How dead is this game?

Niteshadows - Harshlands
Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Chronicles
pls remove powerleveling so this game can be more enjoyable. the fun was getting to 100 and then finally reaching it because i deserved it. ><

now people imo are abusing this number.
Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
Post edited by Niteshadows - Harshlands on


  • Sukinee - Heavens Tear
    Sukinee - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    pls remove powerleveling so this game can be more enjoyable. the fun was getting to 100 and then finally reaching it because i deserved it. ><

    now people imo are abusing this number.

    As much as I agree with you the damage has already been done. :-/

    Member of Nocturne and Hikari...spread the light be nice to others!

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  • TheFire - Lost City
    TheFire - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    thay whont do that cuz if thay do thay lose money and thats all thay think about now is MONEY.thats the main reson theres no snowmen this year.and its for that reson this game has died
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dead enough for me to be browsing these forums without logging on the game.

    Waiting for that final moment....y'know.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

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  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dead enough for me to be browsing these forums without logging on the game.

    Waiting for that final moment....y'know.

    Lol, I actually check the forums two or three times a day, yet I only login about once a week, and only for an hour or two. Grinding for coin gets extremely tedious very quickly in this game, even with 2x on. Especially with no more Mirages in solo TT.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    thay whont do that cuz if thay do thay lose money and thats all thay think about now is MONEY.thats the main reson theres no snowmen this year.and its for that reson this game has died

    What, pray tell, even hinted at this? They would have made more money if they left the snowmen in as they were (shops would die, leaving no way to get anything except farming/buying it from AH/using Gold) than they will by taking the snowmen out. There is currently no chi stone purchase option in the boutique... so how exactly is removing them making more money?
  • Divine_Death - Harshlands
    Divine_Death - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    They are too "square" to leave the killer snowman in as they were. Would have been something they did right.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The snowmen are non-aggressive; the shops wouldn't die lol. Unless you were referring to lag; which could be combated by just turning effects off.

    On 2x drop rate however... they'd be dropping quite the amount of chi stones though.
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  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    so you people dont read at all? the snowmen were non-aggressive yes but when attacked they aoed killing the catshops
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    The snowmen are non-aggressive; the shops wouldn't die lol. Unless you were referring to lag; which could be combated by just turning effects off.

    On 2x drop rate however... they'd be dropping quite the amount of chi stones though.

    Actually, this latest batch was attacking back with an extensive AoE (reported by EU servers, confirmed by GMs), which is why they were removed. Too many of those in West Archosaur and we would have had a bunch of dead shops.b:surrender That would have been worse for the F2P players than anyone, really. Also, good luck leveling a lower-leveled alt when you would have been dying.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'd just move my shop to the top of a building. Would have been really funny seeing all the cats perched up there like birds.
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  • Divine_Death - Harshlands
    Divine_Death - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Like I said, would have been the most epic event.
  • Viriilink - Lost City
    Viriilink - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The game been dead to me for couple of years. I lost my motivation to try one month in when I heard that archers is weak endgame and started to play way less than I did. I remember guildmates complained that I AFK too much in game. Didn't like it that they introduced genies in the game. I hated Perfect World with the release of Tideborn introducing new classes.

    TBH, if I had known that archers were bad endgame, or that so many players were going to rolled archer on Lost City. I would've roll Cleric, or listen to VVind during beta and play BM and would probably play until LTX quit the game. I really didn't expect archers to be so popular because I played on PW-MY Oracle as archer and saw only three other archers around Ancient Dragon City(one of them being Fantassy whom I saw everyday at west gate).

    I envy the veteran players that played on PW-MY and left due to stupid reason like WarLord. They got to play a game more enjoyable on PW-MY longer than I did on PWI.
  • Kitkate - Dreamweaver
    Kitkate - Dreamweaver Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Actually, this latest batch was attacking back with an extensive AoE (reported by EU servers, confirmed by GMs), which is why they were removed. Too many of those in West Archosaur and we would have had a bunch of dead shops.b:surrender That would have been worse for the F2P players than anyone, really. Also, good luck leveling a lower-leveled alt when you would have been dying.

    That part I had to laugh at, cause not many people do archosaur quests anymore to level alts. I think I'm the only one that does anymore now. I was helping my brother the other day with his archosaur quests, and at broken bow bluff where it used to be crowded is now deserted with maybe two other players running around. It's sad. Now the noobs join a faction, then beg for a high level to get them to 100 in FC. I've had a couple ask me to power level them, even though they didn't even know how to use some of their skills. So saying they are in arch is ridiculous. It's only the cluttering catshops.
  • Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Tekril - Dreamweaver Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    That part I had to laugh at, cause not many people do archosaur quests anymore to level alts. I think I'm the only one that does anymore now. I was helping my brother the other day with his archosaur quests, and at broken bow bluff where it used to be crowded is now deserted with maybe two other players running around. It's sad. Now the noobs join a faction, then beg for a high level to get them to 100 in FC. I've had a couple ask me to power level them, even though they didn't even know how to use some of their skills. So saying they are in arch is ridiculous. It's only the cluttering catshops.
    Nope, there's two of us.
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Lost city is deader than elvis presley. The tw map, the pvp and even the pve is all controlled by r9s. In wc theres spam for r9 only nvs, and even r9 only bh's.

    In pvp 8/10 times you will die to a r9 +12
    1/10 times a sin will double spark you in stealth,
    and the last 1/10 you will be attacked by an entire squad.

    Our maps strongest is just the ones with the most r9s (an entire 80 for tw) Its a little sad I remember just a few months ago everything was still broken but now its just =/
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Inflictia - Raging Tide
    Inflictia - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Meh, the only thing that makes this game dead is the arrogance and egoism of players.

  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    dead as allways.. maybe even more dead couse even i dont play it anymore, just trolling on forums till the best mmo ever will come out on february
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • Inflictia - Raging Tide
    Inflictia - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    dead As Allways.. Maybe Even More Dead Couse Even I Dont Play It Anymore, Just Trolling On Forums Till The Best Mmo Ever Will Come Out On February

  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Actually, this latest batch was attacking back with an extensive AoE (reported by EU servers, confirmed by GMs), which is why they were removed. Too many of those in West Archosaur and we would have had a bunch of dead shops.b:surrender That would have been worse for the F2P players than anyone, really. Also, good luck leveling a lower-leveled alt when you would have been dying.

    i remember when Enrage dragged Jewelscaleen ( some cute *** boss ) to west arch ! *pwnage* :P
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i remember when Enrage dragged Jewelscaleen ( some cute *** boss ) to west arch ! *pwnage* :P

    It was more fun when we pulled Cenminator to west gate. b:pleased
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • XoOoOoX - Lost City
    XoOoOoX - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Its just too late, even if they removed power leveling, there are just too many 100+ ppl already.
    Like with r9, its ruining pk and owerall is op but so many ppl already has it, you would think that endgame gear is something that is almost impossible to get but half the freaking games have it.
  • khelga39
    khelga39 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    pls remove powerleveling so this game can be more enjoyable. the fun was getting to 100 and then finally reaching it because i deserved it. ><

    Nobody must use powerleveling.

    I started 6 month ago and I am now Level 83.

    If anybody want to do powerleveling then he should do it. If somebody do not want to use powerleveling (as me) he can level slow.

    I see here no problem.

    This is nothing with money making or some else. It is just the option for the customers. They can level faster if they want or they can level slow. The customer can choose.

  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    That part I had to laugh at, cause not many people do archosaur quests anymore to level alts. I think I'm the only one that does anymore now. I was helping my brother the other day with his archosaur quests, and at broken bow bluff where it used to be crowded is now deserted with maybe two other players running around. It's sad. Now the noobs join a faction, then beg for a high level to get them to 100 in FC. I've had a couple ask me to power level them, even though they didn't even know how to use some of their skills. So saying they are in arch is ridiculous. It's only the cluttering catshops.
    Nope, there's two of us.

    Nope. There's three of us. I level my sin there, and will be soon leveling my other toons there too. To be quite honest, I regularly buff newer players there, so I'm surprised that you didn't see any, being that we're on the same server. You are right about the begging to be dragged through FC though. One of the saddest things that I've seen was a level 3 cleric standing in snowy village looking for a squad,...and sure enough they sent me a random invite, and sure enough I ignored it...and flew away. A few days later that cleric does the same thing, except they're higher leveled now, and decide to SPAM me with invites...until I finally accepted, and explained to them why I could not take them through a SOLO fc run. (I am a cleric...geared in TT90 armor (working on TT99), with a TT99 weapon...and you want a solo run. [>.>]

    With that said, I've seen quite a bit of normal questers, and ones that are really trying to get on fc. However, its not always their fault in total.

    *I've seen factions recruiting STARTING players that are just barely learning the game. Then they greet them, and teach them a little bit, and have them recruit starting players as well. The job was pretty much to stand there, and anyone who was there, to send an they sent several to me too. (I was there randomly to buff the newbies and teach them.) Often, these factions level them through a fc run before they even have a chance to start learning. To be fair, who doesn't want to level faster if they can.

    *Too many people calling other players noobs....especially at lower levels.

    *The SP glitch discouraged a lot of players. Some of them started fc runs because of that. Not like they could actually DO there quests after all.

    @OP. I understand what you're saying, but I have to confess, that for me the thrill isn't so much getting to level 100 after SLOW grinding, and quests that offer pitiful XP. I'd have honestly become bored, and irritated, and stopped playing probably. If I'm not seeing at least some sort of progress when I'm trying very hard to level, I'll be irritated, and not happy with it. You have a point, but speaking from a different end, I don't really care how a player levels as long as they learn their craft.

    (Sorry if my thoughts are mixed and jumbled. I'm still somewhat tired and sleepy. Lol.)
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Aquyla - Heavens Tear
    Aquyla - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    just like i said before. idc if people are power leveled or not, but i care if someone don't know how to play in team, like some dd (not saying sins cuz there are other like psychics) come, sparks like mad, take aggro, run towards cleric and boss one-hit them all with phys aoe, and then the rest of team die also.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    pls remove powerleveling so this game can be more enjoyable. the fun was getting to 100 and then finally reaching it because i deserved it. ><

    now people imo are abusing this number.

    pointless thread.
    People are already at 105.
    I know a lot that have over 10 100+ alts.
    yeah, sure, take out power lvling, for what? so it will take 8-9 months for someone get a char to 100?
    There are decisions that once taken there is no turning back. Allowing powerlvling is one of them. Live with it or quit if you can't stand it.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • LadySam - Raging Tide
    LadySam - Raging Tide Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This game dies fast ! If they marage a servers then it`s over with it ! Might not be soon , but it will happend in the next 2 years !b:bye
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This topic is new and exciting b:bye

    Funny though, how a 'dead' game keeps so many people who don't play it interested in it enough to still troll here about how 'dead' it is.
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Actually, this latest batch was attacking back with an extensive AoE (reported by EU servers, confirmed by GMs), which is why they were removed. Too many of those in West Archosaur and we would have had a bunch of dead shops.b:surrender That would have been worse for the F2P players than anyone, really. Also, good luck leveling a lower-leveled alt when you would have been dying.

    Funny that ONLY the dumb ****s that work for PWE would actually give two ****s about stupid ****ing player shops, instead of OH I DON'T KNOW -- Maybe leaving the snow men in for the people ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME... NOOOOOO that would have been to logical, and yes, the first time PWE actually 'did anything right'...

    Who gives a **** if they were killing shops, tell the shops to set up somewhere else, or just wait until the holidays are over OMG b:surrender
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This topic is new and exciting b:bye

    Funny though, how a 'dead' game keeps so many people who don't play it interested in it enough to still troll here about how 'dead' it is.

    This is because the game itself is 'PERFECT' (ok it's really not, but it is a GREAT game)!

    It's just too bad that the companies creating and running it are TOTALLY TRASHING IT!
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This topic is new and exciting b:bye

    Funny though, how a 'dead' game keeps so many people who don't play it interested in it enough to still troll here about how 'dead' it is.

    I always thought that was interesting :p
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
This discussion has been closed.