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x0ligy Arc User



  • Without account detials its impossible to say who is right and who is wrong legacy pack does not give a free slot, the release gave EVERYONE a free slot if you have leveled a character after the release of romulans and your a gold subscriber then you have indeed already claimed your slot.
  • Silver member here, they are slow at answering there tickets, just like they are slow at fixing things think the longest have waited is about ten days and the response i got was useless. Wish you luck and live long and prosper! (you'll need the live long part ;) lol)
  • Seeing as its an account issue the only thing you can do is wait for them to respond, give you a crappy apology and say they will sort it out for you. But in reality it should of been instant just liek all other games are instant transactions, then again this is a poor company that treats everyone like TRIBBLE on there…
  • Hi, i just tried to report your post as i do not like your reply but, i have run into a problem... There is no report feature.
  • As already said there is no need for the Greed option should just be Need and Pass but then again when i saw a player always click Greed and never really win it made me chuckle! :D (was happening last week) Personally if there was a way to ignore greedy players in stfs and what not id be game for that, let the greedy's…
  • How unusual the game is down :rolleyes:
  • I dont hit anywhere as hard as dichtbringer but thats the way i prefer, everyone going for a nanite generator and taking them down if someone finishes there help someone then shoot the big one sometimes you do the optional others you fail, does make me laugh when people leave saying "noobs" because it wasn't done the way…
  • I just sit there and eat the damage till i can shoot again, biggest annoyance is the walls and dome they put up.
  • Q: I canceled my Star Trek Online subscription, but I'm interested in becoming a Silver Player. Will I have the same access to the game as I did previously? Your characters are still available, but they may not be able to use all features that are available if you were to be a Gold Player. Additionally, Gold Members and…
  • Thanks for the tip i'll use this in future! Rather annoying when you have members jumping into elites and your not getting anywhere or its taking 3x as long, even more annoying when your penalized because of a game bug. :rolleyes: I ould post suggestions but, they wouldnt listen anywya.
  • Alot of tickets will be anger about the constant down time, items missing and other gripe not all will be bug reports or duplicate bug reports. Thing is they dont inform you about anything other than "Server maintenance" and play all their cards close to there chest. Why? so they dont have to explain it when more things…
  • I was insta killed a few times last nigt by invisible weapons full health shields BAM! Cryptic are a complete joke, the bad thing is they dont care that they are a joke yet thre website say they give it 110%! lmao I guess lies are 110%?? hmm...
  • I tried for ten minutes made this post which they moved and added (PC Problems) because they are idiotic morons. Still waiting fora reply to my complaint but hey ho, just like everything cryptic will ignore it.
  • I guess all the game bugs are "pc problems" too not cryptics??? I mean id love to make a list but you'd bury it like you bury everything, cryptic is full of idiotic muppets.
  • Guess this shows how idiotic cryptic are a server issue is now a pc issue? ****tards! Also i dont appreciate you changing the titles of my thread when its a server issue not a pc issue are you unable to tell the difference???
  • Yes this would be nice along with items being used from inventory rather than the bank. I find it annoying that using reputation items are taken from the bank rather than what i just brought as it means i have to run all the way round to the bank to stock up the items i use for elite sfs.
  • Listing the bugs would take too much time, plus people that have been here for years would go "oh yeh i remember that bug from the beta days! Plus it would just show how buggy the game is, which isn't good for any company they like to get players in, get them to spend and then find the bugs for themselfs. Also not all the…
  • I was thinking more a crate of beer and wondering what button did what as i flew my assault cruiser :D
  • Because there should be less europeans on during them times, though with everyone working different times its hard to say. But after 4pm you have the schools closing, 5pm adults start leaving work so thats when it sould be busier for the game. Makes sense.. in away but daily is just bs imo. @abraham im UK based and have…
  • Need more space missiosn for marks ground sucks but thats my opinion, i dont do any ground stf's.
  • Been ignoring this thred for over a week but seeing as there seems to be daily maintenance, no path notes and nearly a 130mb download i have decided to finally reply. I have been playing the game for over a month, i competed the fed storyline in about a week and spent between ?20-40 on some upgrades then i saw how many…
  • I wounder if my predictions for the next two days of maintenance will come true maybe i should predict the next two weeks seeing as its every day the same excuse and nothing actually happening other than 130mb patches that need no explanation and no bugs fixed. I really have no idea how cryptic think this right nor why…
  • You can activate the traits when you want, respec will put traits back to normal (how they are now)
  • To long to read, but as kamipol said the amount of games and the amount they made is terrible and i personally see that amount decreasing with the amount of "issues" they seem to have within the game and with there servers.
  • Yeh i have not looked at how people have been sniping the goods im selling i can put them up then a second later i get EC lol i did get a goodd deal on one item tho cost me 100k sold it for 290k! lol ive not learned the ins and out plus im still poor with 7.5mil after a 1.5mil spend today... found out the breen transmophic…
  • My sales have been going though without any issues, but ive not sold somthing for that amount more like a few hundred k over night lol
  • Let me guess, every other email is empty? If so you got the item and your just being sent another empty mail i think it says (holodeck) i forget though and i just logged out. Yes there are many bugs, not quit just refuse to spend my money on a broken product that i feel the company do not do enough to fix... I recon a few…
  • I complained about this mission being borked since the release of LoR you know? In fact this is the 3rd/4th post ive wrote in about the issue like spawn killed, being under attack by the space fairies and the radius not working as intended but, I am the borg. I will adapt. Resistance is futile! So what am i doing…
  • Update... This mission can be completed but, its alot harder and you either need a team that know what they are doing or take notice of what the others are doing to survive. Granted they might still have difficulty because obviously we all use different powers and have different gear but by copying others they maybe able…
  • Said there would be more maintenance on 30th there be some on the 31st and then the 1st too put money on it. Always the same excuses "no path notes" no bugs or isses fixed just constant player down time and "we thank you for you patience" like we have a choice??? I stick by what i call them.. Craptic!