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hellsfire6 Arc User



  • So the Kara does not reduce the cost of the Fleet version total disapointment, But the Yamato does..why is this? When I asked the GMs they said the Fleet Kara was not released...a blatant lie totally embarassed themselves there
  • BFAW is an area affect, Cannons are for precision, over a mission beams will do more damage than cannons due to the fact that they have greater arcs of fire and are not reliant on keeping the target in arc of the ship front. Is a ship with 6+ turrets competitive? 360 degree all round fire constantly....no need to turn...…
  • As an English speaking person I have never seen the word "dublicate" ever What does it mean? Do you mean "duplicate"? As far as I can tell removing it from what you have written does not change any of the intent, meaning nor grammar. As far as I can tell it is redundant in what you have written. I am not trolling here -…
  • Nice overview
  • If it works for you - go with it - only person that has to be happy with the build is you. :D A lot of people can give advice and have their own opinions - but the final decision is always yours. Enjoy! ;)
  • Hyperflux,Graviton Beam, Tractor Beam - all of these bonus skills are not available to you at all. You don't have the right set pieces. I f you are using the Warp Core that comes with this ship you dont need a borg engine, it won't gain you any speed. As a science captain beam overload doesn't do you any good you can't…
  • Erm....is that not the Armitage Point Defence Photon Torpedo Console? Pew pew 360 degrees/ 6 photons per target/ max 6? enemies Is it affected by torpedo boosting consoles/projectile skills/attack patterns...etc. Don't think Spread and High Yield affect it...
  • Yes, I forgot about the dump out of WP to stop those nasty Plasma torpedoes. I've never seen my own warp plasma slow me down nor hurt me, same with my own theta radiation trail....:)
  • Only torpedoes and exploding ships have friendly fire issue. All the other skills don't, e.g. warp plasma and the other dirty radiation you can drop does not hurt your ship or your allies.....
  • Can you shoot your own side? Do Grav-Well and Tyken's Rift affect you allies? If your answer was 'no' - why would your sub-space rift affect allies?
  • Is this a Lobi store Item @ 200 lobi? :)
  • Genocide has only been committed and achieved truly once in human history - By the British in Tasmania - there are no Tasmanian Aboriginals anymore. There are still Jews - The TRIBBLE attempted genocide of the Jews - thankfully they failed. No need to redefine a word. Janeway did not commit genocide - merely attempted…
  • Bortasqu Command Cruiser with an Engineer Captain Stupid amounts of survival - park up 3 km from a borg cube and pew pew away all cannons and turrets blazing death. Borg doesn't have have the fire power to kill you.... You heal too fast...
  • Just like to point out the flaw of that quote - One link is merely a ring - it takes two links minimum to make a chain.... Thus if he had said - "With the second link, the chain is forged...." I would not need to post this. :D
  • Who would laugh? I guess it obviously works for you. Suggestions 1. Change your armour over to Neutronium....for 2 consoles....drop the third and move the phaser pdf to engineering and add another AP boost console. or 2. Try just one Neutronium switch things around so you can get 3 total Anti Proton boost consoles and see…
  • Are Scatter Volley and Torpedo Spread 3 that much better than the level 2 versions? Is there a chart somewhere showing the comparative differences on skill levels?
  • The fleet Tor'Kaht is a tier 1 fleet vessel. :o and you fleet needs to be Fleet Level 1 to get the first tier of Fleet ships - i.e. your starbase has to exist, my Fleet base was certainly at most tier 1 and I could have bought the vessel, if I'd spent 2000 Zen. Sadly all Klingon Fleet vessels will cost you 4 Fleet modules…
  • Tac: Tac Team, Torpedo Spread, and Beam fire at will. Eng: Emegency Power to Shields x2, Emergency Power to weapons x2 With the above set up using Tac Team, and cycle Weapons and shield powers and voila - shields stay up most of the time at 100% facing on the side being hit and weapons power is always up high maximising…
  • +5 Yeah I've been in the position of AoE'd the borg group down to 10% each and some unthinking fool then spreads them across known space...and out of effective range... :rolleyes:
  • What's the turn rate on an Escort? in degrees per second? Whats the turn rate of my Vor'char? 30 degrees per second :eek: Oh yes it turns this fast - My DHC will hit you constantly no matter how you turn....:D
  • Erm - like talk to the NPC's and follow the tutorial on crafting... If you are unable to do this - then I don't think anyone else can help you.
  • Basically Emergency Power to Inertial Dampers My build has this power x2 ( and EptS x2 and EptW x2) - Ding - Vor'char retrofit 30 degree/second turn rate. :eek: If I transfer my set up to the command (4 x eng/2 sci/4 tac console) Bortasqu I get around 18 degrees per second. :D
  • Do you have Tac team and Emergency power to shields(EptS) BOFF skills? No amount of armour or shields will stop the Borg without backing from the right skills. You cannot just sit there with passive defences and expect to survive. Tac team - reallocates shields to the facing being hit (BOFF Tac Skill) EptS - boosts shields…
  • Right tactic is to tactically withdraw (can't say run I'm Klingon) away from the force field when the Assimilated Undine spawns in. It will then move towards your party away from the force field, you might need to run in and shoot it to lure it out. ;) DO not stand near the spawn point or near the force field - The Undine…