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Please Heeeelp!!!!

cup420cup420 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
i DONT GET IT!! SO!! freaking mad!! Ive written startrek soooo many times about this and they just keep telling me its all running smoothly! BULL****!!! Ive been vice admiral for a long time now but i cant gain more research points and i CANT build my characters and people skills all the way up!!! WHAT GIVES????
Post edited by cup420 on


  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hmm, something to ponder....the fact that everyone else is able to level their toons and BO's but you can't doesn't sorta imply that maybe you are doing something wrong?

    On the BO's make sure you have invested points in the lower level skills. You have to plunk a certain amount into each character before you can promote them, and then once promoted you can pay into the higher skills.
  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think the poster is annoyed that they can't max out their skills, not having a problem with advancing in general.

    Maybe they should clarify as to what the specific problem is? That way we can understand where they're having a problem....
  • deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    i DONT GET IT!! SO!! freaking mad!! Ive written startrek soooo many times about this and they just keep telling me its all running smoothly! BULL****!!! Ive been vice admiral for a long time now but i cant gain more research points and i CANT build my characters and people skills all the way up!!! WHAT GIVES????

    Research points, I'm guessing your talking about General Research Skill (crafting)? Those increase as you craft stuff. If you meant something else, then sorry, no idea what your talking about.

    As for skills, you will never ever be able to max out ALL of the skills, you need to make choices.

    But for your bridge officers you should be able to max their 8 skills (4 space and 4 ground).

    Once you become Vice-Admiral, all the skill points you would get from missions are converted to bridge officers skill points.

    Hope that helped.
  • paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    i DONT GET IT!! SO!! freaking mad!! Ive written startrek soooo many times about this and they just keep telling me its all running smoothly! BULL****!!! Ive been vice admiral for a long time now but i cant gain more research points and i CANT build my characters and people skills all the way up!!! WHAT GIVES????

    if you are talking about skill points... why would they give you enough to max out every single one??? what would be the fun or challenge in that if every single character in the game had basically the same build and skills and abilities then we would just be cookie cutter characters. there is not a mmo out there i am aware of that is worth anything that is just about filling every single box. the challenge is to make your character build and use it to suit your playstyle and abilities as well as whats best for your class.

    if you want a single bar that you must fill up then perhaps a console game is the best.

    as was said before i can only guess at what you are really asking for help with perhaps if you were specific in your question more specific help can be given. if the questions you asked cryptic were in any way similar to the question you asked here no wonder you got a vague and general response. perhaps you need to work on your own "people skills" a little more
  • cup420cup420 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ive been playing this game for a while now and it seems there is some kindof a glitch in the game to me once you reach vice admiral! I no longer recieve skill points to up MY attributes!! Im only about half way up in all of them and cant fill in the rest of the items. I cant promote my people, i cant promote myself and therefore cant use all the equipment and powers!! Ive done all of the episodes, ive gone thru all the available scenarios, ive upgraded my ship as far as it will let me but would love to up all of my attributes instead of sitting back and just ending up where i got to. Also, how the heck do you gain general research points???? Ive been looking for hours for the answer to this question!!! Maybe thats what i need to figure out! HELLLLP!!
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    Ive been playing this game for a while now and it seems there is some kindof a glitch in the game to me once you reach vice admiral! I no longer recieve skill points to up MY attributes!! Im only about half way up in all of them and cant fill in the rest of the items. I cant promote my people, i cant promote myself and therefore cant use all the equipment and powers!! Ive done all of the episodes, ive gone thru all the available scenarios, ive upgraded my ship as far as it will let me but would love to up all of my attributes instead of sitting back and just ending up where i got to. Also, how the heck do you gain general research points???? Ive been looking for hours for the answer to this question!!! Maybe thats what i need to figure out! HELLLLP!!

    Um, that's by design. Once you hit Lrevel 50 (Vice-Admiral) you will only receive Bridge Officer Skill Points (renamed 'Expertise' once Season 6 goes to the Live server.) As many other posters have told you, it' by design that you will not be able to max out all your skills on a single character; you have to make choices and decide what skills you want to focus on.

    They decided to do it this way so that at the end game, there are skill level variations between characters (IE not everyone will have the same Skill setup; and that's why some people post their character builds and analysis of character builds.)

    If you want to redo how you spent your skill points, you can go to a Skill Trainer, and use one of the skill respec tokens you got while leveling up (assuming you were Gold); or buy and use a respec token (if you're Silver, or you used all the ones granted to you as you were leveling up.)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • drasketodrasketo Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    Ive been playing this game for a while now and it seems there is some kindof a glitch in the game to me once you reach vice admiral! I no longer recieve skill points to up MY attributes!! Im only about half way up in all of them and cant fill in the rest of the items. I cant promote my people, i cant promote myself and therefore cant use all the equipment and powers!! Ive done all of the episodes, ive gone thru all the available scenarios, ive upgraded my ship as far as it will let me but would love to up all of my attributes instead of sitting back and just ending up where i got to. Also, how the heck do you gain general research points???? Ive been looking for hours for the answer to this question!!! Maybe thats what i need to figure out! HELLLLP!!

    Thats cause you do NOT receive any more skill points after you hit level 50.

    You get a total of 366k skill points to assign to the various skills. Part of the game is knowing how many points to put in which skills to create a viable and useful character.

    If you want general research points, go to memory alpha.
  • cup420cup420 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Go to memory alpha and do....what???? I went to memory alpha and went EVERYWHERE!!! What do i do?? I spent at LEAST an hour there looking for ways to up points!!
  • hellsfire6hellsfire6 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    Go to memory alpha and do....what???? I went to memory alpha and went EVERYWHERE!!! What do i do?? I spent at LEAST an hour there looking for ways to up points!!

    Erm - like talk to the NPC's and follow the tutorial on crafting...

    If you are unable to do this - then I don't think anyone else can help you.
  • cup420cup420 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What are npc's?? Where or who do i talk to to take the tutorial???
  • deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Please tell me you're high and are just fooling around trolling.
    If not, well go to www.stowiki.org
    cup420 wrote: »
    What are npc's?? Where or who do i talk to to take the tutorial???

    That is a very basic question you are asking, If we need to start explaining basic gaming terminology it might become a very very long thread.

    Go to http://www.stowiki.org/, Every answer about the game Star Trek Online can be found there.

    Use their search engine.

    P.S. What have you been doing for hours on Memory Alpha?
  • cup420cup420 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Seriously??? Ive been walking aaaaaaaall over talking to everyone, trying to figure this OUT!!! How the hell do you gain more freaking RESEARCH ****ING SKILLS!!??? Ive only got 60 points that ive had for months!! I did the memory alpha thing a long TIME AGO and dont remember!!! All i was doing was asking for some freaking help on this because its really annoying to not be able to play the damn game!!! If you dont want to help then so f-ing be it!! Im no pro at the game but SERIOUSLY???? It shouldnt take me a week wasting HOURS trying to figure out what the heck to do!!!!!
  • portgazdportgazd Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To gain more research skill points you need to craft items. go to the main desk where most ppl would be huddled around and craft items. around ure level just keep crafting schematics tbh. also start collecting all different data samples and dont craft low level items that require unreplicatable materials.

    Vice-Chancellor of Federation Fleet Directive 010

  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    Seriously??? Ive been walking aaaaaaaall over talking to everyone, trying to figure this OUT!!! How the hell do you gain more freaking RESEARCH ****ING SKILLS!!??? Ive only got 60 points that ive had for months!! I did the memory alpha thing a long TIME AGO and dont remember!!! All i was doing was asking for some freaking help on this because its really annoying to not be able to play the damn game!!! If you dont want to help then so f-ing be it!! Im no pro at the game but SERIOUSLY???? It shouldnt take me a week wasting HOURS trying to figure out what the heck to do!!!!!

    As has already been posted, go to www.stowiki.org and READ IT. Also, calming down would probably help.
  • captainkirk300captainkirk300 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cup420 wrote: »
    Go to memory alpha and do....what???? I went to memory alpha and went EVERYWHERE!!! What do i do?? I spent at LEAST an hour there looking for ways to up points!!

    You are a vice admiral ? you learn how to craft way earlier
  • coffeeprofcoffeeprof Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In all fairness, I'm about to hit Level 46 and I have yet to craft anything. I should probably get on that. :-P
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