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tal shiar adapted battle cruiser loadout

majesticgnatmajesticgnat Member Posts: 2 Arc User
hey all im looking for input on my loadout it works well in pvp but in stfs it seems to fall short

fore weapons :
romulan plasma beam array mk12 acc2
hyper plasma torpedo launcher
romulan dual beam array mk12 dam2
romulan dual beam array mk12 dam2

aft weapons :
experimental romulan beam array
omega torpedo launcher dam2 critH
romulan plasma beam array mk12 dam2
cutting beam mk12 dam 3

engine :mk12 assimilated sub transwarp engines
shields :mk12 assimilated regenerative array
deflector : mk12 assimilated feflector array
warp core : tal shiar adapted warpcore

engineering consoles:
nanite indoctrination console
tetraburnium hull armor blue quality mk12
ablative hull armor blue quality mk12
monotanium hull armor blue quality mk12

science consoles :
assimilated module
shield emitter aplifier mk12 green quality
shrapnel torpedo console

tactical consoles : 3 plasma infusers mk12 green quality

any help would be appreciated all comments welcome please let me know what you think i could do to improve it , if you need anymore info let me know.

thank you :)
Post edited by majesticgnat on


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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So...the deal with pve is that you want all your weapons in the same arc.

    That said...

    Your two beam arrays and omega launcher in your aft won't be fireing leading to a huge reduction in capable dps.

    If your broadsiding then your torps and DBBs aren't fireing.

    get some more beam arrays in there or focus on your forward arc.
    Why no zero point energy console or experimental rom beam? Missing a 2-3p bonus

    What are your boffs?

    Should throw your build on stoacademy.com...would help a ton
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    majesticgnatmajesticgnat Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i have the exprimental array on there , wasnt to sure about getting the zero point console alot of dith for it .

    my officer ablities are

    beam array fire at will 1
    target engines 2
    beam array overload 3
    attack patter omega 3
    torpedo spread 1
    high yield 2
    science team 1
    transfer shield strength 1
    tachyon beam 2
    tykens rift 2
    emergency power to shields 1
    emergancy power to weapons 2

    should i replce the indoctrination nanites with the zero point console , maybe takeout the omega torp and but the front single array there and get a dual beam or cannons to go in its place?
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    eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Here's my build I ran about a month ago
    might give you some ideas.

    Zero point is definitely worth getting, especially to get hyper flux, it's essentially a free extra pattern beta 1 that you can stack on top of.
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    panda244panda244 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Using a lower mark tier of this but thats what im working for, and since they dont have the quad plasma cannons yet think of one of the front DC as a quad from the ar'kala. With BO3 APO3 and RF1 with the right timing of the weapon battery the build is devastating to anything :D
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    hellsfire6hellsfire6 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hyperflux,Graviton Beam, Tractor Beam - all of these bonus skills are not available to you at all.

    You don't have the right set pieces.

    I f you are using the Warp Core that comes with this ship you dont need a borg engine, it won't gain you any speed.

    As a science captain beam overload doesn't do you any good you can't alpha strike like a TAC with TT/APA/FOM + APB etc. and it will drain your weapon power down so low your follow up fire will be severely nerfed...guess popping a weapon battery will get some back....

    Tac Team x2? with Sci Team and Eng Team - these boff powers have a mutual cool down, thus 2 of them will never if ever get used. A EP2Sif is a better choice for a hull heal vs Eng Team in this case.

    4 armour consoles? My suggestion would be to reduce them to 2 and get 2 sci fleet Shield consoles.

    2 Tac consoles will also gimp your damage output. 5>4>3>2>1....maybe by 50% of the bonus effect.

    Guess you like cannons....beam ships at 5Km range plus will out gun you from all arcs,
    and under 5Km from the sides and rear....granted you maybe able to turn on the spot with the RCS effect of the armour consoles but when you are being shot from all directions..or held by a tractor..when APO is on cooldown....its gonna hurt.

    You need to also state the Doffs you are using - the good ones are the ones that reduce the cool downs on Boff skills or give extra power boosts on emergency power to x usage
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    panda244panda244 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sure the build has its limits but it works great, and even with the shared cooldown of science team/engie team and tact team i use them all just gotta alternate, and yes the ship does turn on a dime for its size so the cannons are firing 80% of the time. I'd have to check which doffs im using but i can get back to ya on that one =P
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    hellsfire6hellsfire6 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    panda244 wrote: »
    sure the build has its limits but it works great, and even with the shared cooldown of science team/engie team and tact team i use them all just gotta alternate, and yes the ship does turn on a dime for its size so the cannons are firing 80% of the time. I'd have to check which doffs im using but i can get back to ya on that one =P

    If it works for you - go with it - only person that has to be happy with the build is you. :D

    A lot of people can give advice and have their own opinions - but the final decision is always yours.

    Enjoy! ;)
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