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florghhh Arc User



  • I've never really had to replace a card before :S Is there any tips for how to do it? I don't know what it looks like XD
  • Oh okay, well thanks for that part of info, but i'm still not sure, is it at all possible to receive damage from crashes like this? I'm not trying to say that CO did cause damage, as this computer is 4 years old anyway and needs replacing, but can it die out faster from thigns like a memory leak etc? How do i repair it?…
  • This was a special case though, it was a 20th anniversary event of battle of detroit, so they used the halloween event version instead of the normal one. These deathlords are slightly smaller. And the perk is directly tied into completion of the open mission, and since they are two completely different open missions, you…
  • One thing i am confused about with this entire controversy.... They said in the winner notice that they wanted him to rename it, and i will mention, by the context, it sounded more like, they will have it renamed no matter what, to avoid clones. Yet now they stuck with it, but yet... didn't they change Blazes first name?…
  • Why not for power armour have them sprout wheels at their hands and feet and they lie flat and move like a car :D They need to make vehicle only maps where a form of pvp can take place like racing or something
  • So wait.... hold the phones... Does this mean my severe crisis about my computer crashing is a false positive? as i assumed my graphic card was dying or some hardware failure, or even possibly software (which is odd since i've done no recent updates) going into more detail about what i experienced. on saturday, in my time…
  • If this is true then i am not amused, i'd have to buy the tiem just to learn i'd already unlocked it. =\ Not surprised with how fail they are at even getting a simple release notes made.
  • hmm.. i must say i'm extremely curious.. could you maybe PM me sometime to say what STO did? sounds extreme, but i always heard they at least did something in STO Seriously? That fails a lot =\ i'd make a joke about how reverse they are and say they'd fail and advertise CO at a Sci-fi convention, but i'm sure STO would…
  • That's always typical in "moderated" games, heck, i'd suffered similar in my ********* days. i say it with the "" because it's always bogus automated scripts anyway, been banned for simply saying shut up, but the person who reported it said much much worse. Don't worry, there's very little moderation in game, that said, be…
  • I'm sort of on the fence about this thread OP's concern. Sure, we know it's thee and some want it. But at the same time, you don't want everythign to be accessible. the bad guys need to have some of their own unique traits because not everything is designed to be used by players, but against them. Oh, also i want Vikorins…
  • Did you know, there was originaly 10 months in a year, but Augustus and Julius Caesar shoved a month in between and named it after themselves because they wanted more attention? Maybe Cryptic's only doing the same thing? Let them try! My only hope is, that i'll be able ot get enough drifter salvage for everything. If the…
  • So by context i guess you're contacting them to say you can't even change your email to verify your account in which they're telling you to change your email to get their help? Gotta love a paradox. cryptic indeed.
  • Except, minecraft is actually getting updates. So i don't see how you could compare them to be the same
  • To a certain extent, it is. Although that 200Q figure is the only player decided number, and people can't seem to separate that from looking at all the figures.
  • what's more annoying is the fact i can't solo it at lvl 40, and i do fie untill i have to BE the avatar then it just takes forever
  • Interesting, so unless it's not been updated yet, which i doubt atm, seeing as imo i think it would still mention CP somewhere if out of date, just means, we're still buying 80 per dollar, but the prices went up. Clever. let's just hope it actually is just a mistake, but as champshewolf says, cryptic never make mistakes.…
  • I'm pretty sure, if you have to convert AT you start from scratch, therefore removing all powers, including the TP, so if you bought the TP, you'll still have access, if it was just free from being gold, you'll lose it Also, why is it those other games there get to have different premium currency that isn't zen? i see…
  • You'd have to convert them to an AT you own or have access to
  • Where in the hell did i ever say that, oh mysterious know-it-all of what's on peoples minds, give me your wisdom so i can too, give opinions on everything to everyone and correct them about what they are thinking!!! I simply point out a change, and people like you jump down my throat for pointing out assuming i just want…
  • Irony, someone using their own sig which they are quoting someone from, thinking it makes them infallable I don't know which is funnier, the fact you think i think i'm self entitled, or make up claims i never will spend money, or how you think i'm making up math when i even showed you how to do your own basic math. Or the…
  • I didn't say this was anywhere near a crisis, again, another example of someone reads a post, and think "He's pointing out a difference in the system, clearly he's just crying over having to pay more, so obv all he says is wrong, oh he said 2 + 2 = 4, obviously it's not 4 then." I'm not delusional, obviously, even if this…
  • Yes there is. If you knew math, you would understand this simple mathematical process. Let's do a short math lesson comparing values, of both CP and Zen, to what it would cost at the minimum and maximum conversion values to buy one FF slot, at both the previous CP price of 4,000 compared to the Zen value of 5,000 FF slot…
  • And i'm sorry you don't seem to comprehend what i'm actually saying, if you think i "feel cheated" "nothing is off" except, i just pointed out the 50k-500k range difference, and it's "not off" If you don't want the range re-balanced, just say so, but don't troll and argue it's not off, when it actually is.
  • So my points are only invalid at this time simply because the player value of zen isn't at this number? I believe that makes it still valid, as people imply, my point is invalid simply because it's not anywhere near those limits, meaning that if it ever does, it will instantly validate my points, and thus warrant it being…
  • How come i never had to authorise my computer yet? Not that i'm complaining, because honestly, i think it's a stupid system, but i'd expect with such a drastic feature that's locking people out of their own accounts if their email is out of date to have some consistency, otherwise they can't really issue out blanket…
  • If it's not relevant, then why is everyone jumping down my throat about pointing this out, and against the idea of wanting Cryptic to at least re-balance those limits? If those people are going to argue it's a moot point for me to point out, then it's a moot point for them to jump down my throat =\ And don't take that the…
  • So you're arguing, even though it's obviously cause a degree of scaling, it doesn't matter because it's not currently near that mark? So what would you say if it did reach that price then? "Oh, i was agasint a re-balance before because ti was never near it, but now that is it, clearly it shoudl be looked at" or "Oh i know…
  • I never said the player decided prices were cryptics' fault, i'm merely pointing out, there's still been an oversight in the conversion. All i'm saying is, the price range was set based on CP, not zen, with this conversion, it's only fair to want to the re-balance the boundaries, because they still have an added Q total to…
  • And i don't know how to make it any more plain for you. Do your own damned math then. Calculate the minimum price of 50 q per CP for a FF slot, at 4000, and compare it to 50 for 1 zen at 5000 for the ff slot. there's definately a rise there. Then, check the same thing for the maximum price of 500 q to 1 CP for the price of…
  • Did you check this in game, or on website? I'd suggest checking in game if you haven't already.. then send a ticket if still nothing. If the points you had were from actually spending real money, you can try asking for an audit on your purchase history to also prove your case.
  • I see no reason why it shouldn't.. though you should get your lifetime first just incase then ;)
  • I can understand the first few posters to call him out for what they percieved as just bad math skills, but there's like 9 pages now to clarify what was meant, so you're just still ignoring the fact there's still a definite change in the exchange caused by this conversion, which i will quote a previous post of mine to…
  • Well, i'm glad i amused at least one person... but is it sad that i actually am tempted to try my scheme on them? o.O
  • I think it's a few days after your sub started.
  • So the fact that now, if conversion hits 500 per zen it would now be a total of 2,500,000 to buy the FF slot for 5,000 Zen means nothign to you? As opposed to 2,000,000 if ti was still 4,000 Cryptic points. That's an extra 500,000 Questionite people have to grind. Again, assuming it's now set to max price. if we go to the…
  • I don't get it... if all prices went up by 25% and all CP went up by 25% how does it change like that? sounds to me like a bug, so report it
  • Let's say all this copyright/trademark crap is right then, they have to protect their propertty then, or lose it. Also, i thought the EULA agrrement specifially talked about copyrights, not trademarks, so... some clarity? If they own all copyrights, how do they then take your trademark if they talked about getting…
  • Okay... so what you're saying is, if a currency is changed into something new. You're against a fullscale re-balance? everything- correction.. everything BUT the exchange in regards to CP to zen went up 25% but the exchange, which was designed and calculated with CP in mind, is now not up to scratch with it anymore. but i…
  • You're comparing a person you believe to be mis-calculating the changes to someone buying two drinks and getting 1 drink that's the same size as 2.. and at the same time implying they are stupid for questioning it, what if, i bought 2 sodas so i could give one to a gf or friend? am i not entitled to demand they fix their…
  • Okay.. you're right. Clearly Nighthawk will be the best content added since... the most recent alert boss. It's like a 1000% increase in content size all at once
  • I have a question.... with all this talk about anything you write you're not allowed to keep etc.. What if i write a real life biography of myself then? Do they own me? in which case, i demand an allowance and LTS. Also, sometimes i get depressive could i get in trouble for killing off their character, their property then…
  • Oh yay.... more alerts.. because we woulsn't want cryptic to produce any meaningful content I honestly don't understand how people can be so complacent about this. New bosses in Alerts is NOT new content and it never will be. I am extremely BORED of alerts. And the way people go on with this, i'ma write a pretend release…
  • Same, for my original name, i use it everywhere, and i've used it a lot. So i'm curious what would happen if i ever do write and publish the book based on my character(Just the character, nothing else, it's a medieval theme anyway) and somehow cryptic notices. Sure, they can prob sue me, if they cared. But then they just…
  • Problem is, if i remember correctly, BattyBatty is Aussie, as am i. We don't have walmart in Australia. It stinks when i checked the PW site for storea nearby selling pre paid cards... guess what... all their nearest stores links assume i am in America, i'll have to waste time in the weekend looking in stores if they might…
  • If you consider alerts to be content, then that's your mistake. You knew those new villain contest winners? their feature is just adding them to the alerts. So, all the Day at the mall, dockside dustup and raditation rumbles etc have a new villain version. it's exactly the same, just has variety in the villains. I don't…
  • lol, except in history, the brits didn't really care enough to fight and just let them have their day, so it isn't really a defeat for them :p
  • Except the thing is. Every name i had which i used as an account name, is mystically taken, and there's no sign of it in their own search database, so no sign of it actually being taken other than being stick in reservation limbo denying me from taking back my own name when it was reserved specifically for me. Why do i get…
  • Yeah, except the thing is, no where in the PWE search does it show anyone with the name i had, so it's gotta be a reserve issue this is all just extremely frustrating :(