I didn't get a no-opponent race after many fails, either.
I think no-opponent races are the result of an empty spot in the list of opponents to race against. Keep at it and you'll get it, but it might take a while.
we are not asking for the entire game to have an easy option, just asking for an easy option for this one thing that doesn't involve spending a small fortune in lobi.
sorry if you think we are asking for too much, perhaps everyone who uses this forum should never ask for anything again if you think it so wrong to just ask for this it must be wrong in some way to ask for anything else as I am sure everything that has ever been asked for probably upset somebody.
It certainly doesn't hurt to ask and I certainly understand not wanting to spend a lot of lobi... That's not really intended to be used exclusively to buy the event ship anyway.
And ultimately anything that doesn't hurt the game is no skin off my nose. If Cryptic decides they are able to hand out a free ship to everybody that pushes a button, no harm done.
Any comments I have made have two purposes:
1. Encouragement - I want to try to encourage people who are discouraged about running the event, to try some of the tips in these threads. I hear the word "impossible" being thrown around a lot when what they mean is that they find it excessively difficult to do themselves. If it was impossible, nobody could do it. Especially not marginal gamers like me. It's not impossible. It might be too difficult for some people. But they shouldn't be discouraging others who could do the event if they just tried a little harder or tried to do it a different way. If they choose not to do the event and accept that means no prize, that's fine too.
2. Reality Check - Some people are getting angry about this and it's just pointless. Cryptic has strong reasons for running the event the way that they do. No amount of anger is going to change the goals they have for the event or override what they need to do to protect those goals. If people can come up with suggestions that align with what Cryptic is trying to accomplish, they just might happen. But demanding an easy option that is easily abused by people who want to grab the prize and run rewards undesired behavior will not happen. Asking is one thing. Demanding with strong language - as some are doing - may be borderline trolling. That, I strongly object to.
we are not asking for the entire game to have an easy option, just asking for an easy option for this one thing that doesn't involve spending a small fortune in lobi.
If you have at least one friend, you already have a sure-fire easy option.
Just take the quest, beam to the race, and /follow them.
If you don't have any friends, you have far more immediate problems than a race in star trek online. Turn off the computer, go outside and make some friends.
Umm...this entire GAME is the easy option. The most complicated puzzle in this game is a 3x2 slide puzzle. The race can be done by WALKING. And combat...oh please. You are asking for I don't even want to play option at this point. Like I said, I can understand not LIKING this mini game, but you physically can't do it?!? Then how are you physically able to play the rest of the game?!?
'Spacebar is your friend.' :P
Seriously, though, it is not your place to determine what ppl with disabilities can, and cannot do. When someone says "I have a disability; I can't do it," then we need to simply accept that. Whether asking Cryptic to make the entire mini game easier, just to accommodate those who can't do it, is another matter. On the latter, I say: it's probably not fair to 'demand' this of Cryptic (if, for nothing else, because making it easier for some is tantamount to making it easier for everyone).
Do you people also demand the rules of football be changed so players with no legs can win the world cup?
Get real. If you can't play a game because <insert medical condition>, play something you can instead.
actually they do sports for handicapped people or have you never seen Paralympics on TV, and yes the rules are changed to suit the disabilities.
Yes...but are "normal" people allowed to play too...in the "normal" way? It's a different game. This would be akin to having two STO. One for people with disabilities and one for everyone else. Which just isn't gonna happen.
we are not asking for the entire game to have an easy option, just asking for an easy option for this one thing that doesn't involve spending a small fortune in lobi.
sorry if you think we are asking for too much, perhaps everyone who uses this forum should never ask for anything again if you think it so wrong to just ask for this it must be wrong in some way to ask for anything else as I am sure everything that has ever been asked for probably upset somebody.
if you are so against this idea perhaps just a completely new challenge for everyone that doesn't involve competing against a NPC, that's all we need.
it reminds me of the time I asked for a delete all facility on the in game mail and I got a torrent of these kind of negative arguments, it just as well because the devs would never go for something like that.....oh wait.
Umm...this entire GAME is the easy option. The most complicated puzzle in this game is a 3x2 slide puzzle. The race can be done by WALKING. And combat...oh please. You are asking for I don't even want to play option at this point. Like I said, I can understand not LIKING this mini game, but you physically can't do it?!? Then how are you physically able to play the rest of the game?!?
yes the entire game is easy which makes it so strange that this one part is made to be so difficult for some players.
funny how you mention the slide puzzle as I find that the most easiest thing of all, just goes to show we are all different and have our own weaknesses and strengths.
but why do you bring combat into it I have never once mentioned combat.
I do want to play and that is why I keep at it trying and trying and eventually I have a good run and get the win but when I think about the summer ship mission and how simple that is I just cant figure why they had to make this winter ship mission so difficult in comparison.
ok so I will get the ship this year but as years go by its just going to get harder and harder and I just dread that I will miss out on this events big prize just because of some dumb mission that's made a lot harder for some players then it really needs to be.
please give us a new mission more like the summer one with no NCP itching to steal our prize from us.
how is that going to hurt anyone?
I am obviously not the only player who is having trouble with this, I am demanding nothing, just simply asking please consider changing this.
that's not too much to ask is it?.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
It might look a bit fishy, but until you know the facts of what that person's disability might be, you should keep those suspicions to yourself.
I've got a friend who is very active. He hikes, he kayaks, he is very active in lots of different ways, but as far as his chosen profession goes, he is disabled. He has arthritis in his hands, and as an orthopedic surgeon, that is debilitating. Even to see him working with his hands, you might not know. He and I were helping make sausage this weekend (don't ask, long story), and he was tying surgical knots between links to beat the band. Good enough for sausage, not good enough to put someone back together, apparently.
I've heard other similar stories from other sources. Someone with a serious heart condition finding a nasty note on their windshield, berating them for taking advantage of the system to get a parking placard. That kind of thing.
The point is, unless you know what is going on with a person, you shouldn't judge.
That being said, the government has an entire organization that discerns all these differences, and what kinds of accommodations need to be made. Cryptic does not have the kinds of resources available to FAIRLY determine who should be eligible for any kind of ingame accommodation, if they were to put such a thing in place. Sounds like a can of worms that, if I were Cryptic, I'd stay as far away from as I could.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
I don't understand why there is an issue at all. That is, if you're taking about the single player PvE race for the ship vouchers.
Hell, I just JOG around the whole track and win EVERY TIME. No sprinting. No ninja-fu rolls. No X-Games style radical sliding moves on the ice.
If the OP is referring to the PvP race, I can see where it would be a major problem for somebody who has a physical handicap/disability that screws the pooch on their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
you can walk the PvP race too. It have a consolation prize of 2 tags for people who don't place, well, assuming you don't get a DQ.
But I was kinda thinking in terms of folks who are trying to place in the top three, if not outright win it.
And for the record, I walk that one too. I'm in no hurry to get tags.
So what's the intent? Is the Fastest Game meant to reward everybody who logs in for 25 days over the holidays and participates in some minor fashion? Or is it meant to reward the majority of players who have some minimum threshold of hand-eye coordination and purposely exclude a minority who do not? If it's the latter, mission accomplished, victory for ableist privilege. If it's the former, the goal is not being met and alternatives should be implemented.
Without defining the purpose of the event, whether it's intended to be inclusive or exclusive, the evaluation of whether it's accomplishing its purpose is purely subjective and there's no resolution or consensus to be had.
And if it's meant to be exclusive, by all means, INCREASE the degree of difficulty so only the most elite of players can claim the prize. The outrage would be deafening.
Actually...no you don't. If you have a disability and want get disability support from the government, they don't just take your word for it (or at least they are not suppose to...but that is another matter entirely). You have to PROVE that you can no longer work due to being disabled. And the fact that the rest of this game requires more motor skill then the silly little mini game, I am well within my rights to questions what sort of physical impairment lets you play this game just fine, but not that stupid little mini game. That's like somebody going I am physically disabled and can't work so I need disability support...but I can go rock climbing just fine. You don't think that somebody might look at that as being just a bit fishy?
You are not the Government. Unless the OP asks you to hand him a disability check each month, he/she is not beholden to you to prove anything whatsoever.
Only question here is, is whether Cryptic should provide alternate means for disabled ppl to finish the event. And it so happens they do: you can buy the ship with Lobi. Yes, that is considerably more expensive than just doing the race a few times; but so is having your home outfitted with, say, a stair-lift, because of one's disability.
I have no problem with anybody who says that the race is too hard for them because (reasons). I'm not judging them on that basis and I take that at face value. I want them to get the ship, so I'm doing what I can to encourage them to try with every advantage they can get. Rattler's thread is full of them.
I do question the expectations of someone who takes a hard line and demands that Cryptic accommodate them or else. Not bobbydazlers, I don't recall him doing that. But certain others. That is not realistic thinking. That is a hissy fit.
I do reserve the prerogative to call BS on saying the race is impossible when it clearly is not. That's not the same thing as saying "I find it too difficult for me because (reasons)". There is a distinction I make there.
I also question when someone makes a comment to the effect that "Cryptic could fix this if they wanted to". Really? They've spoken with a Dev and they understand the rationale behind why the race works the way it does? They've stopped to think "why did they do it like this" and "what would happen if they did this other thing" and "why can't they just make it really easy"? I have. It gives me a perspective to propose ideas that might work on their end of things. People seem to forget real quick that this "Free to Play" game is not a charity and that any money they've already spent on the game got them exactly what they paid for already.
I'm not saying Cryptic shouldn't do what they can, or that they shouldn't listen to their customer's concerns. I'm saying we need to be realistic about what they are able to deliver and look for reasonable compromises.
So what's the intent? Is the Fastest Game meant to reward everybody who logs in for 25 days over the holidays and participates in some minor fashion? Or is it meant to reward the majority of players who have some minimum threshold of hand-eye coordination and purposely exclude a minority who do not? If it's the latter, mission accomplished, victory for ableist privilege. If it's the former, the goal is not being met and alternatives should be implemented.
Without defining the purpose of the event, whether it's intended to be inclusive or exclusive, the evaluation of whether it's accomplishing its purpose is purely subjective and there's no resolution or consensus to be had.
And if it's meant to be exclusive, by all means, INCREASE the degree of difficulty so only the most elite of players can claim the prize. The outrage would be deafening.
While I'm all for reasonable accommodation for those with debilitating conditions, let's not drag that "Check yo' Privilege" TRIBBLE into the mix. This is Star Trek Online Forums, not Tumblr. Such tends to be divisive, and diverts productive energy from addressing the problem.
While the single player "race" hardly qualifies as such (like I said, I can jog around the track and win), it would be nice if Cryptic could come up with some alternatives for our fellow community members who suffer from disabilities.
So what's the intent? Is the Fastest Game meant to reward everybody who logs in for 25 days over the holidays and participates in some minor fashion?
Actually, yes. Events are a way to keep ppl in the game, in the hope of them spending some money along the way (much like big malls do).
Or is it meant to reward the majority of players who have some minimum threshold of hand-eye coordination and purposely exclude a minority who do not?
Now you're just being petty.
Petty, but not off. Pretty much this entire game is predicated upon having 'some minimum threshold of hand-eye coordination.' Much like you need a working set of legs to play Soccer. There is, of course, no silly conspiracy going in to 'purposely exclude a minority who do not' (that's where your petty part comes in).
Basically you're saying that there are times in life when being confronted with a disability sucks. And that the mini-game is one of those times. I get that. But the way you make this Cryptic's fault, in all honesty, makes you look unreasonable.
I personally think that additional options are are a good thing even though I do not qualify as having any sort of disability. As someone else pointed out, that's one of the things that makes certain of the BZ's and adventure zones like the Romulan and Kobali zones interesting: the fact that some of the missions allow you a variety of tasks to complete .
Now, where I WILL say a disability probably needs to be accommodated is Q's gift box thing. A choice between red, green, and blue, especially where the game population skews male, and therefore statistically should also be expected to have a higher percentage of colorblindness than the general population...I am NOT colorblind myself, but it is a legitimate complaint as it could well make the event entirely undoable for some people. Either choosing a different color palette should be considered, or putting a pattern on the wrapping paper or giving them different bows and changing the dialogue box to refer to the additional distinguishing characteristics.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
With the I Win button that is BFAW, playing most of this game requires much less coordination than running the race, so saying (race)/(rest of the game)=(walk)/(run) is a bit off. Especially when, due to the many varied disabilities out there, you don't know why one thing might be more difficult than the other.
All the more reason for Cryptic to let it be, as far as I can see. For them to have to determine who should qualify for any "Handicapped Accessible" version of the race would be ridiculous.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
Since the thread is finally devolved to hissy fits... Heres the problem I have with this whole thing... there are 0 things in this game that are hard... the closest we get to hard is trying to pummel million hitpoint ships down to 0 if you are not a min/max gamer... the number of ways you can gain advantages in this race... 10 of which bluegeek listed for everyone... make this "race" doable half asleep with your monitor off... ok so you prolly do need your monitor on...
I suspect there is less 'disability' involved in people being unable to complete it, and more 'people dont want to change how they do it' I had a hell of a time the first year, then I saw another racer doing the tumble move... boom, I started winning the race easily with the slowest species in the game and no ice boots.... Real races aren't about mashing the throttle and going balls to the wall, you have to brake, coast, turn, and know when where to do each and how much. Same with EVA suit piloting... you have to grasp the concept of inertia and 'equal and opposite reaction'. They're farkin easy as pissing, you just have to stop drooling on the keyboard and smashing space bars, expecting to be spoon fed everything...
and yes, I am sure there are a few people that have severe enough disabilities to be unable to do this, but I seriously doubt any of them are playing STO at all because the race is no more or less challenging than the rest of the game.
You are right, he is not beholden to prove anything...and I am not beholden to take him at his word...or show any sympathy as well. If he really does have a physical condition and he is willing to show it to my satisfaction, then yes I will show some sympathy. If he is not willing, I am under no obligation to either believe him or give him any sympathy or support. So he wants support, he needs to satisfy my BS meter going off...otherwise I will go with my BS meter. You can do whatever you want. You will however NOT convince me that I need to ignore my BS meter without due reason.
Yep. you are always free to believe him or not. The irony is, though, that one person's story is irrelevant, really: not because it's merely anecdotical, but simply because the question of whether or not to make accommodations for disabled people is just something to consider in general. Personally, I deem it reasonable that a society provide handicapped access to Government buildigs, libraries, schools, etc. And that major stores and malls do likewise; aka, that people with disabilities are allowed to participate in regular life as much as possible. However, I'm not so sure this holds true for each-and-every aspect of a computer game, though. Especially when said game is largely predicated upon having a minimum amount of motor skills and/or hand-eye coordination (in order to play) to begin with. Much like it would be unreasonable to join a regular Soccer club, and then complain you can't play because you have no legs.
Two years ago, I didn't think I could do either Fastest Game on Ice or Fast n Flurrious. I did have much fun doing the rest of the content and I still love doing the rest of the content. Last year I skipped the races again because I didn't think I could do them.
This year I decided that I was going to attempt them and 'win' this ship (and some epohh tags), so off I went. I thought it would take dozens of tries my first time out. It took about eight (I really didn't keep count). Next day, got it first time around. Next day, took four tries. Yesterday took two tries, today just one. Now maybe I don't find it as mindless as most others do, and I probably won't always 'win' first time out, but I will 'win' eventually.
As for FnF, I just try to stay in between the lights and go as fast as I can, like everyone else. I've been DQed several times because their boundaries are much more strict than Fastest Game. I'm happy with four tags per hour. Yes, I have had no problem joining the second race like some have had. I hope that gets fixed for them.
Point is, I was wrong, the races aren't too difficult. Nor are they 'impossible'. I proved that to myself after two years of being too chicken to try
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Hehe, I found it frustrating the first time I did it too.... for the first winter event. *counts* ok, now I feel old. That was 5 years ago. Now it's pretty much reflex.
But the way you make this Cryptic's fault, in all honesty, makes you look unreasonable.
What I'm hearing is "yes, this event was designed to exclude a small number players from getting the ship even if they give it their best shot, but you make that sound like a bad thing so you're being unreasonable". That word, "unreasonable". I do not think it means what you think it means.
I don't think it was Cryptic's intent to deliberately discriminate. It was a mistake, it can be fixed, and since it's too late to do much about it for this year's event, they've got another 11 months to reskin the isolinear chip puzzle or whatever they decide to do. I have a stubborn faith in the ultimate triumph of empathy, compassion and goodwill over... whatever it is that's driving opposition to an expansion of options.
If someone can't win Fastest Game on Ice, how does he fly the starship he hopes to win?
How are you playing the rest of the content now?
you are joking of course, the ship practically flys itself, on the sector map you click on a destination and off you go, on a mission map your weapons target themselves and all you need to do is turn in a circle while hitting the fire all weapons button, there is no precision involved, i can practically do it with my eyes shut.
sadly the same can't be said of the fastest game on ice race.
about the only other thing that required any precision in the entire game was the slingshot segment in the mission night of the comet and they were kind enough to put an easy out for those like me who could not do it for whatever reason.
same applies to ground combat, weapons auto target so just stand still and hit 1 or 2 no precision involved.
and there are no out of bounds areas in any of the other games maps that make you completely start over if you happen to stray off course, you might get put back to the last re-spawn point if you inadvertently fall off a cliff or something but no tight time constraint so it doesn't matter.
all you need to do is think of how easy the summer and anniversary ship missions are and compare them to the winter one to see how hard this might be for some players.
in the summer event you have a generous time limit and just need to fly through the very large check points, if you do happen to miss one you can just circle back and have another go.
on the anniversary event you just need to do the very simple Omega Molecule Stabilization game with no time limit or even certain score to get even with the bug where you sometimes score 0 it still counts towards your ship mission.
Post edited by bobbydazlers on
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
My character Tsin'xing
It certainly doesn't hurt to ask and I certainly understand not wanting to spend a lot of lobi... That's not really intended to be used exclusively to buy the event ship anyway.
And ultimately anything that doesn't hurt the game is no skin off my nose. If Cryptic decides they are able to hand out a free ship to everybody that pushes a button, no harm done.
Any comments I have made have two purposes:
1. Encouragement - I want to try to encourage people who are discouraged about running the event, to try some of the tips in these threads. I hear the word "impossible" being thrown around a lot when what they mean is that they find it excessively difficult to do themselves. If it was impossible, nobody could do it. Especially not marginal gamers like me. It's not impossible. It might be too difficult for some people. But they shouldn't be discouraging others who could do the event if they just tried a little harder or tried to do it a different way. If they choose not to do the event and accept that means no prize, that's fine too.
2. Reality Check - Some people are getting angry about this and it's just pointless. Cryptic has strong reasons for running the event the way that they do. No amount of anger is going to change the goals they have for the event or override what they need to do to protect those goals. If people can come up with suggestions that align with what Cryptic is trying to accomplish, they just might happen. But demanding an easy option that is easily abused by people who want to grab the prize and run rewards undesired behavior will not happen. Asking is one thing. Demanding with strong language - as some are doing - may be borderline trolling. That, I strongly object to.
If you have at least one friend, you already have a sure-fire easy option.
Just take the quest, beam to the race, and /follow them.
If you don't have any friends, you have far more immediate problems than a race in star trek online. Turn off the computer, go outside and make some friends.
'Spacebar is your friend.' :P
Seriously, though, it is not your place to determine what ppl with disabilities can, and cannot do. When someone says "I have a disability; I can't do it," then we need to simply accept that. Whether asking Cryptic to make the entire mini game easier, just to accommodate those who can't do it, is another matter. On the latter, I say: it's probably not fair to 'demand' this of Cryptic (if, for nothing else, because making it easier for some is tantamount to making it easier for everyone).
yes the entire game is easy which makes it so strange that this one part is made to be so difficult for some players.
funny how you mention the slide puzzle as I find that the most easiest thing of all, just goes to show we are all different and have our own weaknesses and strengths.
but why do you bring combat into it I have never once mentioned combat.
I do want to play and that is why I keep at it trying and trying and eventually I have a good run and get the win but when I think about the summer ship mission and how simple that is I just cant figure why they had to make this winter ship mission so difficult in comparison.
ok so I will get the ship this year but as years go by its just going to get harder and harder and I just dread that I will miss out on this events big prize just because of some dumb mission that's made a lot harder for some players then it really needs to be.
please give us a new mission more like the summer one with no NCP itching to steal our prize from us.
how is that going to hurt anyone?
I am obviously not the only player who is having trouble with this, I am demanding nothing, just simply asking please consider changing this.
that's not too much to ask is it?.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I've got a friend who is very active. He hikes, he kayaks, he is very active in lots of different ways, but as far as his chosen profession goes, he is disabled. He has arthritis in his hands, and as an orthopedic surgeon, that is debilitating. Even to see him working with his hands, you might not know. He and I were helping make sausage this weekend (don't ask, long story), and he was tying surgical knots between links to beat the band. Good enough for sausage, not good enough to put someone back together, apparently.
I've heard other similar stories from other sources. Someone with a serious heart condition finding a nasty note on their windshield, berating them for taking advantage of the system to get a parking placard. That kind of thing.
The point is, unless you know what is going on with a person, you shouldn't judge.
That being said, the government has an entire organization that discerns all these differences, and what kinds of accommodations need to be made. Cryptic does not have the kinds of resources available to FAIRLY determine who should be eligible for any kind of ingame accommodation, if they were to put such a thing in place. Sounds like a can of worms that, if I were Cryptic, I'd stay as far away from as I could.
But I was kinda thinking in terms of folks who are trying to place in the top three, if not outright win it.
And for the record, I walk that one too. I'm in no hurry to get tags.
Without defining the purpose of the event, whether it's intended to be inclusive or exclusive, the evaluation of whether it's accomplishing its purpose is purely subjective and there's no resolution or consensus to be had.
And if it's meant to be exclusive, by all means, INCREASE the degree of difficulty so only the most elite of players can claim the prize. The outrage would be deafening.
You are not the Government. Unless the OP asks you to hand him a disability check each month, he/she is not beholden to you to prove anything whatsoever.
Only question here is, is whether Cryptic should provide alternate means for disabled ppl to finish the event. And it so happens they do: you can buy the ship with Lobi. Yes, that is considerably more expensive than just doing the race a few times; but so is having your home outfitted with, say, a stair-lift, because of one's disability.
I do question the expectations of someone who takes a hard line and demands that Cryptic accommodate them or else. Not bobbydazlers, I don't recall him doing that. But certain others. That is not realistic thinking. That is a hissy fit.
I do reserve the prerogative to call BS on saying the race is impossible when it clearly is not. That's not the same thing as saying "I find it too difficult for me because (reasons)". There is a distinction I make there.
I also question when someone makes a comment to the effect that "Cryptic could fix this if they wanted to". Really? They've spoken with a Dev and they understand the rationale behind why the race works the way it does? They've stopped to think "why did they do it like this" and "what would happen if they did this other thing" and "why can't they just make it really easy"? I have. It gives me a perspective to propose ideas that might work on their end of things. People seem to forget real quick that this "Free to Play" game is not a charity and that any money they've already spent on the game got them exactly what they paid for already.
I'm not saying Cryptic shouldn't do what they can, or that they shouldn't listen to their customer's concerns. I'm saying we need to be realistic about what they are able to deliver and look for reasonable compromises.
While I'm all for reasonable accommodation for those with debilitating conditions, let's not drag that "Check yo' Privilege" TRIBBLE into the mix. This is Star Trek Online Forums, not Tumblr. Such tends to be divisive, and diverts productive energy from addressing the problem.
While the single player "race" hardly qualifies as such (like I said, I can jog around the track and win), it would be nice if Cryptic could come up with some alternatives for our fellow community members who suffer from disabilities.
Actually, yes. Events are a way to keep ppl in the game, in the hope of them spending some money along the way (much like big malls do).
Now you're just being petty.
Petty, but not off. Pretty much this entire game is predicated upon having 'some minimum threshold of hand-eye coordination.' Much like you need a working set of legs to play Soccer. There is, of course, no silly conspiracy going in to 'purposely exclude a minority who do not' (that's where your petty part comes in).
Basically you're saying that there are times in life when being confronted with a disability sucks. And that the mini-game is one of those times. I get that. But the way you make this Cryptic's fault, in all honesty, makes you look unreasonable.
Now, where I WILL say a disability probably needs to be accommodated is Q's gift box thing. A choice between red, green, and blue, especially where the game population skews male, and therefore statistically should also be expected to have a higher percentage of colorblindness than the general population...I am NOT colorblind myself, but it is a legitimate complaint as it could well make the event entirely undoable for some people. Either choosing a different color palette should be considered, or putting a pattern on the wrapping paper or giving them different bows and changing the dialogue box to refer to the additional distinguishing characteristics.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
All the more reason for Cryptic to let it be, as far as I can see. For them to have to determine who should qualify for any "Handicapped Accessible" version of the race would be ridiculous.
I suspect there is less 'disability' involved in people being unable to complete it, and more 'people dont want to change how they do it' I had a hell of a time the first year, then I saw another racer doing the tumble move... boom, I started winning the race easily with the slowest species in the game and no ice boots.... Real races aren't about mashing the throttle and going balls to the wall, you have to brake, coast, turn, and know when where to do each and how much. Same with EVA suit piloting... you have to grasp the concept of inertia and 'equal and opposite reaction'. They're farkin easy as pissing, you just have to stop drooling on the keyboard and smashing space bars, expecting to be spoon fed everything...
and yes, I am sure there are a few people that have severe enough disabilities to be unable to do this, but I seriously doubt any of them are playing STO at all because the race is no more or less challenging than the rest of the game.
Yep. you are always free to believe him or not.
How are you playing the rest of the content now?
This year I decided that I was going to attempt them and 'win' this ship (and some epohh tags), so off I went. I thought it would take dozens of tries my first time out. It took about eight (I really didn't keep count). Next day, got it first time around. Next day, took four tries. Yesterday took two tries, today just one. Now maybe I don't find it as mindless as most others do, and I probably won't always 'win' first time out, but I will 'win' eventually.
As for FnF, I just try to stay in between the lights and go as fast as I can, like everyone else. I've been DQed several times because their boundaries are much more strict than Fastest Game. I'm happy with four tags per hour. Yes, I have had no problem joining the second race like some have had. I hope that gets fixed for them.
Point is, I was wrong, the races aren't too difficult. Nor are they 'impossible'. I proved that to myself after two years of being too chicken to try
My character Tsin'xing
What I'm hearing is "yes, this event was designed to exclude a small number players from getting the ship even if they give it their best shot, but you make that sound like a bad thing so you're being unreasonable". That word, "unreasonable". I do not think it means what you think it means.
I don't think it was Cryptic's intent to deliberately discriminate. It was a mistake, it can be fixed, and since it's too late to do much about it for this year's event, they've got another 11 months to reskin the isolinear chip puzzle or whatever they decide to do. I have a stubborn faith in the ultimate triumph of empathy, compassion and goodwill over... whatever it is that's driving opposition to an expansion of options.
you are joking of course, the ship practically flys itself, on the sector map you click on a destination and off you go, on a mission map your weapons target themselves and all you need to do is turn in a circle while hitting the fire all weapons button, there is no precision involved, i can practically do it with my eyes shut.
sadly the same can't be said of the fastest game on ice race.
about the only other thing that required any precision in the entire game was the slingshot segment in the mission night of the comet and they were kind enough to put an easy out for those like me who could not do it for whatever reason.
same applies to ground combat, weapons auto target so just stand still and hit 1 or 2 no precision involved.
and there are no out of bounds areas in any of the other games maps that make you completely start over if you happen to stray off course, you might get put back to the last re-spawn point if you inadvertently fall off a cliff or something but no tight time constraint so it doesn't matter.
all you need to do is think of how easy the summer and anniversary ship missions are and compare them to the winter one to see how hard this might be for some players.
in the summer event you have a generous time limit and just need to fly through the very large check points, if you do happen to miss one you can just circle back and have another go.
on the anniversary event you just need to do the very simple Omega Molecule Stabilization game with no time limit or even certain score to get even with the bug where you sometimes score 0 it still counts towards your ship mission.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.