WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • Part 7 never got done because, unlike the first 6 parts, I couldn't just say, "I know this works." I was making notes about what was working, what wasn't, etc... And that would have been the source material for Part 7. But I didn't feel confident enough to write a guide that I felt other's could/should trust. Now, if I do…
  • I know, but the starting base for all my calculations is what I'm seeing as a Gold buyer. But, I'd forgotten that I see 2% less Gold being sold than there is actual Gold being sold, and so my base would be off by 2%. Now, you're correct that it doesn't apply to non-Gold-Sellers, but everything is my calculations is…
  • Well, I'll try to make an educated guess... - Over the course of 2 weeks on Sanctuary and Lost City, I bought about 2,500 Gold on each server. - I was only the top bidder for about 3 hours per day, so multiply by 8: ~20,000 Gold. - (EDIT) Only half of Gold is purchased at the bidder's offer, so multiply by 2: ~40,000 Gold.…
  • I kept wondering why some days my skills worked, and some days they didn't. Then around level 18 I realized a Pole-blade wasn't a Barbarian approved weapon. I had huge stockpiles of things like Buddha's Hands, because, you know, one day when I figured out what they were for, I'd be ready. I thought it was a silly design…
  • Just wanted to post and say, THANK YOU frankieraye! This was a really nice gift to the forum community. b:victoryb:victoryb:victory
  • eatwithspoons (I think you're a pretty decent chap too, frankieraye, but there will always be a big spoon-shaped hole in the heart of the forums...)
  • Yes. b:chuckle PWI has a record of being about 50/50 for going more than 2 weeks without a big sale that affects Gold prices. That's why I usually aim for all my Gold buying to occur within that first 2 weeks (and yes, that's why I've been selling my Packs like a madman on Lost City). Half the time I hit big profits, half…
  • I think he's unnecessarily caustic sometimes, but overall I admire the guy. I once preached a sermon to a bunch of kids on the subject of people who claim to have powers like psychics, and rather than go with the standard, "Oh noes, kids! Deh dark artz! This stuff is teh ebil!", I just held up a copy of Randi's $1 million…
  • I guess your server is indeed dead then, if what you're saying is true. Perhaps only certain servers are thriving? I can vouch that Sanctuary Gold-Sellers, Gold-Buyers (ie. Merchants), and Free-Players (ie. Customers) are all more plentiful than they were 2 years ago. My memory is a lot fuzzier when it comes to Lost City.…
  • Yes, it does, but it's only 1 indicator. While that's not reliable by itself, there are other indicators that also show the same trends. When I make a Gold purchase, there are 3 parties involved: the Pay-Players, the Merchants, and the Customers (ie. Free-Players). As a Merchant, I see higher volumes of Gold being offered…
  • Well, the problem I have with Packs is that they kinda are the almighty. Most people see Packs as a Free-Player vs. Pay-Player issue, but it never was. Anniversary Packs were a massive boon to Free-Players like myself, because they basically made it so that a merchant no longer had to do any research or diversification, or…
  • I think this point gets lost far too often. People love to complain, but if the game was as horrible as all the complaining makes it out to be, nobody would be playing it. There are some things in the game that I think are genuinely horrible ideas, but the core of the game is strong enough to survive them. It's not common…
  • True, I too sold a bit at ~2.2m (only like 25 or something), but the 1.85m price I was referring to was the average price I was able to buy a lot of Gold at. I did manage to get quite a bit for cheaper, but I did also pay for stuff that was more than that. I do the same thing you're describing if my stock is low on a…
  • Well, I guess "ridiculous" is kinda a relative term. On Sanctuary, Gold was 1.85m per Gold during the sale, and now Packs are selling for 485k, which is a profit of 17%. That's good profit, in my opinion, and there's are lots of competitors vying for that on Sanctuary. But on Lost City, Gold was only 1.65m, and yet I was…
  • Un-tradeable cash-shop items is a pretty common strategy in the MMORPG world, so the easiest way to answer the question would be to look at the competition. With that being said, I'd then argue that it would simply kill the game. I base this belief on the fact that the vast majority of F2P MMORPGs that have followed the,…
  • DON'T second-guess for your actions! No offense to TheUnderLord, but in his advice he falls victim to a common merchanting blunder. What you did with the Tokens was absolutely correct. Waiting until after the sale to sell the Tokens for a single, large markup would have been a mistake, and it's one that the vast majority…
  • I admit I'm purely just speculating what the other merchant is thinking, but it's still possible he's going for a fast sale with the D.Orbs. I've done the kind of thing he's appears to be doing before. I've had a stockpile of items I know probably won't go on-sale for another 3-4 months, yet along comes a 20% drop in Gold,…
  • Sounds like you certainly had the right idea. I should have clarified that at this point, it's of course too late. But next time there's a Pack sale, then obviously you should stock up on Tokens like crazy. The Token hoarder may have gotten away with it this time, but if enough merchants stock up beforehand, and he fails…
  • Hmm... if that's true, then there's a simple solution: get a smart merchant on your server to collapse the market. When prices are that much out of whack, then it means ludicrously easy profits for smart merchants, at the expense of the greedy ones. For example, right now I'm collapsing the Pack market on Lost City, but…
  • Do you really consider 0.22 Gold per Awesome Pack (ie. Anniversary Pack) vs. 0.45 Gold per Garbage Pack (ie. Wildlife Pack) as "slightly more"? b:chuckle Tokens always go up in price when Packs aren't on-sale, and they're not on-sale. The only Packs people are opening right now are ones that merchants are supplying that…
  • Probably you're right, but there's a chance the merchant is going for fast sales in order to take advantage of relatively cheap Gold, in which case they'll keep their prices low no matter what, until their stock runs out. Merchants who believe (hope?) PWI will keep going with a couple more weeks of non-sales will raise…
  • If you don't mind all the extra clicking, research, and book-keeping, and can free up 33 Inventory slots, there are Pigments. They're not a high-volume, rapid-turnover item, though...
  • Unless your computer is really old, it can easy run 2 copies of the game at once. However, back when multi-clienting wasn't allowed, my cat-shops ran on a laptop I picked up from Salvation Army for $60, and another freebie hand-me down laptop that was even slower/older. Both worked flawlessly for the task.
  • OK, but I really don't see what the problem is. When my level 40 Cleric was making his first run through, he hit Room 45. He started attacking, and of course damage was minimal. About 15 minutes in, with still over 50% health on the mob, somebody else appeared and finished off the mob. A few minutes later my Cleric was…
  • Don't wait. I waited until I was about level 70, and I regret it. As long as you can afford enough supplies (check the guides to find out what you need), it's not hard, even for low-level characters, and with practice you can cut costs down to the point where Cube is basically free XP (in fact, if you sell any prize boxes…
  • My observations are that PWI's profits have never gone down from Packs, because PWI has simply continued to lower the sale prices so that the demand for them stays roughly the same. I base this on the fact that buying ~200 Gold per day is roughly as easy today as it was 2 years ago. The only thing that has changed is that…
  • This kinda explains why so many analysts over the past couple of years were trying to figure out why stock prices were so low, despite the company continuing to generate more and more profits. Investors just didn't trust PWRD, and it looks like they were right.
  • One of the most basic rules about the PWI economy is that if certain items are on-sale for cheap enough, nothing else seems to matter. The recent Pack sale was just such an occasion. Now, with so many merchants over-loaded with tons of cheap Packs, most players with spare coins are apparently choosing to spending those…
  • I barely played last month. Too busy with the holidays. I didn't feel like spending any time doing any research, so I just merchanted Packs. I seemed to be averaging about 500 sales per day, and seemed to end up with about ~150 more Gold than I started the month with.
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