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  • So wait..was the crash they tried to fix where at some point all the graphics would get all wonky and character portraits wouldn't appear and the graphics would gradually get worse until it just froze and crashed?
  • My launcher refuses to patch at all. It initially did patch but only got to about 50ish MB (I have about a gigabyte to patch, haven't played for a while), but now it's just sitting on "patching..." and doing absolutely nothing.
  • So...this is interesting, but I feel it might screw over legitimately new players seeking for help. If they can't access the main two chats to talk to others or ask others' help, how are they to figure out what to do? Sure, there's the ole "playing yourself" but not everyone can spare the amount of time needed to get to…
  • I was wondering if you guys know anything about there not being enough HEs spawning or being active at a time in Fiery Pit. Since it was mostly waiting on another HE spawning, which could take a while.
  • So while not really a serious issue, I've noticed there are VERY little heroic encounters in the Elemental Evil areas, especially the Firey Pit. This makes it really boring to fight things for the motes
  • Module 5 for me, loved Tiamat being an addition. The feeling of fighting an actual god was great for me.
  • So quick question: Most CWs I play with nowadays don't use Arcane Singularity at all, mostly because of the target cap, so is that point still relevant, about Spinning Strike-ing during the AS. Furthermore, what is the thought behind using Spinning Strike. Like at all. I'm curious mostly.
  • So, @OP: You do realize that not everyone works on the same thing at Cryptic, right? This is true for most, if not all, games in existence. There's people who work on art, people who work on storylines, people who work on actual coding. Likewise, there's people working on bugfixes and server stability and the like. And…
  • So you know what I just noticed. The Dragonborn pack costs about 100 euros, 71ish on sale. Now, that is /not/ equal to 75 euros. In fact, the 71 euros is 95 dollars, which is almost full price. Nice ripping us off in europe here cryptic, thanks, appreciate it :)
  • So instead of whacking away at eachother, Valerie Batterwitch and Karrundax the Red decided to just sit down for a talk. Rumor has it that this conversation surpassed any previous conversations held in the history of humankind (or dragonkind).
  • I dunno what else it would be though.
  • Akar Kesell and Crenshinibon? That's what me and some others got to after deliberation and lore studying and stuff..
  • So, if the 3rd module is already revealed..what if this is an IC question and it has nothing or very little to do with the next module's name?
  • I got something like: arleon backed nashers link in I dunno what that would mean but I can definitely make those words.
  • So, I've been doing this for a bit now, got quite a bit of the giftboxes, estimate around 20ish or so. Got nothing but enchants, enchants, enchants, OH HEY 2 invocation gifts!! ..woohoo. Oh and two dye packs. My guild leader opened 31 giftboxes in a row (AH and gathering them) and got...2 invocation gifts and 1 dye pack,…
  • Wouldn't like the whole guild raid exclusivity thing..as it would almost force people to join guilds to get all the benefits. But I could definitely see something that would encourage party play with these events. Example: Increase drop rate if you're in a party? Remove that thing for dungeons of course :v
  • Untrue. The main page states it starts at 10 AM pacific, and I even clicked on the "When is that for you". It said 7 PM my time which by now, is almost 4 hours ago. Sooo yeah. And when I got into the game, the calendar was going all "1 hour and 13 minutes" when I was in there at 5:47 PM.
  • The only thing I have with this nerf is that I feel that 20 seconds for a feat like this is kind of..long. 10 seconds would've been fine imo. That said, main reason I went ranged build was because of fluff(character concept and all). I really don't feel my character fits the melee or the nature build. That said, I felt it…
  • Do you understand how MMOs work? The pacing of updates need to be very quick, otherwise people will get bored and move on to other games. If you wait a whole year to add another update, you're doing it wrong and being too slow. You can slow down the updates later in the life of your MMO but since Neverwinter is still very…
  • Oh, Mastery!Entangling Force actually gives more AP than it should? I always found it slightly interesting/odd that it gave like 50% of your AP in one shot if done right(read: enough mob are drawn in by the spell)
  • I'll admit that boss that are only for very experienced players(and coordinated as well) can be a cool game mechanic, I also think there should be some leeway in the way of how experienced you need to be. If you play super-casual, sure then you probably wouldn't attempt a 1.5 hour+ dungeon in the first place. Hardcore…
  • Hey man, I'll have you know that most of my characters are fashionable as all hell! My GWF wears the fairy outfit/sunite flower crown, my CW wears the courtesan outfit and my DC wears the wedding dress. My TR is durk 'n edgy so she doesn't wear that stuff, but oh well. I sense a flaw here :( But on a more serious note:…
  • And another patch that doesn't fix anything. Wish they'd at least give us a response along the lines of: "We have heard your complaints and know of the bugs, we are working on it." But not even that. It only leads me to conclude that you guys are not working on it and don't even care about it.
  • They might add that in later. Give it a few patches.
  • My laptop crashed like a week ago which completely broke it, although I don't think it was the same thing. Did you notice anything special about the game before it crashed? Graphical glitches or something?
  • This is absolute bullcrap. You shouldn't be excluded from content just because you didn't pay for high level gear. If there is a minimum gear score amount for a dungeon, it should be HARD to complete the dungeon at that level, but not impossible. Something people also need to remember is that the actual number means very…
  • Yeah, this is my main gripe with all these things that people tell us to do like: "just play more to get experienced and find a group". Of course, if you then say you have difficulty finding a group, they'll throw their anecdotical evidence/experience at you saying that they didn't find it hard, and therefor you shouldn't…
  • Ok, first off, I don't have problem with all the points made, just a few of them: First off, things like bunny suits (and I think someone mentioned Superman t-shirts), are not present in the lore of Faerun, and therefor hardly relevant to be added. Tieflings have tails because of lorically relevant events that have…
  • I might be wrong but from what I read in the OP, he hasn't actually gotten to Valindra, and thus does not realize who the final boss is. Might be wrong but that's what it seemed like. You need to calm down though. This guy is making a fair and level-headed post about a few things that are legitimately wrong with this game,…
  • So I just have a question. How exactly is Wisdom a useless stat for a Cleric? Asking this because I have a cleric or two and would like to know about this.