back of the cupboard and blew the dust off. Haven't played it in 6 months. Rolled it to a Righteous AC. 15k GS and I can't say I am having too much trouble with most TRs if I can get them in a 1v1. If I manage to Sun Burst it off of me and drop 2 - 3 Forgemasters on it I kill them relatively easily. I'd say that right now a DPS DC is the best countermeasure. Tons of hard-hitting DOTs that limit its stealth and as most TRs are not tanky, they will get hurt. I've had numerous TRs slip into stealth and then come out and die after tagging them with Forgemasters.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    vteasy wrote: »
    no mention of HR's 10k per tick roots....ok Nerf Trs I guess

    If and when TRs are fixed and no longer FoTM, Trappers and Righteous DCs will be next in line for rage threads.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A DC complains about CC. How cute...

    How are we supposed to kill you then?
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I figured it out. I know how to avoid frustration in PVP and just have fun again. Since the devs will always maintain imbalances for income's sake, be it in the form of fotm class or fotm enchantment, I'll simply strip my 24k GWF of everything but his weapons and underwear before I queue. Going in like that makes the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> class balance and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> match making system irrelevant.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • rubens14rubens14 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Maybe the dps tree would allow me better face TR's...
    Maybe it's the lack o damage that makes them hit free and control me as they want.
    But this is the only way a healer/tank DC is viable, and like allways, dependent on other good player besides them.
    Listen to the words of experience.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ....15k GS and I can't say I am having too much trouble with most TRs.....
    there are lots of bad TR´s, but meet equal geared player with a bit scill, not much, and u sure will have problems being oneshooted, again and again
    you talk about a few games u took part, sure DC is a good class, OP atm especially faithfull in PVP, but there is no effective way to counter a permastealth sab that will onehit you, especially if u play a rightous DC
    how do u go for divinity if u can´t even see the TR? no divinity = no chance, same with warlock soulbinder--> how do i stack soul sparks against an invisible target? and even if i succeed...the y run out the moment ur TR disappears

    TR sab treee totally broken for sure
    ...and as most TRs are not tanky...
    u met the wrong Tr´s, when i play against an equal geared TR that is build for PVP he is 3times more tanky than a tank, just reflects, dodges every kind of damage, even 3 vs 1 sometims seems not to be a great problem,
    these Tr´s are no sabs i guess but....ähm this permadazing TR (just forgot the Tree) who kills u with dazes and DOTs
  • grobb1grobb1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 34
    edited February 2015
    please dont consider nerfing just because people havent learned to play their character in all situations... i am sure this guy is awesome at playing his dc but that shouldnt give his argument any weight... just hate to see nerfs happen because people arent well enough versed in their character... as a person who plays all characters i can honestly say when playing my TR i come across stoopid crazy DC who has 3-4 people on him/her and nothing can be done... i have also been killed by many of these types of DC, put this same dc in the hands of someone else and they dont know how to do the same thing... people have different play styles and are just better and some have a little more trial and error to work through.
  • grobb1grobb1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 34
    edited February 2015

    there is executioner, perma stealth and daze, perma daze has the most deflect options in its build. Dot comes from executioner build. If youre scared roll a HR or dont leave your grp till you are more seasoned.
    there are ways to counter each type of TR and i hope you figure them out soon.

    The only thing i am tired of seeing is people learning this game 2nd hand... tell me how to build my character, how to equip my character, what boons do i get, enchants, how do i counter so-and-so class... figure it out people- other people have

    if you truly like this game then it will be fun no matter what you decide to do and if youre here just to pvp and QQ because you cant pvp the way you want then i feel no sympathy and wish these types of players would move on
  • svekoljsvekolj Member Posts: 65
    edited February 2015
    grobb1 wrote: »

    there are ways to counter each type of TR

    how about all of them at once?
  • fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Or go the DPS tree since who doesent like ticking an enemy for 1800dmg from 1 at will? :D
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015

    there are lots of bad TR´s, but meet equal geared player with a bit scill, not much, and u sure will have problems being oneshooted, again and again
    you talk about a few games u took part, sure DC is a good class, OP atm especially faithfull in PVP, but there is no effective way to counter a permastealth sab that will onehit you, especially if u play a rightous DC
    how do u go for divinity if u can´t even see the TR? no divinity = no chance, same with warlock soulbinder--> how do i stack soul sparks against an invisible target? and even if i succeed...the y run out the moment ur TR disappears

    TR sab treee totally broken for sure

    u met the wrong Tr´s, when i play against an equal geared TR that is build for PVP he is 3times more tanky than a tank, just reflects, dodges every kind of damage, even 3 vs 1 sometims seems not to be a great problem,
    these Tr´s are no sabs i guess but....ähm this permadazing TR (just forgot the Tree) who kills u with dazes and DOTs

    This is all personal experience.

    I have a 19k Conqueror (PVP spec) and a 18.6k Sentinel (PVP spec). I am having an easier time with my DC against TRs because I am Righteous and can do a lot of damage to a TR, more than my Fighters can. Astral Seal, Plague Fire, Forgemasters Flame ensures I put a ton of DOTs on them. DOTs also work against the TRs stealth, so my DC sees the TR more than my Fighters can. On more than one occasion whiel fighting a TR I see it disappear and the next minute it comes out of stealth and dies because of my DOTs. Condemning Gaze, Bear Your Sins, Fire of the Gods and a Plague Fire do an awful lot of damage when working together. Righteous DCs can burn the hell out of my GF as well, the DOTs are formidable.

    Not saying TRs can't kill me. They do. But I find it easier to fight them as a Righteous DC than a Conqueror or Sentinel. I'd say Faithful DCs are easy targets as they do not scare a TR damage-wise. I will at least hurt a TR before it takes me down.

    And by tanky I meant TRs don't have to worry about rolling CON-heavy builds anymore because they hit so hard and have a bunch of CC. STR and DEX. 14k PVE Executioners with less than 25k HP and Vorpals can destroy 20k PVP GFs in a single hit. A lot of the TRs you see in PVP are FoTM or PVE TRs, not all are PVP specs because right now the TR is so powerful it doesn't need to be heavily geared towards PVP unless you are playing in the top 50 pages.

    But back to the point; in my personal playing experience I find that a Righteous DC can hurt TRs and if and when TRs get fixed people will mess their pants when they start fighting 2 DCs per match. A Faithful and Righteous DC in the same party is a freakin' nightmare. I have both fought against it and been one of those DCs in a tag-team.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i really wish, one day, we will see devs premade team against players premade team ) in the liveshow. akro can be commentary )

    players should pick 2dc and 3tr

    it should be so much fun.....
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here you are.

    To bad that there are not negative points. In new TR/DC possibilities I vote 1000:-200 for players.
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    LOL devs 2 score, no kills... and its very old so no big power creep in that days. this can be answer why pvp is in state it is.....
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i am a GF roughly at 19-20gs for pvp.I have played 300 matches in mod5 ,i have been hit for 56k lashing blades.normal situation for mod5 nothing fancy here.

    Today i went in a node against a 13k gs scoundrel WK.Full power.recovery build ,rank6s.

    lashing blade,smoke bomb,impact shot his rotation.

    His impact shot was hitting me for 8k.His att will dazed me mid lunging flight.I died in 6 secs.49% DR 55k hp.In 6 secs.

    And ofcourse i did not hit him even once.Nope .Nada.Dazed from start to finish.Lashing blade first hit=daze.Impact shot,Smoke bomb,Impact shot,Impact shot ,DF, he goes to stealth ,Impact shot ,I lunge at him =dazed mid flight.I am dead by dsHStrike.

    It is ridicoulous.Honestly i have put decent fights against 17kgs exes and sabs.

  • nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    there are lots of bad TR´s

    I am one of them, never played mine really, raised it to 60 through Leadership profession. 10k gs and something. I know that the TAB makes me invisible. And yes, when facing a group of pvp-geared knowledgeable red players, even if they're not TRs, I either die, or have to flee, or kill only one of them. In 1v1 against another TR, I lose as well.
    Also I do feel some pressure on me, the group clearly is waiting for me to be an asset. With my non-TR main, no pressure, I just wander from one base to another, capping the empty bases and getting the occasional +25 when our TR kills someone and I happen to be there.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
  • svekoljsvekolj Member Posts: 65
    edited February 2015
    nazghul22 wrote: »
    I am one of them, never played mine really, raised it to 60 through Leadership profession. 10k gs and something. I know that the TAB makes me invisible. .

    put lashing blade on your q then press one after the other and watch that kill count skyrocket
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Basically, whoever plays a rogue now in PvP and thinks he is good should uninstall it (imho). Oneshot ability with true damage that can't be avoided, IMMORTALITY (bloodbath) and when you're not immortal you're invisible or CC immune. And if you're not CC immune/invisible/Immortal you have always got a ton of dodges. Playing rogue nowdays is so low PvP tier, for fools that like to delude themselves.
    But once we have them nerfed, GWFs will again become OP along with DCs and CWs. Especially DCs.
  • svekoljsvekolj Member Posts: 65
    edited February 2015
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Basically, whoever plays a rogue now in PvP and thinks he is good should uninstall it (imho). Oneshot ability with true damage that can't be avoided, IMMORTALITY (bloodbath) and when you're not immortal you're invisible or CC immune. And if you're not CC immune/invisible/Immortal you have always got a ton of dodges. Playing rogue nowdays is so low PvP tier, for fools that like to delude themselves.
    But once we have them nerfed, GWFs will again become OP along with DCs and CWs. Especially DCs.

    why do you think gwfs will become op again, as it stands now- I've had better luck in pvp with my warlock :D
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    One shot ability? I don't have that. Immortality? Uh nope. Bloodbath? Don't use it. Permastealth? Nope again. CC immunity? I wish. Dodges? Let's take away everybody's dodges. ONCE AGAIN, lumping all TR's together. The top 50 pages is littered with bad TRS ABUSING this or that. One thing is for sure, if you can't adapt to TRs right now, mod 6 won't save you. You be a lot better off advocating for your own class instead of trying to nerf TRs. That battle was over a month ago.
    Those top tier TRs are not concerned about what is OP/broken and what is not, they do have all of that above. I don't care about particular individuals but I do appreciate when one tries to play fair so you're such a scoundrel hipster then I suggest you go try something like SW for PvP instead of protecting the class, everyone but rogues, agrees is overpowered.
    The imaginary battle you're talking about is not over.
    svekolj wrote: »
    why do you think gwfs will become op again, as it stands now- I've had better luck in pvp with my warlock :D
    What morenthar said :D
  • rubens14rubens14 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    When you realize that only TR's are saying that TR's are not OP...
    Then you see TR's are OP.
    Even player who have a TR as main or secondary character don't know face TR's...
    As the GWF said before, he lost 56k life without touch the TR's against him.
    But my point of view were THAT: Give DC's some CONTROL IMMUNITY, or give TR's LESS CONTROL. I am not only claiming for NERF. I don't play other classes and don't know what they need. But against TR's the major problems for tank/healing DC's are the silence. (Besides de one shoot problem...)
    Listen to the words of experience.
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    rubens14 wrote: »
    When you realize that only TR's are saying that TR's are not OP...
    Then you see TR's are OP.
    Even player who have a TR as main or secondary character don't know face TR's...
    As the GWF said before, he lost 56k life without touch the TR's against him.
    But my point of view were THAT: Give DC's some CONTROL IMMUNITY, or give TR's LESS CONTROL. I am not only claiming for NERF. I don't play other classes and don't know what they need. But against TR's the major problems for tank/healing DC's are the silence. (Besides de one shoot problem...)

    No TRs have ever said TRs are not OP.. at least not in any major threads I've seen for the last 3 weeks or so.

    Why is it that people just can't drop the habit of making up this dramatic image of a "arrogant, boastful TR who thinks he's good and keeps on saying TRs are not OP"?

    Do people really need to make up a slanderous image of something to critique it? I'm not sure just how many times I have to repeat this in the forums, but they very first, earliest warnings of OP stuff came from us TRs, we warned the community, we warned the devs about it, we promoted fixes to broken stuff. The only ones who are keeping quiet are the one's who exploit the broken stuff to their own purposes, namely, the so-called "premade" bunch who are usually the very first to find out/figure out bugs and exploits and OP stuff, and then keep it to themselves instead of warning the devs.... and even these people don't openly claim that the TR is not OP. They just stay away from the boards and keep to themselves.

    Besides... seriously? A DC complaining about a TR and asking for a control immunity? So if even the current, broken OP TRs can't use controls to lock you down to wear you down, then who in the blazes in this game can kill you? A 5vs1 gangbang?
  • kazearimorikazearimori Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    TBH, DPS DCs will drop out of the window for those thinking Righteous is on par on OP meters with TR at mod6. And really, avoiding FOTG ticking on your butt is way easier than avoid being dazed and shot by a TR.
    Also, going Righteous means survivability down by a huge lot skipping Faithful tree.
    Those who are chipping in left, right and centre on this thread should have enough pvp experience to differentiate a Faithful DC or a Righteous one by now hopefully? No?
  • jackedbrahjackedbrah Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    One shot ability? I don't have that. Immortality? Uh nope. Bloodbath? Don't use it. Permastealth? Nope again. CC immunity? I wish. Dodges? Let's take away everybody's dodges. ONCE AGAIN, lumping all TR's together. The top 50 pages is littered with bad TRS ABUSING this or that. One thing is for sure, if you can't adapt to TRs right now, mod 6 won't save you. You be a lot better off advocating for your own class instead of trying to nerf TRs. That battle was over a month ago.

    the thing is... you're absolutely terrible tho. playing a subpar, pathetic build.

    "oh look at me, I'm hindering myself so my class is not OP" argument. hipsters are flooding the internet, and even neverwinter now.
    Elitist dooshbag

    Guardian Fighter main. I will never switch to Paladin even if we're a dying breed. GF for ever!

    Main alts: Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard.
  • faerbotfaerbot Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have finally accepted the fact Cryptic will not even attempt to fix PVP. Their last post regarding the matter was on December 18th. 2 months yeah its getting a lot of attention.
  • jackedbrahjackedbrah Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Yet here I am, posting my main's name in my signature. So who are you "brah?"

    Of course, being someone of your profound stature, you do realize that I play my build because it is the most fun to play. It has its weaknesses, yet, people who talk to me like you are typically people I kill "brah."

    So who are you, "brah?"

    edit: I just wanted to point out I used "brah" three times.

    lmao at you. typical pugstar

    you have never killed me and probably never will, everytime ive seen your score was either neutral, negative, or a kill or two more than deaths. whisperknife is the definition of inferior. and barkshield is only going to extend your living time by 1 second. and i dont even play a coward (TR) as a main.

    i could probably bring my 13k tr and youd have trouble against it "brah".

    every time i see your name pop out on the forums im basically like "let's see what kind of delusion he'll spew again" and im never disappointed llolol. carry on and keep entertaining us.

    if you want to get better ill practice with you in icewind dale, you can pick any class to practice against and ill give you some lessons.
    Elitist dooshbag

    Guardian Fighter main. I will never switch to Paladin even if we're a dying breed. GF for ever!

    Main alts: Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard.
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