LVs should be shown

ladysantana Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Suggestion Box
First of all I have to say sorry for my english but I am german. But hope u can understand what I want. ;)

When I am killing mobs most time other people around u are doing the same. U have function for nearby players and u can see the class, but I am missing the level.

When I am looking for help, there are several names in the list, but I dont know if they could help. I would prefer to see the level of toons also in that list.

Same is, when I just klick at a person, it would be nice to see its level.

So. Perhaps you can make that ingame.

thx for reading.

Post edited by ladysantana on


  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Eye of Observation item takes care of this. Also, you can right click on the character's face after selecting them and choose "Player Info" to see their gear. While this is not 100% accurate on guessing the person's level, you will at least be able to tell their minimum level by the lowest level required for any of their gear.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    Eye of Observation item takes care of this. Also, you can right click on the character's face after selecting them and choose "Player Info" to see their gear. While this is not 100% accurate on guessing the person's level, you will at least be able to tell their minimum level by the lowest level required for any of their gear.

    I would pick the gear with the highest level requirement, because then you're more likely to get close to their current level.b:mischievous

    Also, the Eye of the Jungle and Heart of the Jungle belts afford the same ability as the Eye of Observation, but can be used an infinite number of times, whereas the Eye of Observation is a consumable item (you need 1 for every time you want to check a player's stats).
  • AnnBlackfire - Archosaur
    AnnBlackfire - Archosaur Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    I would pick the gear with the highest level requirement, because then you're more likely to get close to their current level.b:mischievous

    Also, the Eye of the Jungle and Heart of the Jungle belts afford the same ability as the Eye of Observation, but can be used an infinite number of times, whereas the Eye of Observation is a consumable item (you need 1 for every time you want to check a player's stats).

    well in general that is about working. However there are enough people running around in cheap low level armor (or completely none) to fool others. This to either leech as suggested here or in most cases invite to battle with low levels, killing them pretty much instantly. So there must be a fair way to solve this. Likeadding that level as requested. But also making sure you can not attack anyone below/above 5 or 10 levels of your own. Which would protect many players from loonies. b:victory
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    If they are higher than you their presence in squad will hurt your experience gain.

    If they are lower than you than you benefit from their small help and lose no experience.

    So I say stop worrying.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter