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grimvane Arc User



  • Nevermind I figured it out. I'm doing Toy Master's Tiny Toy Factory of Horrors chain.
  • I just thought it was interesting. I don't remember who they were or what SG they were from, but they obviously had planned it out, were fast, burned down the bosses, left enough trash for the three of us to give themselves enough time to make the first cutscene, and then focused the first two bosses and took off for the…
  • This might be my fault... I used to do this a few years back and started doing it again this past week. My strategy was either drawing the npc's closer to the helicopter landing pad or using a 100' attack (LArc), never saw anyone leaving so early to mug for the camera until the last few days. Pretty much this, and I'd bet…
  • I'd be happy with just being able to flag myself as open to pvp while questing. I could always just unflag myself if it's a gank/griefer squad or someone who takes it a little too seriously.
  • Returning player here. Recently re-subbed. I've really enjoyed this event. Teaming for the dailies. Talking the newbies through it and encouraging them until we find the right strategy and some success. Manning the orbs when they're being neglected. I haven't touched any of my toons that can solo the portal groups (not…
  • LOL. Dont worry, he won't be showing up to any cosmic fights or anything like that. I can't promise no one in alerts will get annoyed but it's just 3 a day, maybe I'll have to find a group of like-minded people to queue with for those. I really wish I could swap the animations for Defensive Combo and Beatdown, Beatdown is…
  • Gold Subscribers also get access to the Freeform Nemesis system*. *This isn't true but I wish it was.
  • Not exactly what you are describing but this happened recently and I thought it was worth noting and took a pic. It's Behemoth King (I think) tanking Mom and Baby at the same time. It didn't happen on purpose and I think the calls for reset won out, but it looked like a promising position (imo) even without your…
  • Sometimes Mom does a yellow AOE sphere bunny hop attack and when she lands there is a (blockable) KB and the green goo instantly shows up under her feet. Is that a DPS check? 1. Does the green goo ever appear independent of a dps check? 2. Below 33% health, does Mom ever do two consecutive DPS checks with no 40-45 second…
  • I understand what you're saying, but I would amend the bolded to part to say "The current system is intended to encourage alting." The difference being, it hasn't produced the desired result (a surplus of tanks and healers) and it requires me to change a person's mind in spite of this "encouragement." The system does not…
  • My point is that if you are rezzing people who are causing the fight to become a stalemate until... 1. We miss a frost tomb 2. A couple dogs get loose 3. A DPS peels Kiga aggro off of the main tank and he starts AOE bombing squishies 4. A griefer shows up 5. etc. ... then you might as well be doing any of the things that…
  • Between people who have no clue and keep dieing and one intentional griefer we just had a full zone completely fail and give up on Kiga. It's really frustrating that the lowest common denominator gets to enjoy not beating the content while the rest of us get screwed.
  • The tinfoil hat I got when I started subbing made me wonder if they should even waste time with monthly costume rewards at all. The kitsune head is equally unappealing to me personally, but this is all subjective anyway. Everything is theme. Everything is niche. These things aren't just a reward for current subscribers,…
  • I always liked that mission where you team up with Blue Jay in Millenium City. I was disappointed when I saw that she joined up with GRAB. I don't know much about CO lore. Could any of the ladies from GRAB be (maybe even Suicide Squad or :"reformed villain" style) permanent sidekicks? I also think it would be neat if we…
  • You're probably right. I didn't want to be critical without offering some sort of solution. I actually don't think intentional griefing is the biggest problem, for what it's worth.
  • This is an interesting comment. I've been a part of multiple 3 person squads that held down the orbs. I agree that it requires teamwork and a certain level of coordination. The interesting part, that I didn't think about until I read your comment, is that as far as I can tell we've never actually spoken to each other. It…
  • Great guide. I use Sparkstorm for Method Two and it can be cast while held. Once my knock resistance is built up I can let loose with something like Fire all Weapons without worrying as much about it getting interrupted (and having to wait a minute to use it again).
  • *sphere. Sorry. Left out a word. One of the advantages of the cone attack is it continues to damage enemies as they close on your position, so if this is a charge and release all at once sphere AoE power I think it should be one or two big bursts of damage in quick succession. If it fires in succession for a duration while…
  • Yeah, pretty much. Yep. Or... it's nothing like force cascade? One of those, though. Yeah. No, I had not! The particle effect is very good, yes. The looping motion, multiple orbs with a tracer tail from a single emanation point. Very nice. I think the impact effect would still be cooler if each orb resulted in a mini sonic…
  • I don't know if this is a bug, limitation, lazy design, or a lack of technical knowhow but it is an eyesore and an embarassment. I have never had a conversation involving the Nemesis alerts that did not involve someone directly mentioning or alluding to this subject. I understood what draogn meant with his comment, that it…
  • Oops. I'm recently back after a 4-5 year break. I've played Nemesis Missions, NemCon and Nemesis alerts. I've farmed the Lava Temple. Nemesis Missions feature my Nemeses. Nemesis alerts feature my nemesis, someone else's nemesis, OR in some situations, IF someone has not created a nemesis, what I refer to as a generic…
  • And High Voltage, etc. That's what I mean by generic nemeses to fill in any gaps (if someone hasn't made one yet).
  • No. That would be a terrible implementation of this idea.
  • Interesting, I hadn't considered that some people might have nemeses in their stable that they wouldn't want to be available. Sure, only current nemesis and fill in any gaps with generic nemeses.
  • I almost asked if you could post a link, thanks. The Advent Children version I posted is still the best example I can find. A single charged attack that bursts into multiple projectiles. The DBZ version is a lot more manic and uses a casting animation more like a sped up alternating hand cast energy builder. It would be…
  • I tried to find something from DBZ on youtube but came up empty. A single charged attack that splits into multiple "comet tail" orbs which wind and converge on an area/target, creating multiple small explosions and one really big one. Something like that. A huge dust cloud would be cool but the performance hit isn't worth…
  • Very cool, thanks for the input everybody.
  • Should melee do better against a training dummy than ranged? It seems like it is a lot easier to maintain DPS with ranged powers in the actual content.
  • We had a really tough time getting NemCon to pop tonight. Gave up after 2 queue's and maybe a half hour of waiting. I'll try again after maintenance tomorrow. How long should it take for a group of 5 to get into NemCon? edit: Got in right away tonight.
  • Just a reminder, don't switch zones if you already activated the OV device.
  • The Serpentor/Supreme Serpent dynamic was the basis for my opinion of what did and did not qualify as a clone. If you're saying that it is closer to the exception than the rule I'll take your word for it. Thanks for your patience and clarification. Sorry to anyone I caused offense to, I know I can be a little combative.
  • Here is a link to an image of Serpentor, the green and yellow snakeclad fang-helmed and caped leader of Cobra. And another one Here is a link to an image of the Supreme Serpent, the green and yellow snakeclad fang-helmed and caped leader of Viper. You say "would share many aspects and inspiration from the original, but…
  • If that is true, then you want the definition of clone to be as accurate and narrow as possible, not broaden it which is counter-productive. The point where you exceed the criteria established by Cryptic is the point where you cease being heroes defending the game, and become vigilantes motivated by personal reasons,…
  • Hey guys, I have a question. What is the problem? What I mean is, if CO were an offline game that you played at home in private, would it be illegal or a Trademark violation to make and play a "clone" character? By the same token, are people who draw and post images of established heroes on something like DeviantArt guilty…
  • Conviction and Tempest are both great suggestions. I'm level 32 now on a version of this toon. Here is where my build is at: LINK Do you know if Focused Strikes will work with Defensive Combo? Do I have room for Force Eruption/Gravitational Polarity? Should i be looking at another Active Defense like Unbreakable? I really…
  • I was never really into the series either. The character I'm emulating is actually in contrast with the MA stuff. His "fighting style mostly consists of torturous wrestling moves, clotheslining, stomps, body slams and anything else that utilizes his large body mass." This video starting around 11:25 is a pretty good…
  • Don't forget to examine the Foxbat on the balcony while you're there, otherwise you won't be able to unlock the Foxbatmobile at the end of the event :wink: