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cure space normal

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
with ablative and monot. 12 blue why do i keep dying several times and have 12 honor gaurd shields
is it at season 6 levels hmm?
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    hellsfire6hellsfire6 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Do you have Tac team and Emergency power to shields(EptS) BOFF skills?

    No amount of armour or shields will stop the Borg without backing from the right skills.

    You cannot just sit there with passive defences and expect to survive.

    Tac team - reallocates shields to the facing being hit (BOFF Tac Skill)

    EptS - boosts shields on all facings (BOFF Eng Skill)

    Having 2 each of the above and keeping them active will make you survive most Borg encounters for a considerable period of time - Invisible Tac Cube Plasma shots excepted.

    What class of ship are you using?

    If you have Honor Guard MK XII shields and you don't know about BOFF skill rotation for survival, how the heck did you get them?

    I have HG MK XI shields and die maybe once every 5 normal STF's if that and I have less armour than you.
    Currently flying a Vor'Char retrofit battle cruiser (which turns like an escort - but thats a whole other story).
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    beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hellsfire6 wrote: »
    Do you have Tac team and Emergency power to shields(EptS) BOFF skills?

    I have HG MK XI shields and die maybe once every 5 normal STF's if that and I have less armour than you.
    Currently flying a Vor'Char retrofit battle cruiser (which turns like an escort - but thats a whole other story).

    My Science Klingon toon is flying a Hegh'ta with 3Borg + KHG shield (mk XI) and doesn't die all that often on Normal. And I'm more specced for annoyance/dps than survival.

    The OP really didn't give us enough info. Full ship and boff layout would help to figure out any deficiencies.

    As far as difficulty, they actually made it a bit easier by nerfing the Raptors and Negh'vars.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
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    oldkirkfanoldkirkfan Member Posts: 1,263 Arc User
    edited July 2012
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    travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hellsfire6 wrote: »
    Do you have Tac team and Emergency power to shields(EptS) BOFF skills?

    No amount of armour or shields will stop the Borg without backing from the right skills.

    You cannot just sit there with passive defences and expect to survive.

    Tac team - reallocates shields to the facing being hit (BOFF Tac Skill)

    EptS - boosts shields on all facings (BOFF Eng Skill)

    Having 2 each of the above and keeping them active will make you survive most Borg encounters for a considerable period of time - Invisible Tac Cube Plasma shots excepted.

    What class of ship are you using?

    If you have Honor Guard MK XII shields and you don't know about BOFF skill rotation for survival, how the heck did you get them?

    I have HG MK XI shields and die maybe once every 5 normal STF's if that and I have less armour than you.
    Currently flying a Vor'Char retrofit battle cruiser (which turns like an escort - but thats a whole other story).

    This seems like a bit of gravedig. . .

    In any case, I'll tell you how he probably got the mk XII gear. He probably blundered around in Elites accomplishing little to nothing, got the STF drops that the proficient players were wanting, and bought himself some shiny gear. . .and doesn't know how to put it to good use.

    Then again, that's probably the pessimist in me speaking out :P
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Gear is not an issue.

    The difference between white mkX and purpleXII is of NO consequence in PvE.

    Running EPtoShields and tacteam as well as constantly distributing your shields will get you a far way. Carrying a copy of hazard emitters will also help.

    As far as Cure goes... it's a bit buggy atm, as far as assimilated klingon ships go. They will have theyr spike damage reduced in a upcoming patch. (if it didn't happen already... haven't logged in much last two weeks)
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