This chat system has been around since 2009. I don't think they even upgraded it. But it's been around for 11 years the fact it lasted this long is amazing to me.
Oddly if you read the STO forums to folks that think.. This is not happening to them it is. They're throwing an even worse fit. Neverwinters chat about it is locked and no one really seems to care there. So again if folks this is just happening to CO is wrong. They're doing it to all three games and STO feels the same way…
I have been in this game for nine years. This is one of the first Postive threads I have seen awhile. I like the new sorting system. It feels more worked to me. I have seen to many people insult the devs here. I don't blame them for not showing up much. If people would be a little more respectful to them. I think they…
I am sorry to say but all mmo's have a grind. I have been playing them since everquest to that to this to wow for 11 years this for six. I am sorry to say but this is a good complaint of course. But one over done.
Ahem there is still a problem about a power being in the Lock box. Remove it from the lock box and call it good make us farm it through mission's or something or give us another way to get it. Remove it from the lock box. Because remove it from the box. Because there is no need to put a power in there.
Well cryptic good luck but this is a bad idea very bad idea. I hope you relize this could cause a huge back lash into ruining the game. But i am sure with the blacklash you will see how angry people are
Well it seems after this recent patch or it was before who knows. That they glitched out a few costumes. One of them being the female bird hip costume. Sooooo hopefuly they will fix it? *Shrugs* But with how they handled the robot set not to sure. But eh will see I guess.
Um wait....there is still so many issues with the robot set..I know you're working hard on them. But is it wise to push it out so quick? I will still buy it of course. But still seems a bit much to rush it. Maybe wait another week before pushing it out?
Nice to know the seam issues are being fixed. I will post this here as well. Since it seems to be in the next patch for tomorrow. With all the issues of this set it's not wise to push it. I know you prouply have a deadline yes..But sometimes deadlines need to be pushed back. So for this feedback i would say please push it…
Have the tank parts been added in this? I am lagging something awful here in wyoming thanks to the nasty rain storms..So i don't think i can get on sadly
Yeesh its been awhile since I updated this. The Cognatus Latin for family or kinship. The Cognatus is A heavy to light Rp Sg. The story of The Cognatus went from being a tribe for outcast and those that diden't fit in. To after a few years of story work. It became a tribe of heros to work on protecting the city and the…
Oddly... I agree with takeing a break from lockboxes after what i seen what its done to STO and Nevewinter..With aprantly Neverwinter going to get something with mounts becomeing creatures you suddenly toss at mobs in a later patch. If they stop lockboxes for awhile it would be nice of course.
I have sadly gotten used to it after the many year's I have played games..Starting with the former SOE with Everquest Star wars galaxies.....Grrrr...Lol sorry still very bitter about that after working so hard to get a maxed out creature handler and then Tabula Rasa beta..... So after all that i tend to get used to the…
I may be an rper that logs on to rp as well. But I enjoy leveling even if after 5 years i have 18 40's So many charecters for me to level still. I don't level doing Alerts i do all the quest and such since.. Alerts just seem pointless to me.
Hmmm after checking out the costume last night. I really like it. Just a few things need to be fixed with it on the female. The shoulder's need to be placed on the shoulder's. Also the chest piece is pretty bulky. But yes my feedback is this. Very nicely done of course. But make sure to go back and make sure all is working…
The 4th colour dosen't show up till after you use it and also sometimes if you do one colour it colours the entire body as a mistake just the Tailor needs a few fixes.