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dabaddaba Arc User



  • What's this dil nerf you guys are talking about? Did something happen to the dilithium weekend event or is it something else entirely?
  • I'm sure the reduction of marks in CCA and Fleet alert are working just fine, then again I didn't even bother to check. After wasting my time on this omega particle joke I just logged off. I didn't even try the featured episode due to the timegates they put on the mission reward. Another timegate really? I was actually…
  • Are specialization qualifications bound to character, account or are they tradable?
  • Nice guide, thanks. Something that can also help a lot, especially against tarantulas, are TBRs. Approach the tarantula from behind hit TBR and possibly evasive manouvers and push the ship as far as possible, then turn around and go free the falchion. Since you push the tarantula from behind it will take longer for it to…
  • Had a similar experience yesterday. While the team was still clearing the spheres left of the gate, the game failed for apparently no reason since we all were there firing off at the spheres. I decided to go on the other to see what happened and found a bunch of breen fighters still firing on the generators on the right…
  • Hi, can you guys share your builds? I'm particularly interested in the sneaky sci version. This is how my b'rel is set up right now on my sci officer: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=teide3_0 To be honest this build is what I came up with about 8 months ago, just before I left the game, but its still…
  • Time to come back to sto? #DeltaRising
  • I'm actually more disappointed about the fact the ship doesn't have a second lt commander. I was hoping in a set-up similar to the one they gave the guardian, with the lt tac made ensing and either the lt sci or eng made lt commander.
  • Seems to me that by the time you actually reach the 9 stacks you will probably be at 1% hull anyway due to the bleedthrough.
  • My advice would be to change the omega deflector. You could either try with KHG engine + shield and the romulan or reman deflector or go with KHG deflector + shield and a hyper-impulse engine to get more speed (the new undine and the aegis engines give you a +5% defence). Other than that you could try changing GW1 with…
  • In Viscous Cycle the planet killer you need to destroy for the optional sometimes doesn't show up. Has anyone noticed this as well?
  • My fed-rom couldn't complete the mission as well.
  • When respawning in undine assault I got stuck near one of the stations and couldn't break free. It happened twice and I had to leave the map in both cases. Has anyone experienced this bug?
  • The bonus phaser/disruptor dmg for the two piece set was the thing that really made the set stand out. It would be really nice to see it come back. Anyway if someone manages to get his hands on the tac console remember to post a screen.
  • :( The phaser/disruptor set bonus was pretty much the only thing that really interested me in this new rep. This alone takes away the only reason I had to grind this new reputation.
  • Seems to me a pretty solid build. My only advice would be to change TTS 1 with ST 1 that doesn't rely on aux power. Also if you want some more damage you could use TBR1 instead of HE and move HE to the ensing level.
  • Here is my current vesta build (PvE): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=sciscivesta_0 Doffs 3xdamage control engineers 1xgravimetric (chance for multiple grav wells) 1xTBR with pull effect This ship is not built for pure dps, rather for a mix of damage and crowd control. May not be a dps monster but it gets the job…
  • I'll start by saying that getting only one vesta is not a problem if you want to run the aux dual heavy cannons. You just have to reclaim the ship three times and move the aux cannons to your inventory before discharging it. As for the question "is FAW a viable option?", I'd say yes. The main problem is keeping both aux…
  • You could also try using a single Aux2batt and change the second copy do Aux2damp. This would allow you to still be able to use aux dependant powers when your Aux2batt effect expires while still benefit from the cooldown reduction. Also, Aux2damp used along with the matter-antimatter doff will give you a nice damage…
  • Galaxy-X users beware....should you manage to hit with the lance chances are you are going to kill yourselves. Anyway, is the tier 4 shield resistance going to stack with the elite fleet shield one? Too early to tell?
  • The proc of other weapons can be better than the phaser one but consider its only a 2.5% chance anyway. Phasers can blow up ships as effectively as any other weapon type. It would be nice though if they removed the 5 second immunity to the phaser disable proc. After all they already did that for the Elachi weapons didn't…
  • Whatever dps you guys can manage with the Connie please don't bring her to a hive elite. Saw it happen and it wasn't much fun.
  • http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=asdfghewq_0 I took your build and changed a few things here and there. I've also thrown some points in the skill tree in what I believe are the most important areas. Since a lot has already been said I'll try to make this short: Tac boffs I've put 2 copies of APO since it…
  • Modify the ablative armour console so it gives, upon activation, some +X amount of hitpoints with extremely high damage resistance. Shields and energy weapons go offline. The ablative armour remains active untile its hitpoint are depleted (normal hull heals don't affect the armor) or unless its deactivated, then the ship…
  • I was actually willing to buy this ship or even the whole pack if at least the fleet version had a decent boff layout. I guess I'll just keep my money and my fleet excelsior.
  • I've been following this thread for quite some time now cause I'd really like to buy the galaxy-x BUT i'd also like to invest my money on something worth it and not a ship with the same boff layout as other cruisers such as regent, excelsior or avenger. Is there any hope the fleet galaxy x is going to have a different boff…
  • Give me back the old site and the chance to play without this arc thing running in the background. Thanks
  • I've been using a mirror vo'quv on my engineer and it is a real fun to fly. The extra heals the engineer has are really good since in most cases you can't run away fast enough when under heavy fire. Subnuke and sensor scan are nice but you can't use them if you're dead :) I advice going with 6 beam arrays and using TT1,…
  • A lvl 50 romulan who intentionally attacks low lvl feds and klingons is simply pathetic. That said I have noticed that a low lvl romulan can't actually enter kerrat. Was it intended to work this way?
  • I actually find pvp more fun using my fed character. Why? Simply because in an Arena or a Capture and Hold the Klingon group tends to completely wipe out the other side without any effort (most of the time at least) while FvF and FvK on the fed side can really be a lot more challenging. Its not just a matter of ships and…