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Stop saying "Nothing"

nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
I do it to, I say the dev team has produced nothing, or fixed nothing, but its not true.
There's changes being made all over the game, at least MC.
They've had their hands in a whole bunch of mission instances.
Things have changed, they just aren't advertising their changes.

Back in November or December 2011 I complained about DEMON loitering in Sewers with no furniture, or reason to be there,. Some of them now have all that stuff, makes them look like they belong down there.

Lots of other little things I keep spotting but can't be 100% sure its not my imagination.
Did the game look better today when you logged in? I thought it did.

There were some missions where barrels spawned on computers.
Poof the barrels are gone/moved.
I think they have even changed out some of the models.

The "glowing objects" texture used to look like someone spit on a xerox machine.
Now its cleaned up and smooth.

They've tried to fix "Museum Mayhem" door at least twice, its still messy though.

The end of the Gemini mission in Queen City has had the dining hall changed up.
The monstrous candelabras are no longer there to kick off the table like plastic cups.

In the First Rule, a guy used to spawn halfway in the ramp to the second floor, not any more.

Stuff is happening. I wish I had a check list to go ...check it all.

These all look like "Learn the editing tools, learn the file naming system, learn to fix things without breaking everything" changes to me.
Post edited by nextnametaken on


  • gtw891gtw891 Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Have to agree with you here I've been noticing them too (and glad I'm not the only one). A lot of the changes are small and easily missed it you don't look for 'em.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Stuff is happening. I wish I had a check list to go ...check it all.

    These all look like "Learn the editing tools, learn the file naming system, learn to fix things without breaking everything" changes to me.

    If these changes were documented in say, the patch notes, then we'd have our checklist. I've noticed just about everything you mentioned and practically NONE of it is documented. More likely, said documentation is inaccessible to the players. At the very least, adding little changes like this would help fill in the large gaps seen in the release notes page.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They also made Tutorial thrice.
    And Power House thrice.
    They have fixed Bullet For Biselle open mission eleventyseven times.
    They have changed/removed more old stuff than made new.
    They haven't touched Nemesis System. Ok, they touched it a bit. And broke it. A bit. Thrice.

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited June 2013
    They did something, but nothing of lasting value.

    CO is only R&D project for Cryptic, before moving devs from here to other games.

    Game needs new developer and proprietor. Game needs to be freed from Cryptic.

    It's very unlikely, but one can dream.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I see more 'cosmetic touchup' for small things and no bug fixes. So, if this is the case, fine- they need to do two things:

    1- Publish release notes and let us know what they've fixed.

    2- Fix things that are actual problems in the game and not little cosmetic things.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,269 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    They also made Tutorial thrice.
    And Power House thrice.
    They have fixed Bullet For Biselle open mission eleventyseven times.
    They have changed/removed more old stuff than made new.
    They haven't touched Nemesis System. Ok, they touched it a bit. And broke it. A bit. Thrice.


    They've given us lots of gamble boxes. With those gamble boxes came the overpriced/overglorified become devices and a cash grab event. The race portion of the FM event required either flight or a vehicle to participate, there are only a handful of reasons for why they would do this.
    They've also broken their account and billing system.
  • ariesmajorariesmajor Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As a developer myself, I gotta say, thats not really cool to just leave your patch notes out of public reach like that, unless you're just too lazy to compile the amount of changes or fixes you did for the day. And if you aren't using a log, and just changing things willy nilly without it being documented for the rest of the team to discern, then you're setting up yourself for failure if bugs arise out of a fix you thought would take 2 minutes, now causes errors that are gonna take 48+ hours to fix.

    So for instance, say you add more objects to a map that weren't there before, so now it takes more memory to load the maps, and more memory to run the maps, as well as draw calls. Lets say you don't check that and sub something in and end up with a memory drain using every resource under the sun to draw one space because you wanted to spice up the scenery by adding in all these chairs and trash and other objects. GG, you just created more man hours to go into the engine fix that project file, then load that crap into the patcher, then recoup the client fixing the stuff you thought was gonna be pretty.

    Ok I ranted a bit there, but still.

    Having community patch notes lets the community thousands of free unpaid testers go out and remember those points you patched and notice "oh wtf, that wall is missing a texture when I move the camera this angle" Yeah that wall would stay full ****** mode if no one cared enough to know there was any changes to that area. By saying in a public patch note hey we did this this this and this, you tip off your community to go see whats up in those areas, places they normally wouldn't even go, but now that they see there are all these notes up about a specific spot, they get curious and go check it out.

    But overall, I wouldn't be able to allow myself to work in a studio here in America that didn't have a solid communication and friendship with their playerbase. You can try to be as professional and tight as you want in this business, at the end of the day, tight wads and people with sticks up their hind ends aren't the ones playing your game. Its a game, games attract lazy people, people that wanna relax, and people that wanna have fun. You work for the chucky cheese, not Wells Fargo. So showing a fun and relaxed attitude with the customers here that play games, helps psychologically establish a sense of security with the players.

    Its like when a DJ gets on the mic between the songs just to cheerlead the crowd, we all wanna dance, but that doesn't mean you can just sit up there with the turntables on automix and not read and play along with the crowd. You gotta get up their and pump it up, say somethin livin things up. And not be shy about it, because at the end of the day, people came here to cryptic and pwe to play a game you guys designed and put thousands of man hours into. We are friends here. We didn't give you guys our money because we wanna verbally attack you for making any kind of post. We gave you our money because we like you.

    Unreciprocated like/love doesn't usually turn out the best for either party. So at least saying something helps.

    You guys need to learn how social media works man. Stick to one and focus on one. If you don't think you can get enough reach by posting to the forums, put it on your twitter (which btw I could get more followers that without even trying...step up your twitter game bros) Dont think theres enough on twitter? Facebook it.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Version 10012 moved a box to 10,0,11.
    Version 10013 prefer the box where it was at 10,0,12
    Version 10014 Box is scaled 90 percent
    Version 10015 Tried crate texture 02
    Version 10016 Crate texture 03 is best crate texture
    Version 10017 PATCH DAY, Trailturtle shout out my efforts to the forums!

    This is not what we need posted to the forums or facebook.
    If it noticeably effects game play they mention it.
    Do they need to tell us the manhole in Rescue the Researchers is 25% larger? No.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Version 10012 moved a box to 10,0,11.
    Version 10013 prefer the box where it was at 10,0,12
    Version 10014 Box is scaled 90 percent
    Version 10015 Tried crate texture 02
    Version 10016 Crate texture 03 is best crate texture
    Version 10017 PATCH DAY, Trailturtle shout out my efforts to the forums!

    This is not what we need posted to the forums or facebook.
    If it noticeably effects game play they mention it.
    Do they need to tell us the manhole in Rescue the Researchers is 25% larger? No.

    "We've polished up some of the environmental objects in Vibora Bay near the pier."

    Not too much to ask.
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do it to, I say the dev team has produced nothing, or fixed nothing, but its not true.
    There's changes being made all over the game, at least MC.
    They've had their hands in a whole bunch of mission instances.
    Things have changed, they just aren't advertising their changes.


    I did a lot of stuff in my career but didnt let anyone know or put it on my resume. THe hiring manager said it seems that I dont have any experience. I said, sure I do, I did plenty of things led plenty of projects, decade worth of experience, I even got promoted. I just didnt advertise it on the resume. No job.

    Gov. population survey- Here people were upset that the gov seemed to underestimate their population by 200,000. Come to find out, most of those 200,000 that is "supposedly" there refused to come forward to be counted.

    Bigfoot is mythical creature and probably will reamin so until one shows up, in a clear picture. Until then it is assumed it dont exist.

    I saved many people people's lives today but thwey dont know it and i havent told them or gave them any ther indication. Why are they not treating me like a hero?

    Sometimes things that is done should be said. Cant assume stuff was done. But in all I think when people say nothing they mean substantial stuff and not merely moving a round a barrel. That is even worse as it shows someone is there but they just sitting around collecting paycheck and doing not much but moving little world objects.

    But also it's like when people say everyone does this or every does that or no one does that, which is strange as I doubt anyone actually knows even majority of 3-5 billion people let alone all of them to make that statement, but yet people still do the absolute statementment.
  • wethree1wethree1 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ok, I'm not a codemonkey at all, but after 9 years of playing Cryptic games I have to ask--does Cryptic just write crappy code?

    In CoH we constantly heard from Paragon Studios "we're working on it, but the code is like trying to get a bowl of spaghetti straightened up, dried out, and put back in the box"--AND YET WE GOT CONSTANT COMMUNICATION AND AMAZING DEVELOPMENT, POWER CUSTOMIZATION AND MISSION ARCHITECT ANYWAY, I SHOULD AD :mad:, but I digress...

    Now it's all "we can't fix these bugs, do the Foundry, etc., because the code is crappy..."

    I'm seriously asking--does Cryptic just write crappy code?
  • wethree1wethree1 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jaguar40 wrote: »
    Bigfoot is mythical creature and probably will reamin so until one shows up, in a clear picture. Until then it is assumed it dont exist.

    Actually, the problem is that Bigfoot's just really blurry. Which is extra scary if you think about it--there's a large, out of focus monster roaming the countryside...

    -Mitch Hedberg
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wethree1 wrote: »
    Actually, the problem is that Bigfoot's just really blurry. Which is extra scary if you think about it--there's a large, out of focus monster roaming the countryside...

    -Mitch Hedberg

    lmao. yeah.
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wethree1 wrote: »
    Ok, I'm not a codemonkey at all, but after 9 years of playing Cryptic games I have to ask--does Cryptic just write crappy code?

    In CoH we constantly heard from Paragon Studios "we're working on it, but the code is like trying to get a bowl of spaghetti straightened up, dried out, and put back in the box"--AND YET WE GOT CONSTANT COMMUNICATION AND AMAZING DEVELOPMENT, POWER CUSTOMIZATION AND MISSION ARCHITECT ANYWAY, I SHOULD AD :mad:, but I digress...

    Now it's all "we can't fix these bugs, do the Foundry, etc., because the code is crappy..."

    I'm seriously asking--does Cryptic just write crappy code?

    Well I ask my self this a few times in the past. The first game, ok thought it was fluke, it happens COH. Cryptic works that seemed to end up as a tangled mess.

    I would have thought by the second time they would have learned and at least attempt to avoid another mess of a code but no, it's again, "they cant do stuff that normally would be easy because the code is a mess." Alright, looks like it's their skill that is messing up the code.

    They may be incapable of writing code in a neat manner where it could be fixed. They write good enoug hto get a game workign but leave no plan of what happens if they have to fix something.

    It's like a fuel pump and filter. A part that eventually will go out if car is kept long enough. Some put it underneath the car near the rear wheels (nto many do so anymore) and some put it in the tank with access panel some requiring dropping of the tank. Now this is like if cryptic did it, They would have put the pump/filter inside the tank from the top, weld the access panel shut, then weld the tank the to car body that way no one can get to it all in the name of reducing vibrations of the gas tank. Then say they cant fix it because they cant cut the welds due to explosion hazard after the tank been used and thus you have to buy a new car, which is also curiously built the same way.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If I'm responsible for landscaping your home, and after a month all I've done is pull the weeds out of one flower pot, you'd fire me. Even if I point to that pot and say 'Look, I did something!'
  • lafury001200lafury001200 Posts: 567 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They had a meeting on this, and since everyone was asking for QoL work to be done on 3 lairs, this was a success.

    They wanted to do more, but back end feed back loops produced hiney stress holes in some of the underlying server structure and had to be postponed. While this was regrettable the CO staff had tons more to say, however back stress tests on their -dev-too-human- translators were in a bit of a backlog, and these comments will need to be server puppied in increments carefully so as not to overload the donkey feedback loop.

    Still, all reports indicate that the server restart protocols are in place for the super popular Sapphire concert coming soon, provided all the electrical feedback loops retain integrity. This is indeed an exciting time for all redshirt captains, and thank you for playing STO!
  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ariesmajor wrote: »
    You guys need to learn how social media works man. Stick to one and focus on one. If you don't think you can get enough reach by posting to the forums, put it on your twitter (which btw I could get more followers that without even trying...step up your twitter game bros) Dont think theres enough on twitter? Facebook it.

    They do have a Facebook page, but it has recently been about things like who's your favorite Villian/Hero, who would you see as an AF, and try out this sidekick/costume set/AT that we've had out for a year or more. I appreciate that they are trying to let newer folks know about stuff that maybe they didn't know existed, but for those who have every costume set, have played for years, and don't really care too much for the "fluff" it's kinda sad.

    And honestly, I prefer they communicate here, to the players directly, on the forums that were created for that very purpose.
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The OP is correct.

    The devs have added and enhanced game elements.

    I saw 2 examples just this morning.

    Example 1:

    The pier near Teleios tower has had it's entry posts adjusted.

    (Added red glow to highlight item)

    Example 2:

    North of the barrier around Telieos Tower has some floating crates and fallen tree branches.

    (Added red glow to highlight items)

    Of course without patch notes, I don't know if these are intended or need to be reported as bugs and corrected by the devs.

    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If I'm responsible for landscaping your home, and after a month all I've done is pull the weeds out of one flower pot, you'd fire me. Even if I point to that pot and say 'Look, I did something!'

    Yeah I see what you mean here. Me personally I'd be a bit pissed if I hired a lanscaper and within one month time all they did was pull weeds out of one pot. And no, it wouldnt help if they point to that "great accomplishment" and say, "Look, I did something."

    Even if I didnt pay them yet, that is one month time that someone else could of had to get some actual good amount of stuff done. And even more so if I paid them up front.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jaguar40 wrote: »
    Yeah I see what you mean here. Me personally I'd be a bit pissed if I hired a lanscaper and within one month time all they did was pull weeds out of one pot. And no, it wouldnt help if they point to that "great accomplishment" and say, "Look, I did something."

    Even if I didnt pay them yet, that is one month time that someone else could of had to get some actual good amount of stuff done. And even more so if I paid them up front.

    And to a greater degree- it's like it was said: Some of the things are just not worth detailing in the patch notes (as if we've had a patch in a while anyway). But, for the sake of example:

    "Hey, what I've been focusing on is cleaning up individual flower pots to make your plants stand out better."

    So, just as easily it could be said "We're working on some of the environmental items in Canada right now, just some tweaks. If you see anything unusual, report it."
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And to a greater degree- it's like it was said: Some of the things are just not worth detailing in the patch notes (as if we've had a patch in a while anyway). But, for the sake of example:

    "Hey, what I've been focusing on is cleaning up individual flower pots to make your plants stand out better."

    So, just as easily it could be said "We're working on some of the environmental items in Canada right now, just some tweaks. If you see anything unusual, report it."

    Yeah, yup.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And to a greater degree- it's like it was said: Some of the things are just not worth detailing in the patch notes (as if we've had a patch in a while anyway). But, for the sake of example:

    "Hey, what I've been focusing on is cleaning up individual flower pots to make your plants stand out better."

    So, just as easily it could be said "We're working on some of the environmental items in Canada right now, just some tweaks. If you see anything unusual, report it."


    As often as not patch notes exist as a means of demonstrating developer attention to the game in between major releases. General commentary about working on cleaning up cosmetic environmental issues in zone X lets us know that they are working on the game, that they care about the sorts of details that almost always catch someone's eye, and so on.

    I dont need map coordinates and color codes along with flora classification of individual changes, but a, "making cosmetic environmental improvements to Lemuria," would be nice.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They have produced events, not to our liking, not to great success.
    They have produced vehicles, not to our liking, not to great success.

    Costumes, powers, zones, adventures. People are never going to be satisfied.

    The devs are only pawns with paychecks being directed by a mysterious
    controlling figure whose goals and ambitions are not always our own.

    The real solution is personal servers and modding.
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The devs are only pawns with paychecks being directed by a mysterious
    controlling figure whose goals and ambitions are not always our own.

    Lord Nemesis?

  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Know who's good at saying nothing?
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The devs are only pawns with paychecks being directed by a mysterious
    controlling figure whose goals and ambitions are not always our own.

    Somehow this guy's face comes to mind...

    It's not so much the character, it's more just I can imagine a dude like this sitting behind a desk counting all the cash from Z Store purchases.
  • atringatring Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Whatever else comes of this, I am officially changing my job title from "IT consultant" to "LANscaper!" Jaggy, baby, I am never deriding your typos again! :smile:

    Part of the problem since December, 2012.
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kemmicals wrote: »
    Somehow this guy's face comes to mind...

    It's not so much the character, it's more just I can imagine a dude like this sitting behind a desk counting all the cash from Z Store purchases.

    yeah. That picture fits. Someone who looks like they climbed up tha corporate ladder, would flip if he found "only" six figures in any of his bank account, probably had a few "problems" before and have those "problems" buried in a desert, know a few politicians and have them on speed dial on his phone, likes golf, the slight grin and look of deep thought of "How much money will I have to count tomorrow."
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    atring wrote: »
    Whatever else comes of this, I am officially changing my job title from "IT consultant" to "LANscaper!" Jaggy, baby, I am never deriding your typos again! :smile:

    ... I giggled at those. Never one to pass up a good pun. :P
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    atring wrote: »
    Whatever else comes of this, I am officially changing my job title from "IT consultant" to "LANscaper!" Jaggy, baby, I am never deriding your typos again! :smile:

    Lol. LANscaper. That sounds like an important job title.

    "So what do you do for a living?"

    "I'm an expert LANscaper."

    Yeah sometimes I type in a hurry post and off to another task.
  • atringatring Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And, sometimes, it's a double helping of fried gold on a stick! I'm totally using it! :smile:

    Part of the problem since December, 2012.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ariesmajor wrote: »
    As a developer myself, I gotta say, thats not really cool to just leave your patch notes out of public reach like that, unless you're just too lazy to compile the amount of changes or fixes you did for the day. And if you aren't using a log, and just changing things willy nilly without it being documented for the rest of the team to discern, then you're setting up yourself for failure if bugs arise out of a fix you thought would take 2 minutes, now causes errors that are gonna take 48+ hours to fix.

    So for instance, say you add more objects to a map that weren't there before, so now it takes more memory to load the maps, and more memory to run the maps, as well as draw calls. Lets say you don't check that and sub something in and end up with a memory drain using every resource under the sun to draw one space because you wanted to spice up the scenery by adding in all these chairs and trash and other objects. GG, you just created more man hours to go into the engine fix that project file, then load that crap into the patcher, then recoup the client fixing the stuff you thought was gonna be pretty.

    Ok I ranted a bit there, but still.

    Having community patch notes lets the community thousands of free unpaid testers go out and remember those points you patched and notice "oh wtf, that wall is missing a texture when I move the camera this angle" Yeah that wall would stay full ****** mode if no one cared enough to know there was any changes to that area. By saying in a public patch note hey we did this this this and this, you tip off your community to go see whats up in those areas, places they normally wouldn't even go, but now that they see there are all these notes up about a specific spot, they get curious and go check it out.

    But overall, I wouldn't be able to allow myself to work in a studio here in America that didn't have a solid communication and friendship with their playerbase. You can try to be as professional and tight as you want in this business, at the end of the day, tight wads and people with sticks up their hind ends aren't the ones playing your game. Its a game, games attract lazy people, people that wanna relax, and people that wanna have fun. You work for the chucky cheese, not Wells Fargo. So showing a fun and relaxed attitude with the customers here that play games, helps psychologically establish a sense of security with the players.

    Its like when a DJ gets on the mic between the songs just to cheerlead the crowd, we all wanna dance, but that doesn't mean you can just sit up there with the turntables on automix and not read and play along with the crowd. You gotta get up their and pump it up, say somethin livin things up. And not be shy about it, because at the end of the day, people came here to cryptic and pwe to play a game you guys designed and put thousands of man hours into. We are friends here. We didn't give you guys our money because we wanna verbally attack you for making any kind of post. We gave you our money because we like you.

    Unreciprocated like/love doesn't usually turn out the best for either party. So at least saying something helps.

    You guys need to learn how social media works man. Stick to one and focus on one. If you don't think you can get enough reach by posting to the forums, put it on your twitter (which btw I could get more followers that without even trying...step up your twitter game bros) Dont think theres enough on twitter? Facebook it.

    THIS!!! *approves*
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I aint gonna say it ima just gonna post a pic.

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • angelphoenix12angelphoenix12 Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Version 10012 moved a box to 10,0,11.
    Version 10013 prefer the box where it was at 10,0,12
    Version 10014 Box is scaled 90 percent
    Version 10015 Tried crate texture 02
    Version 10016 Crate texture 03 is best crate texture
    Version 10017 PATCH DAY, Trailturtle shout out my efforts to the forums!

    This is not what we need posted to the forums or facebook.
    If it noticeably effects game play they mention it.
    Do they need to tell us the manhole in Rescue the Researchers is 25% larger? No.

    anybody wonder if this is the polish we are suppose to get with the new studio?
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I aint gonna say it ima just gonna post a pic.


    Is that the new mission planned for Burnside?

    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is that the new mission planned for Burnside?

    The redesign of Project Greenskin is more extensive than I thought it would be.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • danteandersendanteandersen Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I aint gonna say it ima just gonna post a pic.


    How dare you post the secret development schedule for CO? :tongue:

  • khoraxgatorkhoraxgator Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll agree with the OP. The devs have certainly not done Nothing. They have worked on the game.

    Granted that a lot of the content was not what the playerbase was asking for.
    Granted that what was released was weak and broken at first.
    Granted that most of the changes to the powerhouse and to the tutorial were done at the time the game went F2P.
    Since the game has gone Free to Play, there have been NO significant content updates that did not rely on kitchy systems. There are NO new zones, only one powerset, vehicles hidden in lockboxes and costumes that are the same. If I wanted to play a social media game on Facebook and gamble my money there, I would.

    Cryptic had a real opportunity to develop a game with as much depth and courage as City of Heroes. It did not, and likely will not. I'm not a CoX fanboy, I've been with Champions since beta, but it horrifies me to see how they have let the game sit...

    ... and sit...
    ... and sit...

    ... and sit...

    It's now to the point where if I see a content update, I shrug. Unless something major comes along, I can't say that the game is anywhere near good.

    And before people go 'It's free to play!'...

    So is GW2. They're updating every TWO WEEKS.
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