Gonna have to disagree with you there, breeks. Myst punished inattentive players with a game over, and getting the good ending required a significant amount of lateral thinking.
I have to agree - Nabreeki is perhaps the most qualified member of the forums for a stint as a mod. His deep wells of wisdom combined with the charisma he radiates are the perfect combination of traits for a moderator on this forum - even before you take into account his long experience with this community and abiding love…
Odo arrested him. Odo is not a Bajoran. Odo is a changeling. It is quite telling that the people in this thread who are pro-bajoran are also the ones who have the most difficulty identifying who is and is not a bajoran, ascribing non-bajoran positive actions to bajorans, and bajoran negative actions to non-bajorans. Unfair!
As I said before, you seem to have a problem distinguishing between Cardassians and Bajorans. I asked for a direct quote from a Cardassian. That quote is from a Bajoran terrorist.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the episode where there's a mentally ill person who admits that he was attempting to deceive people into believing he committed atrocities that he, in fact, did not? I think it's dishonest in the extreme to try to use that as an example against Cardassians - just as it would be…
That's a serious claim - and must be backed up with evidence. Please provide me with this evidence. A quote from the script where a Cardassian says it, for instance. And, just to make this clear (though I should not have to), a real Cardassian speaking in his or her right mind - not a holodeck illusion, shapeshifter,…
I'll agree with you on the prime directive. As we saw in Enterprise ("Dear Doctor"), the Prime Directive was founded as a way to justify killing off an entire species (or rather, having a cure for a species-wide plague, and refusing to provide them with medical assistance). I will repeat that. They had the cure, they…
I believe the American South has made that argument several times unsuccessfully, both with respect to the topic of slavery and the topic of segregation. One can easily see parallels in the oppressive Bajoran caste system.
I believe you are misremembering your races. It is, in fact, the Bajorans who are inclined towards random acts of aggression. It is the Bajorans - and not the Cardassians - who justify lethal violence by simply saying "He's a Cardassian. That's reason enough."
I think one of the big problems is that our glimpses of the actual state of Bajor in DS9 were limited due to budget - making new sets is expensive. As such, rather than getting an impartial, objective view of the planet, and the Bajoran people, we instead primarily have secondhand recountings of the situation - which are,…
If you want to ignore everything except for a single episode, you might want to stay out of a discussion of the star trek tv shows as a whole. There are a lot of things that happen in DS9 not immediately present in the pilot, and blaming the writers for not limiting themselves solely to what a surface-level interpretation…
Whaaa...? The wormhole aliens were nothing of the kind. They lived in a dimension where time --if it existed at all-- was fluid and non-linear. They had no real comprehension of what Bajorans were until they met Sisko and it was never made clear why they sent the Orbs. They neither invited nor rejected the Bajorans'…
Please cite canon sources for this claim. In the show and films (the only canon star trek), the current cardassian government was the salvation for their race. Before they transitioned to it, millions starved to death and died in plagues, with the dead outweighing the living to the point where they could not all be buried.…
I agree, the prophets are a perfect example of one race forcing beliefs upon another. Stargate handled the same topic - powerful aliens attempting to force other species to worship them - with much more agility. In DS9, the writers had difficulty conveying just how warped the bajoran culture had become due to the…
I am getting exactly the same problem. After friday's maintenance the game crashes the moment I click the 'launch' button in the launcher. I have verified all files, same response. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, still didn't work. The crash window says this
No. In fact due to severe dil inflation, the refinement cap should be lowered. Ideally to 4000 or so, but practically speaking 6000 is a better target.
It is now canon that subspace party amplifiers can be used as weapons of devastating power. I believe cryptic needs to reflect this addition to canon with a trait - perhaps one that keeps the amplifiers lit during combat, and deals a DoT to all enemies within range? In addition, of course, to having them usable in both…
There are essentially two blocs who hate Dental in the game: First, the people who, through either narcissism or exhibitionism, believe that the entire playerbase needs to bear witness to, and assist in maintaining the immersion of, erotic roleplay. The second are people who, contrary to the spirit of Trek, hate anyone who…
As a business developed by a team of highly competent software engineers, Cryptic has the documentation already produced - otherwise, it'd be impossible to tell whether the code produced was in line with the specifications and feature requests. The decision not to release this documentation should be seen for what it is -…
If you have at least one friend, you already have a sure-fire easy option. Just take the quest, beam to the race, and /follow them. If you don't have any friends, you have far more immediate problems than a race in star trek online. Turn off the computer, go outside and make some friends.