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  • This can already be done. They just make a private team and then join. Being able to invite someone mid-dungeon would not make it any easier or more exploitable. @the OP: Interestingly enough, the game engine already has a solution for this. Champions, the oldest version of the engine, sells two items in their zen shop for…
  • How do you find the code?
  • I'm not sure how to make images appear, but a link to my screenshot is here: http://1drv.ms/1rfJGuo Epic Karrundax.
  • Or 56,500 if you buy the 10-pack (112.5 zen each), and even less when there's a sale. I haven't seen a coupon for keys but I assume they do exist.
  • This has been the case for at least the past two weeks already. The peak price I have seen keys moving was 72k each. Log into the game or gateway if you can't get into game and check the ah prices. It is happening right now and has been for a while. Also, keys aren't always the best exchange rate. Edit: I don't think it's…
  • My take on it is that the exchange and AH are competing for zen sellers and the AH is winning. Right now I can make much more AD via the AH than the 500:1 exchange cap. Cheapest key = 68,450 after ah cut = 61605. Selling 113 zen at 500:1 = 56,500 So assuming I buy a 10-pack of keys, I earn over 5k more per key on the AH.…
  • Check Post #2. There's no "all of the above" option because that answer is useless for the devs. Which one matters to you MOST?
  • I said rewards. But I don't want more, I want different. The problem with the current rewards is not that they are too small but that the currend rewards encourage the wrong behavior. People will do what the reward guides them to do. right now that is farm easy kills and run as few missions as possible as close to 15…
  • The lock boxes are rotating through the different professions. Right now as I post this you can buy alchemy tools (green) for 5k AD and green alchemists for 1k. If you don't wan to upgrade yourself for the 16k a purple grandmaster alchemist is about 42k. Before this lockbox the same opportunity existed for artificing and…
  • I'd rather they just removed the on-map loot completely and have it just go directly to your inventory.
  • I'd prefer not. I'd rather just be told what's coming. I don't find puzzle's fun, and I don't enjoy having a carrot dangled in front of me. Lay it out so I can think about it for a while.
  • Some success has come from mac address bans. Also randon events that disrupt the farmed a tibity. Nothing is perfect yet, unfortunately.
  • Can you add a bind for "shift 2"? not sure if that's the same as @
  • I've done dungeons in private queues and setting it to "round robin" completely removes all loot rolls, even on the boss drops. I've not tried it in pugs however.
  • I like the few zones that are wide not long. I loathe the pointlessly long run to get to the dungeon and then an even more pointlessly long run back afterward. Pirate's skyhold, chasm and the mindflayers/duergar maps are the worst offenders in this way. Sharandar, the graveyard, helm's hold and a few others are exceptions…
  • The current system recommends Purple over blue over green over white regardless of level. So a level 1 blue ring would be recommended over a level 60 green ring. When two items have the same quality, then it recommends the higher level regardless of total bonuses. A good improvement would be to have it check the total…
  • This would be ideal. Cryptic has the most powerful costume editor of any MMO with only All-Points Bulletin coming close, it's practically a crime that they have disabled it for this game. And charging ZEN to let us edit our characters instead of gold like both STO and Champions, again nuts. The biggest thing I'm amazed at…
  • It doesn't matter when you purchase the zen, only when you transfer to the live server. For example, I often buy zen during the 15% sales and leave it on my PWE wallet. Then I move it to specific games (I play all three cryptic games) only when I have a reason to (since I never have a lot of money so I can't just dump it…
  • Actually from the description I would say the odds are 100% guaranteed every night and all times except prime time USA hours. Here's the relevant bit "The PvP Domination queue attempts to match you with other players that are at a similar skill rating. As a result, queuing times for PvP Domination may be longer than you…
  • Unless the RNG hates you. In my case I spent two weeks stuck at rank 3 alchemy doing between 4 and 5 experiments a day. In the month+ since then I've managed to get to rank 10. And am now stuck again on something well over 20 tries with no progress. So far, on both of the two characters I'm bothering to try it on, it is…
  • how do you get him?
  • Why is it a bad time for those who wanted to do them for fun? I, for example, when I do things for fun, I don't care if there is a reward for it, thus if i'd already bought the best possible drop, I'd run the dungeons just for fun to see what they're like. Being able to get the reward easily would be ideal for me. Seems to…
  • To add a little more detail: Most of them are cheap. The Hunter and Rogue weapons are not that cheap (reliably over 150k, often over 250k). The Wizard orb is medium priced. All the rest of the offhands and the cloak are nearly always less than 15k astrals and mostly less than 10k.
  • The thing is that in Pen and Paper DND the damage difference is functionally only 1 point. A longsword does 1d8 damage (average 4.5) and a two-hander deals 1d10 (average 5.5). So the halfling doesn't lose much by wielding a longsword in two hands. At end game (level 30 out of 30) expect to see damage-based characters…
  • Well, I have a near 50-50 chance to bind enemies at max range without the +range passive, I use it all the time while doing my sharandar and dread ring dailies. Three shifts is very short, it definitely works farther than that, unless your shifts are longer than mine. Aimed shot followed immediately by binding and disrupt.…
  • Hmm, so looks like Luskan it is. If people are going to farm me for glory (Which is what happens in the dominations) I might as well perform a community service and hep the queue fill faster =) Thanks for all the info!
  • First off, thanks for the guide, very helpful. I did find one mistake in a power description though: Binding arrow actually DOES stop enemies at long range. Specifically, it drops the arrow into the ground and then tethers them so when they try to walk toward you it pulls them back to where the arrow is tethered. Several…
  • I put the best as the waterclock dungeon in the graveyard. The way that the gears start moving in different rings as you activate more and more of the place, how much visual depth is apparent in the different portions of the gears, etc. Just love that place. Dread Ring and Sharandar are, however, #2 and #3 respectively.…
  • What are "shares"? And how hard is it for a loner to find teams? Can I just queue? I'm not terribly concerned about T2 gear in the short term. For the daily from Rhix, do you have to win or is it like the domination daily where you just need to participate? If it's just participate, then it sounds like going Luskan is the…