Same thing. Everything completed but the daily was stuck at "complete fleet action" like it didnt pick up the fleet action was finished successfully. This was a regular Fed btw.
This is just absurd. Of COURSE we finally get a reasonably good streak of Gorn Minefield being the daily at exactly the time the dailies end up broken. As I've often said on the forums, it and its KDF equivalent seem far too rare for there to actually be a properly functioning RNG doling out the odds, given that I've watched the dailies for the past several years, though of late I've stopped bothering with Big Dig and Klingon Scout Force due to their ridiculous queues. Back when Big Dig was more frequent as to be worthwhile, I recall there being a nearly two week long bug with its dilithium reward, and though Big Dig was already dominating the daily selection, it just so happened that it took up 8 out of 10 days for the time I was keeping count.
-FED on normal
Never mind! They're fixing it in tomorrow's patch: