Oh no, who mentioned the matrix!! Calm down elijah, calm down. Awesome show as always and, yeah the nandi is a very good ship, versatile an free who can argue.
So... gonna be a small patch next week then? :) Seriously some really timely and, welcomed fixes coming our way!!. Is it wrong my beloved korath uniform is getting a little bit of love :D
I agree with you 100% on this! It would be awesome if the patch raptor was used then i could use the http://sto.gamepedia.com/Puyjaq_Raptor Come on cryptic!!!
People buy the omni beams because, they come in all weapon types and, you can equip the omni beam from sphere of influence and a crafted antiproton omni beam at the same time.
Its just the galor, all you do is label the lockbox galor as trueway and thats it. Give the cardi faction an " iconic " galor. The only problem comes when a dominion faction is implemented, how do you cope with all those lockbox ships!! And jemmy gear from missions?
Ummm..... that was a beautifully constructed post.... this is the STO forum's right? Well done primar very impressive ( a bit more hate and whining next time an we should be good :D ).