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New bestial powers: The numbers are worrying

crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
So, immediately after the new bestial pass happened, I decided to hop onto my bestial DPS character, and give him an overhaul with the new powers. Testing him out on a dummy, I was seeing damage numbers that blew my mind. I thought, "WOW, this is overpowered, and that's not even taking the large self healing potential these abilities also have!" But I also thought, "hey, maybe I am knee-jerking here, could be I am just reacting in a naturally negative way to a change." Only one way to come up with a real solid verdict, and that means time to bust out the combat tracker!

Basic build info: Melee DPS type, str with dex/con build, all except one test used Way of the Warrior. Gear, specs, and stats were consistent throughout. Specs were not chosen to capitalize on bleeds. Targets were all ultra-regen test dummies in the powerhouse. I used might and heavy weapons to compare with bestial because all three sets work off enrage, and so I could keep the same superstats, specs, and gear to test all three. Throwing MA or others into the equation would make the comparison more difficult due to different stat needs that would bring inherently different spec options and combat stats to the table.

First up, regular might. Fiddled with some things. Haymaker R3 was the main damage deliverer, used roomsweeper to build up enrage stacks initially, and one test also used demolish r2 with below the belt.

Haymaker/Demolish: 2,841.77 dps
Haymaker only: 2980.56 dps
Haymaker (tapped) only: 2153.90 dps

Pretty consistent and an expected output. A little surprised haymaker did better without the demolish debuff, but the variance is tiny there, and could have just been a standard error. Haymaker taps did noticeably less, and well, they should, because haymaker gets more benefit from charging and getting the bonus damage to knock immunes. So nothing really shocking here.

Next, heavy weapons. Used cleave and eruption to build stacks of reckless and enrage, and used eruption with magma burst as a means of maintaining clinging flames for the scorching blade test. The final was just annihilate R3, which I kept spamming over and over again and could maintain enrage that way without using any other abilities.

annihilate(r2/scorching blade)/eruption: 2,994.80 dps
Annihilate(r2/scorching blade, tapped only)/eruption: 2676.87 dps
Annihilate R3: 2932 dps

Nothing really shocked me here.

Finally, we start the bestial tests. Shred was rank 2 with the advantage that gives the shredded debuff. Massacre was rank 2 with bloody mess, eviscerate was rank 3, bite was rank 3. Bleed was stacked up using shred in the shred tests, and bite taps were used instead for one as an experiment. Once max bleed stacks were acheived, eviscerate fully charged was used to turn them into deep wounds, and then massacre was used continually until the deep wounds expired. The cycle was then repeated.

shred/eviscerate/massacre (r2/bloodymess, charged): 4,024
shred/eviscerate/massacre (r2/bloodymess, tapped): 3.356
bite/eviscerate/massacre (r2/bloodymess, charged): 3,217

Now this is quite clearly outside of the realm of standard deviation. 4,024 is definitely markedly higher than anything the other tests put out. I expected the bit test to not go as well. Even though R3 bite does more damage than r2 shred, the shred provides that debuff and builds bleeds up way faster than the bite could. The real damage always came during the deep wounds, when I had that thing ticking for about 2,000 damage a second and was hitting massacre after massacre (thanks to the energy unlock that kept refilling my energy periodically when massacre would tap me out), for 6,000 or so on non-crits.

Now for giggles, I also ran a test with pestilence, since that was the passive packaged with this revamp.

shred/eviscerate/massacre (r2/bloodymess, charged): 3,855

Still pretty damned good. 1000 dps more than the best I could manage with any of the others, and there were factors that would have easily made this DPS lower than it should have been.

It should be noted that all tests that included DoT abilities (namely the bestial and heavy weapons tests) were in fact susceptible to the damage being skewed lower by lingering DoT effects. I tried my best to avoid this happening and conclude encounters without any lingering, but I was not perfect at it. This would have potentially skewed the DPS down (which means potentially any of the bestial tests might have actually had BETTER real dps than the numbers I got in the tracker).

Addendum: Since I had a partial bestial build thrown together at this point, I slapped on rank 3 thrash and decided to head into the battle station. Threw together some max diff, max team size purple gang spawns. I was curious to see how the healing aspect of these new powers worked. I thought they'd be nice, but holy crap and a half they are well beyond that. I was having trouble even building up bleed stacks to try a bite HoT, so I got stuck with having to use it on a 4-stack tommygun guy. The HoT was enormous. It CRITTED. Yes, it's a HoT that crits, and you know what that means: one tick crits, every tick crits. I was getting hits of 1,784 hp every 2 seconds. On a character that, mind you, was in the melee dps role. I was getting 0% bonus healing from any source! I also tried thrash on another 4 stack tommygun, before it killed him it ticked for 295 healing, which if he had been a more substantial foe, would've been about that amount every .5 seconds, I wager, coupled with the damage. Still pretty good. Not WTF good like the bite crit heal, but still good. Even if the bite heal didn't crit, that would've been roughly 800 hp every 2 seconds. How much does BCR, a dedicated healing power that lowers your damage output for the duration heal every 2 seconds again? Without the addition of a high damage attack at the same time? And no critting? And a cooldown? Oh, not even 25% of that? Hmm...

FINAL VERDICT: These powers are INSANELY GOOD. If you are playing bestial, congratulations, here you are, born to be kings. You're the princes of the universe. If you're freeform melee, and don't mind growing out your fingernails and biting into food you don't know where it's been, you too can be immortals. I haven't looked at how the predator AT's powers line up, but if it can get the right selections from these new powers together, it will most likely be the best AT in the game. Not sure if the savage gets any of the new stuff, but if it does, it might be the only competitor. For the rest of us though? I guess we just have to hope some kind of solid balance pass is coming, or get used to eternally being second fiddle to clawsy-bitey monster people.

Mostly irrelevant side note: Why does the predator innate talent essentially have better stats than the others? The standard format is +10 to three stats, +8 to 1, and +5 to the others. Predator has +10 to 4 stats and +5 to the others. It's not really a notable impact of any kind (2 more points) but it's like...why?


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    morigosamorigosa Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Edit: removed possibly over-reacting hyperbole, as further posts cast some doubt on the accuracy of the comparisons.

    Thanks for running the actual numbers out like this. Note to self: level my two bestial supernatural characters now, before the inevitable nerf-bat pushes these powers down to the bottom of the barrel.

    Edit: Hm. Though there is one interesting thing: you needed three powers to get the most out of BSN, versus one to two with might or HW. I wonder how much it would change the dps if you threw in some form of high damage click power? (For example, my current HW character uses Flashfire as well as Annihilate/Eruption.)
    Post edited by morigosa on
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,776 Arc User
    I'm wondering how much of this is due to bleeds and deep wounds. One way to test w/o the latter is to just not use Evisc, otherwise you'd have to break the parses down and see how much each ability is contributing.

    The main issue w/ Bestial SN as far as dps is that you have to account for 2 large variables that aren't inherent to most other sets: bleed_wound dps, and easy access to a large dmg debuff (Might has Demolish, but you have to break ur normal rotation to put it up). If Bestial's base dps w/o these factors is even w/ other powersets, then the latter two will def throw it out of whack.

    It would also be worth checking out Betsial SN builds vs. Single Blade- its closest counterpart. Since SB's bleeds do proc AotB as well, ya dun necc have to switch to FotS and Dex if ya can't change gear atm. It won't be a 'true' representation of SB w/o the Dex focus, but could be worth analyzing.

    I am a bit skeptical of the Haymaker parse, but then again you are comparing only 1-2 powers vs. a motley of them for Bestial. Also worth noting that this may not be the only powerset rework coming, although I don't necc want all powersets to just gain dps all around; no real reason that have that sort of power-creep atm. I can't get my parser to work to verify anything atm :/

    And yeah, Thrash's potential healing is pretty insane atm. Trying to get that addressed on the PTS. Its not odd for it's heals to crit, though, since DE and Lifedrain also share that property (the heal tick crits when the dmg tick crits).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    With the first test (the 4k one), bleeds were 4% of the damage, second to last, just ahead of the energy builder. Massacre was 58%, and deep wounds was 17%. When I am talking about crit healing, I am talking about bite, not thrash. The HoT buff a fully charged bite gives you is quite high, AND it can crit. That 1,784 every 2 seconds number was for 10 seconds, and it was ticking no matter what I was doing in that 10 second time frame, whether it was more damage, or laying on more heals.

    I think just assuming everything else is getting bumped to match this is not a good way to look at it. If something is introduced that is obviously overperforming in a big way, we should shine a light on it. And frankly, there are a lot of powers in this game. Getting them all to reach this level of performance could take quite a long time, and lead to more than a few errors along the way.

    If anything, the haymaker routine requiring so few different powers for maintenance should be working in its favor for DPS. Clearly it is not. This comparison worked around the penultimate damage power for each of the "enrage" based sets. I'll try a single blade MA build, but I suspect it will underperform with the Str Dex/Con build.
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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    I would like to see some screenshots of the parses.
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Can't seem to get into PTS anymore, I was testing the single blade/aspect of the bestial before it DCed me, got one test through. It was a pretty simple setup. I was using reaper's caress (r2/shredded advantage) to build bleeds, and embrace rank 3 to pop them, rinse and repeat. The DPS I got there was 3,380. I was going to also do a couple other tweaks for comparison's sake, but I suspect this would've been the best result of them anyway. The others were going to be with R2 embrace with the advantage that re-applies 2 bleeds, and the otehr would be only tapping embrace instead of charging it.

    When you say screenshots, what do you want exactly? I am not about to take all these different encounters and thoroughly screenshot every possible screen in the ACT interface, there are just too many.
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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    There is just 1 really relevant part of ACT for every test. The one where you see dps split up into the different powers. When posting numbers it's a good idea to also post that so everyone can verify what you did to get them and also things like crit chance and such.

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    Regarding the Crit heal from Bite... it's far from the first HoT to be crit enabled... We actually have a couple others in the game, one of which has been around for a LONG time... Absorb Heat can also crit heal on both it's initial and it's DoT (interestingly it can also be DODGED) and it's got healing numbers that are comparable to Bite... and the oldest one Holdout Shot w/Stimpack which not only can crit, but if used at low energy not only is the damage from the power doubled but so is the HoT and that double strength HoT can still crit (worth noting the doble strength heal can easily net you ~350HP/2s before critting...

    As for the damage potential... All I can say is "I'm not surprised"... Considering the simple fact that I've been running a Pestilence Bestial build for years and even without the synergy from before this setup put out a pretty hefty amount of damage. Quite frankly, I'm fearful for Predator ATs grouped with AT tanks in any content... Unless the player behind the AT is aware of the importance of their self heals they WILL spend an extraordinary amount of time dead... and even if they do keep on top of their healing there is not a single AT tank that will be able to take aggro off of them.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    gradii said:

    If my blade AT can manage I'm sure a predator AT can adapt.

    I'm just saying that I'm worried for them since I've been running practically the same build as it for years and was inevitably tanking everything unless I was grouped with a really good FF tank, not a single AT tank (even ones who actually used CripC & CS) was able to hold aggro over her ever... Even while blocking I was holding aggro constantly >.<

    Not saying that they can't or won't adapt (I certainly did) just voicing my concern and speaking from experiance. The Predator is going to be an aggro beast, and I'm certain it's going to catch many unsuspecting AT players by surprise... And considering how much aggro I pulled as a FF without pestilence synergizing with Bestial Claws, just imagine how much aggro an AT that can deal significantly more damage due to their lack of Deministing Returns and a synergetic damage bonus that I didnt have for all these years. They are going to be in for quite a ride.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    avianosavianos Posts: 6,043 Arc User
    raighn wrote: »
    Regarding the Crit heal from Bite... it's far from the first HoT to be crit enabled... We actually have a couple others in the game, one of which has been around for a LONG time... Absorb Heat can also crit heal on both it's initial and it's DoT (interestingly it can also be DODGED) and it's got healing numbers that are comparable to Bite

    Correction, Absorb Heat can ONLY heal on the Initial hit, the HoT WASN'T meant to be able to Crit
    They fixed the HoT 1 month ago so it cannot critical hit anymore!

    All HoT can be dodged for some stupid un-updatedble reason​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.

    Thrash was not part of the DPS test, and its healing was not as much an issue for me as what bite was capable of.
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    For the comparative test, would't Cleave/Arc of Ruin(Wildfire/no quarter) tapped/ Annihilate(r2/scorching blade), be more dps then the mentioned rotations you used. I'd like to see how that rotation stacks up to the beastial changes.
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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    aiqa said:

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.

    Thrash was not part of the DPS test, and its healing was not as much an issue for me as what bite was capable of.
    Still lots of things about your tests that seems weird and off. Haymaker that doesn't gain significant dps from using the demolish debuff, that just can't be right. 2k dps from Deep Wounds, that would require 4k ticks, I can not reproduce that. Deep Wounds even lowers overall dps in my tests due to having to build up bleeds again after 16 seconds, which can't be done with high dps powers.

    Things like this is why I was asking for screenshots, it's far easier to just look at them and see how things compare than go back and forth over how the tests were done and the conclusions reached.
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    eviltwintwoeviltwintwo Posts: 352 Arc User
    If they are that good, then they are already due for a nerf.
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    aiqa said:

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.

    Thrash was not part of the DPS test, and its healing was not as much an issue for me as what bite was capable of.
    Still lots of things about your tests that seems weird and off. Haymaker that doesn't gain significant dps from using the demolish debuff, that just can't be right. 2k dps from Deep Wounds, that would require 4k ticks, I can not reproduce that. Deep Wounds even lowers overall dps in my tests due to having to build up bleeds again after 16 seconds, which can't be done with high dps powers.

    Things like this is why I was asking for screenshots, it's far easier to just look at them and see how things compare than go back and forth over how the tests were done and the conclusions reached.
    Another thing that seems off about the test, is that full charges are showing to be more dps then taps. Baring a few powers (haymaker, tiger's bite, etc) I've always netted higher dps from tabs then full. So the higher charge damage would make sense for The haymaker build, but not for the others.
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    rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    kelborne said:

    Another thing that seems off about the test, is that full charges are showing to be more dps then taps. Baring a few powers (haymaker, tiger's bite, etc) I've always netted higher dps from tabs then full. So the higher charge damage would make sense for The haymaker build, but not for the others.

    Charge powers are meant to do more damage overall then just taps, that's the reason why you charge powers now doesn't it? makes sense, build up power, release, work as intended.

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    rtma said:

    kelborne said:

    Another thing that seems off about the test, is that full charges are showing to be more dps then taps. Baring a few powers (haymaker, tiger's bite, etc) I've always netted higher dps from tabs then full. So the higher charge damage would make sense for The haymaker build, but not for the others.

    Charge powers are meant to do more damage overall then just taps, that's the reason why you charge powers now doesn't it? makes sense, build up power, release, work as intended.

    This puts many charge powers in the "not working as intended" category since it's been a consistent fact that most charge powers deal higher DPS via taps when they should be dealing more DPS via full charge... Similarly many maintains have the same failing...
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,776 Arc User
    The main reasons taps lag behind in practice is due to input delay that's not detailed in the activation times of the tooltips (see link in my sig for more info). In short, input delay can lower the dps of something that is tap-spammed by 15-35% (generally, the shorter the activation time, the worse this %age is).

    Anyways, like Aqia, I'd like to see the attack/parse details for the individual breakdowns. In hindsight, it kinda makes sense to me that Bestial's new Bleed -> Rupture playstyle is of the highest ST dps, but then it needs to be better balanced vs. SB's version, and we should prob see what the more classic (non-Rupture) dps of Shred + Massacre is like now.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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    rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    raighn said:

    This puts many charge powers in the "not working as intended" category since it's been a consistent fact that most charge powers deal higher DPS via taps when they should be dealing more DPS via full charge... Similarly many maintains have the same failing...

    Am I misinterpreting this? cause it seems like the opposite on what I intended, that Full Charges should mechanically speaking, deal more damage then overall tap spamming, so referring to the individual above about them being strange shouldn't be, in fact doing more damage vs Taps is how Charges should work, making sense? Taps vs Charges. Time Invested into a Attack, dealing more damage because of it, otherwise you might as well just make all powers click types.

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    rtma said:

    raighn said:

    This puts many charge powers in the "not working as intended" category since it's been a consistent fact that most charge powers deal higher DPS via taps when they should be dealing more DPS via full charge... Similarly many maintains have the same failing...

    Am I misinterpreting this? cause it seems like the opposite on what I intended, that Full Charges should mechanically speaking, deal more damage then overall tap spamming, so referring to the individual above about them being strange shouldn't be, in fact doing more damage vs Taps is how Charges should work, making sense? Taps vs Charges. Time Invested into a Attack, dealing more damage because of it, otherwise you might as well just make all powers click types.

    You might be misinterpreting my comment if you think I was disagreeing with you... because I agree that charge powers SHOULD deal more DPS when fully charged... my mention of Maintains furthers the point for the same reason, there are several maintains that deal higher DPS by tapping or partially maintaining than they do when fully maintained which is completely counter to how it should be... if you invest the time and energy into a full maintain or a full charge then you should have the higher DPS outcome over that of tapping or partial charge/maintain.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    grimvanegrimvane Posts: 49 Arc User
    Should melee do better against a training dummy than ranged? It seems like it is a lot easier to maintain DPS with ranged powers in the actual content.
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    grimvane said:

    Should melee do better against a training dummy than ranged? It seems like it is a lot easier to maintain DPS with ranged powers in the actual content.

    In actual content melee DPS tends to lag behind due to movement. Enemies will frequently pop out of attack range for a melee DPS either by knocking you, being knocked themselves, repells, or just simply moving away from you (for any reason). A ranged DPS will sustain their DPS far easier in these conditions since in the majority of situations enemies will remain in range of their attacks.

    Against a training dummy movement is removed from the equation. Due to this melee SHOULD have higher DPS than ranged against a training dummy, but it's quite possible for both to have equal values.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    raighn wrote: »
    You might be misinterpreting my comment if you think I was disagreeing with you... because I agree that charge powers SHOULD deal more DPS when fully charged... my mention of Maintains furthers the point for the same reason, there are several maintains that deal higher DPS by tapping or partially maintaining than they do when fully maintained which is completely counter to how it should be... if you invest the time and energy into a full maintain or a full charge then you should have the higher DPS outcome over that of tapping or partial charge/maintain.

    Actually the intent for charging a power in most cases is for burst damage, not for DPS. The only time that a charged power would likely over take tapping is in long, protracted fights. However, that got thrown out the window with the ridiculous crit and severity numbers we have now, thus in scenarios with long charge powers it is better to charge for DPS than to tap.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    aiqa said:

    aiqa said:

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.

    Thrash was not part of the DPS test, and its healing was not as much an issue for me as what bite was capable of.
    Still lots of things about your tests that seems weird and off. Haymaker that doesn't gain significant dps from using the demolish debuff, that just can't be right. 2k dps from Deep Wounds, that would require 4k ticks, I can not reproduce that. Deep Wounds even lowers overall dps in my tests due to having to build up bleeds again after 16 seconds, which can't be done with high dps powers.

    Things like this is why I was asking for screenshots, it's far easier to just look at them and see how things compare than go back and forth over how the tests were done and the conclusions reached.
    I said it ticked for 2k damage, I didn't say it did 2k dps. The lion's share of the DPS in the bestial tests was massacre with bloody mess, which was being enabled by the deep wounds (which were doing their own significant amount of damage). The Haymaker DPS probably varied simply because using the fully charged demolish with below the belt put a damper on the sustaining of dps. Demolish costs significant energy, doesn't do the same kinda damage as haymaker, and doesn't ever give you an enrage buff afterward to replenish your energy at all. There is also probably a small margin of variation to be expected for everything due to crits and such. This is why I didn't think much of the rather tiny differences between the might and heavy weapons tests. So I would say all of those powers probably perform on a similar level. Applying bleeds is pretty simple with enraged and shred. Final hit of the combo comes in with a guaranteed bleed stack, and with the advantage you get the shredded debuff to boost the damage of the big nasty massacre fest and the deep wounds.

    As for screenshots, I have taken several, thinking I could just use the "attach image/file" thing to put them in a post. Unfortunately, it asks me for a URL instead of letting me upload from my hard drive. I do not have anywhere to host images currently.
    Post edited by crappynamerules on
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User

    aiqa said:

    aiqa said:

    You were also testing a version of Thrash that hasn't been nerfed yet. The version on live (and that is now on PTS) heals far less.

    Thrash was not part of the DPS test, and its healing was not as much an issue for me as what bite was capable of.
    Still lots of things about your tests that seems weird and off. Haymaker that doesn't gain significant dps from using the demolish debuff, that just can't be right. 2k dps from Deep Wounds, that would require 4k ticks, I can not reproduce that. Deep Wounds even lowers overall dps in my tests due to having to build up bleeds again after 16 seconds, which can't be done with high dps powers.

    Things like this is why I was asking for screenshots, it's far easier to just look at them and see how things compare than go back and forth over how the tests were done and the conclusions reached.
    I said it ticked for 2k damage, I didn't say it did 2k dps. The lion's share of the DPS in the bestial tests was massacre with bloody mess, which was being enabled by the deep wounds (which were doing their own significant amount of damage). The Haymaker DPS probably varied simply because using the fully charged demolish with below the belt put a damper on the sustaining of dps. Demolish costs significant energy, doesn't do the same kinda damage as haymaker, and doesn't ever give you an enrage buff afterward to replenish your energy at all. There is also probably a small margin of variation to be expected for everything due to crits and such. This is why I didn't think much of the rather tiny differences between the might and heavy weapons tests. So I would say all of those powers probably perform on a similar level. Applying bleeds is pretty simple with enraged and shred. Final hit of the combo comes in with a guaranteed bleed stack, and with the advantage you get the shredded debuff to boost the damage of the big nasty massacre fest and the deep wounds.

    As for screenshots, I have taken several, thinking I could just use the "attach image/file" thing to put them in a post. Unfortunately, it asks me for a URL instead of letting me upload from my hard drive. I do not have anywhere to host images currently.
    I use gyazo, its completely free.
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,776 Arc User
    or imgshack, imgr, freeimagehosting.net, etc.. Just google for free image uploading- not too hard to do.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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    avianosavianos Posts: 6,043 Arc User
    imgur is the best, AVOID Photobucket like the plague, its slow and sold out​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User

    I said it ticked for 2k damage, I didn't say it did 2k dps.

    The real damage always came during the deep wounds, when I had that thing ticking for about 2,000 damage a second

    This is all the more reason to just post screenshots, so I don't have to pick apart your text.
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User
    Back on the topic of the new bestial powers, I was brainstorming up a build that I think my be higher dps then the common rupture build, sense the highest dps I've netted from rupture is a little over 1k(2k ticks) massacre spam maybe just be better. So shred to build bleeds and shredded, then spam massacre r2+bloody mess. and then use tapped Eviscerates+messy, to refresh the bleeds and shredded debuff. This allows for more massacre spam without having to constantly hit shred to refresh your debuffs. I won't be able to test this until I get home later, so if anyone is able to feel free to post your results.
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    kelborne said:

    Back on the topic of the new bestial powers, I was brainstorming up a build that I think my be higher dps then the common rupture build, sense the highest dps I've netted from rupture is a little over 1k(2k ticks) massacre spam maybe just be better. So shred to build bleeds and shredded, then spam massacre r2+bloody mess. and then use tapped Eviscerates+messy, to refresh the bleeds and shredded debuff. This allows for more massacre spam without having to constantly hit shred to refresh your debuffs. I won't be able to test this until I get home later, so if anyone is able to feel free to post your results.

    I didn't really create this thread to come up with a way to maximize bestial as a build, I made it to point out how out of balance the new stuff is with other powersets.

    Now, here are some screenshots. I didn't do every single one, but the tests I think were actually relevant I took shots of and cropped and uploaded and whatnot.

    Demolish/Haymaker test:

    Haymaker Only test:

    Annihilate/Eruption test:

    Bestial w/WotW:

    Bestial w/Pestilence:

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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    kelborne said:

    Back on the topic of the new bestial powers, I was brainstorming up a build that I think my be higher dps then the common rupture build, sense the highest dps I've netted from rupture is a little over 1k(2k ticks) massacre spam maybe just be better. So shred to build bleeds and shredded, then spam massacre r2+bloody mess. and then use tapped Eviscerates+messy, to refresh the bleeds and shredded debuff. This allows for more massacre spam without having to constantly hit shred to refresh your debuffs. I won't be able to test this until I get home later, so if anyone is able to feel free to post your results.

    Currently, this will NOT work... Eviscerate taps do NOT refresh bleeds, they consume them for no benefit... It was reported even while the power was still on PTS and wasn't fixed before going to live, there is no telling how long it will be until this gets fixed now that thhe power is on live.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,776 Arc User
    More detailed parses are nice. Here we can see that the diff between Haymaker and Haymaker + Demolish could partly be explained by a ~5% crit diff between the Haymaker portions of each test. And the Bestial parses have a quite higher overall crit rate for Massacre, which doesn't make sense to me if the underlying specs/gear are the same. Interestingly, it shows that the bulk of the dps isn't from the Rupture itself, as Deep Wound won't permit it anyways, but from Massacre + Deep Wound. The tests could also be a bit longer. I'd try to aim for 3-5 min parses to help reduce crit and dmg range rng.

    I'm still rather interested in the SB parse, and the classic Bestial rotation that doesn't rupture or use Deep Wound, but rolls 5x bleed + shredded and spams Massacre. It'd at least be a good comparison point for the deep wounds parses.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User
    raighn said:

    kelborne said:

    Back on the topic of the new bestial powers, I was brainstorming up a build that I think my be higher dps then the common rupture build, sense the highest dps I've netted from rupture is a little over 1k(2k ticks) massacre spam maybe just be better. So shred to build bleeds and shredded, then spam massacre r2+bloody mess. and then use tapped Eviscerates+messy, to refresh the bleeds and shredded debuff. This allows for more massacre spam without having to constantly hit shred to refresh your debuffs. I won't be able to test this until I get home later, so if anyone is able to feel free to post your results.

    Currently, this will NOT work... Eviscerate taps do NOT refresh bleeds, they consume them for no benefit... It was reported even while the power was still on PTS and wasn't fixed before going to live, there is no telling how long it will be until this gets fixed now that thhe power is on live.
    was just able to test it out and Eviscerate taps seem to be properly refreshing bleeds, not sure when it was fixed, but its working now.
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    rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    @raighn *Nods*

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    avianos said:

    raighn said:

    Regarding the Crit heal from Bite... it's far from the first HoT to be crit enabled... We actually have a couple others in the game, one of which has been around for a LONG time... Absorb Heat can also crit heal on both it's initial and it's DoT (interestingly it can also be DODGED) and it's got healing numbers that are comparable to Bite

    Correction, Absorb Heat can ONLY heal on the Initial hit, the HoT WASN'T meant to be able to Crit
    They fixed the HoT 1 month ago so it cannot critical hit anymore!

    All HoT can be dodged for some stupid un-updatedble reason​​
    After a nightmare collosus run today on my fire imp, I believe you may be mistaken about Absorb Heat having it's HoT crits patched out... unless one of the recent patched accidentally brought it back... because I was getting crits from the HoT, not just the initial heal, every time I used it with Ego Surge w/Nimble Mind active...
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Thanks for the screenshots.

    You generally do not want to use your EB so often when testing, you don't need to do that when playing the game and it throws everything off.

    The average damage per hit on haymaker was about the same with or without demolish, that is just weird and can't be explained by a few percent higher crit chance.

    Also like flowcyto already noticed, there is a very distinct difference in crit chance between the bestial and the HW/might tests.

    Sorry but these are way to messy and with to weird results for my tastes.
    Thanks for the effort but to reach any conclusions these tests would need to be done much more clinical.
    Post edited by aiqa on
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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    raighn wrote: »
    Currently, this will NOT work... Eviscerate taps do NOT refresh bleeds, they consume them for no benefit... It was reported even while the power was still on PTS and wasn't fixed before going to live, there is no telling how long it will be until this gets fixed now that thhe power is on live.

    They've been refreshing since the update went live. I know I've been using eviscerate to refresh my bleeds.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 979 Arc User
    You do make some points but these parses are too short to really draw conclusions from and their methodology seems to be inconsistent (some powers you used you used your EB a lot, others less for example).

    I have to assume you may have been doing half way charged Haymakers or had energy issues on one parse since the average was similar on your demolish haymaker vs no demolish (maybe demolish was giving energy issues?). Yet the dps for your haymaker without demolish was higher :p

    However, maybe posting your stats used during these parse would help shed some light?
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    raighn said:

    Currently, this will NOT work... Eviscerate taps do NOT refresh bleeds, they consume them for no benefit... It was reported even while the power was still on PTS and wasn't fixed before going to live, there is no telling how long it will be until this gets fixed now that thhe power is on live.

    They've been refreshing since the update went live. I know I've been using eviscerate to refresh my bleeds.​​
    The first thing I did when the update went live was test eviscerate on live to see if they fixed it... and it was NOT fixed when the update went live. I built up 5 stacks of bleed, tapped eviscerate and instantly lost all 5 stacks... I tried over and over again just in case it may have been an error on my part, only barely touching the key to insure that it registered as a tap and every single time it did nothing but consume all 5 stacks of bleed instantly. So NO it was NOT fixed when it went live. If it is fixed now then that's cool and I'll test it out again on my bestial build when I get home from work.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    kelbornekelborne Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    So, shaky methodology and possibly cooked parses to prove an agenda.

    The devs chosethis as the current power level. New stuff. Heavy overhaul.

    Assuming these numbers are 'too high' or 'out of bounds'.. is premature at best, all things given.

    Also I know the thread author said that he didn't make this thread to talk about an optimal build for it. But when you are claiming a powerset is op and conducting test like this and comparing it to other powersets, you have to show how each build performs with an optimal rotation, without that any data would be flawed. This is not to attack the op, but to just say we can't get an accurate read on how it holds up to other powersets when none of the parses shown are optimal rotations, thus we do not know the true potential of each of the shown powersets.
    Post edited by kelborne on
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    So, shaky methodology and possibly cooked parses to prove an agenda.

    Uh...no. It's one thing to criticize the testing methods, it's another to claim I'm rigging it somehow. Go ahead and give yourself a tinfoil hat.
    kelborne said:

    Also I know the thread author said that he didn't make this thread to talk about an optimal build for it. But when you are claiming a powerset is op and conducting test like this and comparing it to other powersets, you have to show how each build performs with an optimal rotation, without that any data would be flawed. This is not to attack the op, but to just say we can't get an accurate read on how it holds up to other powersets when none of the parses shown are optimal rotations, thus we do not know the true potential of each of the shown powersets.

    I changed the heavy weapons loadout based on suggestions. When I said it wasn't about discussing optimal builds, I was responding to suggestions for bestial. It was performing better in tests as is, which means if there was a better option, then it would be even further ahead which really isn't relevant. The single blade test was entirely the result of a suggestion, and I don't think it can really be accurately measured with this format as it is not built to utilize enrage. If you have suggestions for might, then go ahead and share. If you think you can test the whole thing better, then by all means, do so.

    As to other critiques and suggestions, I did a series of longer tests, and tried to incorporate suggestions people made here. I couldn't eliminate energy builder usage because well, sometimes ya just gotta build energy, man. I did alter the stat setup to Str Rec/Con, to lower the presence of crits as an x-factor a bit and to give it less energy needs. Way of the Warrior was the passive for all four tests. Amusingly, I botched a bestial test that I was 2 minutes into before realizing I'd forgotten to take the passive on the character after rebuilding from the third test, and it did almost as well as the haymaker one.

    Test 1: Haymaker/Demolish

    Same as the first time around pretty much. Just a longer test. The attack strategy and the damage resulting from it were pretty consistent with the original.

    Test 2: Cleave/Arc of ruin/Annihilate(r2, scorching blade)

    This setup was someone else's suggestion to make better use of scorching blade, and it did do well I think. I honestly hadn't used the heavy weapons powers on a build since before the last pass the abilities got, so the first strategy was derived from a very cursory look. Test was longer than planned mostly due to me compensating for one or two spots where I hit weird framerate drops that threw off attack delivery.

    Test 3: Single blade rupture-centered build, using aspect of the bestial form

    This was done at suggestion as well, though I really don't think it is a good test for this format. There are things present here that skew the results in either direction potentially from where they should be. The very spikey nature of its dps leads to a lot of crit anomalies. Also, caress becomes much more efficient for stacking bleeds when the focus buff is present. So even though it could still build enrage, it couldn't get the bleeds stacked up and ruptured as quickly as a focus type build. I could run a dex version of the test to match it against bestial, but then bestial runs into this similar problem on its own end, with shred not building up bleed as well without the enraged buff. Might still do it at some point though.

    Test 4: Shred/Eviscerate/Massacre (r2/bloody mess)

    Made this extra long to make sure there were no crit anomalies. I actually had a bit of an issue with the bleed stacks falling off due to how some timers lined up. I'm uncertain of how much of a dps drop this difficulty would have caused, as bestial was actually hard to get enrage to 8 with. I'm not certain if when I firsted tested it the internal cooldown on building stacks hadn't been introduced yet or what, but I do not remember it being this tricky. All in all, I could probably have squeezed a bit more outta this, especially since I removed the energy builder advantage to prevent the "rogue bleed" problem. Having it would have helped keep the enrage going during the deep wounds/massacre bursts. But it also led to hanging bleeds as I was ending the test, forcing me to leave it and downskew the damage, or try and keep going again, with a brief pause as I thought I was finishing. Overall, could have maybe made a difference for 200 DPS, tops. But still, as you can see, this number is still quite a bit better than even the highly crit-skewed single blade test, and definitely superior to heavy weapons and might. I am also pondering trying that suggested bestial alternative even though this one still beats the others. Might result in better overall dps, might not.

    I will say that I also looked at the healing aspects of bestial while I was on, and I think they have improved tremendously. I was unable to get bite's consumption to crit anymore, which means no more 1000+ hp ticks every 2 seconds.
    Post edited by crappynamerules on
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    nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 979 Arc User
    hmmm, might be me or there will be always a power frame that will be over others?
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I have also found the cause for the demolish debuff not doing much of anything for haymaker. It's because demolish is essentially doing almost nothing. The resist debuff is frozen and does not increase with rank. Also, below the belt appears to not actually be affecting resistance at all. This would be your explanation for why haymaker is doing so poorly in tests even with demolish.

    EDIT: Here are the numbers, in case someone accuses me of making this up too. First test was pure demolish. Second is demolish with below the belt. Note the resist column on both readouts (crappily circles in red for your convenience). Demolish's entry would be the reference for the demolish debuff's function, roomsweeper was used only outside of the demolish debuff(s) as a control reference (meaning the dummies were resisting 16% before any debuff was applied, as indicated there).

    Plain demolish:

    Demolish w/below the belt:

    So, without below the belt? 6% real reduction. With below the belt? Also 6% real reduction in resist. The advantage is functionally doing nothing but eating advantage points. For reference as to what some other debuffs might do, see the other tests. Those aren't made up specifically to test the resist reduction, but you can get a pretty good idea of the difference.
    Post edited by crappynamerules on
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    For future tests try including Circle of Arcane Power to alleviate the energy concerns. Heavy weapons can take Thermal Reverb to further alleviate energy with it. Single blade with Steadfast. Bestial obviously with Supernatural Power. And might with Unstoppable. Doing that will let you test with minimal energy problems if not solve them outright
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,776 Arc User
    Right, missed that the first time, but Demolish's resist lower does seem to be bugged. Upon looking at it in the PTS atm, it seems like Below the Belt indeed has no added effect; I'm still only getting a resist drop of around 9% (which is the baseline for Demolish) on full charges of it.

    Thanks for the more extensive testing, though. Perhaps its worthwhile looking at a Dex/FotS version of the SB build. It may have parity w/ the bestial/AotB version after all, even if this version of the SB build was still behind.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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    crappynamerulescrappynamerules Posts: 81 Arc User
    raighn said:

    For future tests try including Circle of Arcane Power to alleviate the energy concerns. Heavy weapons can take Thermal Reverb to further alleviate energy with it. Single blade with Steadfast. Bestial obviously with Supernatural Power. And might with Unstoppable. Doing that will let you test with minimal energy problems if not solve them outright

    If something is particularly energy hoggish or energy efficient that is technically part of its overall game balance in my opinion and affects its real DPS. I don't think going to great lengths to make energy as little a concern as possible is a good condition for testing, as it runs the risk of making energy efficient things seem like they are underperforming, while the energy hog powers will seem to be overperforming. I've used energy unlocks wherever applicable for these tests (so basically all except might). I refrained from changing the passive as much as possible, even though I know unstoppable has functionally the same damage bonuses (even bonus to bleeds) as WotW. I honestly don't think unstoppable will make a huge difference, unless its knock energy boost doesn't have any internal cooldown at all (does it?). It is also a benefit available only to DPS builds with those powers, while the energy unlocks are available to any that use the powers. Not to mention you already get plenty of energy from knocking with enrage. The real energy killer is that fully charged demolish (which is apparently doing almost nothing). Circle of Arcane Power seems like a measure that would only make the results skew inaccurately compared to how these powers function "in the wild". I definitely do not see many melee characters using this power. In fact I scarcely see ranged combatants using it either.
    flowcyto said:

    Thanks for the more extensive testing, though. Perhaps its worthwhile looking at a Dex/FotS version of the SB build. It may have parity w/ the bestial/AotB version after all, even if this version of the SB build was still behind.

    I don't think I will, mostly because I suspect redoing the whole shebang for dex over str will introduce too many other variables that change between the two tests. This is especially true if I straight up do a primary SS swap of dex for str. Too many factors outside of the powers themselves will be different between the two tests, and so it is impossible to say whether any differences will result from the powers, different spec options, different SS bonuses, etc.

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