ridelia Arc User


  • There: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMLss_oLtvQ , thats how other people solved error 0xc0000005.
  • They are still sleeping. It's like 7AM in USA. They will become aware of the issue and perhaps answer something when they get to work - about 9AM their time or so. For now they don't have any idea anything is wrong. Time is always an issue with Europe. It's the same with codes - they post codes in middle of night for us…
  • The guide is here: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1512531 I also suggest watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt4Kow8VoQU , it says how to get for example pure red hair color. Personaly I am getting colors by setting a skin color, then saving the preset and copying the skin tone number to…
  • Mystics are very flexible. They can heal, dd, debuff, lure, pvp and whatever you like, its a class that can do almost everything - except tanking melee bosses maybe xD. There is no 1 single role for mystic.They are good in everything - just not the best in anything. (toon = character)
  • You need 4 people to open a team mode TT - thats why people send such messages on world chat (often offering 50k for this). All the opener must do is to come to the TT and wait till the leader talks to all steles. Then he gets paid and can leave/is kicked from the team. He can go back to the city with his easly earned 50k…
  • http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/8113 b:surrender
  • The higher your lvl is and the higher mobs you fight the higher is DQ reward from single dropped DQ (at lvl 40 you get 1-5 points per DQ, at lvl 90+ you get 30-35 points per it). With that if you are patient enough to grind a few hours you can get about 30k points or even more a day (my record was 90k DQ a day but it was…
  • Wierd, I am dueling my archer friend (lvl 90+, full dex) almost everyday and my Devil never missed any stun ;). Besides. I still have my seal skills.
  • Quite common way is making an alt account with cleric and/or some other buffing alts for self-buffs. This way you don't have to ask people for buffs if you want to go solo grinding. Personally I am using 1 account for all chars I regulary play and 2nd account is for the cleric which is my buffer, healer or shop depending…
  • Its not like you can't switch Orders later in game. You can do it at any time - just need to wait 24h and pay a fee before joining another order after you leave current one. So, if I were you I would go Lumi 1st, then after buying the skills I need I would go Corona till I get the weapon. After then I would go Shroud to…
  • Personally I never dueled anyone as cleric but my main is Mystic and I can say it is just awesome. Devil has the fastest stun skill in the whole game. As long as Devil can get the 1st hit (oponent have less than a sec to 1hit kill him to avoid it) the duel is all yours. Even if it fail there are some live saving skills…
  • If you find hypers expensive and wont want to waste them use them only in fc runs. In fc you activate hypers only when boss is about to die, a lot of mobs are getting gathered and ready for aoe and on heads. Heads are awsome way to lvl up low lvl chars and people often sell them on world chat (look for sth like "Selling fc…
  • You don't loose the shards. You loose only the "+3" if refine fails. But I wouldnt refine it any further unless it has really good stats. It is lvl 69 basic (not gold/tt) weapon, right?
  • Also the quests from Head Hunter aviliable a hour before a event start (Tiger, FoA and something else) have a chance to give you a hyper.
  • You shouldn't care about good weapons at such lvl. Just buy any weapon your lvl that any blacksmith sell as long as it is better than the lvl 20 blue or 19 purple (for different classes the lvl 19 or 20 weapon is good till lvl 31-40). At lvl 47 or so a hard quest give some nice weapon but honestly, I dont remember which…
  • If I brought my Mystic home my parents would wonder first why is there suddenly 2 of me - just one with darker skin and a little glowy thing in front of her forehead. But as soon as they met the mystic summon (Devil) they would call us both satanists and throw us out of home. b:laugh
  • You can buy 10 teles for 9 tokens of luck at PW Bountigue Agent (near most Bankers). People are selling tokend of luck for 10k a piece near west banker so for 90k you can get 10 teles. They also sell teles for about 10k per piece. Its not too expensive even for a newbie. You should get the money soon enough just from…
    in silver? Comment by ridelia October 2012
  • There is definitelly something wrong with DQ points page. Yesterday I got more DQs than I expected (maybe I just sold something I didnt know that turns to DQ point, I dont know) and my friend realised that his DQ points droped somehow (maybe he just dont remember corectly, or bought sth and forgot, no idea). But the…
  • I was getting around 40-60 enveloped per day but since I am in 30-99 lvl range I was just changing them for exp (I wish I could get some money but I heard low lvls don't get cash for the envelopes). I gained like 10 lvls between 50-80 jst for it (I was doing bhs, Arch invasion and quests at the time too so I can't know how…
  • Can't you at least change the language of event related communicates on germany and french servers? There is A LOT of english speakers there (since those are only european servers and not everyone likes to wake up at 3am to participate in a event on American servers) which barely can understand german or french and I…
  • To be sure the tiger event is ok you should have not more than 17/20 quests before joining. One is for the quest itself, one for the 20 mins item countdown and 1 for herbs changing to contri.
  • You might check prices on auction and player shops then buy cheaper sell more expensive. Thats what I do. Sometimes the difference is quite big. For example prices of lvl 40 gold cape and necklace on Auction is like 150k and in catshops they go for 400k. Also sometimes someone sets up a shop just for a hour putting price…
  • I agree that you will like Mystic. It is a combination of cleric, veno and psychic (or mage). It is very fun to play class - you can easly change your role in squad. You play like veno/psychic/mage on regular basics and noone is angry with you about it but when the team is in danger you can just help the cleric with…
  • I am from Europe (Poland) and charged Zen through Paypal no longer than 2 days ago (I had no Euro there - just PLNs and Dollars but it automaticky used the Dollars and converted it to Euro). So yeah. There is no problem at all. Just make sure you have enough money on Paypal. A authorised paypal account would be welcome too…
  • You need 5 gems not 3.
  • I used to have similliar problem on my old cumputer (it affected most games there though, not only Perfect World). The cause was conflict of graphic cards (or broken graphic card)- on regular basics the computer was using integrated graphic card (a "no name" 264MB graphic card) which was fine. Any time I entered the game…