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danteandersen Arc User



  • Wait... the Zen Store aura packs are per-character unlocks, NOT account-wide unlocks? If that's the case, then color me not buying these until they're account-wide unlocks. -END OF LINE
  • ... until Cryptic/PWE screws up the accounts again, stop pulling the money and putting hundreds if not thousands of Gold players to Silver status once again. Fix'd that for you. I know too many people who got burned by the screwup last time that they are skeptical to try again... the whole "once bitten, twice shy" thing.…
  • Huh... and I thought that PWE was all "we don't sell emotes in the Z-Store.. not enough profit". Maybe this means that all the emotes they used to sell in STO will be coming back to their Z-Store as well, including /e airguitar. This is the first thing I've really wanted to buy from the Z-Store in a LONG time. -END OF LINE
  • Please tell me they got rid of the "X character is doing Y emote" chat spam as well. I don't want my characters saying "Sssssssssss" when doing dance_snake because, well... it's stupid. I don't want to read "X character sits in a chair" when I use sitchair... because I CAN SEE THEY ARE SITTING!!! We don't need a message…
  • I think the problem with emotes were not the emotes in and of themselves (the animations), but rather the combination of the emote and the accompanying chat spam (the "Character@GlobalName is doing the Leg Kick" announcement). In City of Heroes, this was never a problem; you activated an emote, the character just did the…
  • At its core, CO is a good game with so much potential. Unfortunately, most of that potential was squandered and cool things with potential were either taken out of the game (the Legacy costume pieces, crafting 1.0 and power replacers), were started and now languish in a half-broken state, not being fixed or expanded on…
  • Hey, while you're at it... can you tell them that when they bring the emotes back online to re-activate the airguitar emote in CO, STO whiners be damned? CO had airguitar once, STO players whined it out of the build, NW players get it (where it doesn't even make SENSE), and not a peep from STO players. WTF?!? Seriously,…
  • Fatal Err0r: A perfect name for this event, because the path this game is taking, that's what we'll be seeing when we try to launch CO in six months (maybe less) since the game will be finally be offline. More lockbox crap for probably a short-lived mission series that will take at most 1 hour to complete to add to the…
  • How dare you post the secret development schedule for CO? :tongue: -END OF LINE
  • Dear UNITY, Thanks for thinking of me to go run some errands for you all over the world... reminds me of my days working for that secret, private intelligence organization that stopped things before they actually took place, like nukes going off and extinction-level super-viruses. But now, instead of just stopping things…
  • That would be nice, but the Crisis versions got tweaked to be level 12-15... dumping a level 5/6 there now would turn MORE players off unless they tweaked it back down to levels 6-10. The thing is, these disconnects were happening to people with characters in other zones as well... the only zones that tended to stay stable…
  • Wow... with everything going wrong with CO lately, from the disconnects and the screwing up subscription payments, you're starting to make a compelling argument for your players to play DCUO or Marvel Heroes and not spend another penny on anything made/handled by PWE. If it was still around, there would most likely be a…
  • I hate to say this, but CO is most likely going to be shuttered within a year's time. The writing is on the wall: 1) PWE not taking recurring subscriptions from a bunch of CO subscribers, forcing them to Silver status... don't you find this strange that this problem is only affecting CO and not STO? Maybe because they'd…
  • I know three cases of people being screwed: One had the 3 months for $30 deal get cancelled on them. They walked from the game completely because of it. Another had a recurring subscription, and their account was forcibly lapsed into Silver status because PWE cancelled the collection. A third got cancelled into Silver off…
  • So, how much will this cost on the Zen Store? -END OF LINE
  • Interesting comment about CO in STO Zone chat: "CO is a Zombie game, dead but still walking" And looking at the state of this game at the moment... a pretty fair description. On top of that, I know of several people who had their subscriptions to CO set to auto-renew and when the time came for auto-renewal, it didn't and…
  • And THAT is the problem with CO: it's passive. No change, no major content... it's going to get to the point where that passive income will trickle to zero since nobody will see any need to pay money into a stagnant game. The only "content" they have really thrown at the game is the rare "event" that disappears from the…
  • If you are looking for more characters to practice with, feel free to contact me and I will send you pics of various characters I have you can use. -END OF LINE
  • Maybe because this thread has had more content added to it than the actual game this forum is for? -END OF LINE
  • It's perfect grammar for China. :wink: - END OF LINE
  • And you can get 3 ships, for ALL your characters when they reach the appropriate level, for 5000 Zen. 3 Account-wide unlocks for $20 less than the cost of one vehicle that can only be used by one character at a time. If they want to have it cost 200 Drifter Salvage, fine... then they better make it an account unlock that…
  • Update: It is not only the MCPD vendors that are giving level 40 gear to characters of much lower level... PRIMUS vendor is doing the same thing (A level 22 buying a T2 gear box from PRIMUS recognition vendor, and item in box was set to Level 40; I just checked no more than 3 minutes before posting here. I can surmise that…
  • The boxes were listed as Level 17. I figured a level 17 would get gear from a level 17 box which would be Level 17, so I opened both boxes without worrying... or I should have, because of the outcome. Yes, a level 17 box would have limited use to a level 40 if it dropped Level 17 gear like it should have... but when a…
  • Sarcasm does not come off well in a written medium such as a forum post without some sort of visual indicator (like having this at the end of the comment: :tongue: ) . My points are still valid, whether or not they were in response to sarcasm. If the Spammer option does give more demerits towards chat banning than the…
  • Yes, it would... but if these people used the "Flag as Spammer" tool, a tool meant for use to prevent RMT advertising, then THOSE people are in the wrong as well (there's no way I will excuse what Caliga did, whatever it was... if it was worth people ignoring him, he deserved to be chat banned)... as long as they used the…
  • Forget it, he's rolling... :tongue: -END OF LINE
  • This has nothing to do with Champions Online... and the video link doesn't even work. Champions will NOT benefit from anything from that game... or anything for that matter. They hired developers from Paragon Studios (you know, the people who worked on Cryptic's first game City of Heroes), and people thought "Hey! They're…
  • If they bought a three month sub in September then bought the LTS in November, using only 2/3 of that sub before going LTS, they basically burned an extra $14 to go Lifetime. If they wait until a day or two before their 3 month sub ends, they got that money's worth. Why spend $314 for a LTS when you can get the full…
  • Yeah, same here... I think I played for something like 8 hours before I got tired of it. Looks beautiful, but because it is set up more for console controller play the PC version UI is HORRIBLY clunky and unintuitive. - END OF LINE
  • I bought my STO LTS while I still had a week or two left on my subscription; they do not refund it. I would say that if you can hold onto the LTS money and purchase a day or two before your sub runs out, do that. Use as much as you can before it runs out then buy it (unless they do an LTS sale since CoH closes 12:00AM…
  • I think the words you are looking for are "Pay To Gamble To Possibly Win". :wink: -END OF LINE
  • That may be... but the CoH refugees have a choice of superhero MMOs now. They can go to DCUO, where the only way SOE will close the game is by losing the licensing agreement (the only reasons Matrix Online and Star Wars Galaxies were closed) AND on top of it, their "Gold" members open all of their lockboxes for free. PWE…
  • Let's not forget that the Prototypes, which were supposed to have special benefits different than the other vehicles, got a HUGE nerf, so therefore what you paid 1500 Zen for is no longer what you purchased, therefore a possible "bait and switch" business practice right there. They either need to restore the Prototypes…
  • You mean like having a Prototype and not being able to modify or use the MOD system that came out today... AND the prototypes getting a hefty smash of the Nerf Bat in speed and capability on top of that? THAT kind of SOL? Yeah, Cryptic just said that today. -END OF LINE
  • This kind of borders on a bait and switch technique; push to purchase the "prototype" only to cut the ability to non-usefulness the day the "production" models hit the store. I decided to buy one during the "get this NAO" mainly for my one toon to get from point A to point B quicker than Swinging... and now it seems that…
  • It is indeed now fixed for me... too bad I now have to get to bed since I have to wake up early in the morning. -END OF LINE
  • They need to separate Tako boxes from normal drops and create a second icon (like they did in STO, an actual box for the lockboxes and a football shaped container for normal drops)... that way it comes up as "Take Items - Press Z" and "Take Cache - Press Z" on separate bars instead of just the " ! " which could be either…
  • Well... at least it gives us more time to play Halo 4, right? Because, unlike CO and STO's patch server right now, it works. -END OF LINE
  • Actually, nodes have stopped giving skill points to everyone... once again. I have a crafter only at 116, and every node they did (47) in the last three days, done in several zones (so it was not just one zone). has NOT given a skill point; while the stop at 321 explains that person's problems, the lower level crafters are…
  • CoH Forums: Pheonyx CoH Global: @Pheonyx CO/STO Global: @Pheonyx Played mainly on Virtue, characters include Krimsin Hawk, Websurfer, Agent Munin and Little Miss Gunbunny. I'm usually Pheonyx wherever I go... except for these forums when PWE decided that I was not allowed to be Pheonyx anymore when I had been Pheonyx on…
  • I can answer that the same way it was handled when STO players asked for the odds: You will never see the odds. NEVER! The game will close before you see the odds on the lockboxes.
  • Oh $deity... they've brought lockboxes to CO, not the packs you can only buy like the Nighthawk ones, actual lockboxes that so many people quit STO over because the drops were so often it filled inventories quicker than common gear. It seems Cryptic hasn't learned from the Lockbox Debacle in STO and is now infesting CO…
  • Well, the situation did finally correct once my whole system blue-screened and restarted hours later (because one of the six earlier attempts was after a full system reboot) and I promptly moved the character to Lemuria (where they're now fighting orange/red/purple mobs), but it's seeming to be a stable zone and I have the…
  • Not fixed as of this maintenance/patch. I collected nodes in different zones and never received any skill point increases. I am now 27/400 in skill solely from fusions, level 32 character.
  • Oh? Can you link me to this news? I'd like to read about them.
  • 1) Fix Bugs, especially the game-breaking bugs. 2) Fix More Bugs 3) Once the bugs are fixed add new content like Adventure Packs, Comic Series and new contacts with mission arcs. Failing adding new content, then just add the Foundry Once those are done maybe CO will finally be worth playing, especially to new people coming…
  • And the Vet Rewards serve as encouragement for the Silvers to unlock Gold Status by subscribing. The Vet Rewards were around when the game started, before F2P. For the OP, there is a game that had such a setup for "Veteran Rewards", where for every $15 you earned a token to fill up tiers on a tree; subscribers had a…
  • I have a question; how do you turn on chat logs in this game? I like to have chat logs in case of potential griefers and have evidence for GMs if there is an incident, but cannot find the options for it anywhere in the menu. Any help would be appreciated. CoH at least had a "Enable chat logging" choice in the options menu,…
  • This is why most other games have multiple servers; one goes down, you have others that you can go to so that the whole game isn't shut down. Server goes down here, players play in OTHER GAMES. Not a good way of keeping players around to play.