The Force version of Micro Munitions (Technically, much more like Fire All Weapons in terms of mechanics). Hopefully could be built from repurposing/slightly modifying existing assets.
Stance: Hand emanation like Lightning Arc, force effect gathers around the out-stretched hand while it is charged.
Instead of multiple arcing looping missiles, fires multiple arcing looping force bubbles (like
Mind Break, only
MOAR ORBS) at the target. The bubbles explode like mini
Sonic Arrow Explosions or mini
Force Eruptions on impacts (stun), feeding into a second, much larger secondary explosion (AOE knock forward/up/backward) similar to Energy Wave.
Cooldown similar to Fire All Weapons. I'm envisioning this as an impressive looking heavy hitter, most effective on groups but still worth casting on bosses, too. Force nuke.
The attack this guy in black does in the first 15 seconds of
this video is a decent visual example of the power idea (without the secondary explosion), but substituting existing CO animations and effects. I know this is not the inspiration for this power but I can't think of it so it's the best I have to offer as an example.
A huge dust cloud would be cool but the performance hit isn't worth it, imo, unless it's really short, then maybe. I think I have a decent rig but I notice a framerate decline when i.e. Devanna Hawk hits me with a gas cloud arrow. That circular "cracked floor" effect might be a cool, less resource intensive, after effect. Maybe that with just a hint of dust cloud sprinkled in.
as for the attack i described, it's official name is Continuous Energy Bullet and an example of it can be seen in this clip starting at the 0:52 mark:
I probably shouldn't have said I wasn't satisfied with the example I posted. Mechanically and visually it is what I'm describing, I just can't shake the feeling that I've seen a more stylized cartoonime depiction of it somewhere, still possibly from DBZ.
The name "Force Barrage" might be better suited for your offering, so:
DBZ version = Force Barrage/?Bombardment?/?
AC version = Force ?Annihilate?/?Bombardment?/?Barrage?/?
What kind of wine and chocolate does Kaiserin like? I want to see this happen.
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Or... it's nothing like force cascade?
One of those, though. Yeah. No, I had not! The particle effect is very good, yes. The looping motion, multiple orbs with a tracer tail from a single emanation point. Very nice. I think the impact effect would still be cooler if each orb resulted in a mini sonic arrow explosion or force erupton. edit: And MOAR orbs. Many, many more.
I see that the Mind Break version has at least 4-6 patterns that the orbs follow. So, if this was a nuke like Fire All Weapons, maybe those patterns could fire one after another until the energy gauge is depleted. Tapping Mind Break repeatedly gives the effect I'm describing.
Or maybe those patterns could fire all at once after the energy gauge is fully charged? I really don't care what tree it ends up in, I just want a visually impressive energy projection power with the same utility of Fire All Weapons, but an AOE sphere as opposed to a cone attack, and most definitely not a cylinder.
So what is this power like?
Visually, it looks like the first 15 seconds of the video I posted in the OP.
Mechancally, it behaves just like Fire All Weapons, only as an AOE sphere as opposed to a cone or cylinder.
If it fires in succession for a duration while the energy gauge is depleted**, then it should probably track the target if/as he moves.
Is Magic Missiles a D&D exclusive term? It could just as easily be called Magic Missiles and tossed in a magic tree.
**I think "maintain" is the proper terminology for this?