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Critique my solo PvE K't'inga

dashevskdashevsk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Klingon Discussion
Hi there! I just came back to STO after a few years.

Tried flying a BoP and a raptor, which I equipped and played very badly, but after some reading, I tried this setup with a cruiser. Seems to work well, feels very much like an escort.

My character is an engineer, which helps with defense

Disclaimer: this works well with 100-25-50-25 power setting. Yes, cruiser with shields turned down for speed and agility. I fly at a target at about 50% impulse, shooting all the cannons, and dropping a torp, mines, and eject plasma just before flying through target. Usually it does the trick.

Fore: 3 dual cannons, 1 torp
Aft: turret, mines

Tactical boff: TT1, TT2
Engineer boff: EPW1, RSF1, Eject Plasma
Engineer boff: EPS1
Science boff: Sci Team, Scramble Sensors

I replaced one of the armor eng consoles with turn speed, and put in all disruptor tac consoles.

Here's my reasoning:
TT1/TT2 give you almost constant uptime, and I believe provide more damage boost than an occasional HYT
Eject plasma and scramble sensors is for the times when I get surrounded by those annoying shuttles. Well, and eject plasma seems to work on bigger things pretty well too.
I'm not too happy with Sci Team, but I couldn't think of anything else to use there, considering low aux power setting.

Any ideas/improvements/flames?

Thank you!
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The K'T'inga is a cruiser, so its turn rate negates the potential of firing on your target most of the time as your forward arc is too small.

    You would get much better results if you go with:

    Fore: 2 Beam Arrays, 2x Dual Beam Bank
    Aft: 2 Beam Array, mines (or another Beam Array)

    Tactical boff: FAW I, APB I
    Engineer boff: EptW I, ENG II, EptS III
    Engineer boff: EptS I (boosted shields)
    Science boff: SCI I, TSS II


    Tactical boff: FAW I, APB I
    Engineer boff: EptW I, EptS II, EWP
    Engineer boff: ENG I (boosted healing)
    Science boff: SCI I, TSS II

    This way you will have more weapons on target/ duration, and the EptW & APB will assist in boosting the dps.

    The rest of the skills will ensure that you can tank sustained damage. Play to the strengths of the ship's class, not its weaknesses viz. a cannon build.

    The longer you are in a fight, the more the balance shifts in your favour over duration. This is the base "rule of thumb" in PvE. In PvP, the focus shifts on the speed/ sequence (tip: keybinds) at which this skills can be deployed, and which abilities duff/debuff/counter others.

    The uptime of EptS + TSS will provide your shields with incredible strength, and the rest of the skills will assist you helping your team.

    Do NOT be fooled into thinking SCI Team has no purpose. Its one of the most important skills on the field to counter a range of skills.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The K'T'inga is a cruiser, so its turn rate negates the potential of firing on your target most of the time as your forward arc is too small.

    If I can run DHCs on a Kar'fi on STFs with a base turn rate of 7, he can certainly make them work on a K'T"inga.
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    piwright42piwright42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Meh, it's PvE. If it works for ya then enjoy it. =)

    Though if and when it comes time for some PvP drkfrontiers advice is a good start and will stead you a bit better.

    Beyond that, if ya wanna squeeze even more out of the cruiser concept then this is a must read...

    If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
    They taste the same.
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    travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Well, putting DHCs on a cruiser might work for PvE, as you aren't liable to be out-turned by anything other than BoPs and other frigates. . .but in PvP, your firepower will be negated when you try to compete with full-fledged escorts. They'll just out-turn you and stay out of your front arc. . .I had that problem while flying a Guramba in a PvP, despite having 3 good RCS consoles in. Most PvPers are hardcore about getting max stat performance out of their ship, so DHCs on a cruiser would be underutilized. At that point, I'd suggest following drkfrontier's suggestion of using two beam arrays and two dualbeam arrays up front, for extra arc range. The combination of Pattern Beta with Fire at Will makes your cruiser an -excellent- addition to a team. Tac Team and Pattern Delta or Omega might be more recommended in PvP, since Beta can be cleared by enemy Tac Team skills. . .

    It ultimately depends on what you're using the cruiser for. It's hard to make them competitive with other player escorts in PvP :P
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
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    hellsfire6hellsfire6 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It ultimately depends on what you're using the cruiser for. It's hard to make them competitive with other player escorts in PvP :P

    What's the turn rate on an Escort? in degrees per second?

    Whats the turn rate of my Vor'char? 30 degrees per second :eek:

    Oh yes it turns this fast - My DHC will hit you constantly no matter how you turn....:D
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    thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here you go.


    Please watch it. If told you how long it took to make the damn thing you'd choke on your Targ Stew.

    I actually never even looked at your build until I came to post this. You will see something different than what you run in this video. Mostly you will see a ship that is highly maneuverable and spews torpedoes all over the place. And beam fire. Or cannon fire. Plus there's a nice dancing bit tossed in the mix.

    Honest. So watch it please!!
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