Bellarie - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Hell no. Why would you want to trade coin for spirit? Coin is getting harder and harder to get without heavy merchanting/cash-shopping or being endgame with uber gear, while spirit will always be plentiful, especially endgame when you can get large amounts from BH100 rewards. FC also gives a nice chunk of spirit, and is…
  • A coin sink, obviously. And supposedly, because one could, in theory, make a lot more than 3 mil from the drops in squad mode. But I say in theory only, as the mats are only useful for the armor, since the Weapon and Ornament Insignias from packs are cheaper in the long run and more efficient. Add on the fact that the…
  • Fab idea, no really! While you are at it, let's also make nirvana bosses die in a single hit. Actually, better yet, let's have a quest that brings you from lvl 1 to 105 in ten seconds? Even better, ten seconds is too long, how about instantly? Such ridiculous impatience, can you already be satisfied enough with all the…
  • I think OP is more worried about how much costs are going to rise as they get higher level and approach end-game. No offense, but Cube of Fate isn't really an option if you are poor, since you have to shell out coin for a *chance* to turn a a profit. TT mats are no longer an option either, as only the high-end TT mats sell…
  • Solo Mode TT bosses have always dropped Mirage Celestone, Fairy Boxes simply replaced them. So even before Fairy Boxes, one could at least cover the associated costs from Mirage drops.
  • Generic term is Generic. Also, in regard to my above statement, archaic meme is archaic.
  • Lol, I actually check the forums two or three times a day, yet I only login about once a week, and only for an hour or two. Grinding for coin gets extremely tedious very quickly in this game, even with 2x on. Especially with no more Mirages in solo TT.
  • I been playing since before the Jones Blessings existed, back when you had to rely on the Attendance Daily blessings. I actually haven't gotten a new blessing in over a month, yet I seem to be doing fine. Makes me wonder how people would have gotten by if PWI had never thought up the scheme of bribing players into making…
  • Eye of Observation item takes care of this. Also, you can right click on the character's face after selecting them and choose "Player Info" to see their gear. While this is not 100% accurate on guessing the person's level, you will at least be able to tell their minimum level by the lowest level required for any of their…
  • Makes me kinda wish I was some rich prestigious businessman fluent in Chinese, because then I'd take a trip to China just to have a personal chat with PWE and the devs and let them know that the American PWI is letting their game fray at the edges. I'm actually hoping that PWIC finally gets tired of being a scapegoat and…
  • 1. I agree it's highly unlikely of happening, the reason would have nothing to do with the 109 maps. Yes, they took Renegade, removed all the hallways and most of the dungeon and made it into Nirvana, and they may have used the Mist City map for Warsong. But need I remind you that PWI has already re-used instance maps. Or…
  • Plenty of players here will still point the finger at China. State-side PWI bigwigs have it perfectly set up to make the devs take all the blame. Perhaps that's why the devs are working on the new expansion adding skills to old classes and new PvE-specific gear; they might finally have discovered that PWI is uing them as…
  • More like "Free to try, pay or spend 10 hours a day merchanting/grinding to play" Because IMO, "playing" something would entail actually getting enjoyment out of it, and having fun. I "play" things for fun, and spending 10 hours a day merchanting or grinding is not fun to me. The constant addition of more and more coin…
  • Even without the search function, theere's already a thread on this still on the first page....
  • Same here. Fox form cuts Max MP by 30% at Level 1 and 25% at Level 2. Which means that MP charm ticks every single time a venomancer reverts to human form at least until 59 when she can get Level 3 Fox Form. And even then it drops max mp by 20%, so it's highly likely that you will hit the 25% mark when you revert to human…
  • Considering barb's cannot use skills with claws and formerly had to glitch to use them in tiger form, they obviously weren't originally intended to use them. I'm getting tired of this awful aps bandwagon, especially with the hipocrisy of some the people who support non-BM's using claws. "Let them use claws if they want,…
  • How colorful stuff ingame is has nothing to do with how feminine it is. It's the styles, the way it looks on male characters, multiple factors at play. Need I remind you of that hideous male fashion with the cat ears? When I first saw it on the home page backw hen it was first released, I thought it was a female character…
  • I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about defense, my confusion comes from people saying that the HP bonus from a citrine is only good for the first hit taken. Allow me to explain: Starting HP - 4K + 150(Stone of Gaea) = 4150/4150 HP After taking 70 damage - 4K/4K HP This is what the above wording in bold make…
  • Actually, there are plenty of male tideborn NPC's with facial hair, some of them huge and burly and manly as well. Only our player-created male tideborn are stuck with a face more feminine than Dolly Parton's ****. Perhaps guys wouldn't play female assassin if they could make a male assassin that actually looked like a…
  • Wait, what? Are you saying that I lose my +40 HP bonus after I take a hit, even if the hit is 1 damage? I'm not sure I understand how HP gems work exactly, I thought they just add the listed amount to max HP?
  • Considering it's actually bannable to give a male tideborn facial hair, I'd have to agree that PWI is extremely focused with femininity. Hell, all male characters are forced to wear lip gloss and eye makeup that cannot be removed. I want new fashion sets with chest hair and tattoos!
  • Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Lunar Cape from packs bound on equip, which would render it unable to be npc'ed? In any case, I've logged in on multiple occasions to find I suddenly have equipped gear dropped by mobs that had been sitting in my inventory, as well as some of my hotkeys replaced with various items in…
  • Choose one of the euro servers; ini character editing isn't against the rules there, so you can give your 5aps fish man a beard.
  • Did you even look at the screenshot? If the delete button isn't appearing where it should be, then please, by all means provide a screenshot. And don't act like a smartass if you don't want me to call you one. It may be typed words, but those words can still carry a tone of voice, and it's not nice to act so pretentious…
  • Check again, smartass.
  • I cannot agree with you more. Of course, Christmas is my least favorite holiday, so my expectations aren't too high.
  • Are you talking about deleting characters? Because there is an opion in the character creation/selection screen. As for music, you could always locate the folder ".../Perfect World International/element/music" and manually switch out the music files there. But, that may be bannable, so do at your own risk.
  • This is an awful idea through and through, the game already has enough balance issues as it is. Instead, I think r9 should have a little flexibility for each class. As in, choosing what sort of weapon you want yours to be when you first obtain it(i.e. barbs can choose poleaxe, polehammer, dual axe, or dual hammer) I also…
  • Actually, the massive amounts of coin causing the inflation are from the Ten Million Big Notes for two Best Lucks. If PWI removed this, perhaps along with the 99,999 coins for 10 regular tokens(which could be used as an alternative if the big notes were removed), prices would likely go down, though it would still take ages…
  • I agree. I originally looked forward to endgame because I wanted to enjoy lengthy, challenging dungeon romps with a squad of people that took a few hours and had the possibility of a death or two. But now, I see that this game has no such challenges or time-consumers, because people apparently no longer enjoy those sort of…